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Jurnal Transformasi Global
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
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Climate Refugee: Tantangan Bagi Tata Kelola Global Muhammad Riza Hanafi
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v2i1.22


Abstract The terminology of Climate refugee is not new. It is somtimed mixed with another concept such as environmental refugee,climate-change refugee, environmental-induced migrant, or climate induced migrant. The concept of environmental refugees itself was introduced for the first time in 1970s and since then it attracted many researcher in the academic community to study it as part of environment/climate change studies. Although academically this phenomenon has been studied by many researchers, however it has not been taken seriously in the policy of global governance. This paper will argue that there are at least three reasons why issue on climate refugees is a challenge to global governance of the 21st century. Keywords: climate, environmental, global governance
Pemerintah Daerah dalam Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia : Studi Kasus pada Diplomasi Komersial Jawa Timur Erza Killian
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v2i2.27


Abstrak Praktek diplomasi komersial merupakan bagian integral dari diplomasi ekonomi. Diplomasi komersial sendiri bisa melibatkan berbagai aktor pada berbagai tingkatan, baik di tingkat nasional maupun daerah. Selaku salah satu aktor dalam praktek diplomasi, pemerintah daerah biasanya melakukan diplomasi komersial berupa aktivitas promosi dagang, promosi investasi dan promosi pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis aktivitas diplomasi komersial yang telah dijalankan oleh pemerintah daerah, dengan menggunakan pemerintah provinsi Jawa Timur sebagai studi kasus. Dengan menggunakan kerangka diplomasi komersial dan efektivitas diplomasi komersial, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dari ketiga pilar diplomasi komersial, aktivitas promosi pariwisata merupakan yang paling efektif jika dilihat dari tujuan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Selain itu dari segi koordinasi, koodinasi vertikal antara ketiga instansi pelaksana diplomasi komersial sudah cukup baik yang ditandai dengan adanya Tim Terpadu Pameran (TTP) dan kelompok Trade, Tourism and Investment (TTI) di bawah koordinasi Gubernur. Yang masih memerlukan perbaikan adalah koordinasi vertikal dengan perwakilan Indonesia di luar negeri untuk membantu aktivitas promosi serta perlu adanya aktivitas diplomasi yang lebih berorientasi pada perluasan akses pasar bagi IKM/UKM dan berfokus pada pengentasan kemiskinan di wilayah Jawa Timur.        Kata Kunci : Diplomasi ekonomi, diplomasi komersial, pemerintah daerah, Jawa Timur
Analisis Kajian Gender Gerakan Black Widow Perang Chechnya Palup Anggraheni
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v3i2.51


Paper ini berusaha membahas tentang fenomena gerakan Black Widow, organisasi yang disebut kelompok teroris oleh Pemerintah Russia karena telah mengklaim bertanggungjawab pada serangkaian pengeboman fasilitas umum di beberapa tempat di kota kota penting Rusia. BW berorientasi pada perusakan tempat tempat umum seperti stasiun kereta bawah tanah dan gedung-gedung perkantoran atau gfasilitas umum dimana banyak warga sipil berkumpul. Keistimewaan gerakan ini adalah seluruh personelnya yang kesemuanya wanita, dan lebih khusnya adalah wanita dari suku Chechnya, sebuah suku minoritas di Rusia yang mememiliki bahasa adan adat istiadat yang sedikit berbeda dengan masyarakat mayorias Rusia yang beretnnis Slavia. Bangsa Chechnya (atau Chechcen) menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda dengan bahasa Rusia, dan memiliki adat istiadat yang lebioh mendekati bangsa Turki daripada Rusia sendiri. Chechnya merupakan daerah otonom Rusia yang sudah lama menginginkan kemerdekaan, namun ditolak oleh Pemerintah Rusia yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perang sipil Chechnya I dan II. Paper ini berfokus pada kemunculan gerakan BW, yang mencoba melihatnya dari perspektif kajian gender. Lebih lanjut pada tantangan untuk membuktikan stigma apakah benar wanita benar-benar identik wanita identik dengan sifat feminin seperti pasifisme dan peran motherhood.Kata kunci: Black Widow, femininitas, peran, konflik, perdamaian
Majuro Declaration: “Kudeta” Kepemimpinan Isu Perubahan Iklim Muhammad Riza Hanafi
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v3i1.46


