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Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu Kendari Universitas Halu Oleo Fakultas Kedokteran
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ISSN : 23391006     EISSN : 24430218     DOI :
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MEDULA mengundang kontribusi bagi penelitian original dan fundamental pada bidang kesehatan sebagai sebuah artikel yang melewati proses review.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 1 (2017)" : 7 Documents clear
Uji Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Buah dan Biji Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) dengan Metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) Pranita Aritrina; Parawansah Parawansah; Nurul Ardani
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.314 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3891


ABSTRACT Background: Free radicals and antioxidant were widely discussed in world of health because most of the diseases were initiated by presence of oxidation reaction in the body. The process of free radical formation could be inhibited by the presence of antioxidant. Antioxidant was a compound that can protect the biological system in the body. Research Purpose: This research aimed to analyze the potential of fruits and seeds of Morinda citrifolia L. as antioxidant which could counteract free radicals using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. Research Method:This research used experimental method with post test only control design. The research was located in Integrated Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Laboratory of Faculty of Pharmacy of Halu Oleo University. Samples of this research were fruit and seed ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L.which were taken in West Kendari, Kendari City. The independent variables from this research were fruit ethanol extract and seed ethanol extract of cheese fruit and dependent variable was antioxidant potential. Potential and antioxidant activity (IC50) were tested by measuring DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) uptake using a spectrophotometer. Antioxidant activity (IC50) was analyzed using a linear regression equation. Research Result:The result of this research showed that there was a color changing of DPPH from purple to yellow on fruits ethanol extract and seeds ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L. and had antioxidant activity about IC50 398,99 ppm and 401,37 ppm, respectively.Conclusion: Conclusion from this research revealed that fruit ethanol extract and seed ethanol extract of Morinda citrifolia L.has weak antioxidant activity.Keywords : Antioxidant activity, DPPH method, IC50, Morinda citrifolia L.
Hubungan Karakteristik Kontainer dengan Keberadaan Jentik Nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari La Ode Alifariki; Mubarak Mubarak
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.626 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3885


ABSTRACT Date of DHF patients in the working area of Poasia Health Center of Kendari City shows that in 2015 31 people, where in January 6 patients, February 10 patients, while in 2016 as many as 48 patients ie January 1 patients and February 2 patients. In the year 2017 ie in January there were no patients and in February as many as 7 patients and there is 1 patient died. From these data it can be concluded that almost every month in every year occur DHF incidence, because DHF is a contagious disease and endemic disease that quickly lead to death if not handled appropriately. This study aims to determine the relationship of kontainer characteristics with the presence of larvae Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the working area of Poasia public health center of kendari city. The type of this research is observational research with cross sectional study approach.The population in this study is all the houses in the working area of Poasia Health Center of Kendari City. samples of 85 samples. the statistical test used is chi square and phi test. The results showed that there was a correlation of kontainer material (X2hit) = 4,504 and φ = 0,258), kontainer location (X2hit) = 4,032 and φ = 0,242), kontainer color (X2hit) = 4,210 and φ = 0,246), condition of kontainer cover (X2hit ) = 5,171 and φ = 0,279) with presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The public is expected to raise awareness in considering the condition of kontainers such as the color of bright kontainers, the kontainers must always be closed, the kontainer is not made of soil and glass and improve the behavior of Mosquito Nest Eradication.Keywords: Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae, kontainer characteristicsABSTRACT Date of DHF patients in the working area of Poasia Health Center of Kendari City shows that in 2015 31 people, where in January 6 patients, February 10 patients, while in 2016 as many as 48 patients ie January 1 patients and February 2 patients. In the year 2017 ie in January there were no patients and in February as many as 7 patients and there is 1 patient died. From these data it can be concluded that almost every month in every year occur DHF incidence, because DHF is a contagious disease and endemic disease that quickly lead to death if not handled appropriately. This study aims to determine the relationship of kontainer characteristics with the presence of larvae Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the working area of Poasia public health center of kendari city. The type of this research is observational research with cross sectional study approach.The population in this study is all the houses in the working area of Poasia Health Center of Kendari City. samples of 85 samples. the statistical test used is chi square and phi test. The results showed that there was a correlation of kontainer material (X2hit) = 4,504 and φ = 0,258), kontainer location (X2hit) = 4,032 and φ = 0,242), kontainer color (X2hit) = 4,210 and φ = 0,246), condition of kontainer cover (X2hit ) = 5,171 and φ = 0,279) with presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The public is expected to raise awareness in considering the condition of kontainers such as the color of bright kontainers, the kontainers must always be closed, the kontainer is not made of soil and glass and improve the behavior of Mosquito Nest Eradication.Keywords: Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae, kontainer characteristics
Formulasi dan Uji Antijerawat Gel Ekstrak Etanol 70% Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn.) terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes Azis Ikhsanudin; Siti Mardhiyah
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.024 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3890


