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Fadhila Inas Pratiwi
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Jurnal Hubungan Internasional, Cakra Studi Global Strategis, Ruang A203 Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Surabaya 60286.
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Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 14119382     EISSN : 27151565     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional is a scientific journal published twice a year, every June and December. JHI invite discussions, reviews, and analysis of contemporary against four main themes: international peace and security; international political economy; international businesses and organization; as well as globalization and strategy. JHI published by Cakra Studi Global Strategis (CSGS), center of studies that examine the issues of international relations and this center of studies was under control by Airlangga University International Relations Department.
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Articles 127 Documents
Pertukaran Otomatis dalam Informasi: Perspektif Ekonomi Politik Sidharta Akmam
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.637 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i2.7301


Singapura merupakan mitra dagang dan investasi utama bagi Indonesia. Kedua negarasaling membutuhkan terlepas dari pasang surutnya hubungan keduanya. Hal yang seringdisoroti pemerintah Indonesia adalah harta milik warga negara Indonesia yang disimpan diSingapura dan diperkirakan mencapai 60% dari seluruh kekayaan warga Indonesia di luarnegeri. Hal ini menjadi semakin penting karena ada kebutuhan dana dalam jumlah besaruntuk menunjang pembangunan infrastruktur. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menilaiupaya pemerintah untuk menarik kembali harta yang di luar negeri melalui programpertukaran informasi secara otomatis (AEOI). Pemerintah telah menjalankan programpengampunan pajak atau tax amnesty. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatifdan kuantitatif serta hasil penelitian mengenai AEOI yang ada. Hasil menunjukkan bahwaprogram pengam-punan pajak tidak mencapai target awal karena kelemahan AEOI, yangdisusun berdasarkan program FATCA yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat.
Konsistensi Kebijakan Polandia terhadap Sanksi Uni Eropa terhadap Rusia pada tahun 2014 Vanada Anjani
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.322 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i1.4390


Sejak terjadinya krisis di Ukraina pada tahun 2014, keamanan kawasan Eropa Timur terganggu oleh ancaman Rusia. Sanksi ekonomi telah diterapkan oleh Uni Eropa kepada Rusia. Namun sanksi tersebut tidak membuat Rusia mundur dari kebijakannya menganeksasi Krimea, dan pada tahun yang sama Rusia memberlakukan embargo terhadap produk pangan Uni Eropa dan negara Barat. Embargo tersebut mengakibatkan kerugian pada negara-negara Uni Eropa yang menjalin kerjasama ekspor pangan dengan Rusia. Polandia mengalami kerugian pada sektor agrikulturnyaakibat embargo tersebut. Selain itu potongan suplai gas dari Rusia juga turut mengganggu kondisi ekonomi Polandia. Akibat embargo tersebut negara-negara Uni Eropa perlahan menunjukkan adanya pergeseran terhadap dukungan sanksi ekonomi kepada Rusia. Fokus penelitian ini adalah alasan Polandia tetap mendukung sanksi meskipun mengalami kerugian akibat embargo.
Peran Indonesia di G-20: Peluang dan Tantangan Cindy Larasati; Ester Desy Natasya
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.17 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i2.7302


Sejak terpilih sebagai Presiden Indonesia pada tahun 2014, Joko Widodo telah menetapkanempat prioritas kebijakan luar negeri, yakni 1) mempromosikan identitas Indonesia sebagainegara kepulauan; 2) meningkatkan peran global dalam diplomasi middle power; 3)mempererat kerja sama di area Asia-Pasifik; dan 4) reformasi lebih lanjut di kementrerianluar negeri untuk menekankan pada diplomasi ekonomi. Prioritas kedua sangat menarikkarena menyebutkan peran global Indonesia sebagai kekuatan menengah. Salah satunyadengan mendorong peran aktif Indonesia di G-20. Mandat utama G-20 adalah untukmencegah krisis keuangan internasional di masa depan. Ini berusaha membentuk agendaekonomi global. Peningkatan peran dalam forum G-20 memang bukanlah hal yang mudah,tapi penulis akan menjelaskan beberapa peluang dan tantangan dalam keanggotaanIndonesia di G-20. Penulis akan menggunakan perspektif liberal untuk menganalisiskontribusi Indonesia di G-20. Melalui perspektif tersebut, penulis akan melakukan analisisyang terbagi ke dalam dua bagian utama. Bagian pertama akan berfokus pada kerangkakerja sama G-20 secara umum. Sedangkan pada bagian kedua, penulis akan menguraikankerangka teoretis dan upaya peningkatan peran Indonesia di G-20.
Understanding The Dynamic of International System Through The Lens of Complex System Approach Indra Kusumawardhana
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.478 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i1.5115


