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Effect Of Slab Thickness On Weld Distortion Results In Medium Carbon Steel AISI 1045 By SMAW Method Irsyad Haryono Aulia; . Tarkono; . Zulhanif
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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This research aimed to investigate the effect of width plate variation to distortion caused by welding in AISI 1045 light steel alloy plate. This kinds of steel is formable by heat treatment and often for making mechanical component use. Sometimes repairing mechanical component was done by welding. The deformation that occurred by welding are caused by distortion. Distortion is shape transformation proccess of welding result which caused by unbalance between expanding metal while heating and shrink while colding.This research takes places in Bureau of Work and Training (BLK) Bandar Lampung, for making the test specimen and distortion measurement, while the hardness test and microstructure test held in Material Laboratory Lampung University. Before testing the specimen, first of all the steel must be welded well, using Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) method. The electrode which used for welding is E 6013 RB 26, while the joint are V form with 80 A electric current. The welding region that will be the sample data test are base metal, HAZ, and weld metal for hardness test and microstructure test. The variation of plate width are 2, 5, 8 mm.From the result of testing materials, we can make some conclution which is, the largest distortion level experienced by plate occurred in 8 mm width of plate, while  the largest hardness number experienced by plate occurred in base metal region with 57,5 HRC number. Although, the 8 mm width of plate is the most thick of all specimen, the hardness number in HAZ refgion has the smallest number of hardness. Keywords: distortion, plate, light steel, SMAW
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Cane cutter blade (blade chopper cane), which is a tool used for chopping cane. This tool acts as a cane crusher, made of low steel carbon. Constraints that occur on Cane Cutter Blade is a high  wear rate, thus disrupting the productivity of the industry.  The company handles this problem by providing a coating on a cane cutter blade, only in this way  is still considered very less effective at. low steel carbon relatively low carbon steel.Characterization of the mechanical properties and the microstructure of low steel carbon with hardness testing and tensile testing, while the micro picture of choice to see the results of the condition of  the microstructure after a heat treatment with water as cooling media.Keywords: microstructure, cane cutter blade, low steel carbol, tensile testing, hardness testing, heat treatment.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Serat ijuk merupakan serat alami yang diperoleh dari pohon aren (Arenga Pinnata Merr), dan dapat terdegradasi secara alami serta harganya lebih murah disbanding serat sintetis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh panjang serat terhadap kekuatan tarik komposit berpenguat serat ijuk dengan matrik epoxy. Pada penelitian ini, pengekstrakan serat ijuk menggunakan sisir kawat yang berfungsi memisahkan serat ijuk dari pelepahnya lalu dilakukan pemilihan serat berdiameter 3 mm menggunakan micrometer sekrup.kemudian serat ijuk direndam dalam larutan NaOH 5% selama 2 jam dan dikeringkan selama 15 menit.  Serat selanjutnya dipotong dengan panjang 30 mm, 60 mm, dan 90 mm.Lebih lanjut, pembuatan komposit menggunakan metode hand lay up dengan pencampuran resin epoxy dan hardener dengan perbandingan campuran 1:1 mengacu pada ASTM D638. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencampuran matrik dan serat dengan fraksi massa 80% : 20% menggunakan variasi panjang serat.  Selanjutnya specimen uji dipanaskan dalam oven dengan suhu70 C selama 10 menit.  Kemudian dilakukan pengujian tarik untuk resin epoxy murni dan untuk komposit dengan variasi panjang serat 30 mm, 60 mm, dan 90 mm. Fhoto daerah patahan dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) digunakan untuk melihat mekanisme perpatahan komposit.     Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik dan regangan tertinggi dicapai pada komposit dengan panjang serat 90 mm. Kekuatan tarik yang didapat sebesar 36,37 MPa dan regangan sebesar9,34 %.  Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kekuatan komposit ialah daya ikat serat dengan matrik, pendistribusian serat yang merata, dan panjang kritis serat.  Hasil foto SEM pada patahan komposit serat ijuk menunjukkan terjadinya fiber breaking. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa daya ikat antara matrik dan serat yang cukup baik, tetapi sebaran serat pada matrik tidak merata yang mengakibatkan kekuatan tarik komposit yang optimal tidak bisa dicapai.Keywords : Serat ijuk, kekuatan tarik, SEM
