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Pustakaloka: Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan
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PUSTAKALOKA: Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan is a peer-reviewed journal taken from the library of IAIN Ponorogo on Information and Library Science. PUSTAKALOKA is published twice annually (June and December) by the journal editors from the Library IAIN Ponorogo in cooperation with the Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam (APPTIS) Jawa Timur.
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Tipe Kepemimpinan Profetik Konsep dan Implementasinya dalam Kepemimpinan di Perpustakaan Anwar, Ahmad
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.920


The study of Ideal leadership concept currently still becomes an interesting topic. From Islamic perspective, the nature of human being who descended to earth is to be a leader. Furthermore, during the leadership history, Prophet Muhammad is named as an ideal leader due to his success of gaining many followers in the religious proselytizing. The leadership model that is conducted by the prophet is known as prophetic leadership. During his time of being a prophetic leader, he is also included in the situational leadership theory, in which the theory is the combination of authoritarian, laissez faire, and democratic leadership. This kind of leadership model is very suitable to be applied in anywhere. In this study, the writer explains about situational leadership that has been applied by Prophet Muhammad in a micro organization called library. This study is significance as an alternative leadership model that can be applied by the head of library
Implementasi Functional Requirement Bibliographic Resources (FRBR) dan Dampaknya pada Katalog Modern Handisa, Rattah Pinusa
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.955


A dynamic change in the collection management system encourages the libraries to re-new their cataloguing system. Functional Requirement Bibliographic Resources (FRBR) is an alternative cataloguing system to replace Anglo American Cataloguing Rules. International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) developed FRBR in 1997 and the FRBR stimulated the discussions among the librarians and their stakeholders. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the contribution FRBR for modern cataloguing and to argue the importance applying FRBR in the modern catalogues. FRBR has a positive contribution for developing the metadata. FRBR overcomes the interoperability issue by providing a standard of metadata. In addition, FRBR improves the accuracy in the information retrieval by using entity relationships. Meanwhile, there was an assumption that the financial and human development issues would interrupt the implementation of FRBR. However, applying FRBR gives more advantages rather than its drawbacks. Firstly, FRBR reduces the workload in the cataloguing process by avoiding data redundancies. Secondly, FRBR reduces the operational expense. Thirdly, FRBR has an ability to connect the complex metadata structure by using Resource Definition Framework (RFD) and Universal Resources Identifier (URI). Both RFD and URI features improve the accuracy of search engine for digital objects. In conclusion, FRBR gives a positive contribution for modern cataloguing due to effectivity in the retrieving information and efficiency in the cataloguing process. 
Keterampilan Komunikasi Efektif Pustakawan Referensi dalam Melayani Pemustaka di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Musrifah, Musrifah
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.921


Librarians in their profession in the library must have adequate knowledge in all fields. As we know that the task of librarians, reference librarians especially severe because it requires special skills because the information presented comes from a special collection. Therefore, a reference librarian should have the skills, one of which effective communication associated with their professionalism in carrying out its duties are to serve, assist, guide, and became a consultant for user information as well as the high demands of science should be mastered. This is what lies behind the authors research on effective communication skills in serving the reference librarian at the Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the general effective communication skills, how to build effective communication and the factors that hinder effective communication skills in serving the reference librarian at the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative research approaches. The research results indicate that communication reference librarian in serving users are already skilled and effective. As for how to build effective communication is done by reference librarian in serving users is how to understand and fulfill the aspects of effective communication as a full relief, tolerance, respect / respect, empathy, caring, polite, caring, can be heard, clearly, trust, caring and humble attitude. The factors that hinder effective communication skills in serving the reference librarian at the library UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta that psychological factors, systematic, and ecological.
Relevansi dan Penerapan Subject Authority dalam Sistem Temu Kembali Koleksi Kitab Kuning Pusat Perpustakaan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Rifqi, Achmad Nizam
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.917


This research describe about how relevation and subject authority implementation on yellow book collections in retrieval system UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Library Center Malang. Background in this research is from the past researchs and because UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Library Center Malang based from Islamic and have so many book collections. In this library have a different wisdom to managing book collections and general collections. Result from this research is : (1) relevansion rank yellow book collections in retrieval system UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Library Center Malang from subject authority method are low and not effective and ideal and then bring out recall 70% and precision 58.3%. (2) implementation process on subject authority yellow book collections UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Library Center Malang are not match with implementation principal, and have a result: there are not consistent using a subject (from 97 sample, 37 sample are not consistent), vocabulary index subject implementation don’t have a control language (from 97 sample, 56 are not controlling), using original name versus foreign is lack of attention (from 74 subject, there some Arabic name are not consistent with Arabic-Indonesian transliteration process) and subject authority implementation are not focus with primary books (in 16 book collections)
Pemanfaatan Koleksi Referensi di Perpustakaan IAIN Purwokerto Antasari, Indah Wijaya
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.933


