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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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In human development, someone cannot stay away from problems whether they are conflict with others or conflict within themselves. Those who fail in overcoming their problems and reach self-realization are called neurotics. The purpose of this study is to analyze Mei's neurotic needs as well as her attempt to fulfill those needs as depicted in Hwee Hwee Tan's novel Foreign Bodies.Psychological approach is applied to the analysis of the novel and the theoretical framework is derived from the idea of Karen Horney's theory of neurosis, which is taken from her book Self Analysis. The theory categorize neurotic's problems into ten kind of needs based on their own neurotic‟s behavior. Attention is also given to Mei's attempt to fulfill her neurotic needs in order to be a normal person.The study finds out that Mei has neurotic needs of independence and selfsufficiency due to her traumatic childhood experience. Since then, Mei develops the withdrawal strategy that makes her becomes cold, aloof, and indifferent. Mei also hates her family, the Chinese culture, and her nationality. After going through some experiences, Mei finally accepts the fact that life is not always fair. She has to accept reality and forgive those who hurt her in order to get peace.The writer infers that family relationship plays significant role in shaping Mei's neurotic behavior. The writer hopes that the next researcher will study about the other neurotic characters in this novel by using different approach.Keywords: neurotic, needs, neurosis, Horney
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: drama, fenomena, pet boom. Skripsi ini membahas tentang fenomena pet boom. Pet boom merupakan meningkatnya jumlah hewan peliharaan akibat bertambahnya hewan yang dipelihara. Pada penelitian kali ini penulis menggunakan sumber data berupa drama yang berjudul Juui Dolittle. Drama ini bercerita tentang seorang dokter hewan yang eksentrik tetapi memiliki keahlian dalam mengobati dan mengoperasi hewan. Dokter ini bernama Kenichi Tottori (Dolittle). Dia sangat memperhatikan bagaimana pemilik hewan mengurus dan memelihara peliharaannya. Drama ini lebih berfokus pada pemilik hewan yang membawa peliharaanya berobat ke klinik dokter Tottori dan interaksi pemilik dengan hewan maupun dokter hewan.  Oleh karena itulah, penulis akan menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu, “bagaimana fenomena pet boom di Jepang yang tercermin dalam drama Juui Dolittle?”. Alasan orang Jepang memelihara dan memanjakan hewan peliharaan akan dianalisis dengan membandingkannya terhadap alasan dan pandangan masyarakat Jepang menanggapi pet boom pada kehidupan nyata sesuai dengan penelitian sosiologi tentang pet boom.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Penulis menggunakan teori dari Ian Watt, yaitu sastra sebagai cerminan masyarakat. Pendekatan ini mengarahkan analisis dengan tahapan gambaran tokoh-tokoh pemilik hewan yang berinteraksi dengan peliharaanya dan dokter hewan yang berupa dialog dan cuplikan adegan dari drama.Dialog maupun adegannya menunjukan alasan memelihara hewan dan dampak  yang sama dengan kenyataan masyarakat Jepang. Penyebab orangJepang memelihara hewan adalah karena hewan dianggap sebagai anggotakeluarga, hewan sebagai teman manusia, dan diijinkannya memelihara hewan di apartemen.Melalui drama ini penulis dapat mengetahui fenomena budaya maupun sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Jepang. Penulis berharap pada penelitian selanjutnya yang menggunakan drama Juui Dolittle sebagai data penelitian untuk mengangkat drama ini dengan pendekatan lain seperti pet boom menjadi gaya hidup dan status sosial masyarakat di Jepang dalam meneliti hubungan antara pemilik dengan hewan peliharaan dalam drama Juui Dolittle dengan tujuan memperkaya apresiasi dalam karya sastra.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Disney has produced princess characters following the development of Feminism. Brave is a movie which shows women existence to get freedom and choose her own path. Moreover, an existence is closely related to identity. An existence will be approved when an identity has been recognized in society. As the main character in the movie, Merida shows the manifestation of Existentialist Feminism values through the development process of her identity.The writer uses Downing and Roush, Feminist Identity Development Model also Existentialist Feminism and cinematography elements as the supporting theories to analyze this movie. Existentialist Feminism is a theory which emphasizes concepts of freedom, interpersonal relationship, and the experience of living as a human. The writer also uses technique of cinematography elements to show Existentialist Feminism values in Brave movie, while Feminist Identity Development Model is used as stages that should be passed by a woman to get her feminist identity.The writter sees the process of feminist identity development in Merida’s character by the five stage of Feminist Identity Development Model. The five stages are Passive Acceptence, Revelation, Embeddedness-Emanation, Synthesis, and Active Commitment. The Passive Acceptance is shown in the begining of the story where Merida was unaware about the differences between men and women, and she just did not really care about it. But, when she knew the tradition that required her to get married, she started to refuse the provision. That is called the Revelation stage. Merida passed the Embeddedness-Emanation stage where she developed relationship with her