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LISANIA Jurnal Ilmu dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
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Analisis Kontrastif Konsep Verba Dan Nomina Verba Dalam Nahwu Basrah Dan Kufah Astari, Rika
LISANIA Jurnal Ilmu dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri STAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The aim of this research is to explore the concept of verb and verbal noun according to Basrah and Kufah schools of nahwu, and then to reveal differences and similarities of the concepts within Arabic Language in accordance to both schools. The research data consist of principle rules in nahwu of Basrah and Kufah which are selected from the book entitled al-Insaf fi Masail al-Khilaf. So, the source of primary data in the research is sort of the written ones. The method used for analyzing data is distribution method in which determination instrument is taken from the language itself  with basic technique of elements direct distribution. The result concludes that differences of verb and verbal noun concept  are that derivations of active participle (ism fa’il), passive participle (isim maful), nomina loci et temporaris (ism makan wa ism zaman), and instrumental noun (ism alat) are based on verb and not from verbal noun. There are many stipulations required before functionalization of verbal noun, the subject of verbal noun may be elided in contrast with the subject of verb when being elided will cause multi-meaning. The meanings included in verb are more various than that in verbal noun. Conjugations take place in verb in its perfect, imperfect and imperative forms while verbal noun has no conjugation. Whereas some similarities found are that verb has time meaning and generality is needed in using it as well as verbal noun. Keywords: Verba, Verbal Noun, nahwu Basrah, nahwu Kufuh
Pengembangan Komponen- Komponen Kurikulum Bahasa Arab Taufiqurrahman, Taufiqurrahman
LISANIA Jurnal Ilmu dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri STAIN Salatiga

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Kurikulum merupakan unsur penting dalam proses pendidikan dalam lembaga. Kurikulum terdiri dari beberapa komponen penting antara lain tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran dan teknik pembelajaran. Demikian halnya dengan kurikulum bahasa Arab. Pengembangan kurikulum terutama kurikulum bahasa Arab menjadi keniscayaan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi beberapa hal antara lain, faktor eksternal antara lain tuntutan globalisasi dan masyarakat, faktor internal antara lain kemudahan dalam mencapai tujuan dan target yang diinginkan.Kata Kunci: Kurikulum, tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran
فصاحة القرآن الثابتة والتطور اللغوي المتغير Burhan, Ali
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v1i1.91-109


Fashahah according to the classic scholars is sealed by period, place, and vocabularies with certain conditions, while it according to contemporary scholars is a process of renewable development. In modern linguistics, it reveals the activities and thought of the modern Arab nation. It  continuously describes its function as a different transmitter of the Arabic functions according to classic scholars which is more dynamic and not static. The result concludes that the classical Arab in the Qur'an is in peak not only as a means of conveying the thought, but also becomes the religious and unifying language of Arab nations with its various specifications. The process of evolution occurring in Arabic Language includes its pronunciation, structure of grammar, and dilalah.           
تطوّر دراسة علم البلاغة فى العصرين الجاهلىّ وصدر الإسلام Farohidy, Atiq
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v2i2.160-178


This study aims to determine the historical process that took place in the development of the history of Balaghah science. As is known that in the three Balaghah (Bayan, Badi 'and Ma'ani) sciences that have now arrived at us, have gone through the stages of evolution and dynamics. In the beginning, this knowledge emerged along with the emergence of the Arabic sciences which developed over centuries. This research is a qualitative research study using the literary study method in the process of collecting data sources. The results of this study indicate that during the Jahiliyah the Arabs had achieved high intellectual abilities in the knowledge of Balaghah and Bayan. This has been described in the Qur'an at the beginning of the surah ar-Rahman. Such a situation developed after the emergence of Islam. The development of Balaghah science began to appear in the time of the Umayyads and later developed after the sciences of poetry during the time of the first Abbas. Such things developed rapidly after Abdul Qahir established the Ma'ani theory of knowledge and the knowledge of Bayan.
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putri, Wakhidati Nurrohmah
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v1i1.1-16


AbstractThe efforts to increase learning motivation can be done by using instructional media. This study aims to find out the use of media and the effect of the use of instructional media towards motivation to learn Arabic. This is a descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study are 94 students of immersion class at State Islamic Junior High School (MTs N) Plupuh Sragen. All students become the sample in this study. The data is processed by using descriptive statistics and correlation test of Product Moment. Based on the hypothesis test, the magnitude of the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.4723 greater than 0.207 with significance level of 5%. It can be concluded that Ha that there is "the effect of the use of instructional media to learn Arabic student motivation" is accepted. The results inform that there is a significant effect of media learning towards student motivation, especially in learning Arabic.
Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Terpadu di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri Supardi, Supardi
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v2i1.13-27


