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BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers
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The Use of Replica Media in Order to Improve Speaking Ability of 4-5 Yaer Old Children of TK ABA 02 Banjarejo Annisa, Bhakti Nur; Tasuah, Neneng
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The speaking ability on the fact of the matter is the skill to reproduce the current system of sound articulation to communicate the will, the needs and wishes, feelings in others. In children aged 4-5 years the speaking ability is used as a communication tool and understand the world, oral language proficiency in children will flourish because going by the maturation of the speech organs and functions, as well as environmental thinking helped develop it. One of the ways used to enhance the ability of talk in children through the selection of media made in attractive and fit the needs of the child. The purpose of this research is to know the difference in the ability to talk children aged 4-5 years before and after the use of the media the replica. This research uses experimental design pre-research of the design of one group pretest – posttest design. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique with class A TK ABA 02 Banjarejo as class experiments. Test hypotheses using a calculation of paired sample t-Test results obtained the value of the pretest and posttest retrieved value thitung with value 16,219 registration-sig (2-tailed) 0000 < 0.05 which means there is a significant difference between the value of the pretest and posttest. Obtained by mean of-21,433, the minus sign indicates that the average of the first group (pretest data). Then HO denied and Ha is received, this indicates that there is a difference in the average value of the pretest and posttest. Summary of the research is there is a significant difference in the level of ability to talk children aged 4-5 years after using media replicas. This means that the use of the media the replica in this research can enhance your speaking ability children aged 4-5 years.
Parents’ Understanding About First Aid In Early Childhood In Terms Of The Level Of Parents’ Education In Kelurahan Piyanggang, Kecamatan Sumowono, Kabupaten Semarang Faqumala, Anisa Dwi; Mukminin, Amirul
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Parents understanding about first aid in early childhood is a level of parents ability to understand the meaning, concepts, situations, facts about first aid of children that has been known and remembered before. The purpose of this study was to Determine differences in parental understanding of first aid in early childhood in terms of educational level of parents in the Village Piyanggang, Sumowono, District of Semarang. This research is using quantitative methods with the type of comparative research. The population in this study were all parents of children aged between 1-4 years. The sample in this study were 60 parents. The samples were selected using Purporsive sampling method. A method of the research using the data in scale understanding of first aid. The research is processed by comparisons of one-way ANOVA technique. This is demonstrated by the acquisition of the F calculate value <F table (45.076 <3.16) and the value of sig. > 0.05 (0.00 <0.05), then Ho denied. The result indicates that there are significant differences based on the level of education of elementary school with junior high school, elementary school with senior high school and than junior high school and senior high school.
The Influence of Ethnocentrism Towards the Character Tolerance of the Children 4 - 6 Years Old in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang Hardani, Avis Puspita; Windiarti, Rina
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The attitude of ethnocentrism are often seen, especially in a multicultural environment like in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang. Therefore, it is very necessary to   instill tolerances character children at the kindergarten. This study aims to determine the effect of ethnocentrism on the development of the character of tolerance in children aged 4-6 years old in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang. This research uses descriptive statistics quantitative research. The sampling uses saturation sampling conducted in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang. The test results showed that Fcount F = 12.901 and t test results showed that t count = 3.592 with significance 0.001 < 0.05 means Ha is accepted which means no influence on the character of tolerance ethnocentrism children aged 4-6 years old in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang. While the results show the value of the coefficient of determination R Square = 0.212, which means ethnocentrism affect the character of tolerance of 21.2%. These results indicate that the effect on the character of tolerance ethnocentrism children aged 4-6 years old in TK Kuncup Melati Semarang is equal to 21.2%.
