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In partnership between Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University, Kirklareli University and Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), we are delighted to be hosting the first international conference on computer science and engineering.
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Articles 28 Documents
Automated Vehicle Monitoring System Agustinus Deddy Arief Wibowo; Rudi Heriansyah
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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An automated vehicle monitoring system is proposed in this paper. The surveillance system is based on image processing techniques such as background subtraction, colour balancing, chain code based shape detection, and blob. The proposed system will detect any human’s head as appeared at the side mirrors. The detected head will be tracked and recorded for further action.
Target Localization With Fuzzy-Swarm Behavior Siti Nurmaini
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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In this paper describes target localization using deliberates fuzzy and swarm behavior. Localization is the process of determining the positions of robots or targets in whole swarms environment. To localize the target in real environment, experiment is conducted utilize three identical robots with different color. Every robot has three infrared sensors, two gas sensors, 1 compass sensor and one X-Bee. A camera in the roof of robot arena is utilized to determine the position of each robot with color detection methods. Swarm robots are connected to a computer which serves as an information center. Fuzzy and swarm behavior are keeping the swarm robots position and direction with a certain distance to the target position. From the experimental results the proposed algorithm is able to control swarm robots, produce smooth trajectory without collision and have the ability to localize the target in unknown environment
Watershed Segmentation for Face Detection Using Artificial Neural Network Julian Supardi
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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In a face image containing objects sometimes face has a color similar to the background color or objects that are nearby. This causes the system to detect any objects in the face in an image. This study wants to try to overcome these problems. The approach used in this study is a dynamic image segmentation. The segmentation will produce region-region are then used as input for the neural network. From the experiments conducted, the method used is good enough to detect faces. The results showed that the approach used in this study can detect all of the data that had trained, while for the data that has not been trained detection rate reached 70%.
Risk Management for Enterprise Resource Planning Post Implementation Using COBIT 5 for Risk Dwi Rosa Indah; Harlili Harlili; Afriyan Firdaus
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Risk management for ERP postimplementation is required to achieve ERP success. In this paper, risk management for ERP postimplementation is designed using COBIT 5 for Risk on APO12 processes. The design of a risk management framework begins with assessment of ERP postimplementation success adopting two approaches, namely the framework of ERP post-implementation success and Critical Success Factor of ERP post-implementation as an input to the risk identification adopted from COBIT 5 for Risk. The study was conducted at the company that has been entered the ERP post-implementation stage. The results of research on the case study company are ERP post-implementation success assessment by only 55.6% and there is a fairly high percentage of unsuccessful at 44.4% which indicates a risk that must be managed. Risks that need to be managed as many as 26 ERP post- implementation risks that are grouped into nine categories of risk. With the option of risk response is one risk are transfered, 21 are mitigated and four are accepted.
uation of Protection Against Collapse from Buckling of Stiffened Column Based on ASME BPVC Sec. VIII Div.2 Using Finite Element Simulation Purwo adarno
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Aprotection against collapse from buckling of a stiffened column was evaluated based on ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 2 using the finite element simulation. The column without the stiffener ring was also evaluated as a comparison. A finite element code ANSYS ver. 14.5 was used to perform thebuckling analysis of the columns. The linear (eigenvalue) buckling analysis was performed to obtain a critical load factor then the value was compared with the minimum design factor required based on the ASME Code. The columns was modeled using a shell element and the geometric non-linearties was not considered. The external pressure, the self-weight force and the temperature load were considered as the loading in the analysis. Among all applied loads, the external pressure was the most significant load contributing for the buckling of this column. The buckling strength of the column was greatly improved by the utilization of the stiffener ring, and the design stiffened column satisfied the requirement for protection against collapse from buckling.
First Person View on Flying Robot For Real Time Monitoring Huda Ubaya; Muhammad Iqbal
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Radio control nowadays not only control the car but can control the copter. First Person View is a way to change the viewpoint of the controller looks like in the copter. By using radio telemetry communication that sends video data from the camera on the copter and will be shown on a display on ground station. Radio telemetry communication will use wideband modulation techniques to transmit video at high speed until the video is shown to be a real time video. The transmitter has been designed which is able to transmit video data up to 1 kilometers. Good quality video data can be sent about 500 meters below. measurement of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) that distance and wall are greatly affect the quality of the video. Deficiencies in the delivery of video communication can be minimized by increasing the gain and transmission power of the radio frequency telemetry and matching between the video telemetry radio and radio control copter.
