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Journal of Nonformal Education
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Nonformal Education Program, Postgraduate Campus, Universitas Negeri Semarang Kelud Utara III Semarang, Indonesia
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Journal of Nonformal Education
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This Journal collaborates with Ikatan Akademisi Pendidikan Nonformal & Informal and Himpunan Akademisi dan Program Studi Penmas Indonesia containing research articles in the field of Nonformal Education
Articles 15 Documents
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The Concept of Innovation Classes Through The Parent Partnership Model at School Fauziah, Pujiyanti; Kusumawardani, Erma
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.18432


This Study describes the concept of parent class innovation through peer parent mentor in high school. This research was conducted by a qualitative approach. A preliminary study was conducted in four high school and vocational schools in Yogyakarta. The focus of this research was on parent class activities that became one of the forms of a partnership model with a parent in school. Researcher as an instrument in this study by used guidelines interview, observation, and study documentation to collect data and information. The interactive analysis was chosen by the researcher as a technique in data analysis obtained. The result of this research was the concept of implementation of parent class in high school. Then the researcher makes a concept of peer parent mentor used a theory about mentoring. So, the concept peer parent mentor can use to optimize the implementation of the parent class. The implementation of these methods starts from the planning stage until evaluation.
The Contribution of Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurship Attitude, and Achievement Motivation to Work Readiness of Participants of Life Skill Education Solfema, Solfema; Wahid, Syafruddin; Pamungkas, Alim Harun
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20205


Education had the important role for improving the quality of a nation, including non-formal education. One types of nonformal educational program that prepares the workforce that is expected to enter the world of work is LKP. This paper aims to describe self-efficacy, job readiness, and self-efficacy contribution to job readiness of PKH course participants. Based on data collected on 32 PKH trainees analyzed by using simple regression analysis technique, it is obtained the description of the low self-efficacy and the work preparedness of PKH. Thus, it can be concluded that the low self efficacy and job preparation of PKH course participants. Furthermore, self efficacy has a significant contribution to the readiness of training participants.
Factors Causing Low Participation of Natural Parents Stimulates the Ability of Early Reading of Children Natural Family Ismaniar, Ismaniar; Jamaris, Jamaris; Wisroni, Wisroni
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20200


The background of this research is due to the phenomenon of not yet developing early reading skills in children. The purpose of this study is to find out factors that caused the lack of parental participation in stimulating The ability to read early children in families in the city of Padang. This study is descriptive quantitative study. The sample of this study is parents who have children aged 4-5 years old who live in Padang city. There are 20 people. Taking sample is used purposive random sampling techniques, that is parents of children who show symptoms of underdeveloped early reading skills. Data Collection uses interview techniques, with interview guidance tools, while for Data processing researchers use a percentage formula. The result of this study is that there were three dominant factors that led to a lack of parental participation in stimulating children’s early reading abilities, there are (1) Parent’ s lack understanding about the tasks and Functional of Paud institutions, (2) The limited time that parents have because they are must work to meet the family’s economic needs, (3) Limited sharing and characteristics of parents about The characteristic and learning styles of early childhood.
The Effectiveness of Fun Game Strategy in Improving Children’s Recognition of Geometric Shapes Hazizah, Nur; Murni, Sri
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20208


Early childhood is an individual who is developing a process of growth This research is based on the underdeveloped ability of children to identify the geometry of children in the Al-Hidayah Kindergarten of Kamil. This phenomenon is due to the selection and use of inaccurate learning strategies that are not appealing to children. This research aims to help improve children’s recognition of geometric shapes through a fun game. This research used a pre-experimental method using one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects selected were 13 students of TK Al-Hidayah Tilatang Kamang. The data were collected using observation and the data analysis was examined by a statistical test. The descriptive result showed that fun game has improved children’s recognition of geometric shapes. The statistical analysis obtained a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores. Hence, the fun game strategy has effectively improved children’s recognition of geometric shapes at TK Al-Hidayah Tilatang Kamang.
Sex Education in Family: Study on Children Living Far Apart with The Family Pradikto, Bayu; Sofino, Sofino
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20786


Premarital sex is still a concern for parents and it is not acceptable behaviour in the community. Besides, it can cause infectious diseases, death of young mothers, susceptible to abortion, and other health risks. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the family sex education of children living far away from home. The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods with data collection techniques using open-ended polls and in-depth interviews. A total of 43 students ‘ population of non-formal education study semester II who lives in boarding or contact in the city of Bengkulu (far from parents). Results show that students seldom discuss love, sex, parenting and family planning in a family environment. Topics discussed in the home environment of sex education are only limited to planning education is not the plan of the family. Majority of parents using the story approach to introducing sex education with limited. The way parents monitor the sexual behaviour of children far apart by calling the child, asking the close relatives, friends and owners of the Boarding house and strengthening the religious enhancement. Next way special girls are visited at least once a month.
Challenge-based Learning and Collaborative Skills Palenti, Citra Dwi; Zulkarnain, Rufran
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20221


