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Kearifan Syariat dan Hikmah dalam Puasa Mufaizin Mufaizin
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.231 KB) | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v2i1.3335


Such a way of thinking was immediately followed by some Muslims especially the ulamas. So that some scholars give special attention by making works that are focused on studying the wisdom, philosophy and wisdom of the Shari'a. like Al Jurjawi with his book Hikmatu Tasyri 'Wafalsafatuhu, Mustafa As Siba'I with his work AhkamuS Shiyam Wa Falsafatuhu, Ad Dahlawy with his work Hujjatullah Al Balighah and other scholars. For this reason, the wisdom and wisdom of Shari'a are very urgent to be revealed in this contemporary era. Through this article the author feels the need to give a little review even though only a small part of the ocean of knowledge and the Shari'a of God which is applied to this people is about the wisdom of the Shari'a and wisdom in the obligation of fasting
Peran Keteladanan Orang Tua terhadap embentukan Kepribadian Muslim Anak Mufaizin .
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Maret
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.735 KB) | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v1i1.3345


Secara teoritis, keteladanan merupakan metode yang paling meyakinkan keberhasilannya dalam membentuk kepribadian anak, baik dalam aspek moral, spiritual dan sosial anak. Seperti yang terungkap dalam Maqolah arab; “Lisanul-hal Afsah Min Lisanil Maqal” pengaruh keteladanan melalui tingkah laku itu lebih efektif di banding dengan ungkapan lisan. Anak mengikuti norma-norma pada anggota keluarga, baik ayah, ibu maupun kakak-kakaknya. Maka orang tua di dalam keluarga harus dan merupakan kewajiban kodrati untuk memperhatikan anakanaknya serta mendidiknya sejak anak itu kecil bahkan sejak anak itu masih dalam kandungan. Jadi tugas orang tua mendidik anaknya terlepas sama sekali dari kedudukan, keahlian atau pengalaman dalam pendidikan yang legal. Keteladanan orang tua yang baik merupakan hal pokok dalam membentuk kepribadian muslim seorang anak. Anak sebagai anggota keluarga diharapkan akan mempunyai kepribadian yang baik. Karena anak yang baik akan menambah kebahagiaan dalam suatu keluarga.
Nasionalisme dalam Perspektif Alquran dan Hadits Mufaizin .
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Maret
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (685.18 KB) | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v5i1.3396


Tanah air adalah sebutan bagi tempat kelahiran seorang seperti orang yang dilahirkan di indonesia maka indonesia akan menjadikan tanah airnya. cinta tanah air adalah suatu perasaan yang dimiliki setiap manusia atas tanah kelahirannya. Nasionalisme atau cinta tanah air merupakan perasaan bangga dan ikut memiliki sebuah wilayah tertentu.. Rasa kecintaan inilah yang nantinya akan membuat seorang warga negara rela berkorban, menjaga dan berjuang demi memajukan bangsanya. Itulah mengapa nasionalisme penting. Cinta tanah air memiliki hubungan yang harmonis dengan agama dan keimanan, sebagaimana ungkapan “Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman” cinta tanah air adalah sebagian dari iman. Nasionalisme tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip agama. Hal ini bukan hanya tertera dalam beberapa ayat didalam Alquran akan tetapi juga tertuang dalam hadist nabi Muhammad SAW. Dalam potret Sirah nabawiyah dikisahkan bahwa pernah suatu ketika beliau sangat merindukan Makkah sehingga turun sebuah ayat yang berkaitan dengan perihal tersebut, yang selanjutnya ditafsirkan oleh sebagian ulama bahwa ayat tersebut memberikan isyarat bahwa cinta tanah air adalah sebagian dari iman.
Genealogi Radikalisme Islam Klasik dan Kontemporer Mufaizin Mufaizin
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.205 KB) | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v6i1.3820


