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Edu Komputika Journal
ISSN : 22526811     EISSN : 2599297X     DOI :
Edu Komputika Journal menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual di bidang pendidikan TIK, komputer, teknologi informasi, multimedia, rekayasa software dan aplikasinya dalam bidang pendidikan.
Articles 8 Documents
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Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gangguan Mesin Mobil Budianto, Aji; Widodo, Djoko Adi
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The growth of the number of cars in Indonesia each year increases by about 10 to 15 percent. However, this development is not matched by the ability to treat and diagnose the damage. The diagnostic system can make it easy to know whats happening to the machine, providing general solutions and information about how to maintain a car engine. This research developed a machine-failure diagnostic system to predict the damage of car engines. The system development model used is waterfall with stages of analysis (Analysis), design (design), development (Code) and testing (test). The research method used is RnD (Research and Development) with data collection using questionnaires and blackbox test. Experiment test result on content aspect (87,5%), design (93,75%) and usability (78,57%). The results of testing with mechanical car, obtained value 71.67% with the suitability category between symptoms and solutions and general car information. The results show that the waterfall system development model can be used to design the machine damage diagnostic system, RnD research method (Research and Development) can be used in the process of making the system. This study has limitations on some types of cars and does not complement the features provided by the application.
Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Spesies Ikan dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality Martono, Kurniawan Teguh; Fauzi, Adnan
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Education is one process that has a goal to develop the potential that exists in itself optimally. The education process can not be separated from the role of educators, infrastructure and society. In this era, the biggest challenge in the world of education is how to develop learning media that have interactive properties. The development of computer technology brought changes in the process of interaction between students and teachers. The computer technology used in this research is by using Augmented Reality technology. To know the working function of existing components in this application is done testing process with blackbox testing. This test is done by testing the effect of camera angle on marker and the influence of light in detecting marker. Based on the results of blackbox testing that has been done then obtained the bottom results in the conditions of light intensity 5 - 9 lux with angle orintation from 10 to 90 degrees marker failed to detect this is because the light intensity in the room does not meet so that the camera difficulty in performing marker detection. Markers can be detected when the light intensity is increased from 20 to 200 lux with an angle greater than or equal to 30o.
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak –Gangguan kecemasan adalah gangguan psikologis yang terkait dengan gangguan mental. Banyak orang menganggap bahwa gangguan kecemasan yang mereka alami adalah gangguan mental, dan bahkan beberapa orang tidak menyadari bahwa mereka mengalami gangguan kecemasan. Penelitian ini membahas pengembangan aplikasi sistem pakar berbasis system operasi Android. Pendekatan aplikasi sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode forward chaining, Android Studio digunakan sebagai alat untuk membuat aplikasi mobile, dan SQLite digunakan sebagai basis data. Dari pengujian black box, hasilnya menunjukkan semua fungsi dalam aplikasi bekerja secara efektif. Berdasarkan validasi ahli, aplikasi ini memungkinkan untuk menampilkan gangguan yang sesuai dengan memilih tombol yang diberikan. Kata Kunci— system pakar; gangguan kecemasan; forward chaining; Android   Abstract—Anxiety disorder is a psychological disorder associated with mental disorder. Many people consider that the anxiety disorder they experienced is a mental disorder and some don’t even realize that they have an anxiety disorder. Therefore, and expert system application based on the Android operating system that can be used to diagnose of anxiety disorder is built through this research. The expert system application approach using forward chaining method, Android Studio used as a tool to make the mobile applications, and SQLite used as the database. From the black box testing, the result shows all function in the application are correctly working. Based on the validation from the expert, this application enable to display the appropriate interference by choosing the symtons given. Keywords— expert system; anxiety disorder; forward chaining; Android
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstract The development of social network applications has growth so fast with various applications supported by smart tools as multiplatform to used it. Several applications that used by user are the chat and media social app. However, there is problem is the number of users accessing the chat service is large. This condition makes communication into database server can be stop and loss of data. It is caused by excessive load received by a single server database. Therefore, this study designs a database server to solve a lot of users of communication server and storage capacity into database server more than one. This is important because to increase availibiliy of services for each users request. This study used a method of distribution of communications service request for each database  server. Distribution of communication service request used a load balancing method and HAPRoxy with scheduling method. There are two algorithms in scheduling method are round robin and least connection algorithm. Both of algorithms were evaluated. compared, and used in database server more than one. The result shown average of least connection algorithm has value of response time 32.421 ms is smaller than round robin algorithm 35.813 ms. While on the throughput, least algorithm has big value 211.267 Kb/s than round robin algorithm has value 210.298 Kb/s. The result shown the number of packet least connection algorithm are big and better than round robin algortihm with load balancing implementation for distribution of server communication on database server more than one able to solve a lot of services communication. Keywords: load balancing, database server chat, least connection, round robin, response time, throughput
Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Manajemen Lalu Lintas di Kabupaten Tegal Amartiwi, Arum; Andrasto, Tatyantoro; Ananta, Henry
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Geografis berbasis web untuk membantu inventarisasi data prasarana lalu lintas dan mampu memberikan informasi arus lalu lintas kepada masyarakat. Penggunaan API pada google maps akan memberikan tampilan peta yang lebih dinamis dengan beberapa jenis tampilan peta. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan hardware dengan sensor gerak dan board Wemos D1 mini yang akan mendeteksi gerakan untuk diproses menjadi data arus lalu lintas kemudian dikirim secara periodik ke data server. Hasil uji coba pada hardware pengukur arus lalu lintas dibedakan berdasarkan kategori jalan dengan arus lancar, sedang, dan padat dengan hasil 89,22% , 83,55% , dan 65,03%. Pada uji ahli web mendapatkan penilaian sebesar 91,00%, uji ahli SIG mendapatkan penilaian sebesar 86,67% dan pada uji tanggapan pengguna mendapatkan penilaian 86,67%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Sistem Informasi Geografis ini berdampak positif dan memenuhi kriteria kelayakan.