Uncoordinated collaborations make the stability of management of tourist destinations not good. Therefore, the process of tourism development has not been stable. Meanwhile, collaboration is widely regarded as one of the skills for academic and career success in the 21st century, especially on a large and challenging scale in the work team process. This collaboration tends to be able to adapt to the conditions and changes that occur. But although not limited, collaboration is a means to improve work relationships. The goal of the research on how to set up challenge-based learning to improve travel management collaboration Skills. Researchers use Challenge Based Learning (CBL) in the form of outbound games to improve the management of tourism destinations with social action research methods. The results showed that the collaboration used in the game could increase confidence, and communicate. Challenge-based learning and collaboration skills make the collaboration process between managers happen through communication in learning. The perceived change is like the use of language, the citizens learn already has the competence of Indonesian language and able to adjust to the circumstances and environment.
Overview of Learning Evaluation in Entrepreneurship Subjects Equality Education Paket C Syuraini, Syuraini; Yolanda, Yolanda
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20203


This research is backed by the high percentage of people’s graduation to learn to take national examinations of computer standards and school exams in national standards. This research aims to illustrate the implementation of the learning evaluation conducted by tutors at the community leaning Centers Farilla Ilmi. This research form ex post facto with population learning C package as much as 60 people. Samples were pulled as many as 30 people using a stratified random sampling technique. Data is collected using poll techniques and analyzed using a percentage formula. The results of the study showed (1) package C tutors at the community learning centers Farilla Ilmi very varied, there are already graduates who are still students and some are only having a senior secondary school diploma but have a certificate of training A lot. (2) The evaluation of learning conducted by tutors performed very well. The evaluation is conducted comprehensively ranging from assessing the readiness of the citizens to learning, assessing the learning process, and assessing the learning outcomes of oral learners, writings and practices. The benefits that can be learned from the findings of this study are the existence of tutors who are young and generally almost the same age as the citizens learn so that the citizens learn not shy and very excited about following the lesson. The newness factor here that most tutors are recruited from Padang State University students who already carry out the teaching practice. Thus, the teaching tutor is ideal according to what it is practiced in school as a prospective teacher.
The Efforts of Early-Childhood Education Managers in Achieving Accreditation to Improve the Quality of Education Organization Musa, Safuri; Uthartianty, Rita
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20206


The background of this research is that less than 10 per cent of the 846 ECE institutions in West Bandung District have accreditation of institutions, so the implementation quality doesn’t meet the education national standard. Accreditation, although it is an intermediate goal that must be achieved by each institution, has a great influence on the quality of implementation, the quality of graduates and the credibility of the institution. The purpose of the research is to describe the efforts and obstacles of ECE managers in achieving accreditation to improve the quality of education organization according to national education standard. The research uses descriptive qualitative for research method with case study approach in West Bandung District. Research results of the study: (1) the efforts of ECE managers in achieving institution accreditation; joining socialization, learning accreditation documents, consulting with the supervisors, taking discussions and workshops with fellow institutions that will participate in the accreditation, inviting resource persons and arranging infrastructure, and (2) the obstacles faced by managers in achieving accreditation are limited sources and infrastructure, and weak management. The research concludes that ECE management requires a serious effort by mobilizing various available resources to achieve accreditation because the implementation doesn’t pay attention to eight education national standards.
Implementation of the Module Development Program for the Increase of Tourism Awareness for Souvenir Merchants in Bukittinggi City Aini, Wirdatul; Hayatunnufus, Hayatunnufus
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20214


This research is motivated by the low awareness of souvenir merchant tourism. This study aims to produce the implementation of module conscious tourism development for souvenir merchants include: (1) test validity, practicality, and effectiveness test of tourism-awareness modules for souvenirs traders, (2) process of module conscious tourist development and (3) produce guide the implementation of module conscious development of tourist souvenir merchants. The research approach is used quantitatively. Research subjects are education experts, city market office Bukittinggi, and merchants’ souvenirs. The collection of validity test data, the practicability of the tourism conscious module is obtained from educational experts, city market service and to test the effectiveness of modules obtained from souvenir merchants. Research findings can be put forward as follows: (1) the content validity test data, and module practicality module is very good, and the development of the tourism conscious module for the souvenir merchants proved perfective to increase the conscious tourist souvenir merchants, (2) the process of developing a module for increasing tourism awareness for souvenir merchants is designed based on the needs of souvenir merchants on the behavior that must be owned by souvenir merchants to participate, actively participate in developing the city of Bukittinggi as a tourist area, and (3) generated guidance implementation of the development of module conscious tourist souvenir merchants. This research is useful to foster souvenir merchant participation in the tourism industry and promote souvenir products.
Excellent Service Dimension from the Early Childhood Education Institute Wahyuni, Sri; Supriyono, Supriyono
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 5, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v5i2.20347


The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the dimensions that determine the best services from PAUD institutions. This research is qualitative research with a multisite study design in three 1PAUD institutions in Malang City. Data were collected through in-depth interview techniques, participant observation, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used is the inductive analysis techniques. This study yields findings that excellent services from PAUD institutions are determined by 5 dimensions, namely (1) dimensions of distinctiveness, which are reflected in curriculum content that highlights religious values, character, and life skills; (2) the dimension of trust, which is built from educators who are friendly, patient, painstaking, and caring for children; (3) comfort dimensions, which are formed from operating sites far from noise, clean school environment conditions, complete infrastructure facilities, adequate game equipment, and the availability of security personnel (security guards); (4) dimensions of hope, which are built from the form of full-day services through integrated service patterns; and (5) the affordability dimension, which is built from providing easy financing facilities, for example through cross-subsidies, installments, assistance or social assistance, and the absence of other fees beyond the planned costs. 

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