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Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching
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Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching (IJIELT) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal focusing on theories, approaches, methods, systems, designs, applications, implementations, and evaluations of integrated curricula. IJIELT welcomes authors to publish research or non-research articles on integrated English Language Teaching (ELT). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ELT and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), TEFL and Islamic knowledge or values, and TEFL, ICT, and Islam knowledge and values.
Articles 8 Documents
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Structural Composition of the AUX (Auxiliary) in English and Indonesian: A Contrastive Grammatical Analysis Abdul Hadi
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.20562


There are significant linguistic differences between English and Indonesian despite the fact that modern Indonesian adopts the Roman script in its writing system. Unlike English, Indonesian is most probably a language without tenses, or if it has tense(s), no single element of its auxiliary rules will be affected by the tense(s). Language component-wise, the differences in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar are obvious between the two languages. In grammar, the structural composition of the AUX (Auxiliary) in Indonesian is heavily based on function words (sedang, akan, and other equivalents of Modals in English). These function words remained unchanged whatever the tense of the sentences is. English, on the other hand, is significantly affected by its structural composition of the AUX. Therefore, it takes quite significant time for Indonesian learning English to get used to the usage of English auxiliary system as it is much more complicated than Indonesian auxiliary system. Conversely, English speakers learning Indonesian most probably will find the structural composition of the AUX in Indonesian fairly simple to master. 
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.20434


The purpose of this research is to explain the dominant error in using sentence connectors in digital writing by the fourth semester students of English Education Department of UIN SUSKA RIAU. This research was a research with descriptive quantitative design. This research was conducted on November 08th, 2021 until February 08th, 2022 at UIN SUSKA RIAU. The subject of this research was the fourth semester students of English Education Department of UIN SUSKA RIAU while the object of this research was students’ error in using sentence connectors in digital writing. The research population of this research consisted of 125 students while the sample of this research was 19 students of the fourth semester of English Education Department of UIN SUSKA RIAU. The researcher employed purposive sampling. The data were collected through documentation. In collecting the data, the researcher used a written documentation from the students’ writing assignment given by the lecturer. The researcher collected and evaluated the result of the students’ assignment by using raters, and the researcher used 2 raters. After collecting the data from raters, the researcher analyzed the data by taking Step of Error Analysis. The result of this study showed that the types of errors found in this research was error of omission which had 36 errors or 46% of total error. Then, error of addition which had 15 errors or 19% of total error. Furthermore, error of misinformation which had 22 errors or 28% of total error. Last, error of misordering which had 5 errors or 7% of total error. In conclusion, the dominant error of students’ digital writing in using sentence connectors at the fourth semester students of English Education Department of UIN SUSKA RIAU was error of omission.
Identifying Students’ Phonological Errors in Pronouncing Vowel Diphthong at MAN 1 Pekanbaru Hafifah Dwi Lestari; Rizky Gushendra
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.18612


This research aimed to identify students’ phonological errors in pronouncing vowel diphthongs.Furthermore, the researcher also formulated the problem in a question, what kinds of voweldiphthong sound that is most frequently found errors in students’ pronunciation at tenth gradeMAN 1 Pekanbaru. The subject of this research was the tenth grade of MAN 1 Pekanbaru in theacademic year 2021/2022. This research used the descriptive quantitative method. The researcherrandomly selected 60 samples from 395 populations. The instrument of this was a pronunciationtest of the English Vowel Diphthong word containing 8 types of English Vowel Diphthong andfor each type, there are 2 focus words, and a voice recorder to record the students’ pronunciation.The result of the identification showed that the students made errors out of a total of 339 words.The kinds of errors on vowel diphthong sound which are most frequently found in students’pronunciation at tenth grade MAN 1 Pekanbaru are in Diphthong [ɔʊ] the focus word is “although”gets a total error of 72%. In Diphthong [ʊə] both focus words get the highest total error, which is“during” gets 65% and “obscure” get 62%. And the last Diphthong [aɪ] with the focus word is“sacrifice”, which gets a total error of 61%.
EFL Students’ Perception on the Use of YouTube Videos to Encourage Their Speaking Skill Kurnia Budiyanti
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.21093


YouTube is effective as learning media nowadays. Therefore, many people all over the world use it in order to learn a new language including English. YouTube videos might encourage students’ speaking skill. There are a few researches conducted on EFL students’ perception in Islamic university of using YouTube videos to enhance their English speaking skills. The study aims to investigate students’ perception on the use of YouTube videos to encourage their English speaking skill. There were 30 of fourth semester of Arabic department students recruited in the study. To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was analyzed by using 5-Likert scale, while the short interview was used to find out the facts of the study. The findings reveal that the students have positive perception toward the use of YouTube videos in EFL classroom.  It was found out that YouTube videos help them a lot to do their speaking assignment because they have a real model from native speaker. Hence, it is concluded that YouTube videos are really worthy to enhance the students’ speaking skill. Keywords: EFL students’ perception; YouTube videos; speaking skill; learning media
English Teacher’s Perspective on the Practice of Project Based Learning (PBL) Approach in Bengkalis District Dessy Satria
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.18244


