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Educational Psychology Journal
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Educational Psychology Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi berprestasi dengan minat membaca yang ada pada anak kelas V di SD Negeri 1 Doplang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 32 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan angket motivasi berprestasi dan angket minat membaca. Skala motivasi berprestasi terdiri dari 31 aitem valid dengan koefisien validitas aitem antara 0,380 sampai dengan 0,756 dan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,953. Skala minat membaca pada anak terdiri dari 31 aitem valid dengan koefisien validitas aitem antara 0,364 sampai dengan 0,745 dan dan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,947. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai signifikansi atau p = 0,000 dengan koefisien korelasi r = 0,895 menunjukkan ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara motivasi berprestasi dengan minat membaca pada anak kelas V SD Negeri 1 Doplang. Tingginya motivasi berprestasi siswa diikuti dengan tingginya minat membaca pada anak tersebut dan sebaliknya. Tingkat motivasi berprestasi siswa berada pada kriteria rendah yaitu sebesar 53,1% dan indikator yang paling berpengaruh dalam motivasi berprestasi yaitu perilaku yang timbul dan terarah. Tingkat minat membaca pada subyek berada dalam kriteria rendah, yaitu sebesar 56,2% dan indikator yang paling berpengaruh dalam minat membaca yaitu kesadaran akan manfaat membaca. This study aims to determine the relationship of achievement motivation and interest in reading that of the children in class V SD Negeri 1 Doplang. This study is a quantitative correlation. The subjects of this study are 32 students. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data were taken using a questionnaire of achievement motivation and interest in reading the questionnaire. Achievement motivation scale consists of 31 valid item to item validity coefficients between 0.380 to 0.756 and a reliability coefficient of 0.953. Childs interest in reading the scale consists of 31 valid item with item validity coefficients between 0.364 to 0.745 and 0.947 and a reliability coefficient of. The results show the significance or value of p = 0.000 with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.895 shows a significant positive relationship between achievement motivation and interest in reading in children fifth grade SD Negeri 1 Doplang. The high student achievement motivation followed by high interest reading on the child and vice versa. The level of student achievement motivation is at a low criterion is equal to 53.1% and the most influential indicator in the achievement motivation and purposeful behavior arises. The level of interest in reading on the subject is in the low criterion, ie by 56.2% and the most influential indicator in the interest of reading the awareness of the benefits of reading.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Education is one important sector in the development of each country. According to Law No. 20 Year 2004 education is a conscious and planned efforts to develop the potential of all learners through the learning process. Learning occurs in interaction with the environment, socially, and in the face of every event. Basically, learning is a mental activity / psyche that took place in an active interaction with the environment produce changes in knowledge, understanding, skills and attitude values. Jarimatika learning is a source for learning, while the tutor or lecturer jarimatika an auxiliary force and the fingers used in the learning process is a facility. Adjustment to the individuals who preferred teaching is about teaching and learning methods, teaching techniques, and how the lesson settings. In his research note that student achievement in learning can be enhanced with effective learning methods include the spirit of learning and cultivate students interest in learning. This learning process can be said to succeed when it educates students successfully completed the tasks in the study with satisfactory values commonly called achievements. Elementary Students Islamic Prince Diponegoro Class II, III, and IV are also experiencing problems in math class values. There are many factors that affect achievement in mathematics one of them interest in learning mathematics. Enthusiasm is a feeling of interest in a matter or activity without affecting. Students interest in the learning process can be shown by the existence of a sense of interest to learn sunguh-indeed, the willingness to always be active in learning activities. This study aims to describe students interest in learning elementary school mathematics and numeracy learning effect jarimatika to increase interest in learning mathematics. The subjects were 28 students who were taken by using sampling techniques such as purposive sampling. This research was conducted with experimental methods of re-design of experiment (quasi-experimental) with the type of experimental pre non randomized pretest-posttest one group design. Samples were divided into two groups namely experimental group and control group with the number of members of each group of 28 subjects. Research data capture is performed using a scale interest in learning mathematics with the reliability coefficient of 0.946 and from 60 items 50 items found valid. Data analysis using t-test test techniques with the help of a computer program (SPSS) version 12 for windows. Results of analysis of data obtained by using t-test, the correlation between two variables, which produces the number 0.599 with probability value well below 0.05 (see the significant value of output is 0.001). This suggests that the correlation between the average interest in learning mathematics before and after learning to count jarimatika is significant. While the look of the probability (Sig. two tailed) is 0.000. hence the probability <0.05, then the nil hypothesis Ho is rejected pretest may imply that there are differences in the level of interest in learning mathematics between the experimental groups before and after learning to count jarimatika. So we can conclude that learning jarimatika effective to increase interest in learning math elementary school children in elementary Pengeran Islam Diponegoro, thereby Ha accepted. Description of interest in learning mathematics experienced by elementary school students tend to Islam Diponegoro in aspects of attention, interest, and desire. Based on the results of the study concluded that learning arithmetic jarimatika effective to increase interest in learning mathematics. Hence the advice given to this jarimatika numeracy learning activities continued to be held as well as add other activities as efforts to increase the creativity of learning in all lessons.