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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Communication, Doraemon Comic the 1st Volume, Pragmatics,Locutionary Acts, Illocutionary Acts and Types of Sentences. Communication occurs because there is a connection between the speaker and the listener. This study deals with the intended meaning of the speaker that is called pragmatics. In pragmatics the study related to the meaning called speech acts because speech acts covers people’s problem to understand the meaning behind the utterance. There are three different levels of speech acts however the writer focus on analyzing the utterance that contain locutionary acts and illocutionary acts in Doraemon comic the 1st volume because connected with the intended meaning that do not realize by the reader when they read the comic. There are two problems of this study: (1) What are the types of locutionary acts produced by the main character in Doraemon Comic the 1st Volume? (2) What are the types of illocutionary acts produced by the main character?. This study is a qualitative research analysing the data that are related to the text of Doraemon Comic the 1st Volume. The writer analyzed the utterances that contain locutionary and illocutionary acts based on Searle’s theory (1976). The writer limited the data collection only chapters 1-4 of the comic because the data have been saturated which means the utterances show the same characteristic. Based on the result, there are 48 utterances containing speech acts from chapter one to chapter four (All the Way from a Future World, Prognosis of Doraemon, Transforming Biscuit and Spy Set). The writer found 17 utterances containing illocutionary acts in form of representative, 8 utterances containing commisive, 21 utterances containing directive and 2 utterances containing expressive. In addition, the writer also found 29 declarative sentences used to express gratitude, statement and advice, 7 imperative sentences to express order or request, and 12 interrogative sentences to express question. Meanwhile, the writer does not find the types of illocutionary acts containing declaration. In this study, the most frequent types of illocutionary acts is directives because the speaker wants the listener to do some actions intended by the speaker. In addition, the writer would like to give some suggestions for the future researchers that they use the newest theory to improve their studies. In addition, the writer hopes that the future researchers can use other media, such as: novels, movies, newspapers or advertisements.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: tindak tutur ilokusi, komik 『ラブコン』“lovely complex”Sebagai salah satu media komunikasi tulis, komik dianggap sebagai media yang mampu menarik minat baca. Komik dapat mengajak para pembacanya untuk ikut dan merasakan situasi yang disampaikan oleh penulis melalui cerita yang dibuat. Selain itu, bentuk percakapan di dalam komik tidak terlepas dari tindak tutur atau maksud yang hendak disampaikan oleh penulis kepada pembaca, sehingga diperlukan pemahaman makna kalimat dengan melihat konteks dari sebuah tuturan. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan penelitian dengan objek komik Lovely Complex volume 2 dengan rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) jenis tindak tutur ilokusi apakah yang terdapat dalam komik Lovely Complex volume 2 dan (2) fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi dalam komik Lovely Complex volume 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hal ini digunakan agar dapat dapat menganalisis jenis tindak tutur ilokusi dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi dengan menggunakan teori dasar, dan mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian secara terperinci dan jelas. Adapun data temuan yang digunakan sebanyak 49 data. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa jenis tindak tutur ilokusi berdasarkan deskripsi Searle, yang terdapat dalam komik Lovely Complex volume 2 adalah (1) representatif yaitu menyatakan, mengusulkan, mengemukakan pendapat, dan mengeluh (2) direktif yaitu memesan, memohon, memerintah, memberi nasehat, dan menuntut, (3) ekspresif yaitu mengecam dan menuduh, (4) komisif yaitu menjanjikan, menawarkan, dan (5) deklarasi yaitu melarang. Fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat dalam komik Lovely Complex volume 2 berdasarkan deskripsi Leech adalah (1) kompetitif (competitive) yaitu memerintah, meminta, menuntut, mengemis, (2) menyenangkan (convival) yaitu menawarkan, mengajak, (3) bekerja sama (collaborative) yaitu menyatakan, mengumumkan, mengajarkan, (4) bertentangan (conflictive) yaitu mengancam, menuduh, menyumpahi, memarahi. Penulis menyarankan diadakannya penelitian lanjutan mengenai: (1) penelitian jenis tindak tutur ilokusi yang terbagi dalam kategori tindak tutur ilokusi, (2) penelitian tindak tutur ilokusi dengan menggunakan kajian teori yang lain dan (3) penelitian tindak tutur ilokusi dengan sumber data yang lain.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci: “Yabai” makna negatif, “Yabai” makna positif, Gender Skripsi ini berjudul “Penggunaan Wakamono Kotoba “Yabai” Berdasar Gender di Kalangan Anak Muda Jepang (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Universitas Kanazawa)”. Kata “yabai” saat ini mengalami perluasan makna dari makna dasarnya yang bermakna negatif menjadi bermakna positif yang hanya digunakan di kalangan anak muda saja.  