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Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Spesies Ikan dengan Teknologi Augmented Reality Martono, Kurniawan Teguh; Fauzi, Adnan
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Education is one process that has a goal to develop the potential that exists in itself optimally. The education process can not be separated from the role of educators, infrastructure and society. In this era, the biggest challenge in the world of education is how to develop learning media that have interactive properties. The development of computer technology brought changes in the process of interaction between students and teachers. The computer technology used in this research is by using Augmented Reality technology. To know the working function of existing components in this application is done testing process with blackbox testing. This test is done by testing the effect of camera angle on marker and the influence of light in detecting marker. Based on the results of blackbox testing that has been done then obtained the bottom results in the conditions of light intensity 5 - 9 lux with angle orintation from 10 to 90 degrees marker failed to detect this is because the light intensity in the room does not meet so that the camera difficulty in performing marker detection. Markers can be detected when the light intensity is increased from 20 to 200 lux with an angle greater than or equal to 30o.
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan Vol 12, No 3 (2015): Oktober
Publisher : Department of Naval Architecture - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.654 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/kpl.v12i3.9688


Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan kegiatan lapangan bagi mahasiswa yang menempuh bagian akhir dari program pendidikan S-1. Universitas mempercayai bahwa program ini mampu mendorong empati mahasiswa, dan dapat memberikan sumbangan bagi penyelesaian persoalan yang ada di masyarakat. Tambak Lorok adalah tempat penjualan ikan segar baik dalam jumlah besar maupun secara eceran. Pada umumnya ikan yang dijual merupakan hasil tangkapan pada hari itu. Untuk maksud memperpanjang penyimpanan dan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen ikan yang cukup besar, beberapa ikan dijual dengan cara diasap. Ikan diasap menggunakan tempurung kelapa yang sudah tua. Masalah yang dihadapi kelompok pengasapan ikan ini adalah umur simpan ikan asap, sehingga apabila dalam waktu tersebut ikan tidak habis, sisanya sudah tidak memiliki nilai jual, sehingga produsen mengalami kerugian. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan produksi ikan asap melalui metode asap cair dan memanfaakan sisa arang tempurung kelapa. Metode yang digunakan oleh tim KKN PPM meliputi penyuluhan dan pendidikan untuk memproduksi ikan asap yang higienis. Hasil dari kegiatan ini memberikan banyak pengetahuan tentang bahaya asap yang melekat pada pengasapan ikan dan manfaat briket. Dengan antusias masyarakat sekitar Tambak Lorok memberikan respon positif untuk menggunakan alat yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan asap cair dan briket. Kegiatan KKN PPM ini juga didukung oleh berbagai pihak Kecamatan, Kelurahan dan Karang Taruna.
Augmented Reality sebagai Metafora Baru dalam Teknologi Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer Teguh Martono, Kurniawan

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This paper contains about how the augmented reality technology used in new metaphors in computer interaction technology. Metaphor is one form of change. With changes in the field of interaction it will improve the user experience when operating the application. Augmented reality is the additional reality that is used to blend or combine objects in the virtual world with real-world environment. By using this technology are expected participation of users in interacting with existing applications, various fields such as military, health, education and other fields of applied science which has been implemented as part of augmented reality technology in its environment. Using augmented reality technology is expected to application users will feel the direct interaction process.KeywordsAugemented Reality; Interaction; Metafora
Perancangan Game Edukasi “Fish Identity” Dengan Menggunakan JavaTM Teguh Martono, Kurniawan
JURNAL SISTEM KOMPUTER Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Sistem dan Aplikasi Komputer

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Game is currently experiencing rapid growth. There are so many types of games on the market today, including the types of real time strategy, first person shooter, and role playing game. The development of this game is used by various circles to convey a some message. One of the current games that are often shelled is educational game . “Fish Identity” one of educational game developed. The game is to introduce of fish species to the students. By using this educational game is expected students to be better in familiar types of fish species that exist. Test for this game using black box testing, is intended to get the functionality of this game which includes navigator key function, target, fishing rod function. Result of the testing is functioning properl.Index Terms—Education game, Fish Identity
Proceedings of KNASTIK 2012
Publisher : Duta Wacana Christian University

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Development of Internet technology have evolved over time. This development led to thedevelopment of the current number of Internet users . The amount was fantastic at theend of March 2011 where the total number of Internet users is approximately6,930,055,154 users. The number of users has also resulted in competition in thedevelopment of a web browser that will be used by internet users. Some web browsersare a favorite on the Internet is Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.Chrome extension is an application that can be developed by any developer who is toeffectiveness accessing the website This is because users no longer have trouble inaccessing a web page that is a favorite, because users can simply download the fileextensions and then installed into the web browse the chrome. This study refers to thefunction of the parts are there in the chrome extension of Diponegoro Universitycomputer system. The results obtained in this study was 100% of existing functions thatcan run in the browser google chrome.
Proceedings of KNASTIK 2010
Publisher : Duta Wacana Christian University