mother. Relationship developed in order to equate the mind. Unwittingly, Merida succeeded in changing her mother’s mind which broke the tradition. All young people are free to choose their own path. The decision was accepted by all people in the movie. It means Merida already passed the fourth stage, Synthesis. Then the society changed overall. It is called as Active Commitment of the stages. And the process shows Existentialist Feminism values in Merida’s character. Merida is described as a princess who wants to get herfreedom to be herself.The writter suggests to the next reseacher to use either Phsycoanalysis or Semiotic to analyze Brave. It also shows relationship between Mother and Child. Moreover, Psychoanalysis can be employed in relation between Merida and hermother, and Semiotic can be used to analyze the appearance of Merida as a princess. Keywords: Feminist Identity Development, Feminism, Brave Movie
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Implicature, Bola Tabloid Headlines, Relevance Theory. In the terms of modern era as we live now, the form of news changes into another form of modern news. In order to keep surviving, the newspaper itself needs to attract the reader through its unique and interesting headlines. From the headline we can find language phenomenon like implicature. Implicature is an unstated meaning and the aspect of meaning that a speaker conveys, implies, or suggests without directly expressing. The headlines from the newspaper always carry something to inform to the reader. When the readers read the headline, they first have to assume that the writer is being cooperative and being intent on communicating something. The writer wants to communicate more than just explicit meaning. So, the reader has to possess the ability to infer and predict what the writer wants to communicate through the headline. The researcher wants to disclose the implicature carried on the headlines. To understand them,  we need to uncover the implicit meaning conveyed behind the headlines. In this case, the researcher uses relevance theory from Sperber and Wilson as the basic theory to analyze the implicature carried on theheadlines and answer the problems of the study 1) What are the implicatures conveyed in Bola tabloid headlines from March to June 2013 edition? 2) What are the ways to find out the meaning of implicature utterances in Bola tabloid headlines from March to June 2013 editions?To analyze implicature, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach in which the headline news is written in tabloid Bola. The researcher uses text analysis design because the form of Tabloid Bola Headlines is a text on its cover. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method because the researcher analyses the data with describing the headline using the relevance theory of Sperber & Wilson in order to get information and understanding based on the phenomena that appears in the data.From the analysis that has been done, the researcher concludes that the headlines represent in the cover image through omission, ambiguous and non-standard structure are difficult for the readers to understand. Moreover, the researcher finds that the cover headline and the subhead play very vital role to provide explanation in the meaning of the headline. It also can be inferred from this research that Bola tabloid headlines have successfully communicated their messages to the readers if the readers have good capability to understand the headline by combining their memory, background knowledge with the context about the topic presented in the headlines.To complete this study, the writer suggests that the next researcher use differentobject of research to enrich the research of implicatures. The writer also suggests the readers understand the whole news, and the readers have to understand the context and combine the context with memory and background knowledge.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Language styles, WWF Advertisements, three dimensional modelsThis research is intended to investigate the meaning construction in WWFadvertisements to get reader’s attention. The objectives are (1) to identify the language styles used in advertisements, (2) to find out meanings behind WWFadvertisements and (3) to understand how texts are interpreted and how theyaffect reader’s personality.This CDA research used three dimensional model theory from NormanFairclough which covered; text analysis, discursive analysis and social analysis.On the level of text analysis, it has purpose to analyze the language styles.Discursive analysis is used to get the interpretation of a reader when he or shereads and sees WWF advertisements; social analysis is used to find out the after effect towards readers. The writer used qualitative research method and content analysis as research design. The data were collected from advertisement texts, the answer of questionnaires and interviews results.The results indicate that (1) there were fifteen language styles used in thatadvertisement; irony, euphemism, hyperbole, metaphor, sinism, repetition,association, synechdoche pars pro toto, paradox, personification, symbolic,climax, anticlimax, and rhetoric, (2) there were seventeen advertisements whichaimed at persuading readers, (3) there were two meanings which the advertiserconstructs, there were stop killing animals and saving nature, and (4) somereaders were motivated to help save animals and nature or join the WWF’scampaign.The writer suggested for the next researchers to have deep understandingtowards text analysis. Then, the next researcher also needs to follow the updated research in the field discourse analysis. By