Sehingga “yabai” makna positif  dapat dikatakan merupakan wakamono kotoba. Meski penelitian mengenai “yabai” mulai banyak dilakukan, namun penelitian mengenai “yabai” yang menitikberatkan gender sebagai permasalahan belum pernah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian tentang wakamono kotoba “yabai” berdasar gender di kalangan anak muda Jepang. Pada penelitian mengenai wakamono kotoba “yabai” berdasar gender ini, penulis melakukan penelitian dari segi frekuensi penggunaan “yabai” makna negatif berdasar gender, frekuensi penggunaan “yabai” makna positif  berdasar gender, frekuensi penggunaan variasi bentuk “yabai”, frekuensi penggunaan “yabai” makna positif  berdasarkan contoh situasi dan contoh kalimat, dan frekuensi penggunaan kata keterangan yang dapat digantikan “yabai” dalam kalimat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan melakukan pengumpulan data dalam jumlah banyak, kemudian berdasarkan data-data tersebut analisa dilakukan secara statistik, dan hasil dari penelitian tersebut digeneralisasikan. Penelitian ini kemudian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa wanita lebih banyak menggunakan “yabai” makna positif, terutama pada situasi saat bertemu dengan sesorang yang dianggap menarik. Kemudian kata “yabee” yang merupakan variasi bentuk dari “yabai” yang hanya digunakan oleh pria saja, kini terlihat penggunaannya juga meluas ke kaum wanita. Sedangkan kata “yabakunai?” lebih banyak digunakan oleh wanita. Dan yang terakhir, dalam kata keterangan yang dapat digantikan oleh “yabai”, kata “meccha” dan “sugoi/ sugoku/ sugee”, lebih banyak digunakan oleh wanita.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Verba (Doushi), Hojodoushi Hojodoushi adalah suatu verba yang digunakan sebagai pelengkap, yang arti sebenarnya akan melemah atau hilang. Verba yang berfungsi sebagai hojodoushi diletakkan di belakang verba bentuk ~te. Kata shimau  termasuk salah satu verba yang berfungsi sebagai hojodoushi.Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui penggunaan hojodoushi ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta dalam novel Madogiwa no Tottochan. Oleh karena itu, rumusan masalahnya yaitu bagaimana penggunaan ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta dan jenis verba apa saja yang melekat pada ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta yang terdapat dalam novel Madogiwa no Tottochan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, karena data yang diperoleh berupa kata-kata tertulis yang mengandung hojodoushi ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta dalam novel Madogiwa no Tottochan. Data tersebut dianalisis sesuai penggunaan dan jenis verba yang dapat melekat pada ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel Madogiwa no Tottochan.ditemukan 6 kalimat yang mengandung hojodoushi ~te shimau yang digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan atau kejadian yang akan berakhir, 14 kalimat yang menunjukkan rasa penyesalan atau hal yang disayangkan, 20 kalimat yang mengandung hojodoushi ~te shimatta yang digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan atau terjadi sampai selesai, dan 10 kalimat yang menunjukkan rasa penyesalan atau hal yang disayangkan. Sedangkan verba yang dapat melekat pada hojodoushi ~te shimau dan ~te shimatta ditemukan 23 verba jenis ishidoushi yaitu verba yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan berdasarkan niat atau kemauan seseorang, dan 27 verba jenis muishidoushi yaitu verba yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang tidak berdasarkan niat atau keinginan seseorang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Reading, Miscue Analysis, Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Inclusive School Galuh Handayani Surabaya. Reading habit potentially grants a big contribution in increasing human knowledge. Reading is necessary to be improved since it is trusted as a window of world knowledge which aims to gain the insight source. Miscue analysis is used as a guidance that can encourage the reader to manage his or her own reading development ability. The instructions on Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA) comprising reading text aloud, retelling and discussion session are used in the study since it intensively contributes to the readers in developing their reading skill. This study purports, first, to find out miscues types and second, to identify the factors contributing the miscue production by college Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) students at the inclusive school Galuh Handayani Surabaya.In drawing the trustworthy results, the writer applied RMA theory (1969) and Kern’s theory (1988). The study was designed by using qualitative approach and a case study in order to gain more comprehensive and detail results. In collecting the data, the writer selected two ASD students with Asperger types who were qualified to participate in the study. The data were originated from all utterance of two participants while doing all activities in RMA procedure which are taken on recording process, and then they are transformed into transcription.The students made 129 miscues consisting of six types of miscues. Those miscues were 62 (48%) omissions, 46 (36%) substitutions, 10 (8%) selfcorrections, 5 (4%)reversals, 4 (3%) insertions, 2 (1%) repetitions. The results of factor identificationshowed linguistic, affective and cognitive factors as the three main factors contributingmiscue production. The results of the study showed that even good reader at the level of autism made miscues. Eventually, the finding could not be generalized as the whole case for autism.The writer recommends the next writer who wants to conduct a study in a similar concentration to examine different subjects using RMA based on various facets.