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Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik (Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacy)
ISSN : 16937899     EISSN : 27163814     DOI : 10.31942
Core Subject : Health,
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UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK ETANOLIK HERBA ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) DENGAN METODE DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil) herni widyowati; Maria Ulfah; sumantri sumantri
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL.11 NO.1 JUNI 2014
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.089 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v11i1.1285


ABSTRACT Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) plant is known to have compounds of flavonoid and vitamine C which can serve as antioxidants. This research aims knowing the antioxidant activity of alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhydrazil method and knowing the content of its active compound have wan. The research was performed by making alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract by maceration method using ethanol extracting solvent 70%. The extract was divided into some concentrations of 10, 20, 40 and 80 μg/ml. As a comparison, vitamine C was used with concentrations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 μg/ml. The test of antioxidant activity was conducted by reacting 50 μl of alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract with 4.0 ml DPPH 0.1 mM, then it was measured for the absorbance using visible spectrophotometry with a wavelength of 525 nm. The obtained data was calculated to discover its antioxidant activity. The statistical analysis used was Mann-Whitney test. The IC50 value was gained using probit analysis and the statistical analysis used t-test and to discover the content of active compound in alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract, TLC test was performed. The research result indicated that the alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract had antioxidant activities with alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract IC50 value of 59.339 μg/ml, and standard solution of vitamine C IC50 value of 4.768 μg/ml. The result of statistical test for IC50 indicated an unsignificant difference between alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract and vitamine C. Otherside it could be concluded that the alfalfa herbal ethanolic extract containing flavonoid had antioxidant activities. Keywords: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) herbal ethanolic extract, IC50, antioxidant
OPTIMASI KOMBINASI EKSTRAK BUAH MENGKUDU (Morinda citrifolia L) DAN DAUN MAHKOTA DEWA (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.) PADA FORMULA SABUN TRANSPARAN DENGAN METODE FACTORIAL DESIGN Intan Martha Cahyani; Bekti Nugraheni; Suwarmi Suwarmi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL.11 NO.1 JUNI 2014
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.338 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v11i1.1286


ABSTRACT Extracts of mengkudu fruit and mahkota dewa leaf each contain compounds that can be efficacious antibacterial Staphylococcus Aureus (acne-causing bacteria), but at high concentrations. The combination of both is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the use if the dosage form is formulated in a transparent soap. Selection of dosage forms based on a transparent soap acceptabilitas reasons. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of each and interactions extract of mengkudu fruit and mahkota dewa leaf in diameter clear zone antibacterial activity test by the method of pitting and dilution method with a parameter number of colony can then be determined comparison of the two extracts were having antibacterial activity optimum. The test results stated good use of each and combinations can enhance the clear zone according to the equation Y = 0.811 + 0.011 + 0.007 B + A 1.56. 10-5 AB, the parameters of the number of colonies also give the same result Y = 42.781 to 0.316 A - 0.228 0.006 A B + B. Optimal combination obtained extract concentration of 30% mengkudu fruit extract and 40% mahkota dewa leaf extract. Test the antibacterial activity of a combination of transparent soap mengkudu fruit and mahkota dewa leaf extracts with an optimal combination produces a clear zone diameter of 2.509 cm. Keywords : extracts of mengkudu fruit, extract of mahkota dewa, Optimization, transparent soap.
UJI AKTIVITAS REPELLENT FRAKSI KLOROFORM EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN MIMBA (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) TERHADAP NYAMUK Aedes aegypti sri susilowati; Fransiska Vita Kurniawati
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL.11 NO.1 JUNI 2014
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.528 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v11i1.1287


