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Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
ISSN : 14104571     EISSN : 25412604     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Science,
Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, covering a variety of topics in economics, management, business and finance.
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Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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This research aims to determine the development of the pottery industry enterprises, the factors that influence the development of the pottery industry business and to formulate appropriate empowerment to the community in the village of potterycraftsmen Melikan Wedi Klaten. Type District of research is a form of qualitative research with applied research , which took place in the village pottery handicraft industry center Melikan. The analysis in this research was done by using inductive analysis using a model of interactive analysis and preparation of community empowerment strategies with a SWOT analysis using cross strategy. The results showedbusinesses Melikan indusatri pottery village development. Factors affecting the development is the whole capital, human resources, technology, raw materials, natural disasters. Craftsmen organization, public policy, strategy formulation results in the formof community development planning, namely: (i) establishment of community conservationists pottery industry, (2) training in entrepreneurship and innovative potterymaking skills, (3) the development of capital and (4) drying equipment procurement.
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of this research is to determine what are the factors that led to the use ofpirated software among students. To determine the relationship of using pirated software amongstudents views by consumer characteristics included age, sex, and spending each month.Thepopulation in this study were students who use pirated software. Sampling was done with accidentalSampling. Samples taken in this study were students who use pirated software or software thathappens to be found in the current study sample and the samples taken in this study as many as100 people. Since this amount exceeded the minimum sample of 96 people. Based on data analysishas been done, the writer can conclude: Factors attitude and motivation factors are factors thatinfluence the use of pirated software among students who are able to explain 30,189% and 18,416%.For variable attitudes by age and sex have nothing to do with piracy committed by students. If byspending a month it has to do with piracy committed among students. For motivation variablebased on the characteristics of age and sex have nothing to do with piracy committed by students.If based on the characteristics of spending per month it has to do with piracy committed amongstudents.
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Supply Chain Management is a set of approaches for the efficient integration of suppliers,manufacturing, warehouse and storage, so that goods are produced and distributed in the rightamount, the right location, the right time, to minimize costs and provide service to the customersatisfaction. At this time many companies are implementing Supply Chain Management to improvethe competitiveness of the company to another. Supply Chain Management is a strategic competitivetool for companies that make bersainganya logistical problems as a strategy to win the competition.The purpose of making this paper is to investigate the role of Supplay Chain Management inproduction systems and operations within the company that allows you to provide value to consumers in terms of availability and speed of service. So that consumers will feel the advantages of theproduct, although physically relatively similar to other products.
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Toko Terhubung Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Hardiansyah, Muhammad Febri; Nugroho, Sahid Susilo
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The study aims to examine the relationship between buying environment characteristics, esatisfactionand e-loyalty referring to the research model from Kim et al. (2009) that is applied to apparel product category in the US as a developed country. The study offers a new empirical perspective by investigating electronic product category in Indonesia as adeveloping country.The study conduct a survey method to reach a purposive sample of 200 consumers from 4big cities in Indonesia that are Jakar ta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The findingsprove that among six online service attributes, only convenience and information caninflluence e-satisfaction significantly. Web appearance, entertainment value, communication and customization are failed to be a significant predictors of e satisfaction. In the next step, e-satisfaction influences e-loyalty significantly.
MANAJEMEN RISIKO BISNIS UMKM DI KOTA SURAKARTA Wajdi, M. Farid; Setyawan, Anton Agus; Syamsudin, Syamsudin; Isa, Muzakar
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the business risks that arise from a disaster thatbegins with SMEs understanding of business risk from disasters in Surakarta. Furthermore, is toanalyzed risk perception the in Surakarta SMEs, which most likely can happen and the impact ontheir businesses. In addition, this study also identifies the problems and opportunities of riskmanagement in SMEs at Surakarta. The population of this study was SMEs entrepreneurs inSurakarta. Data collection was done by two methods: survey and in-depth interviews. Descriptivestatistical methods were used in this study were the frequency and value of cross-tab analysis toclassify data. Research results indicate that (1) presence Indonesian SMEs in general and inSurakarta in particular is essential for economic growth. (2) The management of SMEs can not beseparated on the threat of business risks that may arise from time to time. (3) Risk management is not only a SMEs responsibility solely, but also the responsibility of the Government and relevant institutions risk management business (Banking and Insurance). (4)The impact of the disaster,which is one business risk for SMEs can be transferred to the insurance as an institution that can help guarantee against losses caused by the disaster.
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Wuryaningsih DL, Wuryaningsih DL
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Bank is one financial institution that provides a variety of financial services that are used as the place where the transaction. As intermediary between parties who have surplus funds and those who need funds required banks to healthy financial performance. The research was conducted with the aim to analyze the financial performance of the financial industry inIndonesia. The ratio used to analyze the financial performance of the banking industry inIndonesia is Liquidity Ratios, Solvability Ratios, Profitability Ratios. The sampling method usedwas purposive sampling method. Of the population were 28 listed banking industry in IndonesiaStock Exchange, taken seven banking companies that meet the criteria of the sampl e, the companies included in the banking industry, the company that went public before the date of December 31, 2008 and a banking company that publishes financial reports on a regular basis at 31 December 2008.2009. The results showed that: (1) Liquidity ratio: (a)the financialperformance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized not good, measured from the current ratio,because the value of the current ratio is less than 200% is equal to 94% in 2008 and 97% in 2009, (b) the financial performance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized not good, as measured by the quick ratio, quick ratio because the value is less than 100% is equal to 94% in 2008 and 97% in 2009, (c)the financial performance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized not good, measured from the cash ratio, because the value of the cash ratio less than 100% which is 28% in 2008 and 32% in 2009.(2) solvency ratio: (a)the financial performance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized solvable measured by debt to net worth, because the value of debt to net worth of mo re than 25% in the amount of 942% in 2008 and 840% in 2009, (b) the financial performance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized solvable, measured by total assets to net worth, because the value of total assets to net worth of more than 25% is equal to 1082% i n 2008 and 970% in 2009, (c) the financial performance of banks in 2008-2009 categorized insolvable measured from fixed assets to net worth, as value of fixed assets to net worth less than 25% at 15% in 2008 and 12% in 2009.(3) The ratio of earnings: (a) the banking company for the year 2008-2009 is still a very small benefit only Rp 0.0185,00 in 2008 and Rp 0.0223,00 in 2009, (b) the banking company for the year 2008-2009 is still a very small benefit from its own capital only Rp 0.15,00 in 2008 and Rp 0.17,00 in 2009
Benefit Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of employee relationsconsisting of employee communication, guidance and discipline affect the job satisfaction of employeesof PT. Kartika Tower Buana in Karanganyar and knowing the relationship among the employeerelations of the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buanain Karanganyar. Based on the results of this research can enrich the study of the phenomenon ofemployee relations and is expected used as a source of information and material for consideration bythe company to increase employee satisfaction. The hypothesis testing in this study using a multiplelinear regression analysis with the t-test, F-test and the coefficient of determination (R2). The populationin this study was all employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar. While the study samplewas 100 employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar with accidental sampling as a samplingtechnique. Based on the survey results revealed that communication t-test obtained for 2.845> 1.985so that a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower BuanaKaranganyar. T-test obtained for guidance is 2.936> 1.985 so that a positive and significant effecton job satisfaction of PT. Kartika Tower Buana employee. T-test obtained for discipline is 5.234>1.985 so have positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika TowerBuana Karanganyar. Based on calculations simultaneously T-test obtained is 36.488> 2.68 so thatcommunication, guidance and incentives together have a positive and significant effect on jobsatisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.533; meant that communication, guidance, discipline can explain the causes of the rising and falling job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar by 53.3%, while the remaining 46.7% can be explained by other variables outside the model. The calculations show that discipline is a variable that has a value of beta coefficient greater when compared with the performance, that is equal to 0.415. This suggests that discipline is the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar compared with guidance and communication.
Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Benefit : Kumpulan Makalah Diskusi Dosen FE UMS Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/benefit.v16i2.1360


