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ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
ISSN : 22526706     EISSN : 27214532     DOI :
The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging inquiries into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in: first, second, and foreign language teaching and learning; language in education; language planning, language testing; curriculum design and development; multilingualism and multilingual education; discourse analysis; translation; clinical linguistics; literature and teaching; and. forensic linguistics.
Articles 20 Documents
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The design of multimedia storytelling Bibi, Sarah; Sari, Dian Shinta; Putra, Muhammad Iqbal Ripo
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.34614


In teaching English, the use of media is essential to underpin and facilitate the process. With the recent waves of Technology, some teachers also make an exercise of a digital platform to develop new Media. It is easier to attract students to follow the lesson and also increase their pursuit of learning. This research directed to how the design of digital storytelling to teach narrative for students. The researcher used Educational Research and Development cycle from Borg and Gall (2007) which adjusted into five steps, namely (1) research and information gathering, (2) planning, (3) preliminary product developing, (4) preliminary field testing, and (5) primary product revision. The result of the research shows that digital storytelling can be utilised as a medium to teach narrative. The purpose of the medium must be communicative and attractive for the students. Equally, for the students, they are interested in using digital storytelling medium to learn about narrative. Hence, digital storytelling is designed to occupy those needs and is expected to be useful to teach narrative.
Teachers’ reinforcement and students’ perception to the teachers in English classroom Lestari, Maria Ana Mei
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.36461


The study focuses on the positive reinforcement that is used by the teachers in each class and students’ perception towards reinforcement itself. This research involved two English teachers and two different classes of year ten students in SMA Kristen YSKI Semarang. To describe the use of reinforcement by the teachers, their teaching process were recorded and observed. Questionnaire and interview were done at the end of the lesson to describe how the students perceive reinforcement. This study is qualitative research. The data showed that the teachers used various types of reinforcement based on the theory of reinforcement by Moore (2007). They are Verbal, Non-verbal, Vicarious, Delayed, and Qualified Reinforcement. They used almost all types of reinforcement, except the Delayed Reinforcement. In general, Non-verbal Reinforcement was mostly used by the teachers. The interview results showed that the students agreed that reinforcement is important and useful for them during teaching and learning process.
Theme-Rheme configuration in recount texts produced by Indonesian EFL students Meiarista, Kiki; Widhiyanto, Widhiyanto
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.37148


The topic of this study is the textual meaning in recount texts written by the fourth semester students of English Department Universitas Negeri Semarang in the academic year 2018/2019. This study is conducted since there are still limited research that is conducted in Indonesia which analyses the problems of thematic development because most of Indonesian researchers are only analyses the thematic structure and thematic development pattern. This study aimed to figure out the thematic structure, thematic development pattern, and the problems of thematic development in students’ recount texts. The text analysis of qualitative method was employed to enhance the results. The result of the thematic structures showed that the unmarked topical Theme was frequently used than the marked one in terms of topical Theme, the conjunctions became the mostly used element in textual Theme, and the modal adjuncts became the frequently used constituent in interpersonal Theme. In the case of thematic development patterns, the Theme re-iteration (constant Theme pattern) became the mostly used pattern since the function is to keep the text focused. It has been found that there were three problems of thematic development in students’ recount texts: (1) the problem of the brand-new Theme, (2) the problem of double Rheme, and (3) the problem of empty Rheme. The results of this study indicate that the students belong to beginner (inexperienced) writer.
Students’ preferences and teachers’ beliefs towards written corrective feedback Tri Adhi Kencana, Alviana
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.37187


Writing skill has been considered as a crucial skill that EFL students need to master. One of the techniques usually employed by teachers to help students improve their writing is via Written Corrective Feedback (WCF). Although many studies have been conducted to test its effectiveness, fewer studies have examined students’ and teachers’ preferences and beliefs towards the usefulness of WCF. Therefore, the present study analyzed students’ preferences and teachers’ beliefs regarding WCF. The participants consisted of 35 EFL students and 5 EFL teachers enrolled in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang Banjarnegara, a vocational high school in Banjarnegara, Indonesia. The data were both obtained through written questionnaires for the students and interview questions for the teachers. The collected data were analyzed based on WCF types classified by Ellis (2008), specifically for certain types like direct, indirect, and metalinguistic corrective feedback. The result of the present study demonstrated that both students and teachers mostly agreed that students should receive WCF in large amounts. Both of them also agreed that teachers should provide comprehensive feedback which consists of correction and explanations. Finally, both of them also had similar opinions that form-focused errors should be prioritized for correction than content-focused errors.
Teacher social competence, student learning motivation, and learning outcomes in English subject Ainy, Qurrot; Pratama, Hendi
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38131


This study aimed to investigate the correlation between teacher social competence, student learning motivation, and learning outcomes in English subject. The population of this study is all the students of Junior High School 1 Purbalingga academic year 2019/2020. The sample in this study is 90 students. The sampling technique is stratified convience sampling. In collecting data, there were some research instruments used; questionnaires and documentation. The research data were analyzed by Peason product-moment correlation. Based on the analysis and statistical quantification, it was found that the results of the study were (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between teacher social competence and student learning outcomes as shown by the value of Pearson correlation coefficient 0.919; (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between student learning motivation and student learning outcomes as shown by the value of Pearson correlation coefficient 0.908; (3) there is a positive and significant correlation between teacher social competence and student learning motivation as shown by the value of Pearson correlation coefficient 0.994. In conclusion, teachers’ social competence correlation is higher than students learning motivation. Therefore, the teachers should work on their social skill to improve student learning outcomes. On the other hand, the students needs to motivate themselves.
Analyzing English for Academic Purposes textbooks in China: A study of intercultural issues Li, Yulong; Yao, Pengfei; Hu, Bo
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38259