ABSTRACT Belimbing wuluh fruit known have flavonoids that has a function as natural anti bacterial for acne treatmeant. To easer in  using it, so it formulated in the form of gel. The aims of research was to know the influence of variation concentration ethanol extract 70% belimbing wuluh fruit to physical characteristic of gel and antibacterial activity of Propionibacterium acnes which a bacteria causes acne. Belimbing wuluh fruit extract was obtained by maceration. Extract formulated in the form of gel with variation concentration 4,17%w/v, 8,33% w/v, 12,5%w/v, 16,67%w/v, and 20,83%w/v. Antibacterial activity test was conducted by cup plate technique difusion methode and physical characteristic test covered organoleptic test, spreadibility test, and adhesivity test. The result of antibacterial test and physical characteristic test were analyzed statistically using Kruskall Wallis test and Mann Whitney test with 95% level confidence. The result of research showed that with an increasing concentration of extract could affect physical characteristic of gel and will increase antibacterial activity. The higher concentration extract, the color of gel obtained more concentrated, pH of gel be acid, decreasing adhesive power, spread power obtained smaller and inhibition diameter obtained bigger. The result of research obtained that formula 2 was a good formula with pH value 5, average adhesive power was 4,63 seconds ± 0,57, average spread power was 11,34 cm2 ± 0,44 and average diameter obstruent was 5 mm ±1,41. Based on the research could be concluded that gel extract ethanol 70% belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn) fruit had antibacteria activity against Propionibacterium acnes. Minimal concentration which could inhibit growth that bacteria found at concentration 5% and formula which had a good physical characteristic at formula 2.Keywords : Gel, Etanolic extract 70%; Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn, Propionibacterium acnes.
Uji Antidiabetik Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Mencit yang Diinduksi Streptozotocin Parawansah Parawansah; Nuralifah Nuralifah; Andi Noor Kholidha
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.321 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3889


ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease in which the patient has excess glucose levels in the blood. Pare (Momordica charantia L.) is one of the plants that have efficacy in treating various diseases one of them is antidiabetes. Activity of active substances from the pare may play a role in lowering blood sugar levels. This research is done to know the effect of increasing concentration of pare extract to decrease blood glucose level in mice induced by streptozotocin.This study was experimental laboratory, the study was done by measured  the initial blood sugar level in mice, sugar content after induction of steptozotosin, and after administration of 100 mg / kgBW extract test, 250 mg / kgBW and 400 mg / kgBW with observation time for 7 days , as well as gave metformin suspension as a positive control.The results showed that the optimum value of antidiabetic activity of ethanol extract of pare fruit at a concentration of 400 mg / kgBW and had an average decrease of 122 mg / dl.Keywords: Antidiabetes, Momordica charantia L., Streptozotocin
Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Obat Ditinjau dari Indikator Peresepan Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) di Seluruh Puskesmas Kota Kendari Tahun 2016 Sunandar Ihsan; Sabarudin Sabarudin; Mesi Leorita; Andi Sitti Zaenab Syukriadi; Merlyn H. Ibrahim
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.248 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3888