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The delivery of a letter electronically are very popular the last few years, so many people utilize to send important documents to the destination. Electronic mail that is commonly referred to by email, use the internet access in its operation. The email when sent, realistically not up to the destination but kept on the server the owner of email services. After the email is saved to the server then the email can be read by the destination written email account when sending email. When data or documents stored on the server can be potentially exploited by the email service providers without the permission of the owner of the data, it is certainly a security issue related to the data confidentiality of the data. To maintain the confidentiality of such data, one of the methods that is believed to be able to cope with it is Cryptography. In this study, researchers developed a technique of securing text on document email using cryptography method with rotor encryption. Research methods used were derived from a review of the literature to find out the model of the safeguards text in the document. Then analyze the weaknesses of earlier related research based pengemanan the text of the document. The next step is followed by the design of the rotor encryption implementation on the text message and continues to perform calculations using rotor encryption on the text of the document to be sent via email. The results of securing the text in documents that will be sent via email, is expected to enhance the confidentiality of data when stored on the server.
Rekomendasi Berdasarkan Nilai Pretest Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode Collaborative Filtering dan Bayesian Ranking Stefani, Brillian; Adji, Teguh Bharata; Kusumawardani, Sri Suning; Hidayah, Indriana
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstract- Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skill can be improved by improving students’ cognitive and metacognitive abilities. To improve metacognitive abilities, metacognitive support in learning process using e-learning needs to be included. One of the example is assisting students by giving feedbacks once students had finished doing specific avtivities. The purpose of this study was to develop a pedagogical agent with the abilities to give students feedbacks, particularly recommendations of lesson sub-materials order. Recommendations were given by considering students pretest scores (students’ prior knowledge). The computations for recommendations used Collaborative Filtering and Bayesian Ranking methods. Results obtained in this study show that based on MAP (Mean Average Precision) testings, Item-based method got the highest MAP score, which was 1. Computation time for each method was calculated to find runtime complexity of each method. The results of computation time show that Bayesian Ranking had the shortest computation time with 0,002 seconds, followed by Item-based with 0,006 seconds, User Based with 0,226 seconds, while Hybrid has the longest computation time with 0,236 seconds. Keyword- self-regulated learning, metacognitive, metacognitive support, feedback, pretest (prior knowledge), Collaborative Filtering, Bayesian Ranking, Mean Average Precision, runtime complexity.
Analisa Minat Penggunaan Aplikasi TB eScoring dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Udayanti, Erika Devi; Nugroho, Fajar Agung
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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 TB eScoring is an application for medical aids in diagnosis of child tuberculosis to perform patient symptom scoring parameters. Application aimed to minimize underdiagnose and overdiagnose cases in pediatric patients suspected tuberculosis. To achieve successful implementation of tuberculosis diagnosis of children with TB eScoring application require users understanding about adoption rate of TB eScoring application. This research aims to analyze interest in the use of information technology in this case TB eScoring application. The approach of technology acceptance model (TAM) by modifying the adopted constructs is Perceive usefulness, perceive ease of use and intention to use. Linear regression modeling is used to test the existing hypothesis. The results obtained are all hypotheses accepted based on tests conducted to the relationship of each variable. From the results of the research obtained that usability variables significantly have a positive relationship to the interest in use. In addition, the ease variable also has a positive relationship to the interest in the use of TB eScoring application. Both significance value of is 0.002, smaller than 0.05.

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