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International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS)
ISSN : 24600598     EISSN : 27162419     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
This proceeding contains papers that get submitted and presented at The International Multidiciplinary Conference On Social Sciences that organized by the Bandar Lampung University, Lampung, Indonesia.
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Articles 73 Documents
Analysis Of The Quality Of Public Health Field Siti Masitoh
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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Community Health Center (Puskesmas) as providers of health care for the basic level in Indonesian society serves to maintain and improve public health. Through professionalism in the health centers provide health services, is expected to satisfaction of the public, especially the patients can continue to increase. The problem in this research is: What is the quality of health services provided Inpatient Health Center Kedaton Bandar Lampung. The aim of this study is to determine the quality of health care provided Inpatient Health Center Kedaton Bandar Lampung.Metode research used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection method in this research is by way of literature study, observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. In this study using the technique of importance and performance analysis and determined the X ̿ (the average of the scores level performance) and Y ̿ (average of score of the level of interest) to further test the hypothesis that through t test or t test. The results showed that the overall satisfaction of patients Inpatient Health Center Kedaton Bandar Lampung well, but found a gap in the patient satisfaction factors justice delivery of health services for all patients. Furthermore, factors such facilities properly implemented, the responsibility of the officer, speed of service, and friendliness of the clerk. But to factors such as the provision of means of communication, the implementation of the basic rate for the patients, and timeliness of services, execution performance and interest rated mediocre or quite as well as to the certainty factor schedule of service and courtesy clerk, the patient considers these factors are excessive because it actually does not are expected by the patient.
The Influence of Using Scrambled Pictures to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text of Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Bhakti Utama Bandar Lampung Novita Uswatun Khasanah
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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Most students get difficulties in writing narrative text because in getting the ideas of the story is not easy for them. Therefore, the teacher needs something to stimulate their understanding about narrative text. In this research, the researcher used scrambled pictures as a medium to improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text. The objective of the study is to find out the influence of using scrambled pictures towards the students’ ability in writing narrative text. Related to the research, the researcher used experimental research as the research method. The subjects of the research were the students of two classes (XI KR 1 and XI SM 1) of the eleventh grade students of SMK Bhakti Utama Bandar Lampung in academic year of 2014/2015. The number of the subjects were 40 students and in each class there were 20 students. The pre-test and post-test were given  to those two classes in order to measure the students’ improvement of the ability in writing narrative text. The result showed that the average score of pre-test to post-test of control group (the class who was taught without scrambled pictures) was 52.45 to 63.3. In the experimental group(the class who was taught by using scrambled pictures), the average score of pre-test and post-test was 58.7 to 74.25. From those results, it can be concluded that there was a significance improvement of students’ score in experimental group which was higher than the score in the control class.from the t-test result, it can be seen that the t-value( 4.08) was higher than the p-value (2.02 or 2.71). It indicates that using scrambled pictures can improve their ability in writing narrative text effectively. 
Contrasting Islamic Leadership Styles (An Empirical Study of Muslim Majority and Minority Countries) Khalid Ahmad
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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From State Sovereignty To People Sovereignty: The Development of State Control Doctrine in Indonesia Constitutional Court Decision Utia Meylina
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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State Control Doctrine in Indonesia has no restriction criteria. The high of rights granted by the constitution to make the state the power to the state's enormous power in respect of Article 33 of the Constitution of 1945. The absence of this restriction criteria led to the state capable of acting arbitrarily, it is at the reflection of the enactment of state sovereignty. Democracy continues to grow until delivery of the Constitutional Court. Through the decisions of the Constitutional Court this is slowly becoming a limiting criterion State Control Doctrine in Indonesia. Former power in the hands of the state slowly began to shift into the hands of the public. By analyzing the decision of the Constitutional Court will be able to describe the shift towards state sovereignty tipeople  sovereignty.
Teaching Vocabulary By Using Hypnoteaching To Second Semester Students Of Bandar Lampung University Fransiska Anggun Arumsari
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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Success of a teaching learning process is influenced by a method of learning that is used in a class. A method can support the teaching learning process. Therefore a teacher must choose an appropriate method. There is a new method that is recently talked in Indonesian educational world. It is called hypnoteaching. “Hypnoteaching forms of a learning method which is creative, unique and also imaginative”[1]. The purpose of this research is to observe whether the hypnoteaching influences students in learning English vocabulary. Moreover a researcher also wants to know how this method influences students in vocabulary teaching learning process. The research is a qualitative research that uses 15 second semester students as samples. It is held in Bandar Lampung University.The research uses interview, observation and test in collecting data. The research finds thathypnoteaching influences the teaching learning process. Hypnoteaching can create happy, relaxed and enthusiastic condition in vocabulary class so it can improve student’s vocabulary mastery.
