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International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS)
ISSN : 24600598     EISSN : 27162419     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
This proceeding contains papers that get submitted and presented at The International Multidiciplinary Conference On Social Sciences that organized by the Bandar Lampung University, Lampung, Indonesia.
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Articles 73 Documents
Comparison Of Authority Of The Conditional Court In India And Thailand In Judicial Review Indah Satria
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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All countries which transformed into democracies at the end of the 20th century established constitutional courts. Thailand and Indonesia established constitutional courts following their transformation into new democracies. For Thailand and Indonesia, the presence of the Court is already long overdue. The main target of the establishment of this institution cannot be separated from the ideals of the legal state. As is known, generally countries that have looked at the written law constitutional text as a collection of the highest legal doctrines. This raises the legal consequences if a product is contrary to the constitution, the supreme doctrine requires cancellation action on the legal product. As for the problem in this paper is how it compares to the authority of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia and Thailand in judicial review. The method used in this research is normative juridical. Constitutional Court of Thailand can review and decide upon the constitutionality draft of laws or draft organic law approved by the National Assembly. However, based on the provisions that have been enacted, the constitutional court of Thailand carry out reviewing of the object of legal norms that have been established or disconnected constitutionality after the Bill is enacted. While in Indonesia, judicial review benchmarks performed with the Constitution. In contrast to the Constitutional Court of Thailand, Constitutional Court of Indonesia cannot examine the Draft of Laws. However, the existence of the Constitutional Court in Indonesia and Thailand has actually functioned optimally. It is effort to maintain the basic rights of the people. Through the way people's preferences in questioning the actions that are considered controversial state apparatus can be organized fairly and accurately. It can be said as the media is able to bridge the community in finding constitutional justice.
Error Analysis of SMA Pangudi Luhur Bandar Lampung Students’ Translation in Using Meaning-Based Translation. Kefas Ajie Bhekti
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the errors of SMA Pangudi Luhur Bandar Lampung Students’ Translation in Using Meaning-Based Translation. This research focuses on discovering the errors that may arise, and the most dominant type of error in students’ translation. After analyzing the students’ translation, the result shows that there are many errors in students’ translation. Those errors include Global Errors, Local Errors, Omission Errors, Addition Errors and Misformation Errors. Global Errors and Local Errors are parts of Communicative Effect Taxonomy while the others are parts of Surface Strategy taxonomy. The errors that writer found were divided based on two taxonomies. The percentage of Global Errors in this research is 4.83% while the percentage of Local Errors is 95.1%. The percentage of Omission Errors is 45.6%, the percentage of Addition Errors is 19.2%, and the percentage of Misformation Errors is 35.2%. After quantifying the students’ translation, it can be concluded that almost all errors from two taxonomies arise in the students’ translation and the most dominant errors in this research are Local errors and Omission errors.
The Influence Of Bank Product Socialization And Electronic Payment System Quality On Intention To Use E-Money In Indonesia Cynthia Jonathan; Rina Erlanda; Zainal Arifin Hidayat
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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This research aims to provide empirical evidence that bank product socialization andelectronic payment system quality positively influence intention to use e-money. This research is important to be done for the sake of The Bank of Indonesia and all of Indonesian people because there are a lot of benefits would be acquired by a massive using of e-money. The population of this research is all of Indonesian people and the sample that taken for this research are 209 respondents from the college/ university students in Indonesia. The independent variables which are used in this research are bank product socialization andelectronic payment system quality. Meanwhile, the dependent variable which is used in this research is intention to use e-money. The survey result which showed that the using level of e-money is very low which only 26% from all of the respondents indicates that The Bank of Indonesia have to increase the effort of bank product socialization and control the quality of electronic payment system.
Impact From Social Media To Social Life Eka Imama Novitasari; Ade Kurniawan; Yoga Dwi Goesty D.S; Arnes Yuli Vandika
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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As the easiest, cheapest and the largest place to show picture, sentence, and newest news, social media become the trend topic in our country. In the social media the users feel the freedom, but sometimes they can’t control their freedom until it become a disaster. Disaster for their social life and people around them. We need the education to educate them, how to manage their attitude in social media. This education will start from our children to cut the mistake in our society.
An Using E-CRM To Improve Market Value Companies Ruri Koesliandana; Arnes Yuli Vandika; Dina Ika Wahyuningsih
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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E-Customer relationship management can help organizations manage customer interactions more effectively to maintain competitiveness in the present economy. As more and more organizations realize the significance of becoming customer-centric in today’s competitive era, they adopted E-CRM as a core business strategy and invested heavily.E- CRM, an integration of information technology and relationship marketing, provides the infrastructure that facilitates long-term relationship building with customers at an enterprise-wide level. Successful E-CRM implementation is a complex, expensive and rarely technical projects. This paper presents the successful implementation of E-CRM from process perspective in a trans-national organization with operations in different segments. This study will aid in understanding transition, constraints and the implementation process of E-CRM in such organizations.
