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SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a reputable refereed journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in engineering. SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a forum for publishing high quality papers and references in engineering science and technology. The Journal is published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. Copyright is by the publisher and the authors. The Journal is issued in electronic form and also issued in printed form as annual volume for the contributors only. The journal contains original research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. The topics of interest include modeling, experimental, analytical and numerical investigations on the mechanical, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of material, developing the prototype/instrument, technology and construction process. Topic of management in industry and civil construction is also considered. SEMESTA TEKNIKA receives manuscripts from the contributor written in the Indonesian and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. Manuscripts submitted to SEMESTA TEKNIKA will be reviewed Peer Reviewers local and foreign.
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Articles 18 Documents
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Perilaku Geser pada Keadaan Layan dan Batas Balok Beton Bertulang Berlubang Memanjang Krasna, Wiku A; Sulistyo, Djoko; Supriyadi, Bambang
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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I cross-section of reinforced concrete reduces weight and concrete needs, but the reduction in strength is not considerably large. In addition, I section reinforced concrete beam is relatively complicated and takes much longer time for manufacturing. Another geometric cross-section which results in equivalent weight reduction with that of I cross-section concrete beam may be hollow square crosssections of reinforced concrete beams. This research was conducted to identify and compare the behavior of the shear and dynamic effects of hollow core reinforced concrete beam with an I cross-section beam that equivalent with its. The specimens being tested were four reinforced concrete beams, of 2000 mm length, consisted of a T beam with bottom flange as control beam (BK) possessing dimensions of bfa = 600 mm, bw = 125 mm, bfb = 200 mm, h = 300 mm, tf = 100 mm, and three hollow core T beams as tested beam (BB1, BB2 and BB3) possessing dimensions of bf = 600 mm, bw = 200 mm, blubang = 75 mm h = 300 mm, tf = 100 mm. Static loading was applied by means of a hydraulic jack in a four-point loading system, were. Dynamic loading test was carried out by vibrating the beams to obtain the natural frequency, where the vibrating load were produced by a mechanical vibrator. Whilst the data on the static load carrying capacity was recorded at the first crack and at each initial additional crack until the ultimate fracture, those on dynamic loading was recorded on the solid block, at the first crack and at yield. The parameters being used was the magnitude of deflection, strain of the reinforcing steel and concrete, crack pattern and natural frequency. It can be concluded that the hollow core reinforced concrete beam can be used as an alternative to I section reinforced concrete beam. It was noticed that the difference in shear load carrying capacity between control beam (BK) and hollow beam (BB) was not considerably significant, where the difference between BK (299.3 kN) and BB1 (337.6 kN) is 12.79%, that with BB2 (350, 6 kN) or 17.14%, and that with BB3 (289.4 kN) or −3.31%. The natural frequency of BK is 58.594 Hz, 15.769% larger than the natural frequency of BB3 with 49.354 Hz. The natural frequencies of tested beam decreased with the increased of damage to the beam.
Aplikasi Value Engineering pada Proyek Konstruksi (Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Gedung BPKP Yogyakarta) Priyo, Mandiyo; Hermawan, Totok Dwi
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Construction of a building project or the others structures needs cost, so that the project can be realized. Before an owner continues the project to the design or construction steps, the cost must be provided. The cost often becomes a problem because amount of the cost is limited to realize a construction project. The objective of this study is to select good alternative materials without declining the quality and function of the building as well as to find the value of cost efficiency on the Project of the BPK’s Office Building Construction of Yogyakarta by Value Engineering method. Value Engineering is a management thenique with systematic approach for finding the balance among cost, reliability, and performance of a product or a project. The study on the Project of the BPKP’s Office Building Construction of Yogyakarta was done on the structure work only, namely: plate, beam, column and sloof works with giving alternative materials for getting the best alternative by work plan of Value Engineering. The Value Engineering method was applied on structure components by systematic and creative approach trough work plan of Value Engineering using the following steps: an information, functional analysis, creative, development, writing and presentation steps. All steps were done continuesly and the result was expected giving efficiency from the previous design. From the application of Value Engineering, it is concluded that the cost efficiency is about 2.53% of total cost of structure work by application.
Peran Sumber Energi Terbarukan dalam Penyediaan Energi Listrik dan Penurunan Emisi CO2 di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Al Hasibi, Rahmat Adiprasetya
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Electrical energy modelling involving renewable energy was produce using LEAP software. The model is based on electrical energy demand, renewable energy potential, and development planning in Yogyakarta Province. Renewable energy sources that have been simulated in this model are solar energy, wind energy, and micro hydro energy. The model describes the role of renewable energy in producing electrical energy to supply electrical energy demand in Yogyakarta Province. Furthermore, the role of renewable energy in CO2 emission reduction has also been simulated by the model. By optimal development, renewble energy gives 11,86 % share of electrictiy demand and reduce CO2 emission by 11,62%.
Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Hujan terhadap Gerakan Lereng Haryanti, Sri; Suryolelono, Kabul Basah; Jayadi, Rachmad
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Soil movement mostly occurs especially during rainy season at the slope of Kalibawang irrigation channel at KM 15,9 in Kulon Progo district, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The slope movement causes damage at the school building, bridge and irrigation channel. Based on this fact, a research is necessary by modeling the slope at site of conducted. The objectives of this research are to identify the rainfall characteristic which triggering slope movement and to recognizes factor affecting the slope movement. Topography data, physical characteristic, and soil mechanic were applied as the input simulation models. Groundwater flow in slope was numerically simulated by using SEEP/W while the slope deformation simulated by SIGMA/W. Both SEEP/W and SIGMA/W were applied simultaneously in the numerical simulation. Rainfall design with appropriate return period was determined from rainfall annual daily maximum historical data recorded from 1985-2004, while distribution was completed by applying statical analysis on hourly rainfall data. The analysis of normal daily rainfall was determined based on daily rainfall data from Kalibawang rain gauge. Six models were applied as follow: initial condition (Rainfall Model I), heavy rainfall in short duration (Rainfall Model II), normal daily rainfall of 25 and 40 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model III), normal daily rainfall of 20 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model IV), heavy rainfall followed with normal daily rainfall of 20 mm (Rainfall Model V) and normal rainfall of 20 mm followed with heavy rainfall (Rainfall model VI). The result shows that at the research location, the maximum daily rainfall of 2-year-return period is 113,8 mm with dominant duration was 4 hour per day. This value was applied as Rainfall Model II. Based on the simulation the movement or deformation with Rainfall Model II, III, IV, V and VI is 0,22 m; 0,956 m; 1,01 m, ; 0,652 m, and 0,568 respectivally. It is concluded that at the research location, heavy rainfall in short duration gives small impact to slope movement or slope deformation and normal rain of 20 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model IV) is highly significant to the slope movement or slope deformation.
Pengaruh Perlakuan Alkali terhadap Kekuatan Bending Komposit Berpenguat Serat Rami dengan Matrik Polyester Suwanda, Totok; Nur Rahman, Muhammad Budi
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The objective of this study was to determine the influence of alkali treatment on the flexural strength and failure mode of jute fiber waste/polyester composite materials. The materials being used in this research werewaste of jute fibers, polyester resin, where as NaOH and aquades were utilised for alcali treatment. Prior to being embedded into polyester resin to produce composite boards employing press printing techniques (press mold), the fiber was alkalitreated for 0, 2, 4 and 6 hours by soaking into a 28% volume NaOH content solution. Flexural test was carried out in accorcance with the ASTM D790 standard, and macrographs of selected fracture surfaces of the specimens were capturedfor analysis in oerder to determine the characteristics of the fracture surfaces. Test results showed that the longer the alcali treatment time in the lower the flexural stress and strain, but the the higher the flexural modulus. The composite without alkali treatment reluted in 70.39 MPa bending stress, 1.85% bending failure strain, and 3.85 GPa bending modulus, whereas the 6 hours of alkali treatment resulted in 51.70 MPa bending stress, 1.27% bending failure strain, and 4.13 GPa bending modulus. Composite with alkali-treatmed fiberdid not exhibite any fiber pull out, and also experienced debonding due to shear forces can’t afford retained by the resin.
Implementasi Sensor Pyroelectric Infra Red (PIR) Sebagai Pewaktu Televisi As Sadad, Rif’an Tsaqif; Iswanto, Iswanto
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Energy dissipation is very disturbing for a countrys survival, including Indonesia. Power dissipation generally occurs because of the lifestyle of people who tend consumptive Indonesia. One example of energy waste in the household is often forgot to turn off the television. The timer on the television was made in order to be able to set how long the TV will die (off) by itself in accordance with a prearranged time. However, not everyone can or know of this timer function, especially those who have elderly. Many cases of elderly people see television to fall asleep without turning it off. In this case certainly happens waste of electricity. In this study will be designing and manufacturing tools that can be used as a detector of movement of people in front of the television, so television is only lights up if there is a movement of people who watch television. From the results of this research tool is able to detect the movement of people in front of the television, with the effective distance of the tool is 2 meters.
Beton Mutu Tinggi dengan Bahan Tambah Superplastisizer dan Fly Ash Pujianto, As’at
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Increasing concrete strength is one of the main necessities of concrete technology. For more than the last 20 years, high strength concretes with compressive strength ranging from 50 MPa up to 140 MPa have been used worldwide in high rise buildings and bridges with long spans, or buildings in aggressive environments. But in Indonesia high strength concretes possesses maximum compressive strength of 60 MPa. The properties of concrete are affected by cementitious matrix, aggregate, and the transition zone between these two phases. Reducing the water-cement ratio and the addition of pozzolanic admixtures like fly-ash are often used to modify the microstructure of the matrix and to optimise the transition zone. The reduction of the water-cement ratio results in a decrease in porosity and refinement of capillary pores in matrix, but flowing ability of the concrete will also decrease so that it can’t be workable. Then it workablity can be improve by the use of a superplastisizer. The method used refers to the planning of normal concrete, which is contained in the SKSNI 03-2834-1992. The results showed that superplastisizer with doses of more than 2% of the cement paste does not increase the strength of concrete. For all the rest of the experiments, the superplastisizer dosage was determined about 2 % of the powder mass. The first tests showed a good workability of the fresh concrete and a good self compacting ability with the fly-ash dosage of 12 % of the powder mass. The interest in reducing costs for increasing the concrete strength, can be successfully achieved in this research.
