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Published by Universitas Andalas
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Jurnal Dampak merupakan publikasi bidang lingkungan hidup yang bersifat ilmiah, dapat berupa hasil penelitian, aplikasi teknologi tepat guna atau ide penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan lingkungan hidup yang ada. Naskah belum pernah dipublikasikan dalam media lain, atau naskah sedang dalam proses review dan/atau menunggu untuk diterbitkan di media lain.
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Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 20, No 2 (2023)" : 6 Documents clear
Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Air Minum di Bagian Selatan Kabupaten Banyuwangi Noverta Astri Trisnanta; Ririn Endah Badrian; Audiananti Meganandi Kartini; Yeny Dhokhikah
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.74-82.2023


The Tegaldlimo branch of Banyuwangi water supply company serves 3 villages and 28 villages in the southern part of Banyuwangi district are not yet served by piped networks. This study aims to analyze the development of piped distribution networks in the short-term, medium-term term, and long-term Southern Banyuwangi Regency. The geometry method was carried out for population projection in 2042 that applied as the basis of average water demand. The calculation of water demand was simulated using EPANET 2.2, with maps of distribution pipelines to illustrate the hydraulic simulation of pipelines. The development of drinking water distribution networks in The Southern Banyuwangi Regency was divided into four stages according to the priority, namely Siliragung, Pesanggaran, Bangorejo, and Purwoharjo district. The development of the drinking pipeline network was carried out by using HDPE in diameters of 200, 180, 160, 140, 125, 110, 90, 75, and 63 mm and pump type of Grundfos UPS Series 200 with a maximum head of 18 m and a maximum flow of 70 cubic meter per hour. Keywords: development, SPAM, PUDAM  ABSTRAK PDAM Banyuwangi cabang Tegaldlimo melayani 3 desa dan 28 desa di Kabupaten Banyuwangi bagian selatan belum terlayani jaringan perpipaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan jaringan distribusi perpipaan dalam jangka pendek, jangka menengah, dan jangka panjang di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Bagian Selatan. Metode geometri dilakukan untuk proyeksi penduduk tahun 2042 yang digunakan sebagai dasar kebutuhan air rata-rata. Perhitungan kebutuhan air disimulasikan menggunakan EPANET 2.2, dengan peta jaringan pipa distribusi untuk menggambarkan simulasi hidrolik jaringan pipa. Pembangunan jaringan distribusi air minum di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Selatan dibagi menjadi empat tahap sesuai prioritasnya, yaitu Kecamatan Siliragung, Pesanggaran, Bangorejo, dan Purwoharjo. Pengembangan jaringan pipa minum dilakukan dengan menggunakan HDPE diameter 200, 180, 160, 140, 125, 110, 90, 75 dan 63 mm dan pompa tipe Grundfos UPS Series 200 dengan head maksimum 18 m dan aliran maksimum 70 meter kubik per jam. Kata kunci: pengembangan, SPAM, PUDAM      
Pemanfaatan Limbah Fly Ash dan Spent Bleaching Earth sebagai Substitusi Semen pada Beton Mutu Normal Skala Produksi Otto Lambok Raya Nababan; Dewi Agustina Iryani; Endro Prasetyo Wahono; Rinawati Rinawati
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.93-99.2023