ABSTRACT Dengue haemorragic fever is a disease caused by dengue virus by mediator Aedes aegypti. The effort of overcoming this disease could be done by preventing the mosquito from bitting using repellent. One of natural repellents is neem (Azadiracta indica A.Juss). This study aimed to determine the repellent activity of chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf against Aedes aegypti mosquito. Extraction neem leaf done using ethanol 96% by maceration methode and followed fractionation with chloroform. This study was conducted in 5 groups, positive control (DEET 13%), negative control (liquid paraffin) and three series concentrations of chloroform fraction of ethanol extract neem leaf; they were 5%, 10% and 20%. Repellent activity was carried out by counting number of mosquitoes alighted. The amount of repellent activity was obtained from the protection value which was then analyzed using two-ways Anova. The EC90 value gained from probit analysis at significance of 95%. Identification of chemical compound of chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf was done using thin layer chromatography (TLC). The results showed that chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf had repellent activity against Aedes aegypti mosquito. The average protection value for 6 hours in positive control group and chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf at 5%, 10% and 20% concentration were 92,43%, 66,76%, 76,90% and 88,35%. The 6-hours treatment had caused decrease in protection value in all of treatment groups. The effective concentration of chloroform fraction ethanolic extract neem leaf to repel 90% population of Aedes aegypti mosquito for 6 hours treatment was 26,1%. The chemical compund of chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf was terpenoid. Keyword: repellent, chloroform fraction of ethanolic extract neem leaf, Aedes aegypti
STABILITAS FISIK DAN MUTU HEDONIK SIRUP DARI BAHAN TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Nutrisia Aquariushinta Sayuti; Agus Winarso
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik JURNAL ILMU FARMASI DAN FARMASI KLINIK VOL.11 NO.1 JUNI 2014
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.254 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v11i1.1291


ABSTRACT Curcuma  xanthorrhiza  that  contain  of  curcumin  and  essential  oil  make  the  taste  isn’t delicious. Syrup form can  cover the lack of the flavor. The study aimed to describe the results of the physical stability test and hedonic test  of Curcuma syrup. It  was an experimental research by analyzing  the  physical stability and hedonic quality of Curcuma syrup. Physical stability test was done  by  storing  the  syrup  at  a  temperature  of  400C  for  8  weeks,  analyzing  the  organoleptic, viscosity  and  acidity  (pH)  every  2  weeks.  55  of  4th semester  students,  Jamu  Department, Polytechnic of Surakarta, 2014/2015  act as a semi-trained panelists in a hedonic test. The results concluded that the viscosity of syrup which was originally ± 190 decreased in storage for 2 weeks  to ± 170 and  finally stabilized  to week 8th. The acidity degree   stable at pH 4. The   organoleptics were  no  change,    it  was  brownish  yellow,  a  distinctive  smell  of  curcuma,  citrus flavor    and  texture  rather  thick.  The  panelists’  assessment  against  the  syrup  was  70.91%  of panelists liked the scent, 78.18% of panelists liked the taste, 85.46% of panelists liked the  texture and 83.64% panelists liked  the color of syrup. Keywords: Curcuma, Syrup, physical stability, hedonic
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Vol.10 No.1 Juni 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.393 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v10i1.1379


ABSTRACTImmunostimulatory agent has an important role in the treatment of infectious disease caused by pathogen. Roselle calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) used by community as a health drink to enhance body’s immune system. The aims of this research was to know immunostimulatory activity of ethyl acetate fraction of ethanolic extract of roselle calyx on lymphocyte cell proliferation swiss strain mice and to identified the chemical compounds of the fraction. Roselle calyx was extracted by maceration method using ethanol 96% as a solvent. The ethanolic extract was partitioned gradually by n-hexan and ethyl acetate. Series of ethyl acetate fraction were made to concentration 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400 μg/mL and positive control PHA 10 μg/mL for tested to lymphocyte cell culture. Immunostimulatory activity test was done according to MTT Assay method. Lymphocyte proliferation activity was analyzed statistically to the value of Optical Density (OD) result of the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) reader using Kruskal Wallis Test continued by Mann Whitney Test (p<0,05). Identification of the contents phenolic compounds and flavonoids performed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The result of the research showed that ethyl acetate fraction had lymphocyte cell proliferation activity at the concentration of 50, 100, 200, and 400 μg/mL. The ethyl acetate fraction of roselle calyx contained phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Key words : roselle calyx, ethyl acetate fraction, MTT Assay, immunostimulatory
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015 Fakultas Farmasi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (83.258 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v12i1.1391


