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Elementary: Islamic Teacher Journal
ISSN : 23550155     EISSN : 25030256     DOI : -
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ELEMENTARY Journal (Print ISSN: 2355-0155; Online ISSN: 2503-0256) is an Islamic teacher journal published by Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI), Islamic Education (Tarbiyah) Department, State College on Islamic Studies (STAIN) Kudus. Elementary is published twice a year (every six months, i.e. January and July) as scientific communication means of academic people in the study of Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education. Editorial Board receives the articles from the educators, observers, researchers on Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education to be published after having tight selection, peer review, and serious editting.
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Articles 19 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY" : 19 Documents clear
Imagination And Creative Thinking Skills Of Elementary School Students In Learning Mathematics: A Reflection Of Realistic Mathematics Education Kusmaryono, Imam; Maharani, Hevy Risqi
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11781


AbstractThis research is a qualitative research based on classroom reports. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the RME approach on the imagination and creative thinking abilities of elementary school students in solving math problems. The method of data collection was done through written tests, observations, and interviews. The participants in this study consisted of a class teacher, 36 grade 6 elementary school students, and an observer. The results showed that the application of the realistic mathematics education (RME) learning approach had a positive effect, namely encouraging the development of students' imaginative power and creative thinking skills in solving problems. The principles of RME are in line with the objectives of learning mathematics, namely to equip them with the ability to think logically, realistically, analytically, systematically, critically, and creatively.
Development Of Teacher Competence In Creative Writing To Actualize Literacy Of Madrasah Sholeh, Makherus; Aziz, Abd; Kholis, Nur
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11903


AbstractTeachers often have difficulty in developing competence in the writing aspect, especially in Islamic-based educational institutions. This study aims to explain the concept of developing teacher competence in creative writing to realize madrasa literacy. This study involved six informants, including school principals and teachers who are members of the writing community. Data was collected through direct interviews (telephone, WhatsApp messages, and video calls), observation, and documentation. The results showed several steps to developing teacher competence in writing at MI Perwanida Blitar: 1) Forming a writing community called ARUNIKA CAKRAWALA. It was started by building mutual commitment, self-efficacy, motivation, and writing habits, and determining rewards and punishments. 2) Implementation of the writing community by actively participating in seminars, workshops, writing training, and webinars, actively writing in external and internal communities of the institution, holding peer tutors, supporting school literacy programs, and publishing teacher and student writings in various genres. 3) Obstacles faced by writing teachers are limited time, limited ideas, and unstable teachers' motivation in writing. This finding offers the concept of developing teacher competence in writing. The findings are expected to be adopted in developing teacher competence in creative writing in other institutions.
Analysis of e-learning systems Success using Google Classroom in PGMI major of Universitas Islam Lamongan: SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) Faizah, Silviana Nur; Khairiyah, Ummu
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11822


AbstractOnline learning is a learning approach during the COVID-19 pandemic, Google Classroom is an e-learning platform used by the Islamic University of Lamongan (Unisla) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education study program (PGMI). This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the success of online learning with google classroom during the covid 19 pandemic. The research data was collected through a google form-assisted questionnaire with a sample of 127 PGMI Unisla students. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) assisted by Smart PLS. The results of the study indicate that system quality, quality of instructors, perceived usefulness, and student satisfaction are factors that influence the success of online learning with Google Classroom. These findings can be used as input in determining the improvement strategy (planning and improvement) of using google classroom for the Success of online learning in the future.
STEM Education Research in Indonesian Elementary Schools: A Systematic Review of Project-Based Learning Imaduddin, Muhamad; Sholikhati, Sholikhati; In'ami, Moh.
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11552


AbstractSTEM Education, in various countries including Indonesia, is growing with a variety of classroom learning projects in elementary schools. This study aims to describe the development of basic education STEM research in Indonesia and the various types of learning projects developed based on the curriculum using systematic review. The technique of systematic review is qualitative (meta-synthesis). The primary sources in this study are various works of literature on STEM basic education contained in scientific journals indexed on the SINTA indexing page ranked 1-6 with the years of publication in 2017-2020. The data is analyzed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. The implementation has several steps consisting of (1) identifying research questions, (2) developing research protocols, (3) determining the location of the search area database, (4) selecting relevant research results, (5) selection criteria, (6) data extraction, (7) synthesizing results using meta-synthesis, and (8) presenting results. The most distribution of articles on STEM education themes was found in journals with the scope of educational studies that were ranked at Sinta 3. A review of 17 articles showed that there were variations in projects that could be analyzed further from the 7 articles. Learning projects cover recreational, environmental, and energy topics. Research on STEM learning projects tends to be carried out in upper grades in elementary schools.
Associative and Dissociative Social Interaction Patterns In The Inclusion School Of SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta Calista, Wina; Mudiyono, Mudiyono
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11471


AbstractThe background of this study is still the occurrence of rejection and disputes between regular students and students with special needs in inclusion schools. This certainly has an impact on student relationships in schools. Therefore, this study aims to describe the pattern of associative and dissociative interaction of regular students and students with special needs at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The result of this study is a pattern of associative interaction between regular students and students with special needs classified in the form of cooperation, assimilation, and accommodation. Cooperation is seen at the activities in the school. This form of assimilation between regular students and students with special needs is the planting of a tolerance attitude. The form of accommodation between regular students and students with special needs leads to a form of arbitration and tolerance. Dissociative interaction patterns between regular students and students with special needs are classified in patterns of competition, contravention, and conflict/strife. Competition occurs in academic competition and competition to be the best student. While the contravention which leads to rejection and the onset of displeased feelings hidden by students against the companion of students with special needs(shadow teacher). The conflict is dominated by students with special needs with emotional and behavioral disorders (unsociability disorder). 
The Headmaster Perceptions On The Supervisors Performance Managerial And Principal Influence Of Islamic Elementary School In Yogyakarta Widodo, Hadi; Iskandar, Wahyu
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.12207


