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Edukasi No 2 (2010): Edukasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Pemerintah  secara  resmi  telah  mencanangkan  bahwa  profesi  guru disejajarkan  dengan  profesi  lainnya  sebagai  tenaga  profesional.  Dengan  ini diharapkan  dapat  meningkatkan  mutu  pendidikan  karena  guru  sebagai  agen pembelajaran  merupakan  ujung  tombak  peningkatan  proses  pembelajaran  di  dalam kelas yang akan berujung pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Pengakuan kedudukan guru  sebagai  tenaga  profesional  dibuktikan  dengan  sebuah  sertifikat  profesi  guru yang diperoleh melalui uji sertifikasi. Sertifikat pendidik diberikan kepada guru yang telah memenuhi persyaratan sebagai guru profesional.Kata Kunci: guru; serifikasi guru; profesionalisme pendidik
Edukasi No 2 (2010): Edukasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah kualitas pembelajaran dengan pendekatan area di TK melalui pengembangan kemampuan guru bertanya divergen dan kendala/hambatan yang dihadapi guru ?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat tentang kualitas pembelajaran dengan pendekatan area di TK melalui kemampuan guru bertanya divergen kepada pemerintah dalam hal ini Dinas Pendidikan dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai kendala/hambatan yang dihadapi guru maupun sekolah dalam pembelajaran. Manfaat penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadikan masukan guna perbaikan metode pembelajaran dengan pendekatan area. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan pertama, pembelajaran dengan pendekatan area melalui kemampuan guru bertanya divergen dapat meningkat kualitas dan efektifitas pembelajaran di TK, yang mana kreatif, ekspresif, bisa cepat bersosialisasi dengan teman satu kelas, produktivitas dan motivasi dalam belajar siswa lebih baik dibanding siswa yang menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran area tanpa disertai kemampuan guru bertanya divergen. Motivasi, semangat, produktivitas, kedisiplinan, pertumbuhan, kepuasan dan metode guru dalam mengajar juga sangat baik walaupun telah mencukupi untuk keterlaksanaan pembelajaran srana prasarana masih harus ditambah dari segi jumlah. Kedua, yang menjadi hambatan adalah penguasaan tentang pengelolaan, pemanfaatan sarana prasarana dalam mengajukan pertanyaan divergen kepada siswa masih kurang, monitoring dan supervisi rutin juga masih perlu ditingkatkan.Kata Kunci: kualitas pembelajaran; pendekatan area; bertannya devergen
Academic Supervision Model for the Early Childhood Education in the Municipality of Semarang Latiana, Lita; Samsudi, Samsudi; Pranoto, Sugiyo; Slameto, Slameto
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i3.18132


