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Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Hujan terhadap Gerakan Lereng Haryanti, Sri; Suryolelono, Kabul Basah; Jayadi, Rachmad
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 13, No 2 (2010): NOVEMBER 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Soil movement mostly occurs especially during rainy season at the slope of Kalibawang irrigation channel at KM 15,9 in Kulon Progo district, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The slope movement causes damage at the school building, bridge and irrigation channel. Based on this fact, a research is necessary by modeling the slope at site of conducted. The objectives of this research are to identify the rainfall characteristic which triggering slope movement and to recognizes factor affecting the slope movement. Topography data, physical characteristic, and soil mechanic were applied as the input simulation models. Groundwater flow in slope was numerically simulated by using SEEP/W while the slope deformation simulated by SIGMA/W. Both SEEP/W and SIGMA/W were applied simultaneously in the numerical simulation. Rainfall design with appropriate return period was determined from rainfall annual daily maximum historical data recorded from 1985-2004, while distribution was completed by applying statical analysis on hourly rainfall data. The analysis of normal daily rainfall was determined based on daily rainfall data from Kalibawang rain gauge. Six models were applied as follow: initial condition (Rainfall Model I), heavy rainfall in short duration (Rainfall Model II), normal daily rainfall of 25 and 40 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model III), normal daily rainfall of 20 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model IV), heavy rainfall followed with normal daily rainfall of 20 mm (Rainfall Model V) and normal rainfall of 20 mm followed with heavy rainfall (Rainfall model VI). The result shows that at the research location, the maximum daily rainfall of 2-year-return period is 113,8 mm with dominant duration was 4 hour per day. This value was applied as Rainfall Model II. Based on the simulation the movement or deformation with Rainfall Model II, III, IV, V and VI is 0,22 m; 0,956 m; 1,01 m, ; 0,652 m, and 0,568 respectivally. It is concluded that at the research location, heavy rainfall in short duration gives small impact to slope movement or slope deformation and normal rain of 20 mm in long duration (Rainfall Model IV) is highly significant to the slope movement or slope deformation.
Analisis Perubahan Tekanan Air Pori pada Tanah Lunak akibat Beban Trial Embankmentdengan menggunakan Plaxis Versi 7.2. Patria, Adhe Noor; Suryolelono, Kabul Basah; Suhendro, Bambang
Dinamika Rekayasa Vol 5, No 1 (2009): Dinamika Rekayasa - Februari 2009
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.dr.2009.5.1.16


Soft soil could be found easily in Indonesia. Constructions that built on this soil; such as embankment; face some obstructions, for instance long period consolidation, difficult soil compaction, unstable slope of embankment and high settlement value for long period. Consolidation related to particle size of soil grains, soil permeability coefficient and pore size between soil particles. This research was carried out with numerical simulation and aimed to analyze the change in pore water pressures in soft soil due to embankment load.Numerical simulation was carried out by using Plaxis version 7.2. The time periods for construction and consolidation were the same with field measurement values. Total times for both stages were 102 days. Material model used were Mohr Coulomb Model and input material model that were used were the same with filed measurement values.The results showed that at the end of construction stage there always an increasement in pore water pressure (excess pore water pressure existed) and the decreasement of pore water pressure occurred in consolidation period. Excess pore water pressures of soil below embankment were at area A, depth 0,5 was -22,8093 kPa, at area B (depth 9 m) was -21,5576 kPa and at area C (depth 13 m) was -14,159 kPa.
Perbaikan Sifat Mekanis Tanah Lempung Ekspansif Menggunakan Abu Vulkanis Sinabung dan Kapur Latif, Devi Oktaviana; Rifa’i, Ahmad; Suryolelono, Kabul Basah
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol 17 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : UIR Press

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Permasalahan tanah ekspansif dan penangan limbah abu vulkanis merupakan isu penting saat ini. Pemasalahan tanah ekspansif yang tidak menguntungkan dalam konstruksi karena memiliki sifat mudah mengalami perubahan volume akibat pengaruh kelembaban dan air sehingga menyebabkan daya dukungnya rendah sementara limbah abu vulkanis masih perlu mendapatkan perhatian karena akumulasi dan kurangnya lokasi pembuangan. Catatan letusan Sinabung sampai dengan tahun 2016 masih mengalami erupsi dan memuntahkan material vulkanis sehingga penanganan limbah abu vulkanis menjadi perhatian langsung karena akumulasi dan kurangnya lokasi pembuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meyelesaikan kedua permasalahan tersebut dengan cara mencampur tanah ekspansif, abu vulkanis dan kapur dengan variasi tertentu dalam rangka memperbaiki sifat mekanis tanah dan mengurangi dampak penumpukan abu vulkanis. Uji yang dilakukan yaitu pemadatan tanah, uji triaxial, uji swelling dan uji swelling potential dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan limbah abu vulkanis dan kapur terhadap sifat mekanis tanah. Pencampuran limbah abu vulkanis dan bahan kapur dengan tanah ekspansif dapatmeningkatkan berat volume tanah, mengurangi kadar air optimum, peningkatan nilai geser tanah mengurangi perilaku perubahan volume tanah ekspansif. Sehingga material yang dianggap tidak dibutuhkan dan merugikan terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat memiliki ternyata menjadi keuntungan untuk rekayasa teknik sipil.
Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2007): SEPTEMBER 2007
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Prambanan Temple area was partially destroyed by Yogyakarta Earthquake on May 27th, 2006. The earthquake caused a lot of parts of temple to break and fall to pieces, but entirely the structure of the temple still stand, although it looks like wrapping. The mystery of Prambanan Temple is interesting to be investigated from geotechnical approach, for structural stability of the temple. The research was conducted by doing field investigation, consisted of boring and soil sampling, combined with geo-electrical and geo-radar investigation inside the area of the temple, for knowing the foundation structure conditions. The available secondary data of physical and mechanical properties of soil were obtained from laboratory investigations. Evaluation was conducted for soil layer and the location of groundwater level beneath the temple. From the observation results, it can be seen that the depth of original soil is of -14,00 m, from the yard of the temple, and bodies of the temple are located white stone (tuff) block of 8,00 m thick. The tuff block layer acts as a foundation. Groundwater level was found at the depth of 11,20 m from the yard of the temple. Under the foundation of the temple, there is a 6,00 m thick of compacted coarse sand layer, acts as a vibration energy damper. Â