Istilah radikalisme menjadi perbincangan hangat yang kerap dibahas di berbagai kesempatan, Radikalisme menjadi masalah penting dan utama bagi umat islam dan bangsa Indonesia saat ini, isu tersebut telah mencoreng nama islam, Islam di labeli sebagai agama teror dan menyukai jalan kekerasan dalam mendakwahkan agamanya, sehingga muncullah “Islamofobia”di berbagai Negara terutama di negara yang notabene penduduk muslimnya minoritas, radikalisme dalam arti gerakan yang menggunakan kekerasan dalam mengajarkan keyakinan, dianggap berseberangan dengan islam sebagai agama kedamaian yang mengajarkan sikap berdamai. islam tidak pernah membenarkan praktek pengggunaan kekerasan dalam menyebarkan agama, faham keagamaan serta faham politik, akan tetapi memang tidak dapat dibantah dalam fenomena historis terdapat kelompok islam tertentu yang menggunakan jalan kekerasan untuk mencapai tujuan idiologis maupun politis, yang dalam bahasa peradaban saat ini disebut dengan radikalisme
Analisis Efektivitas Muraja’ah Bersama terhadap Kelancaran Membaca Juz Amma Kelas TK di TPQ Raudlatul Qur’an Karang Duwak Arosbaya Mushohihul Hasan; Faizin Faizin; Holil Baita Putra
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v7i2.4702


In this study, the researcher raised a learning method problem namely mutual Muroja’ah to read juz amma fluently for kindergarten students at TPQ Raudlatul Qur’an. In this study, researcher used a qualitative descriptive research approach with case study research. The data collection techniques used observation, test, interview and documentation. The analysis techniques used were a) data reduction, b) data display and c) conclusion making. As the result of the study are: a) the mutual muroja’ah method implementation was conducted by many ways such as guided muroja’ah, continuing verse muroja’ah and reading together, b) the method is very effective in helping students to read Alqur’an fluently, in terms of the results of evaluation test every three months that the percentage assessment result show that many students obtain grade B and even some students achieved grade A in terms of reading fluency
Islamic Moderation in Salaf based Education at the ad-Dimyati Lalang Islamic Boarding School, Wonojati, Jenggawah, Jember Regency Rusdiyanto Rusdiyanto; Indah Werdiningsih; Mufaizin Mufaizin
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35309/alinsyiroh.v8i1.5472


Islamic moderation is more popular or known as moderate Islam. The emergence of the word ‘moderate’ Islam by its pioneers is due to the existence of extremist Islam, so Islamic moderation can be a solution that is seen as not excessive or extreme. The objectives of this research are, firstly, planting Islamic moderation in education at Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools. Second, planting Islamic moderation in culture at Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools outside the classroom. The results of the research include, firstly, cultivating Islamic moderation in education at Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools. In learning, students are provided with special and general knowledge. A santri at least understands and understands science, especially during his stay at the boarding school and also general sciences while taking part in pesantren-based moderation in learning in later life. Special knowledge such as interpretation, nahwu, balaghah and other yellow books as the basic knowledge of Islamic boarding schools. While general science. For example, about tolerance as an understanding when entering the community so that it is easy to socialize and protect the general public. Second, cultivation of Islamic Moderation in culture at Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools outside the classroom through the kiai figure as the leader of the pesantren, the character and success of the pesantren is very dependent on knowledge, charisma and authority, as well as the skills of its Kyai
Edupedia : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pedagogi Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Edupedia: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pedagogi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.905 KB) | DOI: 10.35316/edupedia.v5i1.870


This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is research based onproblems that arise in the learning process. The basis of this class action research departs from the beginning of the study of learning the Koran in class, the results are discussed with the homeroom teacher, class and group of teachers to diagnose the situation in the classroom, then planned, and systematically reflect with various alternative actions to overcome the problems of students in order to improve and enhance the ability to read the Koran. While the purpose of this study is intended: first to find out whether the method of Jibril is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read Al Koran for students of takhassusul koran Darul Hikmah. And secondly, to find out whether the method of Jibril can improve the ability to read Al-Koran students tahsin children takhassusul koran institute Darul Hikmah. From this research it can be seen that the Jibril method is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read the Koran tahsin students children takhassusul koran institute darul hikmah, the Jibril method can improve the reading ability of the Koran tahsin students children of the superstitious koran darul hikmah.
Implementation Of Jibril Method In Increasing The Ability To Read The Koran Class C 2 Takhassusul Koran Institutions Of Darul Hikmah Mufaizin
Attanwir : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : STAI Attanwir Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.808 KB) | DOI: 10.53915/jurnalkeislamandanpendidikan.v11i1.29