This study aims to describe the model of academic supervision for the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) that has been implemented so far. The research subjects consist of supervisors, principals, and teachers of the early childhood education in the municipality of Semarang. Data were drawn using interviews, questionnaires, and documentary studies. The data were then analyzed employing descriptive analysis. This research used non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling.The results show that the supervisory activities carried out during this time were still separated from the elements of supervision, there has been no collaboration between supervisors, principals, and teachers in the planning, implementation, method, and follow-up activities. During this period of time, the supervisors performed their duties based on work programs that had been designed without any input which was needed by the teacher, and there was no opportunity to inform obstacles during the learning process and there was no communication with the supervisor. This has made the supervision activities were not on the basis of the teachers’ problems but rather on the basis of the academic supervision activity for the PUD there is no good cooperation and communication between the supervisor, principal, and teacher; the supervision is still separated and there is no collaboration. It is recommended to realize the need for the development of collaborative-based supervision model in PAUD institutions so that the supervision activities are in accordance with the needs of teachers in learning.
Locals’ Participtaion In The Development Of The Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Education (Ecd) Service At Paud Pelangi Post, Pedalangan, Banyumanik Semarang Regency Alfiana, Riza; Latiana, Lita
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The background of the research is based on many cases of the Early Childhood Education (ECD) institutions which provide its service to early childhood students within limited time range only. This resulted the government to act by the release of ECD development policy through holistic integrative approach that includes health, nutrient, nurture, care, and protection in 2003. To support the enhancement of the access and quality of the Holistic Integrative ECD service, locals have a very vital role. This research employs qualitative descriptive method. The research subject of the research is locals, teachers, and principal. The data collection employs observation and interview. The data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion deduction and verification. The result of the results shows that (1) Holistic Integrative ECD service at PAUD Pelangi Post, Pedalangan specifically in giving service to their students to ensure the essential needs of the students is fulfilled, in the practice of the Holistic Integrative ECD program has been done well and successfully. PAUD Pelangi Post has given and prepared what are needed by students through integrative holistic service, both in giving facilities and infrastructure. (2) Locals’ participation in the development of Integrative Holistic ECD service at PAUD Pelangi Post is in the level of planning in balancing the ideas in the form of Posyandu and PMT reinforcement; implementing through sending their children to school from early childhood, following Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB), parenting, participating in Posyandu, and donating voluntarily; and supervising by reporting problems of children’s development to the principal and school through Puskesmas (Health institution) to find the best solution, hence children could get the best care from the best party. Locals’ participation arises due to self-awareness, outside reinforcement, and out of habit. The recommendations of the research are as follow: (1) the local to actively contribute and participate in the effort to equip the ECD institution with facilities and infrastructure to maximize service, (2) the school to develop their Holistic Integrative ECD service that is integrated with Posyandu and Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB), but also actively participate in activities within the area.
Parents Knowledge about Early Childhood Sexual Education Based on Level of Education in Krasak Village, Pecangaan Sub-district, Jepara District Faizah, Umi; Latiana, Lita
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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The high number of cases of child sexual abuse committed by the nearest children including the family shows the importance of early child sex education. Parents as educators in the family must have knowledge about sexual education for children. This study aims to find out whether there are differences in parental knowledge about early childhood sexual education based on education level in Krasak Village, Pecangaan Sub-district, Jepara Regency and whether parents graduate from Higher Education have knowledge about early child sexual education higher than parent who graduated High school and junior high school. This research type is quantitative with sample of parents who have children aged 4-6 years in Krasak Village, Pecangaan Sub-district, Jepara Regency. Data collection in this research is by using Parents Knowledge Scale of Early Childhood Sexual Education. Method of data analysis in this research is by using F test. The results of the study based on the calculation of statistical values ​​obtained F arithmetic> F table and Pvalue <0.05. Mean value in the group of parents who graduated from junior high school equal to 85.3, for the group of parents who graduated from high school 103.2, for the group of parents who graduated from college of 123.2. The result of research stated that there are differences of knowledge of parents who graduated from college based on education level and parents who graduated from higher education have higher knowledge than parents who graduated from high school.
Developing Collaboration-Based Supervision Model to Enhance the Professionalism of Early Childhood Education Teachers Latiana, Lita; Samsudi, Samsudi; Sugiyo, Sugiyo; Slameto, Slameto
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 6 No 1 (2018): February 2018
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v6i1.20764


Early childhood education (PAUD) is an education at the level prior to the primary education that has a very important role in preparing future generations. One of the activities undertaken in an effort to improve the professionalism of early childhood education teachers is supervized by supervisors and principals. However, the academic supervision approach used currently is not in accordance with the needs of the early childhood education teachers. This study aims to (1) describe and analyze the current supervision model in Semarang Municipality; (2) describe and analyze the hypothetical model of collaborative supervision for PAUD teachers. This study uses a modified vrsion of Borg and Gall’s research and development (R & D) approach. The subjects of this research were PAUD supervisor and principal as well as PAUD teacher in Semarang Municipality. Data were drawn using interview techniques, questionnaires, documentation, and forum group discussions (FGD). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique which included an analysis of the experts and practitioners’ validation sheets. The preliminary study yielded a factual model which shows that the supervision carried out by the PAUD supervisor has not been routine; the supervision program that he/she created is still a combination of kindergarten and elementary school programs; there has been no collaboration between supervisor and teacher; the results of the supervision have not been discussed with the teacher; there has been no follow up to the results of supervision. The conceptual model in this study was designed in accordance with the collaborative academic supervision theory that there is an agreement between supervisor and teacher therough which the supervision stages included planning, implementation, evaluation, and follow up. The results of the model development include the addition of the follow-up stage that includes monitoring the results of the supervision and guidance on a regular basis to improve the professionalism of the PAUD teachers.
A Descriptive Study of the Implementation Regulations of The Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region No. 68 the Year 2012 in Kindergarten Mlati Sub Regency of Sleman Shabrina, Monita Nur; Latiana, Lita
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 7 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