The International Relations Study has undergone many changes in its dynamics,especially in view of the dynamic conditions of world politics. It directly influences the development of the IR study. This paper discusses how the theory of complex systems explain the dynamics of the international system after the end of the Cold War. Through the theory, the author seeks to see the changes that occur in interstate interaction, especially in the framework of thinking about the interests of each country. Interaction between countries then encourage the existence of different systems between one another, depending on how the country chooses interaction groups. The author also seeks the inter-state interaction that formed into an international system can be studied from the transition process to change the direction of interaction to see how the true international system is formed through the views of the theory of complex systems.
Indonesia sebagai Kekuatan Menengah: Komparasi Respon Indonesia terhadap Illegal Fishing dan Laut Tiongkok Selatan Kezya Agustina Hananya; Fitra Shaumi Azzahra
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.976 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i2.7303


Dihadapkan pada kondisi internasional yang condong ke arah anarki, lingkunganinternasional memiliki klasifikasi tersendiri yang didasarkan pada pengaruh politik negaradan kemampuan nasional. Klasifikasi tersebut terdiri dari negara-negara gagal, berkekuatankecil, berkekuatan menengah, regional, berkekuatan besar, dan adikuasa. Berdasarkanpenilaian kemampuan nasional dan perbandingan dengan negara lain, Indonesia dapatdiklasifikasikan sebagai negara kekuatan menengah. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari tanggapanIndonesia terhadap dua isu berbeda, yaitu penangkapan ikan ilegal dan klaim Tiongkok dibagian utara Pulau Natuna. Kedua tantangan ini mengandung beberapa kesamaan, namunmembangkitkan berbagai tanggapan dari Indonesia. Sementara Indonesia menunjukkantindakan berani terhadap pelaku penangkapan ikan ilegal dari negara-negara Asia Tenggara,Indonesia tidak menunjukkan tindakan yang sama terhadap Tiongkok. Kenyataannya,Indonesia cenderung tidak jelas dan memilih untuk berada di tengah masalah daripadaterlibat dalam konflik. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa tesisBreuning tentang tingkat analisis sistemik internasional juga berlaku dalam konteks ini.
Open Government Partnership: Indonesian Transformative Effort to Deal with Corruption Zakia Syifa
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.194 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i1.4403


This research seeks to explain the underlying reasons of why Indonesia under Yudhoyono administration joined Open Government Partnership (OGP). Based on the relationship between democracy, corruption, and good governance, this research explores on how corruption had caused negative impacts not only to domestic sphere, but also to Indonesia’s international legitimacy which leads to affect the economic growth. Focusing on the process of the OGP initiation, the scope spans from July 2010, when Indonesia was first invited to join this initiative, to September 20, 2011, when Indonesia became one of the eight founding countries to launch OGP in New York. This research suggests that Indonesia joined OGP to help ease the negative impacts of corruption. From the research, there are findings that corruption had caused negative implications in domestic sphere and international legitimacy, which leads to curb Indonesia’s potential investment and economic growth.
Warisan Kolonisasi Inggris di Kenya: Kekerasan Struktural terhadap Etnis Kenya-Somali di Kenya Greaty Fitraharani; Arfin Sudirman
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.246 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i1.3300


