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PEMBELAJARAN BERPERSPEKTIF GENDER (Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Gender dalam Pemberlajaran) S, Samsinar
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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This study discusses the gender perspective of learning. The target of this research is to understand the concept of gender and the internalization of gender in learning. This research method is qualitative. The results show that gender is a social construction that distinguishes the role and status of men and women in a society where the cultural background of social conditions. Gender is not universal, not the nature of women, and can not be changed because of the influence the course of history, changes in political, economic, social and cultural development and progress. Gender is the result of community formation. Learning the gender perspective is the learning that uses the concept of gender justice, equal partnership of harmony between men and women, pay attention to gender needs and interests. Therefore, to achiave gender equity in both the school environment, family, and society it is necessary to consciousness, sensitivity, and gender justice. Gender equality in learning requires involvement of all stalceholders including government, schools are institutions and especially its educators. Educators must become agents af change towards gender equality in learning through the learning process of gender sensitive so that he can internalize the values of gender in learning. And also required the standardization of textbooks are gender oriented.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Career women are the ones who serve husband and children as well as work to support livelihood. Hence, it implies that career women provide multi-function in the family namely to educate and to work. Working women also play a role in child- rearing patterns and patterns decision making employe in the housewives. There are many types of child-rearing pattern of parents to their children namely permissive parenting, authoritarian parenting, democracy parenting and careless parenting. Parents need to learn to apply positive parenting on children in order to form the positive character of children in the future. Role working women in pattern of parents to their children arcd patterns decision making employe in the housewives can be conducted by using the approach of structural functionalism and symbolic interactionalism. In solving a problem parents should play an important role in guiding their children to take a decision.
EMANSIPASI WANITA DI DUNIA ISLAM (Menyoroti Pemikiran Emansipasi Qasim Amin dan Pengaruhnya di Mesir) Fauziah, Syarifah
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Islam as knowledges the existence of gender-equitable education, because basically in Islam, knowledge is sacred and the search for or demanded is the right and obligation for anyone (male and female) without a difference. Qasim Amin was one af the concerns in the world of thought and renewal of Islam. through the concept of emancipation he stressed the need for women to obtain an education equal to men. It is based on historistas development of Islam it self which does not deny the role of women from time to time. Through the concept of emancipation of his woman about the inportance of woman getting adeguate education, the review of the hijab and the institution of family. He tried to rift the dignity of woman even got the negatif reaktion in his time. But the benefits be felt until now.In the field of education he said the women left behind in education is lagging the nation of progress, this is because the population of a country of approximately 50% are women and how stupid women call educate their children. This means that the progress of a nation lies in the level of education af its citizens, especially women because women are a lot of play to educote, train and shape the character of children who are future leaders of a nation.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Gender inequality is difference in the roles and rights of women and men in society that puts women in a lawer status than men. Violence against women was any action that resulted in misery of suffering to women physically, sexual or psychologically including threats of certain acts, coercion or deprivation of liberty an arbitrary whether occurring in public or in private life, issues of violence against women can be overcome by building a perception of true riligion is to run the household lives in the principles of mutual need and protect and maintain the dignity af women in various aspects, both of the aspect of clothing, relationships, and behavior.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Konsep tenaga pengajar modern dan pengembangan ide-ide seperti profesionalisme tenaga pengajar secara historis tergenderisasi, lebih sering mencerminkan paradigma teori politik kaum adam atau patrilinialisme. Pada saat yang sama juga, penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa gender sebagai variabel yang relevan lebih fokus pada fungsi kelas dan interaksi guru-mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender pada tenaga pengajar terhadap siswa bahasa Inggris yang belajar bahasa asing (EFL) khususnya pada tingkat sekolah tinggi agama Islam yang mempunyai tantangan tersendiri tentang paradigma gender serta kontradiksi gender itu sendiri. Investigasi secara kontekstual menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan demokrasi dan pembelajaran tentang lingkungan demokrasi lebih sering disangkutpautkan pada feminisme, sementara lingkungan preskriptif tradisional Iebih sering dikaitkan dengan maskulinisme yang dianggap kurang membantu dalam mendapatkan hasil kelulusan dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Feminisme dan Ekofeminisme dalam persfektif critical theory Aziz, Abdul
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: the logical consequences of the differences between men and women in biology and psychology  point of view are seen in the lame of interaction of both in social context. The implication of all that ultimately determine the distinction of roles which was rooted in value systems, beliefs, political, social and economic. During the different roles that occurs while providing opportunities for both sexes to choose, the gender does not matter. However, if the roles are then to compartmentalize the options such that either of the sexes loses the right to vote, then this is where there are problems of gender. Related to this, the review of academic studies in a variety of perspectives on gender, feminist theory that many variations, has caused various reactions from all experts both from in the scientists, observers of women, activists and others who gathered in the one hole that does not end melee concept. But the way this feminist theory also get update as well as criticism from feminist themselves, such as the restoration of ecofeminism theory that attempt the feminist identity back into the nature.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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(BOOK REVIEW)Judul Buku                          : Menggagas Fiqh Pemberdayaan PerempuanPenulis                               : Zaitunah SubhanPenerbit                              : el-KahfiTahun                                 : 2008Halaman                              : vi + 437
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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One of the fulfillment form of the rights and obligations of every individual is education. In Islam, the rationality and spiritual fulfillment can be done by learning to obtain a broad of knowledge as a way to understand the religion and solutions in building the world. Islam as a religion calls for all believers to seek knowledge whatever, as long as not contrary to the mission af humanity and as a servant of , God and the caliph on earth without exception. This means that Islam gives recognition of the rights to all people including womens education are limitless from basic education to higher education, according to each individuals interests. This paper tries to rip off that is essentially the spirit of Islamic education is the "freedom and democracy" are not looking at gender.Therefore, Islamic education is a process of transfer of knowledge from educators to the learners towards the achivement of perfect man of harmony, balance without distinguishing between men and women, this paper further explains that achieves the gender equitable education on Islamic perspective, it would require educators and learners who understands the values of equatity and gender justice.

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