following the updated research in discourse analysis, he can conduct different research and can enrich the research in the field of discourse analysis, such as ecolinguistics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Di dalam perkembangan masyarakat Eropa abad 19, karya seni sastra jugamengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Golongan baru yaitu kaum borjuis juga makin diperhitungkan keberadaannya oleh golongan – golongan masyarakat yang lain. Hal ini dapat dilihat antara lain dengan diterbitkannya roman mengenai golongan tersebut, misalnya yang berjudul Madame Bovary karya Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary mengisahkan tentang seorang wanita bernama Emma yang tidak puas dengan perkawinannya meskipun suaminya adalah orang yang memiliki posisi terhormat di kalangan kaum borjuis. Tokoh suami yang bernama Charles Bovary inilah yang menjadi objek penelitian dalam skripsi ini karena karakternya yang berbeda dari pria borjuis lainnya sehingga ia tidak disukai oleh istrinya sendiri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan sosok Charles Bovary jikadibandingkan dengan para tokoh pria borjuis pada umumnya. Teori yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian adalah  teori karakterisasi oleh Pickering dan Hoeper yang memiliki dua metode, yaitu showing dan telling. Sementara itu, analisis struktural digunakan sebagai metode penunjang untuk memperjelaslangkah – langkah penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tokoh Charles Bovary merupakan sosokkaum borjuis pria yang berbeda dengan tokoh borjuis pria lainnya baik dalam hal penampilan, hubungan percintaan, kehidupan keluarga, dan kehidupanprofesional. Hal tersebut terjadi karena pola pendidikan yang diberikan ibunyamenyebabkan Charles tidak dapat menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan tegas. Kata kunci : karakterisasi, showing, telling, strukturalisme, otonom
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: didaktis, pembelajaran karakter, pembelajaran moral Dalam dunia sastra, karya sastra memiliki dua fungsi yakni dulce et utile (menghibur dan mendidik). Selain sebagai hiburan dan pemenuhan rasa keindahan, sastra mempu memberikan manfaat secara implisit kepada pembacanya dengan menyampaikan pengetahuan tentang manusia dan kehidupan. Pada cerita rakyat yang sebagian besar merupakan sastra anak, aspek utile lebih dominan dengan tidak mengesampingkan aspek dulce. Dalam hal ini karya sastra semacam itu sering disebut sebagai sastra didaktis. Mengingat banyaknya kontribusi sastra anak pada perkembangan kepribadian anak, penulis mengadakan studi tentang aspek didaktisme pada cerita Oshou’san to Kozou’san. Dalam studi ini penulis akan mengulas rumusan masalah: (1) bagaimana tokoh Oshou’san dan Kozou’san dapat didefinisikan agar dapat digunakan sebagai pembelajaran karakter bagi anak; dan (2) pesan moral apa yang dapat dimunculkan dari keseluruhan cerita untuk dijadikan sebagai sarana pembelajaran moral bagi anak.Studi ini menggunakan metode karakterisasi telaah fiksi dengan mengacu pada konsep didaktisme untuk dapat meneliti aspek-aspek didaktis yang disampaikan oleh pengarang secara implisit melalui unsur-unsur intrinsik dalamcerita. Selain itu dalam penelitian ini dijabarkan kontribusi sastra anak padapengembangan kepribadian anak.Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi didaktis yang disampaikan melalui tokoh Kozou’san adalah mengajarkan anak memiliki kecerdikan agar tidak mudah diperdaya orang lain. Namun kecerdikan dan rasa keingintahuan ituperlu diimbangi dengan kontrol emosi dari anak agar sifat rakus seperti tokohKozou’san tidak dicontoh oleh anak. Melalui tokoh Oshou’san anak diajarkan agar tidak pelit, mudah marah, dan membohongi serta memperdaya orang lain,sekaligus harus bisa memberi contoh perilaku baik pada orang lain yang lebih muda darinya. Melalui tokoh cerita anak dapat mengembangkan aspek emosional, intelektual, imajinasi, rasa sosial, rasa etis dan religius. Selain itu kemampuan bahasa dan daya eksplorasi serta pengetahuan lintas budaya dapat ditumbuhkan pada anak sejak dini melalui bacaan anak.Penulis menyarankan kepada mahasiswa jurusan bahasa agar dapat mempelajari tradisi dan nilai-nilai positif dari cerita rakyat. Kemudian, disarankan pada penulis selanjutnya untuk meneliti cerita rakyat lainnya karena setiap cerita rakyat memiliki fungsi didaktis yang berbeda-beda.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: cohesion, type of cohesion, and abstract.Every scientific work, whether it is in the form of article, thesis or dissertation, must be initiated with an abstract. An abstract is a short summary written by a writer or researcher at the beginning page of his or her thesis or research report. Since an abstract is a significant part of an academic writing that will be read by educational people, it becomes extremely important then for researchers to make their abstracts as clear as possible which is characterized by well structured sentences and united text. The unity in the sentence or text can be formed by the the use of cohesion devices. Therefore, the writer conducts the study in analyzing thesis abstract written by students of academic year 2009 of English Study Program of Universitas Brawijaya. There are two problems in this study. (1) What are the cohesion devices found in the thesis abstracts written by student of academic years 2009 of English study program of Universitas Brawijaya? (2) What is the dominant type of cohesion devices that occurs in the thesis abstracts written by student of academic year 2009 of English study program of Universitas Brawijaya?This research is designed by using descriptive