This article explores the significance of language skills integration generally in foreign language teaching and particularly in Arabic. This is motivated by the reality of Arabic language learning in Indonesia State Islamic Higher Education (PTKIN) which still separates the four language skills so that learning Arabic language is not able to produce language learning actively as a means of communication. Through literary studies, the author offers the integration of language skills as an alternative solution in shaping communicative language learners.
Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di SMP IT Nurul Islam Tengaran Faizah, Ainy
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v3i2.143-162


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the teaching and learning program for Arabic language at Integrated Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Islam Tengaran, based on the quality of lesson planning, the process of teaching and learning activities and the assessment of Arabic lesson. This was an evaluation research by using Countenance Stake model, with descriptive quantitative approach. This research was conducted at Integrated Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Islam Tengaran, putting teachers and students as research subjects. In collecting data, the researcher uses observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The instruments of collecting data for this research have been validated. Instruments for observation and questionnaires have also been estimated to be reliable. After conducting the analysis, the instruments were stated to be valid and reliable so they could be used as a measuring tool in this research. Data analysis technique used for the research was descriptive quantitative. The result of this research showed that (1) the completeness of components in the lesson plan of Arabic language is very good, meanwhile its concordance with the syllabus is in a good category (2) the teaching and learning activity of Arabic language is good, (3) the assessment of Arabic language, is also good, and (4) the learning outcomes of learners have met the passing grade (KKM).
Penerapan Metode Outbound Fun Game dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Komara, Moh. Edi
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v1i2.40-58


The quality of learning the Arabic language in Indonesia is still not perfect. It’s means that there are still many problems were found such as aspect of teacher, methods and media. Aspects of the method, teachers tend to retain the classical method than trying to explore a variety of methods that have been suggested by many researchers in learning Arabic. The trend is one of the main factors underlying the interest and student learning outcomes, learning methods of outbound fun games offers solutions with Alfresco-based learning concept which many contain elements of the game fun and can be felt directly by the student so that an increase in interest, motivation and student learning outcomes can be seen during the learning process.
كتب قواعد اللغة العربية في المعاهد الإسلامية بإندونيسيا: بناؤها ونوعها ‏وعلاقتها بطرق تعليمها Zaenuri, Muhammad
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v3i1.68-90


Arabic is a foreign language for Indonesian people. Among the languages of Arabic that are widely taught in Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are the grammar of Arabic or nahwu and sharaf. Among the elements of teaching are books, books have an important role in the learning process. This study aims to find out the Arabic grammar books used in Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, analyze their constructs, their models and their relevance to Arabic grammar learning for non-Arabs. This research is a literature research. Data collection uses documentation techniques, while the analysis technique uses content analysis. From the results of the study, it is found that the Arabic grammar books used in Islamic boarding schools are books compiled with the qawa'id ilmiyah approach instead of qawa'id ta'limiyah, so it needs the development of methods in learning so that the students (santri) not only memorize the rules, but are also able to apply them in language skills. While in terms of the drafting model, there are at least three models, namely, matan, syarah, and khasiyah.
Konsep Life Skills dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Mas'ud, Muhammad
LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/lisania.v1i2.20-39


This research uses qualitative descriptive approaching method and use study case research type. The data obtained from primary and secondary data sources, which data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the research stated that in the life skill education design in the Arabic Language Learning at MI NU Tamrinut Thullab Undaan Kudus are: The aspects of life skills that will be developed are integrated and will be a part of the basic competencies that must be pursued accomplished with the achievement skills derived from the substance of the subject matter of Arabic Language Learning which is outlined into Prota, Promes, SK and KD Mapping, Syllabus, and RPP form. Implementation of life skill education in Arabic Language Learning at MI NU Tamrinut Thullab Undaan Kudus; according to the physiological and psychological level of students at the MI, it is emphasized on efforts to develop generic skills such as personal skills and social skills. While the supporting factors in the Life Skill Education implementation in Arabic Language Learning at MI NU Tamrinut Thullab Undaan Lor Undaan Kudus are: (1) Madrasah Religious Program; (2) Self Development Program in Madrasah; (3) Madrasah Cultural Development Program; (4) Most students have been studied at Diniyyah / TPQ. Whereas, the obstacles factors in the life skills education implementation in Arabic Language Learning at MI NU Tamrinut Thullab Undaan Lor Undaan Kudus are: (1) The lack of funds and facilities; (2) Educators are less motivated to be creative and innovative for using and developing learning strategies.