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As a social creature and comes from a country that has a cultural diversity, Indonesia is expected to have community education based on the culture. But in an era of modernization is increasingly reduced public awareness about the importance of cultural education. Yogyakarta is one of the local culture is still strong and the local government is also very concerned with the education of culture in this Government made official rules about culture-based education that is Regulation The Governor of the Yogyakarta Region stimewa No. 6 Year 2012 about guidelines application of sublime cultural values in the management and organization of education. The purpose of this research is to know the process of learning and teachers ' perception about Javanese culture-based learning as the imlementasi rule gubenur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Research methods used in this type of qualitative research is the subject of research is the KINDERGARTEN educators in Mlati, Sleman. Pengupulan engineering researchdata on the menguunakan observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis through the process of data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and verification of data as well as the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results of this research mennjukan that all learning in kindergarten subdistrict already integrated with Javanese culture in accordance with the official rules of the Government, and educators know only as the core of the regulation only, not knowing in depth , because of the lack of socialization from the Government but the kindergarten teacher in Mlati is so supported the Government by having such a regulation because it promoted good for continuity of learning.
Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood in Early Childhood Institutions Waluyo, Edi; Latiana, Lita
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v3i1.9478


Entrepreneurial learning in early childhood is carried out by involving children in learning activities that exist in the class. Through the involvement of children in learning activities, children will know what steps should be taken to instill the values of entrepreneurship. So with entrepreneurial learning, values such as responsibility, creativity, and capability of making a decision will appear on the child when stimulated early. This research was conducted in early childhood institutions in Gunungpati Subdistrict, Semarang. The research result shows the development of entrepreneurial learning during learning programs in early childhood education institutions, students were introduced to various entrepreneurial values that correspond to the potential of children and provide them with early support for their skills.How to citeWaluyo, E., & Latiana, L. (2014). Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood in Early Childhood Institutions. Indonesian Journal Of Early Childhood Education Studies, 3(1), 59-64. doi:10.15294/ijeces.v3i1.9478
The Implementation of Discovery learning Assisted with Manipulative Teaching Tools on The Mathematical Understanding Concept of Students Sari, Intan Kurnia; Sutarto, Joko; Latiana, Lita
Journal of Primary Education Articles in Press
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

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This study has a purpose of examining the differences in the improvement of the mathematical understanding concepts of students between the class using discovery learning assisted with manipulative teaching tools compared to the class using discovery learning without the manipulative teaching tools. This study was a quasi-experimental design study. The sampling technique was applied in this study is the purposive sampling technique, a sampling technique which conducted using certain considerations. Therefore, the samples were obtained Public Elementary School Dukuh 05 Salatiga as the experimental class and Public Elementary School Dukuh 01 Salatiga as the control class with a total of 54 students for each class. The data collection techniques in this study were used test of mathematical understanding concepts. The results showed that there was a difference in the improvement of the mathematical understanding concepts in the experimental class using the discovery of learning assisted with manipulative teaching tools. This is indicated by N-Gain score in the experimental class at 0.55, whereas, the control class at 0.29. This result is supported by the independent sample t-test, which shows that the sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05. The mathematical understanding concepts in the class using the discovery of learning assisted with manipulative teaching tools is higher. The implementation of the discovery learning assisted with manipulative teaching tools can be used as a solution for teachers in improving the mathematical understanding concepts of students.
Concept Understanding of Science in The Project Based Learning Model Using Recycling Activities Apriana, Wendi Nilpa; Ridlo, Saiful; Latiana, Lita
Journal of Primary Education Vol 8 No 8 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.041 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v10i2.34450


This study was aimed to determine the level of classical completeness of student learning outcomes in the project based learning model by using recycling activities to describe the difference in concept understanding of science the experiment and control classes. The population in this study was the fifth grade students of SDN Setramanah, Subang District, Subang Regency 2018/2019 Academic Year. The type of research used in this study was a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The data analysis was done using the proportion test and the independent samples t-test. The results of this study showed that the completeness of concept understanding of science was more than 75%; and the ability of concept understanding in the project based learning model using recycling activities is was better than that of the project based learning model without recycling activities.