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2013): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Kecurangan akademik merupakan suatu permasalahan dalam dunia pendidikan yang bisa terjadi dimana saja. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah kecurangan akademik adalah mengubah perilaku dan persepsi mahasiswa. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Unnes angkatan tahun 2010 yang berjumlah 250 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan jenis deskriptif, pengambilan sampel melalui two stage cluster random sampling yang dilakukan dengan cara merandom fakultas dan merandom jurusan. Pengambilan data menggunakan skala faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecurangan akademik dengan tingkat reliabilitas sebesar 0,905. Skala faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecurangan akademik terdiri dari 41 item yang valid dengan rentang koefisien validitas dari 0,230 sampai dengan 0,735. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecurangan akademik yang terjadi pada mahasiswa Unnes angkatan 2010 masih tinggi dengan faktor efikasi diri akademik sebagai faktor paling dominan dan mean empirik faktor efikasi diri akademik sebesar 44.3400. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecurangan akademik cenderung tinggi pada mahasiswa Unnes angkatan 2010 dengan faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor efikasi diri akademik.   Academic cheating is an issue in education that could happen anywhere. One way to overcome the problem of academic cheating is to change students attitudes and perceptions. Subjects were Unnes students force in 2010, amounting to 250 peoples. This study uses a quantitative design with a descriptive type, sampling through a two stage cluster random sampling is random by faculty and majors. Data retrieval using scale factors that influence academic cheating with reliability level of 0.905. Scale factors that influence academic cheating consists of 41 items that are valid with the validity coefficients range from 0.230 to 0.735. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. Results of data analysis showed that the level of academic cheating that occurred on Unnes student class of 2010 is still higher by a factor of academic self-efficacy as the most dominant factors and the empirical mean academic self-efficacy factor of 44.3400. Based on the results of this study concluded that academic cheating Unnes students tend to be high in the class of 2010s most influential factor is the factor of academic self-efficacy.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dan mengetahui pengaruh persepsi pola asuh permisif orang tua terhadap perilaku membolos siswa SMK Pancasila 3 Baturetno Kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif korelasional dengan melibatkan 70 siswa SMK Pancasila 3 Baturetno sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala psikologis, yaitu skala pola asuh permisif dan skala perilaku membolos yang sebelumnya telah diuji cobakan pada 43 siswa kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik regresi sederhana. Hasil analisis data yang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh persepsi pola asuh permisif orang tua terhadap perilaku membolos siswa SMK Pancasila 3 Baturetno Kabupaten Wonogiri dengan besar koefisien korelasi 0.553 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05). Hubungan yang signifikan tersebut didukung dengan adanya nilai regresi (R) sebesar 0,553. Sedangkan koefisien determinasinya (R Square) sebesar 0,306 yang artinya 30,6% variabel perilaku membolos dipengaruhi oleh variabel persepsi pola asuh permisif. Sisanya 69,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang belum terungkap dalam penelitian ini.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2013): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi oleh fenomena mengenai kurangnya rasa optimisme yang dimiliki oleh siswa ketika mengerjakan ujian di SMA Negeri 3 Pekalongan. Penyebabnya antara lain kurangnya persiapan-persiapan dalam belajar yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kesiapan dalam belajar dengan optimisme siswa dalam mengerjakan ujian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 105 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah cluster sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan dalam belajar dengan optimisme siswa dalam mengerjakan ujian saling mempengaruhi dimana semakin tinggi kesiapan dalam belajar semakin tinggi pula optimisme siswa dalam mengerjakan ujian begitu juga sebaliknya semakin rendah kesiapan dalam belajar semakin rendah pula optimisme siswa dalam mengerjakan ujian.   Background of this study is about the phenomenom of less optimistic that the students have when they do their test in SMA Negeri 3 pekalongan. The cause is less preparation in studying. This study is to know the relation of well preparation in studying and the optimistic when the students do their test. This is a correlation quantitive research. Subject of this study is 105 students. Sample.technique that is used is cluster sampling. The result of the study showed that the preparation in studying and students optimistic in doing the test are involving which the more preparation in studying the students did, the more students optimistic will be seen. In the other hand, the less preparation that students did, the less students  optimistic will be seen.