ABSTRACTBackground: Puskesmas is a first level of health facility in the public health services and for that, rationality drug used is important to achieve a better quality of life supporting productivity and nationality endurance. Aim: This study aim to evaluated rationality of drug used thorough WHO prescribing indicator to all subdistrict public health (Puskesmas) in Kendari City. Method: This was a cross sectional observational study at 15 subdistrict public health service with restrospective data collected. Total sample was 1680 prescription for 2016 period. Data compare with WHO standard indicator. Result: Result of this study showed that average drug prescriber was 3.23, average percentace of medicine prescribed by generic name was 96.08%, average percentage encounters with antibiotic prescribed was 36.85%, average percentage encounters with injection prescribed was very low 0.16%, average percentage of medicine with National Formularium was 75.07%. Result showed that drug used at all Puskesmas was still irrational except injection used and there was significant difference (p<0.005) between Puskesmas except injection used. There were three Puskesmas (Puskesmas Labibia, Puskesmas Kemaraya, and Puskesmas Benu-benua) has achieved standard of percentage of drug prescribed. Antibiotic achieved standard used was Puskesmas Nambo, Puskesmas Benu-benua, Puskesmas Wua-wua, Puskesmas Labibia and Puskesmas Perumnas. There were no one Puskesmas has achieved generic names and national formularium prescribed.Conclusion: Puskesmas Benubenua was most rational drug use with prescribing indicator of WHO.Keywords: Rational Drug Use, Prescribing Indicator, Puskesmas, Kendari City
Timpanogram pada Anak Usia 1-5 Tahun Desti Kusmardiani; Wijana Wijana; Shinta Fitri Boesoirie; Sally Mahdiani
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.095 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3892


ABSTRACT Tympanometry is an objective examination that used to test condition of middle ear, mobility of tympanic membrane and the ossicles.The results are displayed in a curve called timpanogram. Timpanogram influenced by several factors, including age and race.The purpose of this study was to provide normal values of tympanogram in children aged 1 to 5 years. This study was an analytic research with cross sectional approach in 90 normal children aged 1-5 years through a routine examination with ear otoscopy and tympanometry. From the 90 samples (180 ears) the average value of the volume of the ear canal / Vea was 0.469 mL in the right ear and 0,495 mL in the left ear, the mean compliance / SAA 0.396 mL in the right ear and 0.380 mL in the left ear, and the average pressure / TPP -56.78 daPa on the right ear and the left ear daPa-53.26. Compared with the results of existing studies, the average value of the ear canal volume/ Vea and mean compliance/ SAA in children aged 1-5 years in Bandung showed lower. Statistically, in the Vea, there was a significant differences between men and women, with p = 0.041 in the right ear and p = 0.027 in the left ear. There was a correlation between variables Vea with SAA. Keywords: tympanogram, children ages 1-5 years.
Pengalaman Hidup Pasien Stoma Pasca Kolostomi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Jawa Barat Tahun 2014 La Rangki La Rangki; Kusman Ibrahim; Aan Nur’aini
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.223 KB) | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v5i1.3887


ABSTRACTPatient with colostomy followed colorectal has been cancer increasing significantly in Indonesia. Colostomy caused not only physical problems but also psychological and social problems. Health care profesional, especially nurses need to provided hollistic care services to the patients after colostomy. Study with Qualitative method to describe the live experience of the colostomy patient was important. This study was a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data obtained with in-depth interviews to 8 informants consisting of 5 men and 3 women, aged between 30-73 years. The length of time living with a colostomy between 4 months to 6 years. Data were analyzed by using Colaizzi method. Themes emerged from this study: colostomy caused limitations, psychosocial changed, spiritual distres, sexual changed. Living with a stoma required serious attention by health care profesional, access to health services that were important, and decision-making about colostomy influenced by interdisciplinary team and the adequacy of information.Keywords : Lived Experiences, Colostomy, Bandung

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