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EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology
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EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology is a BI-ANNUAL journal published by Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). It aims to encourage initiatives, to share new ideas, and to publish high-quality articles in the field of engineering technology and available to everybody at no cost. It stimulates researchers to explore their ideas and enhance their innovations in the scientific publication on engineering technology. EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology primarily focuses on analyzing, applying, implementing and improving existing and emerging technologies and is aimed to the application of engineering principles and the implementation of technological advances for the benefit of humanity.
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Comparation of SAW Method and Topsis in Assesing The Best Area Using HSE Standards Bendra Wardana; Roni Habibi; M. Harry K Saputra
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v7i2.423


Pertamina Gas is a company engaged in the midstream and downstream industry sectors of Indonesian gas. Currently, the process to access the best areas in PT. Pertamina Gas has not been computerizedand it is still doing manu ally. In assessing the area itself, this method is considered less effective and efficient to determine the best area. Area Assessment according to PT. Pertamina Gas itself is important to iincrease the performance and safety in improving PT. Pertamina Gas Health, Safety, Environment quality. Therefore, we need a system to determine which areas are the best in the PT. Pertamina Gas environment, using predetermined criteria. To create a system commenting on the area in PT. Pertamina Gas Environment, the author used the method Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Techniques for Other References With Similarities to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS) for the best process of conversation and area testing.This study suggests finding the best method for reporting and helping to make decisions based on the best alternative value. The results obtained from this study show that the testing using SAW method is more optimal than using TOPSIS method, with the value of sensitivity change for SAW is 2.4 and TOPSIS is 0.7754.
Energy Efficiency Optimization for Intermediate Node Selection Using MhSA-LEACH: Multi-hop Simulated Annealing in Wireless Sensor Network Aidil Saputra Kirsan; Udin Harun Al Rasyid; Iwan Syarif; Dian Neipa Purnamasari
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.459


Energy usage on nodes is still a hot topic among researchers on wireless sensor networks. This is due to the increasing technological development increasing information requirements and caused the occurrence of information exchange continuously without stopping and impact the decline of lifetime nodes. It takes more effort to manually change the energy source on nodes in the wireless sensor network. The solution to such problems is to use routing protocols such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). The LEACH protocol works by grouping nodes and selecting the Cluster Head (CH) in charge of delivering data to the Base Station (BS). One of the disadvantage LEACH protocols, when nodes are far from the CH, will require a lot of energy for sending data to CH. One way to reduce the energy consumption of each node-far is to use multi-hop communication. In this research, we propose a multi-hop simulated annealing (MhSA-LEACH) with an algorithm developed from the LEACH protocol based on intra-cluster multi-hop communication. The selection of intermediate nodes in multi-hop protocol is done using Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm on Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Therefore, the multi-hop nodes are selected based on the shortest distance and can only be skipped once by utilizing the probability theory, resulting in a more optimal node path. The proposed algorithm has been compared to the conventional LEACH protocol and the Multi-Hop Advance Heterogeneity-aware Energy Efficient (MAHEE) clustering algorithm using OMNeT++. The test results show the optimization of MhSA-LEACH on the number of packets received by BS or CH and the number of dead or alive nodes from LEACH and MAHEE protocols.
Towards a Resilient Server with an external VMI in the Virtualization Environment Agus Priyo Utomo; Idris Winarno; Iwan Syarif
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.468


Currently, cloud computing technology is implemented by many industries in the world. This technology is very promising due to many companies only need to provide relatively smaller capital for their IT infrastructure. Virtualization is the core of cloud computing technology. Virtualization allows one physical machine to runs multiple operating systems. As a result, they do not need a lot of physical infrastructures (servers). However, the existence of virtualization could not guarantee that system failures in the guest operating system can be avoided. In this paper, we discuss the monitoring of hangs in the guest operating system in a virtualized environment without installing a monitoring agent in the guest operating system. There are a number of forensic applications that are useful for analyzing memory, CPU, and I/O, and one of it is called as LibVMI. Drakvuf, black-box binary analysis system, utilizes LibVMI to secure the guest OS. We use the LibVMI library through Drakvuf plugins to monitor processes running on the guest operating system. Therefore, we create a new plugin to Drakvuf to detect Hangs on the guest operating system running on the Xen Hypervisor. The experiment reveals that our application is able to monitor the guest operating system in real-time. However, Extended Page Table (EPT) violations occur during the monitoring process. Consequently, we need to activate the altp2m feature on Xen Hypervisor to by minimizing EPT violations.
A Study of Chip Formation on Turning with Minimum Quantity Lubrication Method (MQL) Rika Dwi Hidayatul Qoryah; Agil Widhy Azizi; Mahros Darsin
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.469