An increase of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching in China has resulted in a surge of EAP textbooks on the market. However, there has been little accompanying interest in how well intercultural issues are handled and presented in these publications. Accordingly, the present study employs Chinese students’ Cultures of Learning (CoL) and contrastive rhetoric (CR) as reflection points in the analysis of the content, production, and consumption of two series of EAP textbooks adapted from overseas textbooks. Findings revealed that intercultural differences are not given due recognition in the textbooks which in some cases can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the teachers involved in the study, as users of the other textbook series, were found to treat the textbooks only as a supplementary EAP teaching resource. Moreover, the continued confusion on the part of some of the students involved in the study highlighted the desirability for future textbooks to render intercultural differences in a critical EAP manner.
Junior high school students’ difficulties of English language learning in the speaking and listening section Jaelani, Alan; Zabidi, Olivia Widad
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38287


This study aims to determine students' problems in learning English, especially in terms of speaking and listening. Basically, the teaching and learning process will run smoothly if students feel comfortable with the learning activities; therefore, this research provides some appropriate suggestions for teachers in overcoming difficulties faced by students. The respondents of this study were junior high school students. This study used a questionnaire as an instrument to determine the extent of students' skills in English. This study also conducted data analysis by analyzing the importance of English in students' views, the difficulties encountered in learning English, and also the teacher's teaching strategies desired by students. The results of this study indicate that most students have some difficulties in speaking due to lack of confidence and skills such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Likewise, the difficulty in listening is caused by students’ lack of vocabulary that leads to the difficulty in understanding conversations in English. To overcome this problem, teachers need to have strategies such as identification, diagnosis, prognosis, and assistance or therapy. This research can facilitate the teachers in knowing complaints about English language difficulties experienced by the students.
Potential relationship between self-efficacy beliefs and proficiency in grammar among tertiary EFL learners Kholili, Achmad
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38404


A multitude of studies on self-efficacy beliefs have been undertaken to date, especially in language learning. However, little evidence is given on looking into the relationship between self-efficacy and English grammar. To this end, the present study goes about identifying to what extent the correlation between learners’ self-efficacy and their achievements in the grammar test is. Drawing on the correlational design, an English grammar test was administered to the learners to know the learners’ acquaintance with the English grammar. Meanwhile, a self-efficacy questionnaire was performed by the researcher to the learners to figure out to what extent their efficaciousness is. A Pearson-product moment correlation was performed to analyze the relationship between such variables. The result demonstrates that there is a high positive significant correlation between learners’ self-efficacy and their attainments in the grammar test, displayed by r Correlation = +1. This finding brings a recent insight in the field of language learning.
Culture and ELT: Cambodian teachers' perception and practice of textbook adaptation to realize intercultural awareness Nhem, Davut
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38409


Currently, it is recognized that language and culture go hand in hand, which means that when we teach a language, we also teach the culture of that language or other languages that appear in the textbooks being used. This wide recognition of the vital role of culture in the second language teaching has presented challenges for EFL teachers in various contexts. This article reports a qualitative study on three Cambodian teachers of English at one school in Phnom Penh. The study aims to investigate EFL teachers’ views and practices of textbook adaptation, as well as how they adapt textbooks to help students develop intercultural awareness in the ELT. To achieve these objectives, the qualitative data obtained from individual interviews, classroom observations, and teaching materials were engaged to shed light on the backdrop of the textbook adaptation and cultural integration in the ELT classroom. The findings in this study reveal an inconsistency between teachers’ views and practices about the textbook adaptation and the teachers’ limited capacity of interculturality-stimulated scholarship that is inherently tied to the development of cultural activities in the ELT classroom. This study suggests teacher training on the textbook adaptation and teaching culture should be provided to the teachers in the context and beyond.
English teachers’ methods in teaching reading comprehension of procedure text Yusmalinda, Akidatul; Astuti, Puji
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 1 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i1.38676


This study focuses on English teachers’ methods in teaching reading comprehension of procedure text. The main purpose of this study is to describe the methods used by English teachers and reveal the strengths and weaknesses of those methods used for teaching reading comprehension of procedure texts. The research was a qualitative case study. The participants of this research were two English teachers at one of junior high schools in Semarang in the academic year of 2019/2020. In collecting data, several data collection instruments were used, including: interview, observation guideline and document analysis checklist. The findings showed that English teachers planned the teaching materials and strategies in advance. They also used various methods in teaching reading of procedure text. Both teachers almost used the same methods which were audio-visual method, scaffolding, grammar-translation method, and project-based learning. The difference was in the step of the strategy implementation. In addition, the findings showed that the most appropriate method in teaching reading comprehension was grammar-translation method since it helped students comprehend the procedure text. There were several students who still had a hard time following the lessons. Teachers are supposed to make sure that all students have understood the whole text or not and they should observe the students’ situation and needs so that the teaching and learning is contextual.

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