Utilization Of Fiber And Shell Particles Palm Oil As Substitute Materials In Producing Eternite Ceiling Dwi Kurniawan S; . Tarkono; Harnowo Supriadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Assessment of science and technology in the field of materials engineering and the development of  environmental issues require new breakthroughs in the provision of high quality materials and environmentally friendly. Nonmetallic materials Composite especially natural fibers that are more lightweight , malleable, corrosion resistance, low price and easy to obtain. research purposes to determine the  mechanical properties of composite fiber and palm shell particles by measuring tensile strength, hardness and bending. In this study, the materials used are such as cement, fiber and oil palm’s shell, and using tools such as mold, ruler, sieve, balance sheets, and others. Composite fibers arranged randomly on the variation of particle mass fraction of 40% coconut oil, 35% of particles and 5% palm fiber, 30% particles and 10% fiber and 25% palm oil and 15% of particles of oil palm fiber. Pull Testing  was conducted with  reference to DIN 50 125, flexure testing with standard DIN 1101.  Both tensile testing and flexural testing were conducted  to determine the mechanical properties of the composite . The highest value of flexure test  result is in the composite content of 25% particles and 15 % fiber particles is equal to 2:44 N/mm2 and  the lowest value of bending test  result is the composite content of  particles 40% of palm oil is equal to 1365 N/mm2. While for the tensile test results , the highest value is  in the composite content of 30% and 10% of particles of oil palm fiber at  0.479 N/mm2, and for  the lowest drag value  is on the particle content of 35% composite and 5 % palm fiber  at  0.15 N/mm2 . As for the highest value in hardness test is in the composite content of  30% and 10% of particles Fiber HRH palm of 36.5, and the lowest value is 26.5% HRH the composite contains of 35% particle and 5% palm fiber. Keywords: Composite, fiber and palm shell particles, mechanical strength, tensile test, hardness test  and bending test
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Fatigue is the one of the main cause from of the material failure. The main of cause failure 90 % caused fatigue.   Fatigue is material sructure process changes that is caused by repeatly load (stress or shear) in a long period of time so it occured crack or break. The reason of this research is to analyze of the fatigue strength medium carbon steel type AISI 1045 with variaton of shaft rotation on rotary bending machine. Fatigue test applied on medium carbon steel  type AISI 1045 without heat treatment. This research was conducted with variation of shaft rotation 2880 rpm and continued with load variation 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60 % from material UTS. Specimen that used according ASTM E466 spesimen made by lathe machine. Fatigue test is using by rotary bending machine type fatigue test machine.Keywords:Fatigue test, rotary bending, medium carbon steel  AISI 1045.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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The aim of this research is to know the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum casting results printed by using sand mold. Variation is made on the formation of mold sand where there happens a difference of the addition of binding substance rice husk ash and bentonite have been blended into a sand mould-forming composition. The Material used in this study is aluminum with purity levels above 99, which melted in the kitchen Dipper Krusible type and printed in sand mold. The tools which are used in testing hardness and micro-structure of tests in a row are: brinell hardness test and olympus metallurgical microscope.  Brinell hardness testing uses the test with the standard ASTM E 10-01 and micro testing structure uses standard ASTM E 3 by way of looking at the specimen under a microscope. From this data, it can be obtained that the lowest hardness calculation of test results of 17.7636 HBW for compositions that vary on a mixture of bentonite and ash 6% husk 14%, and the maximum calculation of the hardness is obtained on the composition of the mixture of 10% and 8% bentonite husk ash, where the calculation of the hardness of 22.8100 HBW. In micro structure testing; looks that porosity in aluminum in great numbers when a comparison between bentonite and binding substance grey husk in the levels are quite different, causing the result of casting have much number of porosity, so that it causes the low level of the hardness. While  for the comparison of levels of grey husk and bentonite which approach the same levels, When added to the composition of the sand mould-forming, micro structure test results showed that metal casting results have little amount of porosity causing aluminum castings results have a high level of hardness. Keywords : sand mold, porosity, hardness calculation, micro structure.