Ketika negara-negara besar tak lagi bersedia memimpin penanganan terhadap isu perubahan iklim, negara-negara Kepulauan Pasifik memproklamirkan diri sebagai pemimpin. Bagi mereka, “To lead is to act,” memimpin adalah dengan bertindak. Melalui Majuro Declaration negara-negara tersebut tidak hanya menyatakan kepemimpinannya namun juga menyatakan komitmennya untuk melakukan tindakan nyata dalam mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. Hanya saja, deklarasi ini ironis mengingat bahwa negara-negara Kepulauan Pasifik adalah salah satu penyumbang emisi gas rumah kaca terkecil di dunia namun paling rentan perubahan iklim. Jika produksi emisi gas rumah kaca tetap pada laju seperti sekarang maka kenaikan tinggi air laut dipastikan akan menenggelamkan sebagian dari wilayah mereka. Berharap pada negara-negara maju untuk “memimpin” dunia mengatasi perubahan iklim bukan perkara mudah. Kisah “tragis” Protokol Kyoto yang “ditinggalkan” oleh negara-negara emiter besar membuktikan teorema realis bahwa setiap negara hanya membela kepentingannya masing-masing. Deklarasi Majuro adalah penegasan terhadap posisi mereka, soft power mereka, sebagai pihak yang memiliki legitimasi dan otoritas moral untuk berseru agar dunia serius mengatasi perubahan iklim.Kata kunci: Perubahan iklim, Kepulauan Pasifik, soft power, Majuro Declaration
Respon Rusia terhadap Pembangunan Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Amerika Serikat di Eropa Tahun 2007-2013 Kharisma Ridho Anugrah
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v3i2.56


The dynamics of bilateral relations between United States and Russia is characterized by confrontation and rivalry patterns, thus an aggressive action done by one party will stimulate strategic response of other party. In the early 2000’s, United States stimulated tension with Russia through its policy to build Its Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) in European Countries such as Poland, Czech, Romania, Turkey, and Mediterranean Sea. This policy was interpreted as a threat by Russia, and as Its strategic response, Russia strengthened Its alliance with Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) through formation of military cooperation named Collective Rapid Reaction Force (CRRF).This research will discuss about how is Russian response to offset threat presented by United States through Its BMD in Europe. This research uses Balance of Threat Theory (BoT) by Stephen M. Walt as main analysis tools. Through the operationalization of BoT’s variables such as aggregate power, geographical proximity, offensive power, and aggressive intention, this research is able to explain the United States’ source of threat to Russia and determine Its response to offset this threat in form of alliance, whether balancing or bandwagoning.Keywords: Threat, Alliance, Balancing, Bandwagoning, United States, Russia
Shell dan The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People dalam Pelanggaran HAM di Nigeria Prinanda, Devita
Transformasi Global Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Konflik antara pemerintah Nigeria dan masyarakat melibatkan Shell yang dituduh menyokong pemerintah atas terjadinya pelanggaran HAM. Salah satunya dengan memberikan bantuan militer dan memfasilitasi mereka melakukan pembunuhan terhadap demonstran dan aktivis. Shell sebagai perusahaan multinasional atau MNC mempengaruhi dinamika konflik dalam suatu negara. Terlebih, MNC dapat berpihak pada salah satu pihak yang menguntungkan industrinya sehingga dapat menimbulkan pelanggaran HAM. Selanjutnya terbentuknya MOSOP yang merupakan gerakan di Nigeria yang menuntut negara dan MNC yang terlibat dalam kasus pelanggaran HAM di Nigeria. Tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana MNC tersebut terlibat pada konflik di Nigeria.Kata kunci: MNC, Konflik, Pergerakan Sosial, Pelanggaran HAM, dan Pemerintah Nigeria
Kebangkitan China dalam Kerjasama Ekonomi Internasional di Kawasan Asia Timur Dewa Ayu Putu Eva Wishanti
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v1i1.4