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat terhadap Peningkatan Kekuatan Impak Komposit Berpenguat Serat Nanas-Nanasan (Bromeliaceae) Kontinyu Searah dengan Matrik Unsaturated Polyester Nur Rahman, Muhammad Budi; Suwanda, Totok
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The objective of this research is to determine the effect of fiber volume fraction and alcali (5% NaOH solution) treatment on the impact strength and failure mode of continuous bromeliaceae fiber/BQTN 157 polyester composites. Specimens being tested were produced using press mold technique. Fiber volume fraction was varied from 20% to 40%, while the the soaking time of the alcali treatment was between 2 and 8 hours. Whilst the impact test was carried out in accordance with the ASTM D5941 standard, the micro-structures of the broken specimens were presented as photo macrographs. The result showed that failure energy was sharply increase, 0.22 J (69.23%), upto fiber volume fraction of 34,44%. Further increase of fiber content resulted in decreasing slope of the failure energy increase. The corresponding impact strength was found being 0,0046 J/mm2. The effect of soaking time of the alcali treatment on the failure energy and impact strength showed similar trend. Optimum result was obtained at 6 hours of soaking time, i.e. 0,27 J of failure energy and 0,0055 J/mm2 of impact strength. Eight hours of soaking time resulted in the damage of fiber surface leading to decrease of failure energy and impact srength of the resulted composites. Hinge break showing fiber pull out was observed in the failure surfaces of various fiber contents, with the increase of soaking time resulted in decrease of the amount of pulled-out fibers.
Implementasi Mikrokontroler Sebagai Pengendali Kapasitor Untuk Perbaikan Faktor Daya Otomatis pada Jaringan Listrik Prasetya, Dana Bagus
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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With increasing electricity rates, the demands of efficiency in electric power consumption is a major consideration. Efficient use of electric power is affected by many factors. Among them is the quality of electric power. Power quality is strongly influenced by the use of certain types of expenses that resulted in the decline of efficiency. In the distribution of electric energy there are several problem sencountered include the voltage drop, low cos Φ, and the loss of power. Load on the network load distribution can be either capacitive or inductive, but in general is an inductive load. If the inductive reactive load the higher the voltage drop will produce a zoom in, zoom power loss, cos Φ lower and lower distribution of power capacity. To reduce the inductive reactive power load required capacitive reactive power sources, one of which is to be installed in parallel capacitors. In this study will be designing and manufacturing tools for controlling capacitor banks according to cos φ m, so that power quality will be better. From the results of this research tool was able to detect the value of voltage, current,and cos φ. The resulting values of the three sensors is quite good. This tool is able tocontrol the capacitor bank in accordance with the value of cos φ meters.
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat terhadap Peningkatan Kekuatan Impak Komposit Berpenguat Serat Nanas-Nanasan (Bromeliaceae) Kontinyu Searah dengan Matrik Unsaturated Polyester Nur Rahman, Muhammad Budi; Suwanda, Totok
Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jst.v13i2.714


The objective of this research is to determine the effect of fiber volume fraction and alcali (5% NaOH solution) treatment on the impact strength and failure mode of continuous bromeliaceae fiber/BQTN 157 polyester composites. Specimens being tested were produced using press mold technique. Fiber volume fraction was varied from 20% to 40%, while the the soaking time of the alcali treatment was between 2 and 8 hours. Whilst the impact test was carried out in accordance with the ASTM D5941 standard, the micro-structures of the broken specimens were presented as photo macrographs. The result showed that failure energy was sharply increase, 0.22 J (69.23%), upto fiber volume fraction of 34,44%. Further increase of fiber content resulted in decreasing slope of the failure energy increase. The corresponding impact strength was found being 0,0046 J/mm2. The effect of soaking time of the alcali treatment on the failure energy and impact strength showed similar trend. Optimum result was obtained at 6 hours of soaking time, i.e. 0,27 J of failure energy and 0,0055 J/mm2 of impact strength. Eight hours of soaking time resulted in the damage of fiber surface leading to decrease of failure energy and impact srength of the resulted composites. Hinge break showing fiber pull out was observed in the failure surfaces of various fiber contents, with the increase of soaking time resulted in decrease of the amount of pulled-out fibers.

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