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Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 20873522     EISSN : 23381671     DOI :
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary journal with scope aspects of environmental impacts (biophysical and socio-economic) a result of development. The journal also examines the phenomenon of a complex interaction between development and the environment, with the aim of looking for alternative solutions in realizing sustainability of all aspects of human activity development related, i.e: 1. Synergistic interactions among communities, development and the environment and their implications for the sustainability of development 2. Technical, economic, ethical, and philosophical aspects of sustainable development 3. Obstacles and ways to overcome them in realizing sustainable development 4. Local and national development sustainability initiatives, their practical implementation 5. Development and implementation of environmental sustainability indicators 6. Development, verification, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development policies 7. Aspects of sustainability in the management of land resources, water, energy, and hayari, towards sustainable development 8. Impacts of agricultural and forestry activities on the conservation of soil and aquatic ecosystems as well as the preservation of soil and aquatic ecosystems and the preservation of biodiversity 9. The impact of global energy use and climate change on sustainable development 10. The impact of population growth and human activities on the resilience of food and natural resources for sustainable development 11. The role of national and international agencies, as well as international arrangements in realizing sustainable development 12. The social and cultural context of sustainable development 13. The role of education and public awareness in realizing sustainable development 14. The role of political and economic Instruments in sustainable development 15. Alternative realize sustainable development efforts 16. Other topics that are still relevant to the development and environmental sustainability
Articles 11 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8, No 1 (2017)" : 11 Documents clear
The Perceptions of Community on The Role of Kijing Taiwan (Anodonta woodiana) in Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds Dyah Ayu Wijayanti; Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika; Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Kijing Taiwan (Anodonta woodiana) is one type of shellfish that live in freshwater, are filter feeders, have high endurance life, and exist in abundant number making Kijing Taiwan can be used as indicators of water pollution that can assist in purifying water. The study is descriptive qualitative, and data is obtained by measuring public perceptions using Likert scale. The later stage begins with determining the respondents. Respondents consist of 27 people from 76 citizen members of the UPR Source Mina fish seed producers and are over 30 years old. The results show that people tend to behave negatively towards Kijing Taiwan by removing and exterminating Kijing Taiwan en masse, as it has been assumed to reduce the cultivation of fish seed. They do not have enough knowledge about the role of Kijing Taiwan leading them to have the wrong perception on the role of Kijing Taiwan in aquaculture ponds. Formulating the strategic management of freshwater aquaculture waters must be done by proposing stakeholders to conduct public education and to convey the results of research on Kijing Taiwan, among other on the role of Kijing Taiwan to help early detection of pollution and as water purifier in aquaculture ponds naturally. Keywords: Benefits of Kijing Taiwan, Public Perception
Strategic Planning of Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Farming in East Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province Asro Nurhabib; Diana Arfiati; Aida Sartimbul
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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East Tanjung Jabung regency is a district that has a fairly large fisheries potential, but the existing potential has not been utilized maximally. The absence of a policy strategy leads to the problem of undeveloped striped catfish farming in this region. This study is amid to formulate the policy strategies of iridescent striped catfish farming.  This study was conducted from July to September 2016 in East Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. This study employed both descriptive qualitative and quantitative method followed by SWOT analysis which was used to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of striped catfish farming. The results of SWOT analysis suggest some policy strategies to improve the striped catfish farming. First, prevent the increase of water level in the rainy season. Second, anticipate the acidity of water in the peat area. Third, increase human resources quality in economic field. Fourth, improve supervision and surveillance of the farming area. The last, develop the use of natural food.Keywords: Strategic Planning; Striped Catfish Farming; SWOT analysis
A Study on The Independence of Malang Waste Bank (BSM) Based on Swot Analysis Rahmat Hidayat; Bagyo Yanuwiadi; Budi Prasetyo
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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The aim of this paper is to know the independence of Malang waste bank based on SWOT analysis. This paper focuses on the BSM condition by analyzing and allocating its internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) as well as external elements (opportunities and threats). An organization is  necessary to identify its strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in order to know the solutions which in turn  make the organization evolves. SWOT analysis, however, helps to identify quantitavely the BSM real condition by looking for the quadrant position. Seven internal independence-related factors which have been analyzed with SWOTwere: 1) Legal Entity, 2) Organizational Structure, 3) Human resource, 4) BSM enterprises and activities, 5) waste management mechanism,6) infrastucture, 7) BSM finance. There are four external factors: 1) Government role 2) Corporate social responsibility of PT. PLN Chapter East Java 3) Waste market opportunities 4) People participation as BSM customer. The results of quantitative SWOT analysis on internal and external factors were used to find the BSM quadrant position based on the identification total score timed to the determined weight value. According to the SWOT analysis, the BSM recent condition was in quadrant 3, which meant that the organization was in a weak condition but still had theopportunity to grow and to be independent if the strategy was changed.Keywords: BSM Independence, Malang Waste Bank, SWOT Analysis