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling yaitu guru honorer sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Wonotunggal Kabupaten Batang yang berjumlah 67 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan skala psychological well-being, dengan jumlah item 57 yang valid dengan koefisien alpha cronbach reliabilitasnya sebesar 0,950. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif dengan metode statistik deskriptif prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar atau 61,2 persen (41 orang) menyatakan dirinya memiliki psychological well-being pada kriteria sedang. Sedangkan yang termasuk dalam kriteria tinggi hanya sebesar 7,5 persen (5 orang), dan kriteria rendah sebesar 31,3 persen (21 orang). Dari enam dimensi psychological well-being yang diteliti, yaitu dimensi penerimaan diri, hubungan positif dengan orang lain, otonomi, penguasaan lingkungan, tujuan hidup, dan pertumbuhan pribadi berada pada kategori yang sedang. Abxtract. This research is descriptive quantitative research. Population in this research used total sampling is all school honorer teacher in Kec. Wonotunggal Kab. Batang, amount of 67 subject. This research used psychological well-being scale, amount of 57 valid items with realiability coefficient alpha cronbach of 0,950. Analyze method used descriptive analyze with percentage descriptive statistique method. The result of research showed all of or 61,2 % (41 person) have psychological well-being on average criteria. The high criteria is 7,5 % (5 person), and low criteria of 31,3 % (21 person). From 6 dimention of psychological well-being which have been study, the dimension self acceptance, positive relationship to others, otonomy, environmental bend, life purpose, and personal grow is on average criteria.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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The ability of each individual is different in set up time and plan a learning activity. So is the student who has been married to a student who is not married, where students who are married have a dual role as a housewife is as well as students, while students who are not married only a student only. This self-regulation is the major difference in the learning process is often called SRL (self-regulated learning) between a student who is not married with a married. This type of research is comparative descriptive. This study uses proposive sampling techniques in sample collection. Its population is all students in the FIP either unmarried or married. The variables in this study are self-regulated learning and student status. Methods of data collection in this study using a scale of psychology as much as 58 item scale SRL. Methods of data analysis in this study using t test technique Test the validity of using the product moment calculations were performed using SPSS 17 for Windows and validity coefficients obtained between 0.282 to 0.788 and the test reliability was calculated with SPSS 17 using Cronbach Alpha calculation, produced 0.977. Hypothesis testing using t-test analysis showed that p = 0.247> 0.05 means that there are significant differences in self-regulated learning among students who are not married to a married student. Students who are not married have higher levels of SRL in the category by the number of 15 persons (36.3%), the category was 25 people (60.6%), and the lower categories of 1 person (2.4%), whereas the student who has been married have high levels of SRL categories by the number of 4 persons (9.6%), the category was 26 people (62.8%), and low categories of 11 people (26.6%). The conclusion obtained is that there are differences in self-regulated learning among students who are not married to a married student. Unmarried student who has self-regulated learning is higher than a married college student, so that the student who has been married to further enhance its ability to develop SRL in order to achieve the desired learning objectives.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2013): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Dewasa ini, banyak permasalahan di dunia pendidikan yang perlu mendapat perhatian. Rendahnya motivasi berprestasi khususnya, tercermin dari kurangnya usaha mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas prestasi seperti dengan melakukan kecurangan akademik ataupun plagiat. Masih banyak juga mahasiswa yang memilih berhenti atau menunda-nunda mengerjakan tugas, seperti tugas akhir/skripsi. Hal ini salah satunya dapat terjadi karena tingkat orientasi tujuan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara orientasi tujuan (X) dengan motivasi berprestasi (Y) pada mahasiswa Psikologi UNNES. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Psikologi UNNES angkatan tahun 2009 sampai dengan 2012 yang berjumlah 440 mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 110 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan skala orientasi tujuan dan skala motivasi berprestasi. Skala orientasi tujuan terdiri dari 40 item valid dengan koefisien validitas antara 0,320 sampai 0,708. Sedangkan skala motivasi berprestasi terdiri dari 44 item valid dengan koefisien validitas antara 0,329 sampai 0,692. Koefisien alpha cronbach reliabilitas skala orientasi tujuan adalah 0,911 dan koefisien alpha cronbach reliabilitas skala motivasi berprestasi adalah 0,916. Metode  analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis korelasi Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan positif antara orientasi tujuan dengan motivasi berprestasi pada mahasiswa Psikologi UNNES (nilai r = 0,629 dengan p < 0,01). Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara orientasi tujuan dengan motivasi berprestasi. Jika orientasi tujuan tinggi maka motivasi berprestasi juga akan tinggi, begitu juga sebaliknya. Mahasiswa yang memiliki orientasi tujuan tinggi akan menggunakan strategi belajar yang lebih adaptif, lebih fokus pada penguasaan tugas, tidak mudah menyerah sehingga motivasi berprestasinya lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang kurang memiliki orientasi tujuan.  