Relationship Between Visionary Leadership Of Principals And Teachers’ Performance Of Early Childhood Education Institutions In Purworejo Sub District Of Purworejo Regency, Central Java Ulfa, Dama; Waluyo, Edi
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The principals and the teachers are two main elements in the early childhood education institutions. The relationships between them are very important to hold good cooperation and to give the best services for the learners.  The teachers are one of human resources in the educational institutions. The teachers’ performance plays important roles to gain organizational objectives. The problems on the teachers’ performance have to be concerned more, because a teacher’s figure is an important matter when we are talking about the educational world. The teachers are always related with educational components and system. They play the important roles in the education development, particularly those which are implemented formally in the school. They also determine the success of the learning participants.This research used correlation quantitative method. The population in this research was all the principals and teachers of the early childhood education institutions in Purworejo sub district covering 5 early childhood institutions consisting of 77 principals and teachers. The samples were taken using simple random sampling technique as many as 65 principals and teachers. The data collection was done using Likert scale. The assumption test used normality and linearity techniques. The results of Pearson correlation product moment showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the visionary leadership of the principals and the teachers’ performance in Purworejo sub district of Purworejo regency. The value of correlation coefficient was 0,848 with the significance value of 0,000< 0,05. The stronger the visionary leadership of the principals, the better the teachers’ performance of the early childhood education institutions in Purworejo sub district of Purworejo regency.The final conclusion was there was a positive and significant relationship between the visionary leadership of the principals and the teachers’ performance of the early childhood education institutions in Purworejo sub district of Purworejo regency
Achievement Standard Daycare Quality In semarang City District Banyumanik Inayah, Fadmun Fiqda; Khamidun, Khamidun
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the implementation, management, compliance guidelines, as well as standardized achievement TPA in District Banyumanik,Semarang. The research subjects as much as 3 Child Care in Sub Banyumanik, Semarang. Data analysis with interactive descriptive techniques to the stage of data collection, data reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results of this study are overall achievement standards daycare qualified in District Banyumanik only reached by TPA QBS Islam Hidayatullah, while the achievement standard child development, content standards, standardized processes, standards educators and education personnel, the standard of infrastructure, assessment standards, management standards, as well as finance standards, set by the National Accreditation Board (BAN) is as follows; (1) TPA Silmi obtain the results achievement of quality standards category Good TPA (2) TPA Bina Fitrah Silmi obtain the results achievement of quality standards categories Good TPA, (3) QBS Islam Hidayatullah Silmi get results daycare achievement of quality standards category Very Good
Evaluation of Standard Facilities and Infrastructure in Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten Semarang K. S., Fenny Octaviana; Astuti, Henny Puji
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Facilities and infrastructure were important tools of the education system. It was one of the eight national education standards which should be fulfilled. The availability of standard facilities was the main factor in improving the access services and education quality. This research was aimed to know the fulfillment of standard facilities and infrastructure based on the needs in Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang. This research used evaluative method with descriptive qualitative approach supported by quantitative approach. Observation, interview, and documentation are utilized to gather the data collection. The validity of the data collection used sources triangulation and methodological triangulation. The data were analyzed by using techniques of data analysis which consists of three steps, included data reduction, display data, and conclusion. The result of the study showed that Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang had fulfilled good and standard facilities based on Permendikbud No. 137 Tahun 2014. Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang had infrastructures included area in 960m2, religion center, cooking sets, nature, role, beams, preparation, art, and gym, washbasin, library, outdoor playing place, children eating place, sandals place, multi purposes building, bathroom, the receptionist room, the administration room, the infirmary room, kitchen, warehouse, the teachers room, and the headmaster room. Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang had tools included: class utensils, visual aid, the proponent alphabet, learning media, education playing tools, and central tools. The writer suggested to Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang to maintain the quality of its facilities, in order to optimize and standardize the facilities based on the policy. In addition, Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten, Semarang should maintain its performance as the main superior kindergarten in Central Java which became the model to other kindergarten, and for policy makers so that more detail again in detailing policies in practice, in order to be more optimal.
The Language Development (Vocabulary) Of Child Through The Expression Of The Image In Kindergarten Kemala Bhayangkari 90 Akpol Semarang Utariningsih, Fitri; Handayani, Sri Sularti Dewanti
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The purpose of this research is to find out how language development (vocabulary) of child through free and thematic images expression in kindergarten Kemala Bhayangkari 90 Akpol Semarang. This research uses the methods of Research and Development, but more focused on the development of activities to draw. The subject of the research is children aged 5-6 years. Based on the results of this research that is: 1) On free images,  children  already  to  draw in accordance with the wishes and  imagination. The amount of the acquired vocabulary every child through free images increase from the previous image. 2) On thematic images, children are able to receive instructions and start to drawing in accordance with the specified theme. Creativity appear when children add another shape on the thematic images. The amount of the acquired vocabulary every child through free images is fluctuative. 3) In general the free of image tend to have the same characteristics, namely the children love to draw the object people, houses, trees, the sun, the moon, and environment/ place. 4) The results of the free and thematic  images shows that free images, more effective in boosting the development of the language (vocabulary). This is because a free image more gives children the opportunity to draw according to the wishes and stories presented are also more free and expressive.