In the era of industry and technology in Indonesia, environmental problems due to waste are problems that require wise handling. Fly Ash (FA) waste from PLTU activities and Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) waste resulting from the palm oil production process are very abundant, thus polluting the environment. Indonesia is currently prioritizing physical infrastructure development, which aims to improve connectivity and encourage economic growth in every sector. The development process that occurs increases the use of concrete. Concrete has a tremendous impact on the environment because most of its composition is cement. The use of cement in the manufacture of concrete results in the emission of large amounts of CO2 gas into the atmosphere, which causes an increase in global warming. The use of concrete can have a lower environmental impact if the use of cement is reduced as much as possible by adding a mixture of FA and SBE wastes. This research will utilize FA and SBE waste in the manufacture of normal concrete production weights and aim to determine the optimal composition of FA and SBE waste that is economically and environmentally feasible. The results of the research by applying FA and SBE substitutions show that FA is better than bleaching earth in the resulting compressive strength. The optimal composition of FA as a substitute for cement to achieve the quality of the planned concrete is 15%, while the composition of SBE as a substitute for cement is 10%. Keywords: concrete, Fly Ash (FA), Spent bleaching earth (SBE), concrete compressive strength  ABSTRAK In the era of industry and technology in Indonesia, environmental problems due to waste are problems that require wise handling. Fly Ash (FA) waste from PLTU activities and Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) waste resulting from the palm oil production process are very abundant, thus polluting the environment. Indonesia is currently prioritizing physical infrastructure development, which aims to improve connectivity and encourage economic growth in every sector. The development process that occurs increases the use of concrete. Concrete has a tremendous impact on the environment because most of its composition is cement. The use of cement in the manufacture of concrete results in the emission of large amounts of CO2 gas into the atmosphere, which causes an increase in global warming. The use of concrete can have a lower environmental impact if the use of cement is reduced as much as possible by adding a mixture of FA and SBE wastes. This research will utilize FA and SBE waste in the manufacture of normal concrete production weights and aim to determine the optimal composition of FA and SBE waste that is economically and environmentally feasible. The results of the research by applying FA and SBE substitutions show that FA is better than bleaching earth in the resulting compressive strength. The optimal composition of FA as a substitute for cement to achieve the quality of the planned concrete is 15%, while the composition of SBE as a substitute for cement is 10%. Kata kunci: beton, Fly Ash (FA), Spent bleaching earth (SBE), kuat tekan beton      
Potensi Jasa Lingkungan Penyerap Karbon dan Penyedia Oksigen Hutan Lindung Mangunan, Yogyakarta Ghalbi Mahendra Putra; Pramudya Bagas Utama; Hatma Suryatmojo; Ambar Kusumandari Kusumandari
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.49-53.2023


Forests have multifunction ecology, one of which is environmental services as a CO2 absorber and and O2 producer. The fact is that until now the magnitude of the potential for environmental services as carbon sinks and oxygen producers in the Mangunan Protection Forest is not known, so it is important to research it. The focus of this research is to determine the potential for environmental services in the form of biomass potential, carbon potential, carbon sinks, oxygen providers and their economic value. Carbon data collection in the field by measuring DBH and height of woody vegetation. Calculations using the 2011 BSNI standard and analyzed descriptively. The biomass potential of the Mangunan Protected Forest is 52.83 tons/ha and has threats in the form of trees and fires, so it needs to be preserved. Mangunan Protected Forest Environmental Services in the form of CO2 absorbers of 193.87 tons/ha/year and O2 producers of 141.53 tons/ha/year. The environmental services, if translated properly, are worth Rp. 2,122,640,368. Keywords: environment, sustainability, climate, biomass, vegetation  ABSTRAK Hutan memiliki multifungsi ekologi, salah satunya adalah jasa lingkungan sebagai penyerap CO2 dan penghasil O2. Faktanya sampai saat ini belum diketahui besarnya potensi jasa lingkungan sebagai penyerap karbon dan penghasil oksigen di Hutan Lindung Mangunan, sehingga penting untuk diteliti. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi jasa lingkungan berupa potensi biomassa, potensi karbon, penyerap karbon, penyedia oksigen dan nilai ekonominya. Pengumpulan data karbon di lapangan dengan mengukur DBH dan tinggi vegetasi berkayu. Perhitungan menggunakan standar BSNI 2011 dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Potensi biomassa Hutan Lindung Mangunan sebesar 52,83 ton/ha dan memiliki ancaman berupa pohon dan kebakaran sehingga perlu dilestarikan. Jasa Lingkungan Hutan Lindung Mangunan berupa penyerap CO2 sebesar 193,87 ton/ha/tahun dan penghasil O2 sebesar 141,53 ton/ha/tahun. Jasa lingkungan tersebut, jika diterjemahkan dengan baik, bernilai Rp. 2.122.640.368. Kata kunci: lingkungan, kelestarian, iklim, biomassa, vegetasi      
Meninjau Efisiensi Penurunan Kadar CO2 oleh Living Moss Wall: Studi tentang Potensi dan Tantangan dalam Mengatasi Pencemaran Udara di dalam Ruangan M Alif Fanani; Dyah Ratri Nurmaningsih; Sulistiya Nengse
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.55-62.2023