The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of employee relationsconsisting of employee communication, guidance and discipline affect the job satisfaction of employeesof PT. Kartika Tower Buana in Karanganyar and knowing the relationship among the employeerelations of the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buanain Karanganyar. Based on the results of this research can enrich the study of the phenomenon ofemployee relations and is expected used as a source of information and material for consideration bythe company to increase employee satisfaction. The hypothesis testing in this study using a multiplelinear regression analysis with the t-test, F-test and the coefficient of determination (R2). The populationin this study was all employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar. While the study samplewas 100 employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar with accidental sampling as a samplingtechnique. Based on the survey results revealed that communication t-test obtained for 2.845> 1.985so that a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower BuanaKaranganyar. T-test obtained for guidance is 2.936> 1.985 so that a positive and significant effecton job satisfaction of PT. Kartika Tower Buana employee. T-test obtained for discipline is 5.234>1.985 so have positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika TowerBuana Karanganyar. Based on calculations simultaneously T-test obtained is 36.488> 2.68 so thatcommunication, guidance and incentives together have a positive and significant effect on jobsatisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.533; meant that communication, guidance, discipline can explain the causes of the rising and falling job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar by 53.3%, while the remaining 46.7% can be explained by other variables outside the model. The calculations show that discipline is a variable that has a value of beta coefficient greater when compared with the performance, that is equal to 0.415. This suggests that discipline is the most dominant influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kartika Tower Buana Karanganyar compared with guidance and communication.
Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Benefit : Kumpulan Makalah Diskusi Dosen FE UMS Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/benefit.v16i2.1365


This research aims to determine the development of the pottery industry enterprises, the factors that influence the development of the pottery industry business and to formulate appropriate empowerment to the community in the village of potterycraftsmen Melikan Wedi Klaten. Type District of research is a form of qualitative research with applied research , which took place in the village pottery handicraft industry center Melikan. The analysis in this research was done by using inductive analysis using a model of interactive analysis and preparation of community empowerment strategies with a SWOT analysis using cross strategy. The results showedbusinesses Melikan indusatri pottery village development. Factors affecting the development is the whole capital, human resources, technology, raw materials, natural disasters. Craftsmen organization, public policy, strategy formulation results in the formof community development planning, namely: (i) establishment of community conservationists pottery industry, (2) training in entrepreneurship and innovative potterymaking skills, (3) the development of capital and (4) drying equipment procurement.
Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Benefit : Kumpulan Makalah Diskusi Dosen FE UMS Volume 16 No 2 Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/benefit.v16i2.1361


The purpose of this research is to determine what are the factors that led to the use ofpirated software among students. To determine the relationship of using pirated software amongstudents views by consumer characteristics included age, sex, and spending each month.Thepopulation in this study were students who use pirated software. Sampling was done with accidentalSampling. Samples taken in this study were students who use pirated software or software thathappens to be found in the current study sample and the samples taken in this study as many as100 people. Since this amount exceeded the minimum sample of 96 people. Based on data analysishas been done, the writer can conclude: Factors attitude and motivation factors are factors thatinfluence the use of pirated software among students who are able to explain 30,189% and 18,416%.For variable attitudes by age and sex have nothing to do with piracy committed by students. If byspending a month it has to do with piracy committed among students. For motivation variablebased on the characteristics of age and sex have nothing to do with piracy committed by students.If based on the characteristics of spending per month it has to do with piracy committed amongstudents.

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