Reference service is necessary especially in research activity which is appropriate with the reference collection charachteristic. Reference collection service in IAIN Purwokerto Library needs a scientific discourse to know the extent of its utilization. So it can be formulated that the problem statement is how the utilization of reference collection in IAIN Purwokerto Library. This research is start from April to August in 2016 for five mounths. The research is using quantitative approach that the presentation is performed in numeral form. Population is determained from the quantity of the reference collection users in one mounth, with 10% of sample. Data collecting technique is using observation, questionnaire, docomentation and interview. The result showed that the interest of the library user to the reference collection is high at 86,79%. The most intresting collection is comperhensive paper materials (43,40%), and there was 41,51% who use the librarian service in using reference collection. Some of library visitor pruposed to increase the number of comperhensive materials collection either english books or arabian books, collection that is relevance with academical needs, and improving the quality of services such as the amiability of the librarian, the arrangement of shelves, and the comfort of the room.
Korelasi Minat Baca Pustakawan Terhadap Kemajuan Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Nurfadlliah, Nurfadlliah
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.918


Reading has proven to be an important activity for human being. Hence, a librarian, as an information provider, should have a good reading interest. The research was aimed to examine the correlation between librarians reading interest and the development of Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University library. The research is of a quantitative one, using the librarians reading interest as an independent variable and the development of the library as a dependent one. The result of the research shows that there is a significant effect of the librarians reading interest toward the development of the university library. The result gives a quite high value of the librarians reading interest and the library development variable by a grand mean of 2,96 and 3.03 consecutively. The simple linear regression experiment using linear regression coefficient provides that Y=29,811 + 0,562X. The constant 29,811 means that if there is no increase in the librarians reading interest, the library development value is 29,811. While regression coefficient 0.562 provides that each increase of the librarians  reading interest raises the library development value by 0.562. The research puts recommendation that each librarian should be provided time to read book every day
Urgensi Komunikasi Antar Pribadi dalam Menunjang Keberhasilan Perpustakaan Nurhayati, Atmasari
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.947


Perpustakaan merupakan lembaga non provit yang bergerak dibidang  jasa dan  informasi. Produk utama perpustakaan adalah menyediakan jasa dan layanan informasi kepada khalayak yang membutuhkan. Dalam hal ini Salah satu faktor kesuksesan perpustakaan adalah sikap pustakawan dalam melayani kebutuhan informasi pemustaka. adab dan sopan santun dalam berbicara, berpenampilan bersih dan smart, tulus dan mampu memahami karakter pemustaka yang beragam sangat diperlukan dan  untuk terus di tingkatkan guna terwujudnya pelayanan prima kepada pemustaka.Keterampilan sosial pustakawan dalam melakukan komunikasi antar pribadi tidak saja berfungi untuk melayani pemustaka, keterampilan tersebut juga diperlukan saat bekerja dengan team, membangun jaringan, mampu menyelesaikan konflik dengan team maupun dengan pemustaka. dalam memupuk keterampilan tersebut, maka diperlukan pengetahuan mengenal diri sendiri sehingga dalam makalah ini dibahas pula beragam karakter diri dan karakter pemustaka, serta cara-cara menyikapinya.  Library is a non-provit institution engaged in services and information. The main product of the library is providing information services and services to audiences in need. In this case One of the factors of library success is the attitude of librarians in serving the needs of information pemustaka. Adab and manners in speaking, clean and smart, sincere and able to understand the character of the various librarians is needed and to continue to be improved in order to realize the excellent service to the user. The social skills of librarians in interpersonal communication not only serve to serve the user, such skills are also needed when working with teams, building networks, being able to resolve conflicts with teams and with users. In fostering these skills, it takes knowledge to know yourself so that in this paper also discussed a variety of self character and user characters , and ways to react.
Kebutuhan Informasi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Perpustakaan FIP UNY Tjiptasari, Fitriana; Ridwan, Madinatul Munawwarah
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.919