Penggunaan Teknologi Fitoremediasi Guna Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Lidah Buaya Varietas Chinensis Hidayati Karamina; Tatiek Wardiyati; Dawam Maghfoer
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Penurunan ekspor lidah buaya di setiap tahunnya sejak tahun 2010 memunculkan beberapa pendapat bahwa hal ini disebabkan karena tanah yang menjadi tempat media tumbuh lidah buaya mengandung logam berat yang melebihi ambang batas normal. Usaha atau upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi logam berat baik yang berada pada tanah ataupun berada pada lidah buaya diantaranya dengan memberikan alternatif teknologi yaitu fitoremediasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar serapan logam berat yang berada pada tanah dan lidah buaya yang terserap oleh tanaman hiperakumulator sehingga dari serapan tersebutlah diharapkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas lidah buaya mampu optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 3 ulangan dengan 12 perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi serapan logam berat  dari tanaman crotalaria mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah pelepah, panjang lebar pelepah, bobot segar dan bobot kering total tanaman. Perlakuan P12 memiliki hasil yang paling baik dibandingkan perlakuan P1 hingga P11. Kata kunci: pertumbuhan lidah buaya, produktivitas lidah buaya, teknologi fitoremediasi
Development Strategy of The Smallholder Plantation of The Sindang Community in Jukung Village, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Paisal Ansiska; Jati Batoro; Roedy Soelistyono
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Sindang community located in the Jukung village Lubuklinggau city is a community that manages smallholders as their agricultural activities. The plantation sector is a source of livelihood of the people the majority of Sindang community. Plantation management people are still traditional and less intensive farming estates is the weakness of the people in the community that need to be done Sindang Smallholder plantation development strategy. The determination of strategy should be beneficial economic, social, political, cultural, environment. the aim of this study is to determine the factors that influence and provide recommendations and priorities of the people of plantation development strategies Sindang community. The method used is the SWOT analysis and analysis QSPM. The results of this study were 1) the development of Smallholder plantation in Sindang communities affected by internal elements (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). the suitability of a power element is growing and the culture of the smallholders with influence value of 1.08; for the element of weakness is institutional weakness of farmers and the cultivation process less than the maximum value of 2.55 influence. The element of chance is the support of the government and change the culture system to influence the value of 0.87; and the element of threat is the lack of cooperation between the farmer and the source of innovation and poor quality of production with a value of 1.87 influence. 2) Referrals development must focus on the strategy to overcome the weaknesses (internal) and threats (external) are the construction of smallholders with agricultural systems are environmentally friendly, doing planting agricultural crops are more diverse/strengthening of the functions of agricultural land, management of post harvest to give value adding, Conducting training/education about organizational management and farm management.Keyword: Development Strategy, Smallholder Plantation, SWOT
Perencanaan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup di Kabupaten Kediri dengan Pendekatan Soft System Methodology Meika Dwi Nastiti Mulyaningsih; Abdul Juli Andi Gani; Abdullah Said
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Lingkungan hidup kurang diperhitungkan dalam perencanaan pembangunan, demikian juga situasi yang terjadi di Kabupaten Kediri. Pengendalian kerusakan dan pencemaran lebih berfokus pada tingkat hilir, tanpa melihat akar permasalahan di tingkat kebijakan, rencana dan program. Latarbelakang tersebut mendorong penelitian ini, dengan tujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa situasi Perencanaan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH) di Kabupaten Kediri, dan 2) Membangun model konseptual untuk memperbaiki situasi permasalahan. Pendekatan Soft System Methodology (SSM) dipilih karena sesuai diterapkan untuk meneliti situasi masalah yang kompleks dan tidak terstruktur. Melalui tujuh tahapan dalam SSM, bisa mengungkap permasalahan dalam perencanaan dan membuat model konseptual untuk memperbaiki situasi masalah tersebut. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa perencanaan PPLH di Kabupaten Kediri mengikuti prosedur perencanaan sesuai sistem perencanaan nasional, tetapi belum mengintegrasikan substansi lingkungan hidup sesuai amanat Undang-undang Nomor 32 tahun 2009. Dokumen perencanaan disusun prosedural, formatif dan miskin teori, hubungan antar SKPD yang berperan belum terstruktur, kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dan belum optimalnya pemberdayaan sektor swasta dalam rangka perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Kesimpulan penelitian dengan SSM diperoleh dua definisi permasalahan (root definitions) yang diungkap sebagai akar penyebab permasalahan dalam perencanaan PPLH. Berdasarkan dua definisi permasalahan tersebut, dibangunlah dua model konseptual yang terdiri dari tahapan sistem aktivitas bertujuan (Purposeful Activity Models) yaitu: 1) Model Konseptual Pengorganisasian Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan 2) Model Konseptual Sistem Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup yang Terpadu. Saran tindakan perubahan yang dihasilkan dari membandingkan model dan situasi yang ada, diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan sebagai rencana tindak untuk memperbaiki permasalahan perencanaan PPLH di Kabupaten Kediri.Kata kunci: Model Konseptual, Perencanaan, Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Soft System Methodology (SSM)