The Influence Of Lampungnese Ethnicity Accent On Dialect A To Lampungnese Students’ Pronunciation Ability At English Education Study Program Anggi Okta Dinata
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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This research was a qualitative research. Multiple methods were used in this research. They were observation, interview, transcription, and documentary.After getting the data, there were some influences in segmental and suprasemental features. At the segmental features, it influenced some consonant and vowel sounds. Those consonant sounds were [v] and [f] sound became [p] sound,[th] sound became [t] sound,[z] sound became [s] sound,[ch] sound became [c] sound, and [ǰ] became [ng]. Meanwhile, at the vowel sounds influenced monophtongs and diphtongs. At monophtongs, they were[é] sound became [ə] sound, [ə] sound became [é] sound, and [ɪ] sound became [e] sound. Meanwhile at the diphtongs, it was [ei] sound became [e] sound. At the suprasegmental features, there were some influences on the words’ stress and intonation. Some words and sentences were given inappropriate stress and intonation. Those things happened for some reasons. They were the intensity time in using English, the difference in phonological system between English and Lampungnese language, the sociolinguistic factor, the learner’s age, and the learner’s attitude and personality.
Cultural Tourism and Trade in Indigenous People’s Art and Craft: A Gap Analysis of International Legal Treatise and National Legislation Ida Madieha bt. Abdul Ghani Azmi
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People, adopted on 13 September 2007, provides a clear support for the recognition of indigenous people’s right over their cultural heritage, traditional cultural expression and traditional knowledge (Article 31). The Declaration which was supported by both Malaysia and Indonesia provides the framework for the evolution of laws, regulations and rules to maintain, develop the past and future manifestation of their cultural practices (Article 11). States are also expected to provide effective redress for the misappropriation of their cultural practices including restitution and repatriation of their ceremonial objects and human remains (Article 12).Indigenous culture is fast growing to be a major drawing appeal to global tourists. This paper commences with a brief expose on how the cultural practices of the indigenous people became a key attractions for tourist in Malaysia. The paper seeks to ask how cultural tourisms can pose harm to the cultural integrity of the indigenous people. The widespread sale of their arts and crafts and the lack of control over reproduction of cheap copies for tourists question the measures taken by the state to control the misappropriation of their cultural practices.  TCE has also been the subject of coverage in many other international treaties and domestic legislation. This paper examines the gaps between the various legal treatises on TCE and national legislation with the aim of fortifying the relevant rules for countries like Malaysia and Indonesia to emulate. The paper concludes with some suggestions for legislative reform for the effective control of trade in indigenous people’s art and crafts.
Dilemma of State Sovereignty Protecting the Homeland Indonesia(Studies Agrarian Constitution) FX. Sumarja
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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State of lawhas thesovereignauthoritytodetermineandregulatetheir ownaffairs for free. State of law teaches that all government action must be based on legislation drafted by the competent institution. Practice anomaly state in Indonesia, on the one hand have a sovereign law-making but on the other hand welcomed the intervention of other parties. The Conditions of legislators who still easily bought and intervention is one of the reasons. Impact the state is ineffective to protect the native land of Indonesia from foreign exploitation. Whereas the agrarian constitution of Indonesia sincerely as developing states have been prepared in line with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to set access restrictions by foreign agrarian resources.Legislation that opens wide agrarian access to foreign resources is a infringement of Human Rights, which should be corrected (judicial), hence it does not make pretending law states.Ostensiblyto protect thehomeland of Indonesia, althoughsoldto foreigners. Institutions authorized to make corrections to the laws that are discrepant with the constitution of agrarian is the Constitutional Court. This research subject points is to analyze legislation in the field of agrarian resources that have been corrected and the legal considerations.The study was conducted using the document approach. Such legal materials through library and internet access. Legal materials were examined using a prescriptive-analytical method.Until the beginning of2015there wereninelegislationrelated tothe field ofagrarian resourcesthat have beensuccessfullycorrected, andotherwisecontrary to theconstitution. So the Court's performance should be held up and requires awareness together in finding the national identity, became sovereign over agrarian resources and no intervention from other parties.
Teaching Poetry in ELT Classrooms: Some Challenges and Solutions Bastian Sugandi; . Husnaini
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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Literature is one of the important things in the ELT classrooms. One of literary activities that EFL teachers can do to help students in learning English is through learning poetry. In ELT classrooms, teaching poetry is a challenge for teachers and a challenge for students to be learnt. There are some challenges in teaching poetry in ELT classrooms such as teachers and students should have extra thinking to get the meaning of poem that they read, they get difficulty because of linguistic aspects, some students feel bored in reading poetry activities, and teachers do not have the confidence to struggle. This paper presents not only some challenges but also some solutions to overcome with the challenges faced by teachers and students in teaching and learning poetry in ELT classrooms.
The Economical Analysis Of Mechanization In Land Preparation For Plantation M.C. Tri Atmodjo
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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One of the development of technology in agricultural engineering  is the farm mechanization by using farm tractor equipped with disc plow and ridger for land preparation of the plantation. The choose of agrticultural machinery should consider the technical and economical value and the culture of the farmer themselves.     The economical analysis shows that One tractor 70 HP and the new price about   800 million rupiah  should cultivate 1007hectars of land for a year which 5 years operation until obsolete.  The true analysis of technical and economical in the application of   farm machinery   would   increase  the total revenue and benefit of plantation.

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