The Performance of Undiversified Portfolio In Indonesia Stock Exchange Budi Frensidy
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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This research is aimed to analyze the diversification practice among domestic retail investors at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and its portfolio performance. An individual domestic investor at IDX holds 4.3 stocks on average with the median two stocks. This is in line with the findings of Goetzmann & Kumar (2008), Kelly (1995), and Polkovnichenko (2005). For the performance, without considering risk, minimum and moderate diversification portfolios tend to be better than the extensive diversification. However, when risk is taken into account, the undiversified portfolios do not outperform the extensive diversification.
An Analysis of Students' Gramatical Error in Using Passive Voice at Grade Ten of SMA Persada Bandar Lampung 2014 Ildhias Pratiwi Putri
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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The purpose of this research was to analyze students’ grammatical error in using passive voice at grade ten in SMA Persada Bandar Lampung 2014. The data were collected by incorporating test to measure the students’ error in using passive voice based on surface strategy taxonomy. They did the structure tests that were a set of Indonesian sentences to be translated into English.Error analysis is a technique of analyzing, classifying, and describing the noticeable errors made by the students in learning process. Surface strategy highlights the way surface structures is altered. There are four types of error based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy: omission, addition, misformation and misordering. From 25 students, 436 total error were found that are classified into 4 types of error. They are 120 ommision error or 27,52 % (TOM : TE X 100 %), 19 addition error or 4,35 % ( TAD : TE X 100 %), 249 misformation error or 57,11 % (TMF : TE X100 %) and 48 misordering or 11,00 % (TMO : TE X 100%).Results indicate that of all types of errors on Surface Strategy Taxonomy we found the most dominant error was misformation and the least dominant error was addition. Therefore, it is recommended that students are required to improve their grammar understanding by studying passive voice sentence more deeply.
Preferences Prospective Students In Choosing The Study Program (University X In Bandar Lampung) Indriati Agustina Gultom; Wahyu Pamungkas
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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The existence of a material consideration or reference in taking decisions be important for management; where one of them is to bridge between supply manufacturers to match consumer demand. Many factors behind a prospective students in choosing courses be quite important for the management of the University in preparing the draft strategy right. Factors election so many courses that need to be grouped, in addition to ease, as well as to structuring elements such varied. AHP, or the Analytical Hierarchy Process Model is a model that can be used to provide structuring a good direction, so that the complexity of factors will become more structured and taken into consideration in the decision.
Euphoria and Social Media Related to Organizational Effectiveness, Based on Gangnam Style Case Astadi Pangarso; Cut Irna Setiawati
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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Social media is part of the information communication technology (ICT) which is important in human life currently. Social media is important because it play a role in the fulfillment of human needs, especially when associated with humans that was created as social creatures. As social creatures, humans build organizations to meet their needs to interact, communicate, collaborate and agree on a goal. In organizations, the organizational effectiveness has an important role in fulfilling the organization purposes. The presence of euphoria phenomenon may provide an explanation linkage between euphoria and organizational effectiveness. This study is a descriptive study, which aims to explain how social media is used as a media to convey the euphoria that contributes to the organizational effectiveness based on gangnam style case. The research method used to collect and analyze secondary data from the related literature study with the research journals. This research is expected to be the basis for future research which can be done empirically and contextually in term of social media that convey euphoria and contribute to organizational effectiveness.
The Fulfilment Of The Right To Health Services Through Control Of Ombudsman Functions In The Region Agus Triono
International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) Vol 1 (2015): 3rd IMCoSS 2015
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University

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The right to good health care is a basic right of citizens guaranteed by the constitution that must be fulfilled. But the vagueness of the benchmarks of public services and the effectiveness of oversight institutions become an obstacle in fulfilling the right to health services, especially in the era of regional autonomy by implementing decentralization of authority to the regions in health. Therefore, in this study discussed on how the right to health services through the oversight function of the Ombudsman in the area and whether barriers.Based on research conducted using normative legal research methods using statutory approach and conceptual approach as well as social-legal mind that the right to health care is an obligation of the state in efforts to implement human rights norms that honor to respect, to protect and to fulfil and must meet the principles, among others, the availability of health services, accessibility, acceptability and quality. In the context of regional autonomy, decentralization in the health sector to the region has given local authorities organize public services, although in practice, there are still many areas which were not optimal in the rain due to differences in the ability of the financial implications for the implementation of public service which is not in accordance with prescribed standards. The presence of the Ombudsman to be important even though there are various barriers internally, among others related to statutory provisions that have not been given the strengthening of the Ombudsman institution in the state system, the binding force of law issued by the Ombudsman products is only morally binding so that execution given the government agency itself has not been fully implemented and the lack of resources and funding sources Ombudsman. While externally the object of supervision, such as government and society in general who do not understand the essence of the establishment of the Ombudsman institution and do not want to run any recommendations of the Ombudsman.

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