Information seeking behavior originated from the need of a person to information. This study was aimed to determine the information needs of students’ FIP UNY using descriptive quantitative approach. Data were collected using a questionnaire with  the number of respondents was 325 people, which  is obtained  through stratifed random sampling. The results were include a library accessibility, availability of library collections that include the provision of general books and reference collections, the user objectives went to the library, and the type of information in a library that is used by user.Keywords:  information needs, library, librarian, user Perilaku pencarian informasi berawal dari adanya kebutuhan seseorang terhadap informasi. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa FIP UNY menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 325  orang,  yang  didapatkan  melalui  stratifed  random  sampling.  Hasil  kajian mencakup  aksesibilitas  perpustakaan,  ketersediaan  koleksi  perpustakaan  yang meliputi penyediaan koleksi buku umum dan referensi, tujuan pemustaka mendatangi perpustakaan, dan jenis informasi di perpustakaan yang dimanfaatkan oleh pemustaka. Dari hasil kajian ini, perpustakaan dapat memperhitungkan ketersediaan koleksi di perpustakaan dan fasilitas yang mendukung kunjungan mahasiswa ke perpustakaan.
Sejarah Klasifikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman dan Perkembangannya dalam Ilmu Perpustakaan Fistiyanti, Isna; Hariyati, Mutty
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.977


The history of the development of Islamic civilization can be divided into three parts, namely: the classical period (650 -1250), the middle period (1250-1800) and the modern period (1800-present). In the classical period,  Islamic scholarly discourse reached a high level that could contribute to the development of sciences in the following period. The sciences that developed in Islamic history were very complex and various, and religious sciences were only a branch of Islamic sciences as a whole. The progress of Islamic civilization is related to the progress of all aspects or fields of Islamic scholarship. The division of sciences came from various Muslim scientists, and not infrequently there emerged disharmony between the various fields of Islamic sciences. To overcome this disharmony various Muslim thinkers and scholars have produced the classification of sciences with their hierarchy. In Islam there is not really an essential separation between religious sciences and general sciences. In term of knowledge management, Indonesian libraries have arranged their resources and materials according to a specific arrangement. The guideline of Islamic classification first published by the National Library was the classification of library materials on Indonesia according to DDC using 2X0 notation. In the guideline of Islamic classification, Islamic sciences are divided into major groups which consist of  Islam (general), Tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis) , Hadith (the Prophetic traditions), Aqa’id and Ilmukalam (theology), Fiqh (Islamic law), Akhlaq and Tasawuf (mysticism), Social and Cultural subjects, Philosophy and Islamic development, sects in Islam, and Islamic history. Sejarah perkembangan peradaban Islam dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu: periode klasik (650 -1250 M), periode pertengahan (1250-1800 M) dan periode modern (1800-sekarang). Pada masa klasik diskursus keilmuan Islam mencapai tingkat sehingga kemudian dapat disumbangkan pada berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan di masa-masa sesudahnya. Kompleksitas ilmu-ilmu yang berkembang dalam peradapan Islam; bahwa ilmu-ilmu agama hanya salah satu bagian dari berbagai cabang ilmu secara keseluruhan. Kemajuan peradaban Islam berkaitan dengan kemajuan seluruh aspek atau bidang-bidang keilmuan. Dengan adanya pembagian ilmu dari berbagai ilmuwan Muslim, tak jarang terjadi disharmoni antara berbagai bidang ilmu keislaman. Untuk mengatasi disharmoni ini berbagai pemikir dan cendikia Muslim memunculkan klasifikasi ilmu-ilmu lengkap dengan hierarkinya. Dalam Islam sebenarnya tidak dikenal pemisahan esensial antara ilmu agama dengan ilmu umum. Perpustakaan dalam mengelola berbagai jenis bahan pustaka disusun juga menurut tata urutan tertentu sebelum sampai ke tangan pengguna. Pedoman klasifikasi Islam pertama kali diterbitkan oleh perpustakaan Nasional adalah—Klasifikasi Bahan Pustaka tentang Indonesia Menurut DDC menggunakan notasi 2X0. Dalam penyusunan pedoman klasifikasi Islam, ilmu keislaman dibagi dalam kelompok besar meliputi: Islam (Umum), Tafsir, Hadis, Aqaid dan ilmu kalam, Fiqih, Akhlak dan Tasawuf, Sosial dan Budaya Islam, Filsafat dan perkembangan Islam, Aliran dan Sekte dalam Islam, serta sejarah Islam. 
Upaya Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menciptakan Ruang Publik : Kajian “Wifi Zone Corner” Di Perpustakaan ITS Qomariyah, Astutik Nur; Rahmi, Lailatur
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.916


This study intends to identify and analyze the efforts of the university  library to create a public sphere. The study location is Wifi Zone Corner at ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) Library. This study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. The study results shows that the ITS Library has made efforts to create Wifi Zone Corner as a public sphere: (1) change the Wifi Zone Corner design into a public sphere become accessible, comfortable and without any binding rules; (2) held routine and non-routine activities with the concept of a public forum; and (3) make cooperation with some other institutions.

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