The implementation of Project Based Learning Models in Improving Social Interaction Ability on Children Aged 5-6 Years in Dharma Wanita Bumimulyo Kindergarten Batangan District Pati Regency Apriyanti, Kiki; Diana, Diana
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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Social interaction ability is a part of the social development which is important to be developed early, with good social interaction ability, children will be able to cooperate, sharing, respect and help other people. The stimulation of the childs social interaction ability can be done by implementing an innocative and appropriate learning models, one of them is a project-based learning model.The purpose of this research is to determine the difference the social interaction ability on children aged 5-6 years be examined the project-based learning model implementation in Dharma Wanita Bumimulyo Kindergarten Batangan District Pati Regency. This research is using pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest types design. The sampling technique using purposive sampling with Dharma Wanita Bumimulyo Kindergarten as the experimental group. Based on the hypothesis testing results of this study, obtained a value of  tcount amounting -22.148 with sig value (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant differences between the pretest and posttest. So, Ha is accepted or there is a difference between before and after treatment with project-based learning model in the experimental group.
Realistic Mathematics Learning Strategies in Mathematics to Introduce Beginning On a Group of Children in Kindergarten the Ananda Kudus Andriyani, Lisa; Adiarti, Wulan
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The childs readiness for entering primary education is characterized by the development of all the potential of the child. One of the potential that needs to be developed early on was the base for the preparation of skills in reading, writing and counting. On the cognitive field is the addition of knowledge into long-term memory therefore age 4-5 years children can get knowledge about simple concepts in everyday life today, as does the math to know the beginning. In Indonesia, learning counting can be taught on children provided in accordance with tahapanya and methods used should be fun, realistic mathematics learning strategies could be options of teachers to introduce children in the learning of mathematics in particular the introduction of the basic concept of the symbol number. This study aims to describe the application of learning strategies in realistic mathematics introduces math beginning in children.This study is a qualitative research approach with the approach of case studies and using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation in and gather data. Technique of data analysis research is Miles: with Huberman& presentation data, reduction of data, summary and verification.The research results showed that introducing math commencement through learning strategies in realistic mathematics done in kindergarten the include Ananda Kudus planning learning strategy, organizing, delivery strategies, and management strategies. Introducing mathematics beginning kindergarten teacher AnandaKudus one of them invites children to play traditional games, traditional games with children indirectly learning about the introduction of the concept. So child-centered learning and the teacher is a facilitator for the children, where the main activities facilitate teacher needed by the child. The main activities will be explained by teachers in the delivery of the material to the next teacher freed children to perform the play. Teachers evaluate the child by means of observation during the activities of the main and petrified children when children have difficulty in completing the game activities.
Locals’ Participtaion In The Development Of The Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Education (Ecd) Service At Paud Pelangi Post, Pedalangan, Banyumanik Semarang Regency Alfiana, Riza; Latiana, Lita
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The background of the research is based on many cases of the Early Childhood Education (ECD) institutions which provide its service to early childhood students within limited time range only. This resulted the government to act by the release of ECD development policy through holistic integrative approach that includes health, nutrient, nurture, care, and protection in 2003. To support the enhancement of the access and quality of the Holistic Integrative ECD service, locals have a very vital role. This research employs qualitative descriptive method. The research subject of the research is locals, teachers, and principal. The data collection employs observation and interview. The data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion deduction and verification. The result of the results shows that (1) Holistic Integrative ECD service at PAUD Pelangi Post, Pedalangan specifically in giving service to their students to ensure the essential needs of the students is fulfilled, in the practice of the Holistic Integrative ECD program has been done well and successfully. PAUD Pelangi Post has given and prepared what are needed by students through integrative holistic service, both in giving facilities and infrastructure. (2) Locals’ participation in the development of Integrative Holistic ECD service at PAUD Pelangi Post is in the level of planning in balancing the ideas in the form of Posyandu and PMT reinforcement; implementing through sending their children to school from early childhood, following Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB), parenting, participating in Posyandu, and donating voluntarily; and supervising by reporting problems of children’s development to the principal and school through Puskesmas (Health institution) to find the best solution, hence children could get the best care from the best party. Locals’ participation arises due to self-awareness, outside reinforcement, and out of habit. The recommendations of the research are as follow: (1) the local to actively contribute and participate in the effort to equip the ECD institution with facilities and infrastructure to maximize service, (2) the school to develop their Holistic Integrative ECD service that is integrated with Posyandu and Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB), but also actively participate in activities within the area.

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