qualitative approach and document analysis to answer the problems of the study. The data were collectedfrom 12 abstract papers written by students of academic year 2009 who took linguistic and the writer selected them randomly. The writer analyzed the data byusing theory from Renkema’s (1993).The results of this research showed that there were grammatical cohesionand lexical cohesion in the students’ thesis abstract. In the grammatical cohesion, there are two types that occurred in the students’ thesis abstract. They are conjunction and reference. The biggest part is conjunction (52%), followed byreference (48%). For lexical cohesion, there are three types that occurred in thestudents’ abstract. The biggest part is repetition (61%), then followed byhyponymy (25%), and the last is antonymy (14%).The writer suggests the next researchers who want to conduct the similar research uses the different object and also analyze about coherent with othertheories. Another suggestion for the lecturers, hopefully this research could beused to enrich their teaching materials.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: politeness strategies, positive politeness, negative politeness Human beings have interaction process in their communication, and itactually makes the role of language in human’s daily life very important. Using a language, we can communicate and express our ideas or wishes to other people. One of strategies which used in communication is politeness. This study aims at answering the following two problems of the story: (1) What are the politeness strategies performed by the host of Kick Andy Show “Berprestasi di Usia Muda” episode? and (2) What are the potential reasons of the host in using the politeness strategies in Kick Andy Show ”Berprestasi di usia Muda” episode? This study uses qualitative approach. The data source is the trancript of theutterance produced by the host of Kick Andy Show “Berprestasi di Usia Muda”episode. In this study, the writer used document analysis because the dataanalyzed are the host’s utterances containing politeness strategies in Kick AndyShow “Berprestasi di Usia Muda” episode.It was found out that most of the time Andy as the host performed positivepoliteness when he delivered his utterances in order to minimize the distance with the guests. From the analysis result and discussion, the writer found out that there are 97 politeness strategies applied by Andy in Kick Andy Show.The elaboration is 20 for negative politeness with the percentage of (21%) and 77 positive politenesss strategies with percentage of (79%). Those results indicate that Andy applied more positive politeness strategies than other negative politeness strategies. The potential reason of using positive politeness strategies is to show Andy’s closeness, solidarity and seeking agreement with his guests. On other hand  negative politeness strategies to minimize the FTA with his guests. The writer suggest to other researchers  could analyze politeness strategiesin other media, such as speeches or debates performed by other figures. The next researcher could also use other theories in politeness strategies to enrich the knowledge for those reading his or her research report.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Language learning strategy, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), English proficiency As an international language, English is very important for communication in the world. Then, Indonesian government decided to make English as a formalsubject at school. Learning English as foreign language is very difficult ratherthan learning first language or second language. So, it required some strategies tohelp the language learners.  Language learning strategies is the way or the methodtaken by the learner to make learning easier, faster and more effective when theyare learning English. There are two problems in this study, namely: (1) what arethe language learning strategies used by XII IPA 3 Advanced class period 2013/2014 in MAN Tambakberas Jombang and (2) What is correlation betweenlanguage learning strategies used by XII IPA 3 Advanced class period 2013/2014in MAN Tambakberas Jombang and their academic achievement.This study uses quantitative approach to explain the correlation between theindependent variables and the language learning strategies. This research his was held in MAN Tambakberas Jombang. In this study, the writer also uses thequestionnaire of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) test version 7.0developed by Oxford (1990) as the measurement instrument.This study reveals that all six strategies such as memory strategy, cognitivestrategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy andsocial strategies are applied in this class. All six strategies used by students of XIIIPA 3 Advanced class in MAN Tambakberas Jombang in language learningstrategies and compensation strategies frequently use high English proficiency students in language learning strategies process. Besides, intermediate English proficiency uses metacognitive strategies and low English proficiency usescognitive strategies in language learning processThe writer suggests all of students of XII IPA 3 Advanced class in MAN Tambakberas Jombang to apply compensation strategy which helps the learner in language learning strategies used by high English proficiency. Students inintermediate and low English proficiency can apply meetacognitive strategies andcognitive strategies but they should study English continuously. So, it can give the motivation to the students so that they will be interested in learning English.

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