iJurnalIlmuFarmasi&FarmasiKlinikJournal of Pharmaceutical Science & Clinical PharmacyPemimpin Umum/ Penanggung jawabDekan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimPemimpin RedaksiKetua Program Studi FarmasiFakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimRedaktur AhliDr. Sumantri, M.S., AptProf. Dr. SuwijiyoPramono, AptProf. Dr. Mustofa, MKes, AptDr. MimiekMurukmihadi, SU., AptRedaktur PelaksanaDevi Nisa Hidayati, S.Farm, M.Sc.Staf Redaksi :Ellya Zulfa, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt.Dewi Andini Kunti, S.Farm., M.Sc.Kiki Damayanti, S.FarmSekretaris RedaksiRirin Lispita Wulandari., S.Farm., M.Si.Med., AptDistributorRachmad WahyudiAlamat Redaksi/Tata UsahaFakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid HasyimJl. Menoreh Tengah X/22 Sampangan SemarangTelp. 024-8505680, 8505681 Fax. 024-8505680E-mail 2 kali setahun sejak September 2004ISSN : 1693-7899Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015iiJurnalIlmuFarmasi&FarmasiKlinikJournal of Pharmaceutical Science & Clinical PharmacyDAFTAR ISIPengaruh Pemberian Jus Kecambah Kacang Hijau(Vignaradiata(L.) R. Wilczek) terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa dan Spermatogenesis Mencit Jantan Galur SwissYance Anas, Nur Chakim, Suharjono..…………………………………………....1-10Formulasi Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Etanolik Daun Kemangi (Ocimum sanctum L.)dengan Variasi Pemanis Manitol dan LaktosaDevi Nisa Hidayati, Lusyana Setiawati marwan, Mufrod…………………………11-19Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Metanol Umbi Bit (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubraL.) Terhadap Cell LineT47DElya Zulfa, Sri Susilowati, Aqnes Budiarti…………………………........................20-25Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sabun Cair Ekstrak Etanol Jahe Merah (Zingiberofficinale var Rubrum) serta Uji Aktifitasnya sebagai AntikeputihanMutmainah, Yuvianti Dwi Franyoto…………………........................................Minyak Nilam (Patchouli Alcohol) SebagaiAntioksidan dengan Metode DPPH(1,1-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil)Agus Suprijono, Yoel Gunawan, Ariani Hesti Wulan...…………………..............26-3233-37Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Batang Tanaman Pisang (Musa pradisiacal) Sebagai Obat Antiacne dalam Sediaan Gel AntiacneF.X. Sulistiyanto Wibowo, Erna Prasetyaningrum………………….......................Efek Ekstrak Kulit Umbi Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) terhadapPenurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar yang Diinduksi AloksanRina wijayanti, Abdur Rosyid…………………..................................................38-4647-52ISSN : 1693-7899Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015 Fakultas farmasi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v12i1.1392


iiiPENGANTAR REDAKSI Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Alhamdulillah seiring dengan perjalanan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang, Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik (JIFFK) telah memasuki tahun ke-11 semenjak penerbitan perdana tahun 2004. Kami tetap berharap bahwa JIFFK dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan ilmu farmasi dan farmasi klinik. Kami berharap bahwa JIFFK ini dapat digunakan sebagai wadah bagi para peneliti, akademisi dan pemerhati ilmu farmasi dan farmasi klinik untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian atau pemikirannya. Demi menjaga eksistensi dan sustainabilitas JIFFK kami senantiasa memohon sumbangan tulisan atau artikel dari para peneliti. Kami selalu berusaha untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas dari setiap penerbitan JIFFK ini, karena kami memiliki cita-cita supaya JIFFK dapat terakreditasi dari dikti, DepDikNas-RI. Akhir kata kami sampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terlaksananya penerbitan ini. Kritik dan saran kami nantikan dari pembaca sekalian demi perbaikan dan kemajuan JIFFK. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Semarang, Juni 2015 Hormat Kami Redaksi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.614 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v12i1.1394