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : Eksistensialisme, Filsafat Sastra, Jean Paul Sartre, Film Nude Manusia yang hidup bermasyarakat memiliki berbagai kebutuhan hidup dan kegiatan sehari-hari, mulai dari kebutuhan akan perekonomian sampai pada manusia yang mengejar popularitas di lingkungan masyarakat. Semua manusia bisa bereksistensi dengan berbagai bidang yang dipilihnya. Hal yang kita bisa amati tentang manusia yang menunjukkan eksistensinya tercermin pada salah satu film yang berjudul Nude karya Yuichi Onuma. Melalui permasalahan yang dihadapi tokoh utama, Hiromi, tentang mewujudkan eksistensinya sendiri dengan menjadi bintang AV (Adult Video).Dengan menggunakan kajian Filsafat sastra, penelitian menjelaskan proses eksistensi manusia yang tercermin pada tokoh Hiromi dalam film Nude karya Yuichi Onuma melalui potongan gambar dan teks dialog. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa film ini berisi proses eksistensi Hiromi untuk mewujudkan keinginannya.Melalui film Nude karya Yuichi Onuma ini dengan mengangkat tokoh Hiromi sebagai bahan analisa, penulis mendapat kesesuaian antara tokoh yang digambarkan dengan pendapat Jean Paul Sartre. Jean Paul Sartre adalah seorang filsuf yang membahas tentang eksistensialis mengenai manusia yang bebas, manusia yang bereksistensi. Manusia yang bertanggungjawab atas pilihan hidupnya. Manusia yang tidak goyah pada pendiriannya, pada pilihan hidupnya.Film ini tidak hanya sekedar hiburan, tetapi juga merupakan media untuk mengetahui proses eksistensi manusia di lingkungan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu penulis menyarankan kepada pembelajar Sastra Jepang untuk tidak menjadikan film sebagai hiburan semata. Film Nude ini juga dapat diteliti dengan menggunakan teori Psikologi Sastra.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: controvesy, feminism, The Other Boleyn Girl. Feminism tells about women movement. Women believe that they have same value with men, they can do the same like men. They prove that they can make their own life better without following men’s instruction. Some women also show that they can reach her dream even some people said that is impossible. This phenomenon shows in a movie The Other Boleyn Girl which tells about an ordinary woman named Anne Boleyn who has an ambition to become the queen of England and she reaches her dream use controversial way. Thus, the aim of this research is to find out the controversy portrayed in Anne Boleyn character in the movie.The writer watches the movie so many times and then analyzes women character in Henry Tudor era, then the result will be use to discover Anne Boleyn’s controversy. Here, the writer also uses mise-en-scene to help gives more illustration related to the struggles that portraits in Anne Boleyn. Mise-en-scene help give more impression from setting, costume, lighting or the expression of the actors and actresses.This study reveals that woman struggle starts from feeling underestimated and controlled by others, especially men. However the movie The Other Boleyn Girl, shows that women in Henry Tudor era cannot make a movement or shows a struggle to change their fate. The action of Anne Boleyn character creates controversy at that time. Anne Boleyn’s struggles to shows the others that she as a woman can do something, woman can make everything possible. Anne Boleyn’s controversial act also broke assumption that woman is a weak person and was born to be men’sfollower.The writer suggests the next writers who want to analyze The Other Boleyn Girl movie to find out another special thing in the movie. If the next writer still wants to analyze the movie using feminism, maybe the next writer can choose another approach in feminism like woman subordination or patriarchy. If the next writers do not want to use feminism in their research they can use another approach like historical approach, because this movie adapted from England’s history.