The aim of this study is to determine teachers’ perspective on the practice of project-based learning approach in Bengkalis district. The population of the study includes 44 teachers working in the city of Bengkalis , and the sample of the study includes 20 teachers, 19 of whom are male and 1 is female. In this research, survey method has been used. As a data collection instrument, “Developing the Implementation Difficulties Scale for the Project Based Learning” developed by Pektas, Çelik and Köse (2009) has been used. Utilizing the computer program minitab 19, data analysis have been performed. Standard deviation, arithmetic mean, variance, skewness, maximum, minimum, median and percentage were utilized to analyse the data. Observing how the teachers feel about project-based learning, it is clear that the prototype curriculum offers a fresh opportunity to implement this method and the English teacher showed positive attitudes. According to these research findings, it can be suggested that English teacher should further increase the use of internet media in teaching using PBL.Key Words: Project-based learning, teacher practice on PBL, Teachers’ perspective 
An Analysis of Students’ Readiness in Blended Learning Implementation at the Department of English Education of UIN SUSKA Riau Nurul Fatehha; Zelly Putriani
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.21146


Following the recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2022, the education system around the world tends to design the most appropriate learning model to ensure the continuity of the education process in the current situation. In this era, blended learning is one of the most popular learning methods to discuss. This method combine online learning and face-to-face learning to maximize learning and teaching to get a deeper understanding. However, before implementing this learning model, it is very necessary to know the students’ readiness first. The student with a high level of readiness is expected to get better learning outcomes. Therefore, this research aimed to know how is students’ readiness for blended learning implementation. This research is quantitative research and in conducting this research, the researcher used a descriptive quantitative survey method as the research design. This research was conducted on October until November 2022 at the Department of English Education of UIN SUSKA Riau. The population of this research is all students batch of 2019, 2020, and 2021 with a total number is 355 students. The researcher took the sample 183 students as the participants by using a simple random sampling technique. To collect the data, the researcher used a questionnaire about students’ readiness in blended learning implementation by Sriwichai (2020) to know how much they are ready for the learning model. The result of this research showed that the student's readiness for blended learning implementation is at “high” category by percentage 66% and followed by 33% of them at the “very high” category for the implementation of blended learning.
The Correlation of Students’ Mental Health and English Learning Achievement Hasriati Nur
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.18971


The main objective of this research was to find out whether or not there is a correlation between students’ Mental Health and students’ Learning English achievement at SMAN 3 Bone. This research used a correlational approach. The population in this research was the tenth-grade students’ of SMAN 3 Bone, consisting of 12 class with a total of 439 students and random sampling was used to select sample of the research. The data in this research taken by using questionnaire in application and test. The data from questionnaire aimed to know the mental health of the students, while the data from test was intended to find out the students’ English achievement. The findings of the research showed that the correlation between students’ Mental Health and students’ English Achievement was -0.771, meaning that there was a significant or enough correlation between students’ Mental Health and students’ English achievement on the tenth-grade students at SMAN 3 Bone. This implies that the higher the mental health, the lower the English achievement, and vice versa.Keywords: Correlational Research, English Achievement, Mental Health.
The Correlation between Students’ Interest in Game Activities and Their Vocabulary Mastery of the Fourth Semester at English Education Department of UIN SUSKA Riau M. Ridho Al-Hafiz; Nurdiana Nurdiana; Afrizal Afrizal
Indonesian Journal of Integrated English Language Teaching Vol 8, No 2 (2022): IJIELT VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ijielt.v8i2.20928


ABSTRACT. The purpose of this research is to examine whether there is any significant correlation between students’ interest in game activities and their vocabulary mastery of the Fourth semester at English Education Department of UIN SUSKA Riau. There were 28 students as samples by using simple random sampling technique. This research approach was quantitative method and the technique used in this research was a correlational technique. In collecting the data, the researcher distributed questionnaire and test to the respondents. To determine the students’ interest in game activities, the researcher used questionnaire which consist of 17 and used vocabulary mastery test which consist of 23 items to measure students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher used Pearson product moment through SPSS 22.0 to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that sig. r obtained value is 0.907 higher than alpha value (0.05). It means that null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted while alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. The value of r obtained is -0.023 < r table 0.374. In conclusion, there is no correlation between students’ interest in game activities and their vocabulary mastery of the Fourth semester at English Education Department of UIN SUSKA Riau.Key words: Students’ Interest in Game Activities, Vocabulary Mastery.

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