The cutting fluid is one of the essential factors in machining to increase machinability. The issuance of ISO 14000 about reducing the use of cutting fluid for its danger for operator and environment has encouraged many researchers to find ways to minimize its use. The Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) is an answer to it. To further reduce the use of cutting fluid, a device that complies with MQL criteria for controlling the spray based on the tool temperature has successfully designed. This paper is discussing the effect of applying this device to the chips formation. The experiments were on turning of AISI 4340 using carbide tools. The Taguchi method L9 used to design the experiments. The variations made on the method of applying the cutting fluid, depth of cut, and cutting fluid composition. The chips formation was calculated based on the value of the degree of serration. Analysis of the S/N ratio, followed by ANOVA, revealed that the cutting fluids application method is the least factor affecting the chips formation. In contrast, the depth of cut influences the chips formation by 75 per cent more. The highest degree of serration achieved when applying the combination of depth of cut of 1.8 mm, the composition of 5:5, and flood method of applying cutting fluid.
Frequency Controlled Noise Cancellation for Audio and Hearing Purposes Ali O. Abid Noor
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.473


Methods for hearing aids sought to compensate for loss in hearing by amplifying signals of interest in the audio band. In real-world, audio signals are prone to outdoor noise which can be destructive for hearing aid. Eliminating interfering noise at high speed and low power consumption became a target for recent researches. Modern hearing compensation technologies use digital signal processing which requires minimum implementation costs to reduce power consumption, as well as avoiding delay in real time processing. In this paper, frequency controlled noise cancellation (FCNC) strategy for hearing aid and audio communication is developed with low complexity and least time delay. The contribution of the current work is made by offering a method that is capable of removing inherent distortion due filter-bank insertion and assigning adaptive filtering to a particular sub-band to remove external noise. The performance of the proposed FCNC was examined under frequency-limited noise, which corrupts particular parts of the audio spectrum. Results showed that the FCNC renders noise-immune audio signals with minimal number of computations and least delay. Mean square error (MSE) plots of the proposed FCNC method reached below -30 dB compared to -25 dB using conventional sub-band method and to -10 dB using standard full-band noise canceller. The proposed FCNC approach gave the lowest number of computations compared to other methods with a total of 346 computations per sample compared to 860 and 512 by conventional sub-band and full-band methods respectively. The time delay using FCNC is the least compared to the other methods.
Unsupervised Twitter Sentiment Analysis on The Revision of Indonesian Code Law and the Anti-Corruption Law using Combination Method of Lexicon Based and Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Nur Restu Prayoga; Tresna Maulana Fahrudin; Made Kamisutara; Angga Rahagiyanto; Tahegga Primananda Alfath; Latipah; Slamet Winardi; Kunto Eko Susilo
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.477


The rejection on ratification of the revision of Indonesian Code Law or known as RKUHP and Corruption Law raises several opinions from various perspectives in social media. Twitter as one of many platforms affected, has more than 19.5 million users in Indonesia. Twitter is one of many social media in Indonesia where people can share their views, arguments, information, and opinions from all points of view. Since Twitter has a great diversity of users, it needs a system which is designed to determine the opinion tendency towards the problems or objects. The purpose of this study is to analyze the sentiment of Twitter users' tweets to reject the revision of the Law whether they have positive or negative sentiments using the Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering method. The data that being used in this study were obtained from the results of crawling tweets based on hashtag (#) (#ReformasiDikorupsi). The next stage is pre-processing which consists of case folding, tokenizing, cleansing, sanitizing, and stemming. The extraction features Lexicon Based and Term Frequency (TF) which performs the process automatically. In the clustering stage, two clusters use three approaches; single linkage, complete linkage and average linkage. In the accuracy calculation phase, the writer uses the error ratio, confusion matrix, and silhouette coefficient. Therefore, the results are quite good. From 2408 tweets, the highest accuracy results are 61.6%.
Stable Algorithm Based On Lax-Friedrichs Scheme for Visual Simulation of Shallow Water Bandung Arry Sanjoyo; Mochamad Hariadi; Mauridhi Hery Purnomo
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.479