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Kebutuhan akan sistem yang mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang didasarkan dari menggali informasi unik yang terdapat didalam data, berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Data mining menjawab tantangan ini dengan mencari relasi antar data. Pada perkembangannya data mining melakukan pencarian informasi didalam data yang sangat besar, hal ini menyebabkan proses untuk mencari informasi unik membutuhkan waktu hitung yang cukup lama. Sistem yang terdistribusi dapat membantu hal ini, dengan membagi proses penggalian informasi ke broker yang lebih kecil, dan masing-masing broker ini, dengan menggunakan metode “push” akan mencari server yang dapat membantu proses penghitungan.
Penerapan QR-Code dalam Absensi Karyawan Martono, Kurniawan Teguh; Hendry, Hendry
Proceedings of KNASTIK 2010
Publisher : Duta Wacana Christian University

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Perkembangan teknologi computer sangat membantu manusia dalam mengelola suatu sistem informasi. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana mengelola karyawan yang ada dalam satu perusahaan. Pengelolaan karyawan ini sangat penting karena dapat digunakan dalam beberapa proses pengambilan suatu keputusan terhadap perkembangan karyawan. Absensi karyawan merupakan salah satu indicator dalam mengukur unjuk kerja dari setiap karyawan, selain itu absensi ini juga digunakan sebagai acuan suatu perusahan dalam melakukan proses penggajian. Untuk mengelola absensi ini agar lebih efisien adalah dengan menggunakan bantuan teknologi computer. Aplikasi absensi ini memanfaatkan teknologi QR-Code (Quick Response Code) dalam proses identifikasinya. Proses pembacaan marker ini menggunakan sebuah kamera webcam yang dihubungkan oleh program yang akan menterjemahkan marker tersebut. Pengujian pembacaan kartu karyawan yang dilengkai dengan QR-Code ini menggunakan sudut yang bervariasi antara 00 sampai dengan 1800. Hasil yang didapatkan untuk sudut lebih kecil dari 100 maka marker tidak dapat dibaca oleh kamera, sedangkan pada sudut yang lebih besar dari 1700 juga tidak dapat dibaca.
Perancangan Game Edukasi “Fish Identity” Dengan Menggunakan JavaTM Teguh Martono, Kurniawan
Jurnal Sistem Komputer Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jsk.v1i1.7


Game is currently experiencing rapid growth. There are so many types of games on the market today, including the types of real time strategy, first person shooter, and role playing game. The development of this game is used by various circles to convey a some message. One of the current games that are often shelled is educational game. “Fish Identity” one of educational game developed. The game is to introduce of fish species to the students. By using this educational game is expected students to be better in familiar types of fish species that exist. Test for this game using black box testing, is intended to get the functionality of this game which includes navigator key function, target, fishing rod function. Result of the testing is functioning properly
Augmented Reality sebagai Metafora Baru dalam Teknologi Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer Teguh Martono, Kurniawan
Jurnal Sistem Komputer Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jsk.v1i2.13


This paper contains about how the augmented reality technology used in new metaphors in computer interaction technology. Metaphor is one form of change. With changes in the field of interaction it will improve the user experience when operating the application. Augmented reality is the additional reality that is used to blend or combine objects in the virtual world with real-world environment. By using this technology are expected participation of users in interacting with existing applications, various fields such as military, health, education and other fields of applied science which has been implemented as part of augmented reality technology in its environment. Using augmented reality technology is expected to application users will feel the direct interaction process.
Tracer Alumni berbasis Website (Kasus : Sistem Komputer Fakultas Teknik UNDIP) Teguh Martono, Kurniawan
Jurnal Sistem Komputer Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jsk.v3i1.47


Abstract— Alumni is one part of being an educational institution. The presence of alumni on the current one part in the assessment of accreditation an institution. By knowing where alumni of the institution to measure the extent of success in educating up to ready to work. To find out where the alumni can use the survey mentode often or by using the questionnaire that will be distributed during one pass, or by using other media that can be used to track the whereabouts of alumni. The development of information technology that exists today can play a role in supporting the search alumni. The role will involve is to make it easier for interested parties are concerned educational institutions, alumni, and stakeholeder. One of the use of information technology is to utilize the Internet network. By utilizing this network the system is built to connect globally, so it will be easier when going to access information on the alumni or feedback. The results obtained from this study is an alumni of tracer application that can be used to track the whereabouts of alumni. The system can run well on multiple web browsers. Web browsers are used in this test is by using Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera and Chrome. Keywords: Alumni Tracer, PHP, Information Technology