Indoor air pollution is dangerous for human health because almost 90% of human activity occurs indoors. An important factor when assessing indoor air quality is the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Even at very low concentrations, it can have a marked effect on the health of those in it. The purpose of this study was to review the ability of moss used as a living wall to absorb CO2 and study its potential application in improving indoor air quality. In addition, this research will also identify challenges that may be faced in implementing living moss walls. This study used the true experimental method with a pretest and posttest control group observation design. The study was conducted by comparing CO2 levels from 2 white cigarette smoke with and without living moss wall in a prototype room made of glass with dimensions of 40 cm x 40 cm and 55 cm high.The research results show that the use of living moss wall as a solution to overcome indoor air pollution, especially CO2, cannot be separated from several obstacles that must be faced in its implementation. Living moss wall has a relatively low CO2 reduction efficiency value by using blumei’s moss (Macromitrium blumei). The use of a living moss wall must also pay attention to the suitability of the environment where it is installed so that the living moss wall can function properly.Keywords: Living moss wall, carbon dioxide (CO2), indoor air pollution  ABSTRAK Pencemaran udara dalam ruangan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia karena hampir 90% aktivitas manusia terjadi di dalam ruangan. Faktor penting dalam menilai kualitas udara dalam ruangan adalah konsentrasi karbon dioksida (CO2). Bahkan pada konsentrasi yang sangat rendah, CO2 dapat memiliki efek yang signifikan pada kesehatan orang yang berada di dalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan lumut yang digunakan sebagai dinding hidup untuk menyerap CO2 dan mempelajari potensi aplikasinya dalam meningkatkan kualitas udara dalam ruangan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan mengidentifikasi tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi dalam mengimplementasikan dinding lumut hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen sejati dengan desain observasi kelompok kontrol pretes dan postes. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membandingkan tingkat CO2 dari asap rokok putih dengan dan tanpa dinding lumut hidup dalam sebuah ruangan prototipe yang terbuat dari kaca dengan dimensi 40 cm x 40 cm dan tinggi 55 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan dinding lumut hidup sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi pencemaran udara dalam ruangan, terutama CO2, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari beberapa hambatan yang harus dihadapi dalam implementasinya. Dinding lumut hidup memiliki nilai efisiensi pengurangan CO2 yang relatif rendah dengan menggunakan lumut Macromitrium blumei. Penggunaan dinding lumut hidup juga harus memperhatikan kesesuaian lingkungan di mana dinding lumut hidup dipasang agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Living moss wall, karbon dioksida (CO2), pencemaran udara dalam ruangan      
Efektivitas Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) dalam Penurunan Total Koliform Limbah Cair Domestik Aisha Shakira; Ama Mullah; Abd Mujahid Hamdan; Syafrina Sari Lubis
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.83-92.2023


This research employs Multi Soil Layering (MSL), an environmentally friendly technology, to remove coliform bacteria contaminants from wastewater using a novel alternative medium. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the MSL method employing bio rings in reducing pollutant parameters in domestic wastewater, particularly total coliform. This study utilized Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) variations of 23.80 L/m2/hour, 7.14 L/m2/hour, and 3.40 L/m2/hour, as well as Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) variations of 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hours. The results of domestic wastewater treatment using the MSL method using HLR variations on total coliform from 1.89  105 MPN/100mL to 6.0  102 MPN/100mL, the total colony parameter from 5.95  106 CFU/mL to 3.6  105 CFU/mL, the chemical oxygen demand parameter value of 53 mg/L with an effectiveness of 98.6%, the total suspended solid parameter is valued at 25 mg/L with reduction effectiveness of 98.6% and the pH value changes to 7.3 at the HLR variation of 3.40 L/m2/hour. As for using the HRT variation for 12 hours the total coliform from 1.16  104 MPN/100mL to 9  102 MPN/100mL, the total colony parameter from 4.91  106 CFU/mL to 3.0  105 CFU/mL, the chemical oxygen demand parameter was 92 mg/L with its effectiveness 99%, the total suspended solid parameter is 87 mg/L with reduction effectiveness of 67% and the potential of hydrogen value changes to 7.6. Therefore, the MSL method employing bio rings can be used as a new option for domestic effluent treatment. Keywords: domestic wastewater, coliform total, Multi Soil Layering (MSL)  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menggunakan Multi Soil Layering (MSL), sebuah teknologi ramah lingkungan, untuk menghilangkan kontaminan bakteri coliform dari air limbah menggunakan media alternatif baru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efikasi metode MSL dengan bioring dalam menurunkan parameter polutan dalam air limbah domestik, khususnya total coliform. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan variasi Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) 23,80 L/m2/jam, 7,14 L/m2/jam, dan 3,40 L/m2/jam, serta variasi Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 4, 6, 8, 10, dan 12 jam. Hasil pengolahan air limbah domestik dengan metode MSL menggunakan variasi HLR pada total coliform dari 1,89 × 105 MPN/100mL menjadi 6,0 × 102 MPN/100 mL, parameter total koloni dari 5,95 × 106 CFU/mL menjadi 3,6 × 105 CFU/mL, nilai parameter kebutuhan oksigen kimia 53 mg/L dengan efektivitas 98,6%, parameter total padatan tersuspensi senilai 25 mg/L dengan efektivitas reduksi 98,6% dan nilai pH berubah menjadi 7,3 pada variasi HLR 3,40 L/m2/jam. Sedangkan untuk menggunakan variasi HRT selama 12 jam total coliform dari 1,16 × 104 MPN/100mL menjadi 9 × 102 MPN/100mL, parameter total koloni dari 4,91 × 106 CFU/mL menjadi 3,0 × 105 CFU/mL, kebutuhan oksigen kimia parameter 92 mg/L dengan efektivitas 99%, parameter total padatan tersuspensi 87 mg/L dengan efektivitas reduksi 67% dan nilai potensial hidrogen berubah menjadi 7,6. Oleh karena itu, metode MSL yang menggunakan bio ring dapat digunakan sebagai pilihan baru untuk pengolahan limbah rumah tangga. Kata kunci: air limbah domestik, total koliform, Multi Soil Layering (MSL)      
Pengendalian Air Limpasan dengan Ecodrainage untuk Kawasan Perumahan Podo Asih Arifandy Setiawan; Anie Yulistyorini; Titi Rahayuningsih; Gilang Idfi
Dampak Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.20.2.63-73.2023


