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Search results for , issue "Vol 16, No 1 (2023)" : 8 Documents clear
The Halodoc’s Social Media Data Analysis Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: An Evidence from Indonesia Hilarius Bambang Winarko; Diana Intan Pratiwi; Linda MacGrain Herkenhoff
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.17917


This study aims to analyze Halodoc telehealth services reputation through its social media during Covid-19 pandemic critical time of 2020-2021 by using big data analysis. During that period, more people increasingly used e-health application services. This study applies data scraping technique to analyze big data collected from Halodoc’s social media official accounts. The analysis includes contents, views, comments, likes, dislikes, and shares from the audiences toward Halodoc’s social media platforms. The results indicate that Halodoc’s brand reputation is considered positive. YouTube was the Halodoc’s social media platform that most got attention from customers’ actions (views, likes, comments, and dislikes). Meanwhile, its Instagram was the most demanded by customers because they wanted to win the prizes from Halodoc. And finally, Facebook was the less communicative social media platform, due to the problem on handling the Covid-19 tests. Several issues need to be resolved by Halodoc to further meet the user experience’s expectations.
The Phenomenon of Kampung in Surabaya in Defensible Space Perspective: Case Study on Kampung Tambaksari Surabaya Tri Dani Widyastuti
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.17306


Kampungs, simple settlement units commonly found in Indonesian cities, including Surabaya, play a significant role in the city's development, preserving its identity as a metropolitan city with a strong foundation rooted in these traditional communities. Surabaya recognizes the importance of kampungs and their contribution, evident from the existence of around 5000 kampungs within the city. However, being a bustling metropolitan center, Surabaya also faces its fair share of crime-related challenges. One theory that addresses the relationship between crime and the built environment is the defensible space theory. To explore this further, a study examines Tambaksari, a kampung within Surabaya, in the context of the current defensible space theory. This investigation employs an in-depth observation method to gather specific data on Tambaksari as a single case, aiming to provide valuable insights for stakeholders to formulate more targeted policies that enhance the development of kampungs in Surabaya while effectively addressing crime-related issues.
Human Resources Planning Using Workload and Job Analysis as The Basis of Improving the Organizational Structure in The Marketing (Case Study of Pt. IMST) Ni Gusti Made Rai; Amanullah Baihaqi; Prahardika Prihananto; Syarifa Hanoum
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.17970


Strategic planning is crucial for every company to achieve organizational goals, with a focus on effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity in human resource management. Human resource planning involves analyzing workloads in alignment with job descriptions for each position. This research was carried out within PT IMST's Marketing Division, a company operating in the railroad component distribution and trading industry. The primary objective was to examine employee workloads and integrate the findings with job analysis to inform human resource planning. The study revealed that increased market penetration and project demand have led to higher physical and mental workloads for workers. The NASA TLX method was employed to conduct the workload analysis. Based on the research results, it is recommended that the optimal number of personnel be five for each position of Head and Junior Specialist, four for Project Achievement Staff I, three for Project Achievement Staff II, and six for Administrative Staff. To address these staffing needs, human resource planning should prioritize recruiting or adding personnel who possess the requisite qualifications and competencies in accordance with the established positions. By aligning recruitment efforts with the workload analysis and job descriptions, the company can ensure that its workforce is appropriately sized and equipped to efficiently meet market demands and achieve organizational success
Visual Culture Analysis in Campaign of Covid-19 Vivi Varlina; Yasraf Amir Piliang; Ruly Darmawan; Tri Sulistyaningtyas
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.17810


In the contemporary context, the significance of utilizing online media as an information portal cannot be overstated. This importance is particularly pronounced during the Covid-19 pandemic, as people actively seek information through online platforms to meet their informational requirements. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the visual elements employed in Covid-19 campaigns, with each element carrying meaningful representations. To accomplish this, the researcher employs visual culture studies to analyze Covid-19 campaigns from a neurophysiological perspective. The methodology involves employing a semantic differential scale and principal components analysis (PCA) with the participation of 22 respondents, who assess 12 binary paired adjective concepts. The analysis centers on four images sourced from the online media platform The findings indicate that people perceive visual objects influenced by technology in a manner that involves recognition. Each visual element serves as a representation of knowledge and is linked to specific ideas. From a modern neurophysiological standpoint, technology-mediated visual elements lead to logical and constructive outcomes while exhibiting unique affordabilities. These research findings impart valuable insights to the Government of Indonesia, underscoring the importance of considering physiological, affective, and aesthetic aspects of visual elements in formulating their pandemic campaign policies
The Role of Strategic Flexibility on Business Survival Harisatul Agustin; Syarifa Hanoum; Tasya Arihul Wardah
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.18058