Abstract Supervisors are part of the administrative education staff that has long been regulated in Government Regulation No. 38 of 1992 concerning educational personnel. Supervisory responsibilities in the context of improving the quality of education have spread in the Ministry of Education Regulation No. 12 of 2007 and Regulation of the Minister of Religion No. 2 of 2012. The basic purpose of this study is to see how the perception of the head of Islamic Elementary School State 1 in Yogyakarta (MIN 1 Yogyakarta city) on the performance of managerial supervisors inYogyakarta which includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of managerial supervision and its influence on the performance of the principal of Islamic Elementary School State 1 in Yogyakarta. Researchers obtained data from 2 retrievals, namely empirically qualitative and discrete quantitative figures. Qualitative data were obtained from perceptions or views of research subjects. While quantitative data is obtained from the acquisition of numbers and scoring by means of the index and categorized using the Rating Scale. This method is known as the Mix method. The results of this study (1) The performance of managerial supervision in the planning of supervisory programs according to the perception of the headmaster of Islamic Elementary School State 1 Yogyakarta with an average score of 95.83% is classified as a very good category (2) in the implementation of supervision programs managerial with an average score of 92.65% categorized very good (3) in the evaluation of managerial supervision programs with an average score of 91.67% categorized very good.
The use of Risk Board Game Rulers of Archipelago as Learning Media on creative thinking ability of Elementary School Students Fitriyani, Yani; Eliyanti, Marlina; Hermawati, Eli; Fauzi, Teguh Ramdan
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11547


The low ability of students' creative thinking in social studies learning is shown by students who are less able to answer descriptive questions and also have not been able to provide ideas when answering a question. This study aims to describe the differences and improvement of students' creative thinking skills using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media using image media. This research includes quantitative research with a Quasi-Experimental approach, the research design is a Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The subjects of this study were fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Pasayangan, Lebakwangi District, Kuningan Regency. Data collection was carried out using test instruments in the form of pretest and posttest description questions to measure students' creative thinking skills before and after the action. The data analysis of this research used instrument tests and statistical tests. The results showed that: (1) there were differences in students' creative thinking skills in the experimental class using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media and the control class using image learning media. (2) there is an increase (gain) of student's creative thinking skills in the experimental class using the board game Risk Rulers of the Archipelago learning media and the control class using image learning media. The conclusion of this research is the use of board game learning media Risk Rulers of the Archipelago is very influential on students' creative thinking skills compared to those using image learning media.
Establishment Of Religious Tolerance Through Multicultural School Culture In Taman Harapan Elementary School Malang City Mustafida, Fita; Bela Dina, Lia Nur Atiqoh
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11559


AbstractThis paper aims to provide an overview of the formation of attitudes of religious tolerance through a multicultural school culture at Taman Harapan Elementary School, Malang City. The research approach used is qualitative with a case study type. Data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, and document studies. The data analysis technique used the Huberman model analysis technique. Namely, through the stages of condensation, data presentation, concluding / verification. The results of this study indicate that the formation of religious tolerance in Taman Harapan Elementary School, Malang City, is formed through the multicultural school culture that is developed. The multicultural school culture is in question in all aspects of school community life, starting from the teaching and learning process activities in the classroom to the habituation program that is the flagship of Taman Harapan Elementary School. The process of forming an attitude of religious tolerance through school culture at Taman Harapan Elementary School, Malang City, among others, is through introducing the values of diversity such as facilities for places of worship for six religions, celebration of multi-religious holidays. Second, strengthening tolerance material in the learning. Third, habituation of the culture of religious tolerance through multicultural social interactions
Citra Application: Elements Of Folklore Identification Setiawan, Arif; Hima, Aninda Nidhommil
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11764


Folklore in Indonesian language learning is an interesting object of study to discuss. Due to the lack of students’ knowledge about folklore, requires an application that can help and facilitate students in learning folklore. Therefore, this study aims to describe the Citra (Cerita Rakyat) Applications to facilitate the identification of folklore elements in fifth-grade elementary school students in Malang. This research uses the descriptive percentage method. The research population in this study were fifth grade students from SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, SD Muhammadiyah 4 Malang, SD Muhammadiyah 6 Malang, and SDN 1 Tlogomas. There are 40 students in total from the four elementary schools used as research samples taken by simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used interviews and surveys. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that (1) the application of the Citra to facilitate the identification of folklore elements in Indonesian language learning, and (2) the existence of the Citra Application can also act as a learning medium that can provide benefits for students.
Associative and Dissociative Social Interaction Patterns In The Inclusion School Of SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta Wina Calista; Mudiyono Mudiyono
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11471


AbstractThe background of this study is still the occurrence of rejection and disputes between regular students and students with special needs in inclusion schools. This certainly has an impact on student relationships in schools. Therefore, this study aims to describe the pattern of associative and dissociative interaction of regular students and students with special needs at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The result of this study is a pattern of associative interaction between regular students and students with special needs classified in the form of cooperation, assimilation, and accommodation. Cooperation is seen at the activities in the school. This form of assimilation between regular students and students with special needs is the planting of a tolerance attitude. The form of accommodation between regular students and students with special needs leads to a form of arbitration and tolerance. Dissociative interaction patterns between regular students and students with special needs are classified in patterns of competition, contravention, and conflict/strife. Competition occurs in academic competition and competition to be the best student. While the contravention which leads to rejection and the onset of displeased feelings hidden by students against the companion of students with special needs(shadow teacher). The conflict is dominated by students with special needs with emotional and behavioral disorders (unsociability disorder). 

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