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Jurnal Empirika
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Jurnal Empirika is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal which is published twice a year (May and November) by the Masters of Sociology Study Program at FISIP Sriwijaya University. The Jurnal Empirika accepts manuscripts on various issues in the study of sociology, social psychology, social planning and policy, social issues, democracy and social movements, political science, urban studies, social issues, cultural studies, digital generation, social research methods, education and social transformation. We encourage and welcome prospective authors to submit research-based articles.
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Fenomena Migran Wanita Sebagai Pedagang di Pasar Inpres Muara Enim Sri Mardiawati; Rosmiyati Chodijah; Ridhah Taqwa
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.506 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.35


The purpose of this study was to analyze the reasons of female migrant traders to Muara Enim and to trade in the Muara Enim Inpres Market. This research use qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Data collection of interview methods. The results of this study show why migrant women migrated to Muara Enim because of: economic reasons, social reasons and communication reasons. While the reasons for female migrant traders are trading in Muara Enim Inpres Market because of: family / kinship, income, close to residence and located in City Center. The limited income of women migrant traders in the area of origin makes them have to decide to migrate to Muara Enim, which they think is able to provide better income. Female migrant traders choose to trade in the Muara Enim Inpres Market due to family reasons that have been previously traded, better income, close to the residence of female migrant traders making it easier for trading activities and the reason for being in the City Center which is the reason migrant traders are trading in the Inpres Market Muara Enim.
Pola Asuh Anak pada Keluarga Broken Home di Kota Sungailiat Provinsi Bangka Belitung Delvi Olivia; Mery Yanti; Yunindyawati Yunindyawati
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.783 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.34


This study aims to analyze the parenting in a broken home, as well as to analyze the obstacles which is faced in taking care of a broken home children in Kota Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung province. This study uses the theory of social action of Max Weber. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The research design is  case study. The location of this research is in Sungailiat Bangka Belitung province because families experiencing divorce cases in the city is increasing each year. Determining the informants is done purposively. The unit of analysis used in a broken home. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. In this study, the research strategy used is intrinsic case studies. Technique of checking and validity of data which are used are triangulation source, triangulation method, and triangulation of time. Data analysis technique is process analysis before being in the field and data analysis in the field which are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. In summary the results of this research is that parenting in a broken home family, the parents give varied parenting such as authoritarian, democratic and permissive parenting. Each broken home family caused by divorce in providing care to their children experiencing problems which are economic constraints, access to education, and the factor of the number of children.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruh Pendapatan Migran Kommuter dari Kelurahan Tanah Mas ke Kota Palembang Mutmainna Mutmainna; Bambang Bemby Soebyakto; Ridhah Taqwa
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.598 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.37


The research was also to find out the effects of some factors on the migrants commuter (study cases of the retail trade from Tanah Mas Village to Palembang City). This Research have done in Tanah Mas Village with 398 populations. From this populations, was taken the samples as many 100 commuter migrants, where the technique of collecting the sample was proportional stratified random sampling . To analyze the data was used multiple linear regression methods this analysis was used to find how the marital status, number of family members, working duration, transportation type, traders of type, and motivation traders influence the income commuter migrants. The results of the research is simultaneously, variable of the marital status, number of family members, working duration, transportation type, traders of type, and motivation traders influence significantly on the income commuter migrants in Tanah Mas Village to Palembang City. Partially, number of family members, transportation type, and traders of type influence significantly on the income commuter migrants, while the marital status, working duration, and motivation traders not significantly income commuter migrants in Tanah Mas Village to Palembang City
Pengaruh Umur Pertama Melahirkan, Pemeriksaan Kehamilan, Penolong Persalinan Terhadap Komplikasi Persalinan di Sumatera Selatan (SDKI 2012) Budiawan Budiawan; Slamet Widodo; Tatang Abdul Majid Sariaman
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.216 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.36