East Asian economic characteristics that involve the role of the state as well as the development of the industry, has been relatively creates confidence in the market so that the flow of capital, goods, and services began to lead to the region since the late 20th century. The excess of the advance of China as the new political economic power is also growing wider market in Southeast Asia. The emergence of China as the dominant country in the world political economy are not purely derived from the ability of domestic governance, but also factor disclosure strategy in East Asian economies led by the extractive industry transformation towards manufacturing industry. This expansion translates into core industry sectors in East Asia.This article is intended as a preliminary study on the degree of China's industrial sector expansion in East Asia, as well as identifying the internal factors in the expansion of China's influence. By using the approach as well as the extended behavioralism regionalism as a tool of analysis , this article finds that China is a state actor who is more emphasis on manufacturing and trade sectors of consumer goods as a strategy into an economic hegemon in its own region , formerly controlled by JapanKeywords; China, East Asia, economic expansion, industrial economy regionalism
Multicultural Coexistence Migran Brazil di Hamamatsu, Jepang, sebagai Respon terhadap Krisis Ekonomi Global 2008 Henny Rosalinda
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v1i1.13


Abstract             The research aims to investigate the effect of the 2008 economic crisis on the Brazilian migrant who are of Japanese descendants (Nikkeijin or Nikkei) in Hamamatsu Shizuoka Province, Japan. The global economic crisis in 2008 has caused socio-economic consequences. The research method was conducted by using literature reviews, interviews, and direct observation in the field which can be grouped under three main topics: multicultural policy (Hamamatsu City Hall International Section; Multicultural Centre), education (Collegio Pitagoras, Mundo de Alegria; Foreign Resident Study Support Centre; Catholic Hamamatsu Church), and responses of Nikkei (NPO Brazil Fureiai-kai; Servitu Import Shop).The result shows that as a direct consequence of the global financial crisis of 2008, up to 60% of Nikkei workers in Hamamatsu have found themselves unemployed and in a considerably unstable financial condition. This has resulted in the loss of educational opportunities for the children of the Nikkei. Consequently, future prospect of employmentfor their children becomes severe and this runs the risk of becoming a vicious cycle for the generations to come. Keywords:  economic crisis 2008, migrant worker, multicultural coexistence
Globalisasi dan Mobilitas Manusia: Remitansi sebagai Penggerak Perekonomian di Amerika Latin dan Kepulauan Karibia Raissa Ardianti
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 1 No. 2 (2014): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v1i2.18


Abstract             Migration is the manifestation of people mobility in the globalization era. The developing of public transportation technology and the removing of visa requirements for some certain regions have encouraged migration as they trigger high level of people mobility. As a result, many people from developing countries decide to migrate in hope of getting better life. Developed countries open a very wide opportunity for skilled or professional workers from developing countries. According to Jagdish Bhagwati and Nicholas Van Hear, the importing of professional labors (and migration in general) to a great extent has brought only disadvantages for it may disrupt the country of origin’s balance of microeconomic condition. Yet, migration also results in several advantages, including the amount of remittances sent home by the immigrants. This paper aims to demonstrate that Bhagwati and Van Hear’s claims are hardly found in Latin America and the Caribbean as these regions obtained the advantage of migrationthrough remmitances, which succesfully supported the local economy.                       Keywords : people mobility, migration, remittances
Dinamika Struktur-Agen dan Perubahan Internasional: Hegemoni AS vs World Polity pasca 911 Lia Nihlah Najwah
Jurnal Transformasi Global Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015): Transformasi Global (JTG)
Publisher : Department of International Relations, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jtg.v2i1.23


Abstract The primary aims of this writing are; First, to identify the dichotomy between reality and ideality, knowledge and power in international relations; second; to analyze contemporary global realitas. This research observed the growth of world polity after 911, especially after the global campaign of terrorism under Bush’ administration.  The used method is kualitative research. The research which comes from theories and are used as the basic of analysis, phenomenon or facts which have the similarity or anomaly found out in some theories then, to observe the current changes in international politics. The analysis and the problem solving are delivered descriptively; the writer elaborated the thought and normative view of constructivism group about world polity and is confronted with the change of America’s hegemony after 911. The writer also added critics and another perspective of other thinkers to support the objectivity for this writing. Reflection of both idea and normative value to reality is the prime note which is used as a tool of analysis besides elaborate the concept of world polity. This writing conclude that: (1).World polity is not a single system, even though the breaking law is done by U.S, World polity has been differentiated and strong rooted in social international life. In other word, the action of U.S will not influence to the sustainability of world polity.    Keywords: world polity, constructivim, social international life

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