Today many problems in education that need attention. The low achievement motivation in particular, reflected a lack of student effort in tasks such as the achievement of academic cheating or plagiarism. There are still many students who choose to stop or delay the task, such as the final project/thesis. This can occur because of one goal orientation level students. This study aims to determine the relationship between goal orientation ( X ) and achievement motivation ( Y ) on UNNES psychology student. This research is correlational. The study population was a psychology student UNNES force of 2009 to 2012 , amounting to 440 students. The number of samples in this study were 110 students by using Simple Random Sampling technique. The data were taken using a scale of goal orientation and achievement motivation scale. Goal orientation scale consists of 40 items with a valid validity coefficient from 0.320 to 0.708. While the achievement motivation scale consists of 44 items with a valid validity coefficients between 0.329 to 0.692. Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient of goal orientation scale was 0.911 and Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient of achievement motivation scale is 0.916. Methods of data analysis in this study is the product moment correlation analysis. The results showed a positive relationship between goal orientation and achievement motivation in students UNNES Psychology ( r = 0.629 with p < 0,01 ). Researchers concluded that there was a significant positive relationship between goal orientation and achievement motivation . If the orientation of the high goals of achievement motivation will also be high , and vice versa. Students who have a high goal orientation will use learning strategies more adaptive, more focused on mastering the task, do not give up so motivated underachievement higher than students who lack goal orientation.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang kesiapan para guru di SD dan SMP Alam Ar-Ridho dalam menangani peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kesiapan guru di SD dan SMP Alam Ar-Ridho dalam menangani peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah tersebut. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para guru di SD dan SMP Alam Ar-Ridho yang berjumlah 35 guru. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah skala psikologi. Validitas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah validitas konstruk, karena butir-butir item disusun berdasarkan skala psikologis tentang kesiapan dan strategi dalam menangani anak berkebutuhan khusus. Reliabilitas Skala Psikologi Kesiapan Guru didapat dengan menggunakan perhitungan Cronbach Alpha. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata kesiapan guru-guru SD dan SMP Alam Ar –Rihdo dalam menangani peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus tergolong tinggi (66%) dan kategori rendah (3 %) ditemukan pada indikator pengalaman yang dimiliki. Artinya, sebanyak 3 % responden memiliki pengalaman yang minim dalam menangni peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus.
Educational Psychology Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2013): Educational Psychology Journal
Publisher : Educational Psychology Journal

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Kecurangan akademik semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Kecurangan akademik akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi para pelakunya, baik secara moral, psikologis, dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengaturan diri mahasiswa, dan manajemen waktu mahasiswa untuk menghadapi kesulitan dalam mencapai tujuan belajar supaya meminimalisir terjadinya kecurangan akademik pada mahasiswa, hal ini berkaitan dengan self regulated learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara self regulated learning (X) dengan kecurangan akademik (Y) pada mahasiswa Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang angkatan tahun 2008 - 2011. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 380 mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 110 mahasiswa, teknik sampling digunakan adalah teknik Probability Sampling berupa Simple Random Sampling, yaitu pengambilan anggota sampel dari populasi dilakukan secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata yang ada dalam populasi itu. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan skala kecurangan akademik dan skala self regulated learning. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dengan korelasi Product Moment. Peneliti menyimpulkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan  negatif antara self regulated learning dengan kecurangan akademik tidak terbukti.   Academic cheating is increasing from year to year. Academic fraud will be a negative impact on the perpetrators, both morally, psychologically, and socially. Therefore, it takes a student self-regulation, and time management for students facing difficulties in achieving the learning objectives so as to minimize the occurrence of academic fraud on the students, this is related to self-regulated learning. This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-regulated learning (X) with academic cheating (Y) in the Faculty of Education Psychology student Semarang State University. This study is correlational. The population in this study were students of Psychology Faculty of Education Semarang State University class of 2008 - 2011. The population was 380 students. The number of samples in this study were 110 students, sampling techniques used are techniques such as Simple Random Sampling Probability Sampling, which is taking members of the sample population was randomly without regard to the existing strata in the population. The research data were taken using a scale of academic fraud and self-regulated learning scale. The method of data analysis used by the Product Moment Correlation. The researchers concluded that the results showed a negative relationship between self-regulated learning with academic cheating is not proven.