The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe consequences across various aspects of life, significantly impacting the culinary sector, which is a crucial part of the tourism industry. Restrictions on dine-in services compelled businesses to adapt to take-out options, resulting in significant repercussions. To navigate these challenging times and ensure the survival and growth of the culinary industry, entrepreneurs and restaurant managers had to adopt innovative strategies. Income reductions affected nearly 43% of culinary businesses during this period. To investigate the dynamics further, the research conducted a PLS-SEM analysis, surveying 163 MSME owners or restaurant managers operating in the Surabaya city region, who had received government support and continued their business operations amidst the pandemic. The analysis revealed that strategic flexibility played a pivotal role in influencing marketing innovation and process innovation. However, the impact of marketing innovation on business survival was not direct, while process innovation significantly influenced business survival. Interestingly, the study observed that government support did not alter the relationships between marketing innovation, process innovation, and business survival.
Analisis Pengembangan Desa Wisata untuk Keberlanjutan Petani Strawberry di Desa Wisata Pandanrejo Menggunakan Metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Deti Rahmawati; Soedarso Soedarso; Arfan Fahmi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.15415


The concept of Village-City Development's hegemony is being clarified in various media outlets, necessitating periodic reviews to strike a balance between the two. The harmonization of village development is evident in the rapid improvement and transformation of villages, exemplified by the emergence of tourist villages. Among these, Pandanrejo Tourism Village stands out, offering strawberry barn tourism that has been operational since late 2018. This tourism destination not only showcases strawberry gardens and products but also provides educational tours related to strawberries. To support the success of tourism villages, efforts can be made by mapping the community's potential and needs, which will inform the development programs aimed at empowering the local populace. The research undertaken in this study employed the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method, which ensures that the people of Pandanrejo Tourism Village are not mere recipients of top-down programs, but active participants in designing bottom-up development initiatives. This approach encourages the community's involvement throughout the development process. The study encompasses several stages of analysis, allowing village communities to actively participate in identifying social problems and their root causes, devising solutions, and subsequently formulating programs. These programs will receive budgetary support and be implemented based on principles of cooperation, empowerment, and community independence
Exploring the Impact of Trust, Perceived Utility, Ease of Use Perception, and Social Influence on E-Payment Adoption Lissa Rosdiana Noer; Jihan Fadhilah; Prahardika Prihananto; Bustanul Arifin Noer
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.18667


Consumer behavior shifts from cash to digital transactions due to innovations in payment system digitization, primarily through electronic payments like mobile banking and electronic wallets. In Indonesia, Shopee Pay emerged as a prominent non-bank QRIS provider in 2021, with the Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) mandated for all payment service providers. QRIS usage potential is high in East Java, particularly in Surabaya, where Generation Z constitutes the dominant user group for digital payments. To understand the factors influencing Generation Z's e-payment adoption, a study investigated the impact of payment mediums (Shopee Pay and mobile banking) on key variables: trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, intention to use, and actual usage of e-payment. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) on 390 data points, the study revealed that trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and social influence significantly influence intention to use, subsequently affecting actual e-payment usage. Furthermore, the study found that the effect of payment media on the relationship between trust and intention to use is notable only in mobile banking, whereas social influence's impact on intention to use is significant exclusively for Shopee Pay, as indicated by MGA results.
The Mobile Banking Application to Boost Service: How the Elderly Consumers’ Perceptions? Rosa Rilantiana; Roostikasari Nugraheni
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v16i1.17888


This research aims to examine the factors influencing the decision-making process of older individuals when it comes to using electronic banking services. While technology plays a crucial role in today's society, it may not be enough to reach vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly. The study will utilize the STATA 14.2 program for SEM analysis, employing quantitative analysis to explore decisions related to digital banking applications within a sample of 300 individuals aged over 50 in Surabaya. During the Covid-19 pandemic, digital technology served as an operational tool to mitigate the spread of the virus. However, it is essential to recognize that technology is a long-term investment, even after the pandemic. Elderly users need to be mindful of sudden technological changes and improve their digital literacy. This study underscores the importance of understanding the banking sector when assessing how specific groups, such as the elderly, utilize digital technologies. Moreover, for business continuity, gaining insights into how the elderly utilize banking apps is crucial. It is imperative to implement the necessary support systems and digital infrastructure promptly and effectively to meet the current and future demands

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