This research is a classroom action research (CAR), which is research based on problems that arise in the learning process. The basis of this class action research departs from the beginning of the study of learning the Koran in class, the results are discussed with the homeroom teacher, class and group of teachers to diagnose the situation in the classroom, then planned, and systematically reflect with various alternative actions to overcome the problems of students in order to improve and enhance the ability to read the Koran. While the purpose of this study is intended: first to find out whether the method of Jibril is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read Al Koran for students of takhassusul koran Darul Hikmah. And secondly, to find out whether the method of Jibril can improve the ability to read Al-Koran students tahsin children takhassusul koran institute Darul Hikmah. From this research it can be seen that (1) the Jibril method is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read the Koran tahsin students children takhassusul koran institute darul hikmah, (2) the Jibril method can improve the reading ability of the Koran tahsin students children of the superstitious koran darul hikmah
Pelatihan Pembuatan Teh Rosella dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat di Desa Sorpa Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan Bustomi Arisandi; Mufaizin Mufaizin; Musohihul Hasan
Dharma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Desember
Publisher : LPPPM STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35309/dharma.v1i1.4133


Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah para ibu-ibu rumah tangga di desa Sorpa Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan. Kegiatan dalam pengabdian ini berbentuk pelatihan sistem pembuatan teh bunga rosella di desa Sorpa Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan yang meliputi: pemberian materi dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, praktek pembuatan teh rosella. Rancangan evaluasi dalam kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu: tahap perencanaan kegiatan dengan mengundang para ibu-ibu rumah tangga di desa Sorpa yang dikoordinasikan bersama Kades setempat dan perangkat desa. Selama proses kegiatan ditujukan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, pemahaman para peserta pelatihan disertai umpan balik berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari para peserta undangan yang telah mendapatkan transfer pengetahuan terkait pembuatan teh rosella. Tahap akhir kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pengukuran keberhasilan dari seluruh program pelatihan
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Perumahan Desa Ajibarang Wetan Banyumas Jawa Tengah dalam Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama Sinta Nur Kholipah; Sarpini Sarpini; Mufaizin Mufaizin
Dharma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : LPPPM STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Indonesia is a country rich in diversity. Indonesia's diversity includes differences in ethnicity, culture, customs, language, and religion. To maintain this diversity, there must be an attitude of tolerance, mutual respect and respect for one another. This tolerance of diverse people can be realized in Indonesia, one of which is the Green Shapire Rasidance Housing in Ajibarang Village, Ajibarang District, Banyumas Regency. Green Shapire Rasidance housing in Ajibarang Wetan Village is a modern housing estate where the community embraces three religions, namely: Islam as the majority religion, and two other religions, namely Protestant Christianity and Catholic Christianity as minority religions. Adherents of different religions are very vulnerable to conflict. But for the residents of the Green Shapire Rasidance Housing, Ajibarang Wetan Village, the difference in religious background does not actually bring them into conflict. The purpose of this paper is to find out the forms of tolerance of local residents and the supporting factors of good tolerance in the housing. The research method used is a qualitative approach and the data used are descriptive data as well as a description of the daily lives of residents of housing communities, so that the most suitable approach is a qualitative approach. This study shows that the forms of tolerance that exist in the housing include two forms of tolerance. Namely religious tolerance and social tolerance. While the supporting factors for tolerance in the housing are because the residents adhere to the principle of harmony, the principle of respect and a high sense of solidarity