ELCONAS Electronic Control Using Android System With Bluetooth Communication And Sms Gateway Based Microcontroller Ahmad Fadhil; Yandi Prasetia; Adiansyah Adiansyah; Titin Wahdania Tunnisa; Ayu Ambarwati; rossi Passarella
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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ELCONAS (Electronic Control with Android System) is a tool designed to control electronic devices. This control Android via Bluetooth communication and SMS Gateway that can be controlled by the user. Control using Bluetooth, applied for a certain distance which is connected to android, Bluetooth with limited distance range of services and the use of the remote system is used SMS Gateway is connected via a short message that is sent to the microcontroller through a module that has been installed on the microcontroller, using ArdunioMega 2560. ELCONAS designed to minimize the occurrence of short circuits and even prevent fires because the user can handle it via the application without having to interact directly with electronic devices that are at home or office.
Cost Estimation System for Construction Project (CES-CP) Upasana Narang; Firdaus Firdaus; Ahmad Rifai
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Bill of Quantity is a form used by the contractor to submit a price to the owner in order to obtain a construction contract.It takes the ability and experience to make bill of quantity, not everyone can do it. The development of “Cost Estimation System for Construction Project (CES-CP)” is aims to assist people to make Bill of Quantity. The development of this application use FAST (Framework for the Application of Systems Techniques) methodology. This application stored the knowledge that required to make Bill of Quantity. It can show which one of the Work Unit Price are recommended for use on Bill of Quantity and which ones are not. All Work Unit Data that used on Bill of Quantity of a project will be stored and can be displayed at any time as a reference. This application helps people to make Bill of Quantity and make the process of making Bill of Quantity becomes more efficient.
Identification of Ambiguous Sentence Pattern in Indonesian Using Shift-Reduce Parsing M Fachrurrozi; Novi Yusliani; Muharromi Maya Agustin
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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In a sentence writing, mistakes often happened unconsciously by the writers that caused a sentence has double meaning. This research developed a software that can identify the pattern of ambiguous sentences in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing. Input for this software is a single sentence in Bahasa. This research involved three preprocessing namely case folding, tokenizing, and Part of Speech (POS) Tagging. Then the result of preprocessing used in identifying ambiguous sentence. In the process of identifying ambiguous sentences, Shift Reduce Parsing used to the parsing’s result of a sentence. As the result, this software that can differentiate whether if it is an ambiguous sentence or not. Accuracy of identifying the pattern of ambiguous sentence in Bahasa using Shift Reduce Parsing reaches 83%.
Analysis of Security Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) With Access Control Models Dynamic Level Erick Fernando; Pandapotan Siagian
ICON-CSE Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : ICON-CSE

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Now we are moving towards the "Internet of Things" (IOT) in millions of devices will be interconnected with each other, giving and taking information provided within a network that can work together. Because of computing and information processing itself IOT core supporters, So in this paper introduces "Service-Oriented Computing" (SOA) as one of the models that can be used. Where's it at each device can offer functionality as a standard service [4]. In SOA, we can make the resources available to each other in the IOT together. However, a major challenge in these service-oriented environment is the design of effective access control schemes. In SOA, the service will be invoked by a large number, and at the same time authentication and authorization need to cross several security domains are always used. In this paper, we present the analysis of data safety suatua WorkflowBased Access Control Model associated oriented (WABAC) to troubleshoot problems that occur within a system integration. The analysis showed that the point system function model based integration system that is lower than the legacy model of SOA-based systems, by designing several services using WOA approach. In addition, we have observed that the integrated model can guarantee the quality of service, security and reliability main, by applying SOA approach when needed. Finally, experimental results have proved that the service can be run side by side seamlessly without performance degradation and additional complexity.

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