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: The Sounds of African-American, Genetic Structuralism, MayaAngelouThe differences among human brings the issue about race which the concept about race emerges racism. One big issue about race is AfricanAmericans were got the racial discrimination and they became the minority in the United States. The writer wants to examine the sounds of minority which reflect in Maya Angelou’s poems. The writer chose Maya Angelou’s poem since she is the most influence African-American woman through her works, especially in poetry. The problem to be solved in this study is: how does Maya Angelou reflect the sounds of African-American that she writes on her poems; Alone, Still I Rise, Caged Bird, and Equality?The writer applies Goldmann’s theory which is genetic structuralism in analyzing the intrinsic and extrinsic element of Maya Angelou’s poems. From Goldmann’s theory it is clearly mentioned that literary work could not be separated from the intrinsic and extrinsic element because the historical background of the author as the member of social group always give influenced to the work.The result of this research is found that there are three sounds of AfricanAmericanthat reflect in Maya Angelou’s poems: First, the sound of freedom that represent in Caged Bird, second, the sound of equality that represent in Equality, and third, the sound of racism that represent in Alone and Still I Rise.In the future, if there is a researcher who would like to analyze the same object, it is suggested to use post-colonial theory. By using post-colonial theory, it will help to reveal the effect of racial discrimination that happen toward African American life and their society.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: word formation processes, register, prostitute community, Jakartaundercover sex in the city.Humans use language as a tool to interface the communication among humans. In the development stages,the language has several variations that occur in certain conditions and opportunities. Register is included in language variations that occur due to the type of employment and particular social class. Registers can be found in the writings form such as books, literature works or in such unwritten form such as general discussion and conversation. On this occasion,the writer is interested in analyzing word formation process of register in prostitute community found in Moammar Emka’s book entitled Jakarta undercover sex in the city. There are three problems to be solved in this study, namely (1) what are the registers found in the prostitution community in Jakarta undercover sex in the city? (2) what are the registers formed by word formation process found in Jakarta undercover sex in the city? (3) what are the meanings of the registers of prostitute community found in Jakarta undercover sex in the city?This study uses qualitative approach to describe the register in prostitute community. Document analysis applied in this study since the data are in the text formin Jakarta undercover sex in the city book.There are 24 chapters to be analyzed. All the data are found in 37 conversations, sentences, or citations in Indonesian. 37 registers found in this study are analyzed using the theory of English word formation process and the theory of Bahasa Indonesia word formation process. There are 15 registers found that are analyzed using English word formation process theory, meanwhile there are 41 registers found that are analyzed using Bahasa Indonesia word formation process theory.The writer suggests the next writer investigate register in prostitute communit y in Emka’s other literally work. The writer also suggests other writer conduct a study which is investigating register in other field besides prostitute community.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Slang,  Sobo Lawikan,  Linguistic  forms,  Characteristics  and Function of slangThe main use of language is to communicate with each other. In society, there  are language varieties used by certain groups of community. One of  the varieties  is slang. People in Mergosono use the slang as one of the language varieties inside the community. This study aims to analyze the possible linguistic forms of the slang used by people in Mergosono and also to identify the characteristics and the functions of the slang.Qualitative  approach is used in this study. The source of the data are the result of observation and questionnaire. The data are utterances spoken by Mergosono people containing slang and the result of the questionnaire.This study reveals that the possible linguistic forms of the slang found  in  theMergosono are; syllable reversal, syllable reversal infix, infix, address term, and  coinage. Meanwhile, characteristics of Mergosono slang or Sobo Lawikan are  creative and fresh. The characteristics of flippant and onomatopoeic are not found  since there is no word adapted from the sound in nature,  and  also the Sobo Lawikan is the language of refinement which is used to show polite attitude. Further, is a language used to smoothen the delivered message which might not hurt addressee. In addition, it has been found that the function or the reason for the use of slang in Mergosono is because  people from Mergosono especially young adults want to  have  close  relationship  to  the community. It is done because they want  to  sustain  theirexistence  in  the community.The  result  of  the  study  is  expected  to  provide  some  useful  inputs which arevaluable for some students that are interested in Sociolinguistics. As for the next researcher who wishes to conduct a research on slangs, they can consider investigating the diffrences of slang in other place .

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