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is quite high, at 359 per 100,000 live births (IDHS 2012). AKI is an indicator of the health of mothers, especially the risk of death for pregnant women and childbirth and post-partum. Most maternal deaths occur Complications in labor and post-partum period is a direct cause of maternal deaths. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of age at first childbirth, pregnancy tests and birth attendants to complications of childbirth in South Sumatra province. This study is an analysis of studies using secondary data obtained from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012. The study design used is cross sectional with a sample of 299 mother's age at first birth. Analysis was performed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate logistic regression. The results of this study variables together influential variable although birth attendants did not significantly affect the incidence of complications of childbirth. From the results of analysis show that the dominant factor that influence the incidence of low birth complications age at first childbirth and pregnancy testing. 
Konflik Antar Warga di Tanjung Balai Asahan Sumatera Utara Heni Ismiati; Muhammad Fedryansyah
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (582.289 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.33


Conflicts in Tanjung Balai Asahan involving cultural violence. A conflict begins with the construction and placement of the Amithaba Buddha statues at the monastery Tri Ratna who are considered Muslims Tanjung Balai disturbing the comfort of their worship. Then there was the burning of the monastery took place on July 29, 2016, involving cultural sentiment. Related cultural community sentiment is due to the assumption that the existence of differences that could not be put together between the Malay Tanjung Balai versus ethnic Chinese. According to (Galtung, 1990), this cultural violence is violence that includes and is one of the roots of violence and structural violence directly. Cultural violence is an aspect of culture including religion and ideology, language, arts, science, and symbol-symbol of culture as myth, the concept eventually led to certain cultures, which is then the value in the culture that made the justification by the community against acts of violence or conflict. The Community will be no encouragement of manipulation and provocateur who utilize this condition so that there are issues that can be resolved to base became manifest and uncontrolled. Therefore, the harmonization within the community should be made, for instance by holding mutual charity program and thus the intermingling in the society.
Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Remitan Migran Sumatera Barat yang Bekerja pada Sektor Informal di Kota Palembang Nyayu Tiyara Wahyuni; Bambang Bemby Subiyakto; Happy Warsito
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.715 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.38


This study aims to analyze the factors that affect remittances and utilization of migrants from West Sumatra who work in the informal sector in the city of Palembang. This study was conducted in Palembang City with a population of 1232 people. Of the population of 1232 people, taken samples through proportional stratified random sampling method, then obtained a sample of 92 migrant respondents from West Sumatra. Data analysis was done by using multiple regression method in order to measure how big the independent variable is income, the number of family dependent, the existence of nuclear family, the length of permanent migrants, the frequency of remittance delivery, the remittance means that affect the dependent variable that is remittance. Simultaneously (together) income variables, the number of family dependents, the presence of nuclear families, the length of permanent migrants, the frequency of remittance delivery, remittance means significantly influence the remittances of migrants from West Sumatra working in the informal sector in Palembang City. It is known that partially long migrants remain, the frequency of remittance remittances, remittance means not significantly affect the remittance of migrants from West Sumatera working in informal sector in Palembang City means remittance based on the length of permanent migrant, remittance frequency, remittance means no difference. Income, the number of family dependents, the existence of nuclear families significantly affect the remittances of migrants from West Sumatra who work in the informal sector in Palembang City.
Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Lama Migran Menetap yang Bekerja pada Sektor Informal di Kota Palembang Hertian Nova; Fauziah Asyiek; Happy Warsito
Jurnal Empirika Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Master Program in Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sriwijay

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (706.421 KB) | DOI: 10.47753/je.v2i1.39


This study aims to examine the factors that influence long settled migrants who work in the informal sector in Sub Ilir Timur II Palembang. In addition, to determine the factors that affect the long migrants settled in the district of East Ilir II, Palembang.  The research method is descriptive quantitative research which was analyzed by using multiple regression estimation techniques with the least squares method (OLS). Data or information was collected through questionnaires and interviews which may include factors affecting long settled migrants who work in the informal sector in Sub Ilir Timur II Palembang. The data were analyzed through F test to test the overall variables (partial) and t test to test variables simultaneously. Furthermore, to determine the most influential and insignificant variables, stepwise regression method was used. Thus, it was found that the most influential variable of the length of settled migrants is income variable, where the income in the the area of destination is greater than the income in their area of origin. Furthermore, the variable of lack of employment in the area of origin is the most influential variable for the driving factors from the area of origin which affects to the high willingness of people to migrate and seek employment opportunities in the the area of destination. So it can be assumed that as long as the income in the the area of destination larger than that in the area of origin and there is no enough jobs available and desirable in the areas of origin of the migrants, accordingly, the migrants will stay longer in the the area of destination.

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