The Biodeversity of Mangrove in Ngantep Coastal, Malang District Rona Aji Lestyaningrum; Mohammad Mahmudi; Nuddin Harahab
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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The purpose of this research are (1) to identify and analyze mangrove vegetation on the Ngantep Coast; (2) Identify associated biota in mangrove vegetation on the Coast Ngantep. The research was conducted in the Coast Ngantep area of Kabupaten Malang in april 2016. The method of measurement mangrove by using the method the combination and line transect plot with line plot 10 x 10 m2 long, in each line there are subplot with 5x5 m2 and     2x2 m2 long. The categories of sample will be discribed were trees, sapling and seedling. The result of thie researh found that the composition and the vegetation level of mangrove forest divided into IVI Sonneratia alba (tree) 128.63%, (sapling) 62.19%; Excoecaria agallocha (sapling) 63.72%; Xylocarpus granatum (sapling) 29.45%; Rhizophora mucronata  (seedling) 116.21% and Nypa fruticans (seedling) 83.79%. The number of IVI discribe that Sonneratia alba very strong influence for the stability of ecosystem in mangrove forest in sute research. There were five families that make up the mangrove vegetation: Lythraceae, Rhizophoraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Meliaceae and Arecaceae. Mangrove vegetation on the Ngantep Coast dominated by the mangrove species of Sonneratia alba, with the low ecosystem show not yet stable. Fauna in mangrove vegetation Ngantep Coast become form between two groups of terrestrial and aquatic.Keywords: associated biota, biodiversity, composition, mangrove, structure
Correlation of Soil Environmental to Diversity the Entomopathogenic Fungi Rose Novita Sari Handoko; Aminudin Afandhi; Amin Setyo Leksono
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Ecosystem rice fields that have high diversity, able to control the pest. Habitat entomopathogenic fungi in the soil have been examined on cabbage plants but has not been reported in the rice field. The study was conducted through surveys of crops and paddy fields by the application of IPM in Kasembon Malang. A total of 5 points soil samples were determined diagonally used in this study. Isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from the rhizosphere of paddy is done by plate dilution method. Entomopathogenic fungi were identified to genus level by observing the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Koch's postulates done on Tenebrio molitor, then observe the symptoms and mortality of Spodoptera litura time pathogenicity test. The results showed that the genus of entomopathogenic fungi in the rhizosphere of rice is Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp. and has not been identified. Chemical analysis of soil for pH is 4.00 to 5.00. Soil organic matter is 1.89% to 3.20%. Keywords: diversity, entomopathogenic fungi, integrated pest management, rhizosphere
Environmental Friendly Analysis on Fishing Gear of Trammel Net in Cilacap, Central Java Sutriyono Sutriyono; Marsoed Marsoed; Aminudin Afandhi
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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The purpose of this study was to analysis about the composition of the catch, the selectivity of fishing gear and fishing gear level of friendliness to the environment. The data collection is done by experimental fishing.  Selectivity analysis applied by  Shannon diversity index and Simpson dominance index. Analysis of scoring was used to rate the friendliness of fishing gear on the environment. The main target of the catch composition (33.93%) and the by catch (66.07%) of the catch species diversity index was 2,16 to 2,78 (high diversity index; the selectivity of fishing gear is low). Dominance index was 0,36 to 0,50 (did not happen dominance species catches). The total value of the scoring is based on the criteria of degree of friendliness of fishing gear on the environment is the 26 included in the category of less environmentally friendly fishing gear. The catch is dominated by small fish. If it lasts for a long time and continuously, it can adversely affect the conservation of fish resources. It should be a mechanism for management systems such as open and close an area to fishing operations or modifications to fishing gear mechanism which can reduce the yield of bycatch and small ones.Keywords: composition, diversity, dominance and environmentally friendly, selectivity
Semi-Commercial and Traditional Hunting of Baar Tribe in Riung, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Kayat Kayat; Satyawan Pudyatmoko; Muhammad Ali Imron; Muchammad Maksum
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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ABSTRACTHunting is one of the aspects that influence number of wild animals. The article aims at describing semi-comercial and traditional hunting concept of Baar Tribe in East Nusa Tenggara as an alternative for wild animal conservation.  The data collection methods are guided interview, in-depth interview and participant observation. The findings show that in the semi-comercial and traditional hunting concept of Baar Tribe in East Nusa Tenggara, traditional wisdom is represented by hunting techniques and equipments. It is likely that rapid semi-commercial hunting conducted by certain members of Baar tribe causes sharp decline in the population of wild animals. On the other hand, annual traditional hunting which strictly follows traditional code of conduct can maintain Timor deer population in Timor.Keywords: hunting, population, semi-commercial, traditional, Timor deer

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