Many game applications require fluid flow visualization of shallow water, especially dam-break flow. A Shallow Water Equation (SWE) is a mathematical model of shallow water flow which can be used to compute the flow depth and velocity. We propose a stable algorithm for visualization of dam-break flow on flat and flat with bumps topography. We choose Lax-Friedrichs scheme as the numerical method for solving the SWE. Then, we investigate the consistency, stability, and convergence of the scheme. Finally, we transform the strategy into a visualization algorithm of SWE and analyze the complexity. The results of this paper are: 1) the Lax-Friedrichs scheme that is consistent and conditionally stable; furthermore, if the stability condition is satisfied, the scheme is convergent; 2) an algorithm to visualize flow depth and velocity which has complexity O(N) in each time iteration. We have applied the algorithm to flat and flat with bumps topography. According to visualization results, the numerical solution is very close to analytical solution in the case of flat topography. In the case of flat with bumps topography, the algorithm can visualize the dam-break flow and after a long time the numerical solution is very close to the analytical steady-state solution. Hence the proposed visualization algorithm is suitable for game applications containing flat with bumps environments.
Analysis of Energy Consumption Using Sequential to Better Signal (SBS) Scheme for Green Celluler Network Haniah Mahmudah; Okkie Puspitorini; Ari Wijayanti; Nur Adi Siswandari; Yetik Dwi Kusumaningrum
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.481


Over time, cellular communication technology developed significantly from year to year. This is due to increasing the number of users and the higher needed. To overcome this problem, many providers increase the number of new base station installations to fill up the customer's needed. The increase number of base stations does not take into account the amount of power consumption produced, where in the cellular network Base Stations (BS) are the most dominant energy consuming equipment estimated at 60% - 80% of the total energy consumption in the cellular industry. In addition, energy waste often occurs in the BS where the emission power will always remain even if the number of users is small. Power consumption and energy savings are important issues at this time because they will affect CO2 emissions in the air. This paper proposes to save energy consumption from BS by turning off BS (sleep mode) if the number of users is small and distributed to other BS (neighboring BS) which is called cell zooming technique. The cell size can zoom out when the load traffic is high and zoom in when the load traffic is low. To determine the central BS and neighboring BS, a sequential to better signal (SBS) scheme is used where this scheme sorts neighboring BS based on the SINR value received (user). The results of this research, base station can be able to save energy 29.12% and reduce CO2 emission around 3580 kg/year. It means saving energy consumption which is also reducing air pollution occurs and this term can be named as green cellular network.
Implementation of Oxymetry Sensors for Cardiovascular Load Monitoring When Physical Exercise Dhodit Rengga Tisna; M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid; Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.482


The performance condition of an athlete must always be maintained, one way to maintain that performance is by training. Each individual has different abilities and physiological responses in receiving the portion of the exercise. Physical exercise that exceeds the body's ability can worsen the condition of the athlete itself which can result in excessive fatigue (overtraining) or can even result in injury. Therefore a system is needed to monitor the condition of the physiological response when given the intensity of the training load so that the portion of the training provided provides positive benefits for the athlete. This system was developed using an oxymetry sensor, microcontroller and wifi module ESP8266. This system is used to collect heart rate and oxygen saturation data, then with the existing formula the heart rate value is converted to a CVL (Cardiovascular Load) value to determine the level of fatigue in athletes when given the intensity of the training load. By using a web-based application, measurement data is displayed in realtime to make it easier to see the results of monitoring. From the experimental results the system can monitor changes in the physiological condition of the athlete when given the intensity of the training load. Finally, the developed system can collect athlete's physiological data, and can store the data in a database and display it in a web application.
Secure Data Travelling User using Hybrid Cryptosystem with User Privacy Protection Anindya Dwi Putri Islamidina; Amang Sudarsono; Titon Dutono
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i1.486


Nowadays traveling is the activity that everyone likes the most, but sometimes there is one traveling member who is lost and confused looking for the location of the other members. When traveling, they must bring a smartphone because of its small size and easy to carry anywhere. For this reason, an Android-based smartphone application that is able to send GPS data to all travelling members is proposed. In order to secure data transmission, cryptography and group signature to ensure that only traveling members could find out the location are applied. We use hybrid cryptography, which is a combination of symmetric cryptography using AES and asymmetric cryptography using IB-mRSA. We also add group signature as verification that members are in the same traveling group. The test result showed that the proposed method is safer than the comparison method because the symmetric key is encrypted before the key is distributed, so the attacker can not know the key. The total processing time needed to send data until member get data is 2.01 s.

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