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh warisan kolonisasi Inggris di perbatasan antara Kenya dan Somalia yang mengakibatkan keberadaan kelompok etnis Somali di North Eastern Province. Aktor yang terlibat adalah Pemerintah Kolonial, Pemerintah Kenya dan Etnis Kenya-Somali. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan kekerasan struktural terhadap kelompok Etnis Kenya-Somali pasca kolonisasi di Kenya. Peneliti menggunakan structural violence dari Johan Galtung dan pendekatan Post-Colonialism dari Frantz Fanon untuk dapat menerapkan teori tersebut ke dalam fenomena kekerasan struktural yang terjadi pada etnis Kenya-Somali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan pendekatan structural violence sebagai pisauanalisis pengidentifikasian permasalahan kesenjangan sistem yang kerap terjadi di negara dunia ketiga akibat warisan sistem kolonisasi.
Toward Indonesia as Global Maritime Fulcrum: Correcting Doctrine and Combating Non-Traditional Maritime Threats Maula Hudaya; Agung Tri Putra
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.135 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i2.7304


Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world and has enormous potentialin the maritime sector. Therefore, President Joko Widodo aimed to turn Indonesia into amaritime fulcrum of the world. However, this idea hampered by doctrinal errors rootedfrom the community level to policymakers, including the doctrine of state defense. Theseerrors rendered Indonesia unable to play an important role using its strategic location asthe largest archipelagic country. Furthermore, piracy culture in some coastal communitiesof Indonesia is also a problem that hinders international trade. Moreover, this conditionis further exacerbated by the threat of maritime terrorism that endangered Indonesianseafarers. This paper uses the theoretical foundation by Alfred Thayer Mahan on Sea Powerto analyze what kind of policies should be taken by the government to solve the maritimesecurity holes in order to actualize the idea of Indonesia as the maritime fulcrum of theworld. Mahen stated that to become a powerful country in the world, a country should havecontrol over the oceans. Through this theory, solving maritime security holes in Indonesiacan be conducted by accumulating the strength of the sea in quantity and quality.
Joko Widodo’s Digital Diplomacy: A Prospect and Challenge for Indonesia’s Digital Diplomacy towards Middle Power Sasha Syaifani; Naaimatur Rofiani Qubba
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.775 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i2.7299


Indonesia is known as a country whose people massively use social media. It is currentlyone of the largest internet users in the world, especially social media. President of Indonesia,Joko Widodo, (famously called ‘Jokowi’) also tries to ‘fit in’ to the trend of social media acrossIndonesia. Jokowi has several social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,and YouTube. He even publishes a lot of his works, including his meeting agenda with otherstates’ leaders. Jokowi sometimes uploads some video blogs or ‘vlogs’ which some of them arecollaborations with leaders of powerful countries, such as King Salman Abdul Aziz of SaudiArabia, Emmanuel Macron of France, and many others. Therefore, the authors consider thisas a great opportunity for Indonesia to start digital diplomacy. Through literature study,the authors will provide a broader analysis of prospect and challenge of Indonesia’s digitaldiplomacy. The findings showed that digital diplomacy implemented by Jokowi has a goodprospect albeit many challenges. Moreover, it was also discovered that this type of diplomacycould bring some threats to Indonesia.
Governing Global Health Care: A Case Study of India vis à vis Swirtzerland’s Novartis AG Regarding Patent of Gleevec Novita Putri Rudiany
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.413 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jhi.v10i1.3657


India has been acknowledged as the pharmacy of the world because of its developed pharmaceutical industries which produce many kinds of medicine for any diseases. However, this condition does not make the government close the opportunities for foreign manufactures to sell their products for the citizens. One of the foreign industries is the Switzerland’s company, named Novartis AG, selling Gleevec, a leukemia-treating drug. In 2013, Novartis AG proposed to renew the patent of Gleevec because it has been updated from the last version of 1995, but Indian government rejected the patent rights of Gleevec based on the fact that the new Gleevec did not show any significant change for leukemia treatment. Based on the phenomenon, this paper examines about the dynamic of governing the global health with India as the case study. There are three perspectives that are used, those are: rejectionism, transnationalism and institutionalism. Each of the perspective focuses on the three discussions. It begins with the first part which explains the object that was being governed. The second part talks about the parties that have roles to govern. The third partelaborates on how those different parties governed the provision of the medicine production and distribution as the part of global health issue

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