Podo Asih Housing is a residential area located in Beji District, Pasuruan Regency, located at 7°34'23.21” S and 112°44'00.39” E housing area of 50,000 m2 or 5 hectares, this relatively densely populated housing is still frequent. There is a flood that can disrupt the activities of residential residents. One alternative to overcome this is by applying the concept of eco-drainage in residential areas. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach to the Podo Asih Housing area, hydrological analysis is carried out to determine runoff discharge and hydraulic analysis to determine the capacity of the existing channel in the Podo Asih Housing area, the analysis is carried out to determine how much runoff discharge occurs, that is the basis In eco-drainage planning, it is necessary to take into account how many rainwater reservoirs, infiltration wells, and biopore infiltration holes are needed to control the runoff water. In collecting data, researchers conducted observations and measurements directly in the field, carried out laboratory tests, and collected rain data from the Department of Irrigation and Mining of Pasuruan Regency. HEC-RAS software for hydraulic analysis calibration. The results showed that there were 39 out of 118 channels that could not accommodate runoff water discharge, planned as many as 378 rainwater collectors, 68 infiltration wells, and 289 biopore infiltration holes that could reduce runoff discharge by 1,253 m3/s with a reduction percentage of 95.59% for a 2 year return period, 77.06% for a 5 year return period, and 68.19% for a 10 year return period. Keywords: housing, runoff, ecodrainage  ABSTRAK Perumahan Podo Asih merupakan kawasan perumahan yang terletak di Kecamatan Beji Kabupaten Pasuruan, terletak pada 7°34'23.21” LS dan 112°44'00.39” BT dengan luas perumahan 50.000 m2 atau 5 hektar, perumahan yang relatif padat penduduk ini masih sering dijumpai. Adanya banjir yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas warga pemukiman. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan konsep ecodrainage pada kawasan pemukiman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif pada kawasan Perumahan Podo Asih, analisis hidrologi dilakukan untuk menentukan debit limpasan dan analisis hidrolik untuk mengetahui kapasitas saluran yang ada di kawasan Perumahan Podo Asih, analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar terjadi debit limpasan, yang menjadi dasar Dalam perencanaan ekodrainase, perlu diperhitungkan berapa jumlah penampungan air hujan, sumur resapan, dan lubang resapan biopori yang dibutuhkan untuk mengendalikan air limpasan. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti melakukan observasi dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan, melakukan uji laboratorium, dan mengumpulkan data hujan dari Dinas Pengairan dan Pertambangan Kabupaten Pasuruan. Perangkat lunak HEC-RAS untuk kalibrasi analisis hidrolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 39 dari 118 saluran yang tidak dapat menampung debit air limpasan, direncanakan sebanyak 378 penampung air hujan, 68 sumur resapan, dan 289 lubang resapan biopori yang dapat mereduksi debit limpasan sebesar 1.253 m3/s dengan persentase penurunan. sebesar 95,59% untuk periode ulang 2 tahun, 77,06% untuk periode ulang 5 tahun, dan 68,19% untuk periode ulang 10 tahun. Kata kunci: perumahan, limpasan, ekodrainase      

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