ABSTRACT Efficacy of mung bean sprouts as natural fertility enhancer for men was not widely investigated and published. The objective of  this  study  is  to  investigate  the effect of mung bean sprout’s  juice on male Swiss mice spermatozoa quality and spermatogenesis.  An  experimental  study  performed  with randomized  matched  two-group  post  test  only  design  approach.  Thirtymale  mice  were  dividedinto fivegroups randomly, which consist of a control group (CMC25mL/kg BW/day); d-α-tocopherol group (556 IU/kg BW/day) and three mung beans sproutjuice groups (33, 66 and 132) mg/kg BW/day. Mice treated  every  dayfor  20days  orally. Micewere  sacrificed;  testis  and  epididymis  were  collected  and examined.  The  spermatozoa  quality  (count,  progressive  motility  and  normal  morphology)  and spermatogenesis observed. The  results showedthatmung bean sproutsjuice  treatment  (33, 66 and 132) mg/Kg BW/day  for 20 days did not enhance male Swiss strain mice  fertility. Spermatogenesis score, count and normal morphology spermatozoa that receive treatment with mung bean sprout juice was not significantly  different  to  the  control group  (p>0.05). Conversely; mung  bean  sprouts  juice  treatment lead to decrease male Swiss strain mice spermatozoa progressive motility (p<0,05). Keywords:   Mung  bean  sprouts  (Vigna  radiata  (L.)  R.Wilczek)  juice,  spermatozoa  quality, spermatogenesis.
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.75 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v12i1.1395


ABSTRACT Holy  basil  leaves  (Ocimum  sanctum  L.)  traditionally  used  by  the  people  as  a  stomatitis aphtosa medication. Bacteria could cause stomatitis aphtosa. Flavonoids in holy basil leaves had antibacterial activity. The usage of holy basil leaves traditionally were not practice so formulated more  acceptable  such  lozenges.  Acceptability  is  influenced  by  a  taste.  This  study  aims  was  to determine sweeteners variations which  is mannitol and  lactose from   the lozenges formulation of holy basil leaves extract on the physical properties and the level of consumer acceptance taste. Holy  basil  leaves  extract made  by maceration method  using  70%  ethanol.  Lozenges made within  5  based  on  the  variation  concentration  of mannitol  and  lactose  are FI  (100%:0%),  FII (75%:25%),  FIII  (50%:50%),  FIV  (25%:75%),  dan  FV  (0%:100%)  and  manufactured  by  wet granulation method. The granules obtained were tested for physical properties include flowability, angle  of  repose,  and  compressibility.  The  tablets  obtained  were  tested  for  physical  properties including  weight  uniformity,  hardness,  friability,  dissolve  time,  responsive  taste  test,  and  the active substance with TLC methods. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using one way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis, except acceptability taste analyzed descriptionally.   The  results  showed  that  all  formulas  provide  lozenges  which  conform  the  quality specification. Lozenges most accepted by the respondents was formula I. Keywords: holy basil leaves, lozenges, mannitol, lactose
UJI SITOTOKSISITAS EKSTRAK METANOL UMBI BIT (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) TERHADAP CELL LINE T47D Elya Zulfa; sri susilowati; aqnes budiarti
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.657 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v12i1.1396


ABSTRACTTherapy failure of breast cancer as a consequence of cell resistention has encouraged the effort to develop a cancer medicine including herbal medicine. Based on some research, it can be concluded that there is antioxydant and anticancer activity from beetroot involved with betasianin and betasantin substance that belong to flavonoid compound. The purpose of this research was to find the effect cytotoxic of methanolic extract of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L.) on cell line T47D which was a breast cancer cell.This research was conducted on several experiment step namely plant determination, cell preparation, cell harvest, methanolic extraction, and cytotoxic test. The extraction of beetroot is conducted by maceration method using methanol 70 %. Cytotoxic test on cell line T47D is conducted by MTT assay using five concentration ceries were 500, 250, 125, 62,5 and 31,25 ug/ml. Data analysis uses probit analysis.Research result shows that methanolic extract of beetroot there was no cytotoxic activity on cell line T47D. It shows that five consentration series methanolic extraction of beetroot have % cell viability more than 100%.Keyword: Beetroot, Beta vulgaris L. var. rubra L, Cell line T47D, Cytotoxic, Flavonoid.

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