KEKUATAN TARIK SERAT IJUK (ARENGA PINNATA MERR) Imam Munandar; Shirley Savetlana; . Sugiyanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Serat ijuk merupakan serat alami yang ketersediaannya berlimpah, tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Serat ijuk dapat digunakan sebagai penguat alternatif untuk bahan komposit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik dan morphologi serat ijuk melalui hasil pengamatan photo Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).Pengekstrakan serat ijuk dilakukan dengan menggunakan sisir kawat yang berfungsi untuk memisahkan serat ijuk dengan pelepahnya. Dalam penelitian ini, serat ijuk yang dipilih yaitu berdiameter 0.25- 0.35mm, 0.36-0.45mm, dan 0.46-0.55 mm. Selanjutnya dilakukan perendaman  C selama 15 menit. Setelah itu dila kukan pengujian tarik dengan standar ASTM D 3379-75.Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa semakin kecil diameter serat, maka kekuatan tariknya semakin tinggi. Kekuatan tarik terbesar pada kelompok serat ijuk berdiameter kecil (0.25-0.35 mm) adalah  sebesar 208.22 MPa, regangan 0.192%, modulus elastisitas 5.37GPa dibandingkan kelompok serat ijuk dengan diameter besar (0.46-0.55 mm) sebesar 198.15 MPa, regangan 0.37%, modulus elastisitas 2.84 GPa. Hal ini dikarenakan rongga pada serat berdiameter 0.46-0.55 mm lebih besar dibandingkan serat berdiameter 0.25-0.35 mm menggunakan  larutan alkali yaitu  NaOH 5%  selama 2 jam., kemudian di oven dengan suhu 80Keywords : Serat Ijuk, Oven, NaOH, Kekuatan Tarik, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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This paper describes aerodynamic tests (wind tunnel test) for a model of secondary cabin roof (SCR) applied in BMW M3 E92 Coupe. SCR is a vehicle accessory installed on vehicle roof useful to block heats from sun while the car parking. The test were conducted at UPT-Laboratorium Aero Gas Dinamika dan Getaran (LAGG)-BPPT, PUSPITEK, Serpong, to determine lift and drag coefficient (cl and cd) of vehicle. This model with scale of 1:4.5 was tested with rigid body made by wood. The SCR model has been made from aluminium and has two kinds of type, which are A and B. The model test was carried out with the following parameters: wind speed of 15, 20 m/s, then 1,5 cm and 2,5 cm for height of SCR from roof . Before the test start, the first things that must be done is preparation the tools for test, next step is calibration of external balance in wind tunnel to obtain matrix of calibration. The inverse of this matrix named matrix of test will be used as a multiply factor to voltage measurement from result test of external balance while test start. Output from this multiply is aerodynamic forces experienced by model test. Installing SCR made some change to aerodynamic experienced by vehicle. From data of test, installing SCR type B with height 1,5 cm rom roof, the smallest cl can be obtained for each variation of velocity are 0,3 for 15 m/s and 0,29 for 20 m/s. Meanwhile,  installing SCR type A with height 2,5 cm from roof, the smallest cd be obtained for each variation of velocity are 0,368 for 15 m/s and 0,355 for 20 m/s. This results are valid if only the flow regime of two corresponding fluid are same and with the same model too.  Keywords: SCR, Aerodinamics, Wind Tunnel.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Tabung Induksi Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Sepeda Motor Bensin 4 Langkah Junaidi Supratman; Herry Wardono; M.Dyan Susila
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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YEIS tube (Yamaha Energy Induction System) has been able to enhance the performance of the motorcycle. Therefore, the use of induction tube on a 4-stroke motorcycle is expected to be able to increase the volumetric efficiency of the suction stroke, so that the power (acceleration) of the engine can increase at low speed. Tests of using induction tubein a 4-stroke motorcycle is required to observe the effect of the induction tube position on its performance and emission.the engine performance tests were carried out in road tests at an average speed of 40 kph. It was conducted before and after using the induction tube, and the induction tube mountings on intake manifold were varied at positions of JS150 (15 mm from intake manifold), JS 375 (37,5 mm), and JS600 (600 mm). Each type of test was performed 3 times to get it’s average.From the results, it was found that the fuel consumption of the motorcycle could maximally reduce by 27.8% in mounting JS150 and the lowest engine consumption by 0.98% in mounting the intake manifold JS 600. The best result occurred in mounting of JS150 for all tests. JS150 is the optimal position. This due to JS150 is the closest position from intake manifold and the most farthest position from carburettor. Therefore, at mounting of JS150,  residual air and fuel mixture can be fully drawn into both the line and tube of the induction tube. In contrast,JS600 is the farthest position from intake manifold, so that the residual air and fuel mixture cannot fully be drawn into the line and tube of the induction tube, the mixture is partially drawn into carburettor and induction tube, as in branched pipe system.Keywords : induction tube, petrol engine performance, YEIS.
Cover Jurnal FEMA Vol.1 No.3 Juli Tahun 2013 Cover Halaman Sampul
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Jurnal Fema Vol.1 No.3 terbit pada bulan Juli 2013, terdiri dari 92 halaman, dengan 10 artikel ilmiah.

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