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Analisis Produksi dan Risiko Produksi Usahatani Cabai Rawit di Kecamatan Watunohu, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Muhtar Amin; Campina Illa Prihantini
AGRIMOR Vol 6 No 1 (2021): AGRIMOR - January 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/ag.v6i1.1199


This study aims to determine the factors that influence the production of cayenne pepper farming and the risks of cayenne pepper farming in Watunohu District, North Kolaka Regency. The number of respondents used in this study are 30 cayenne pepper farmers who were determined based on the snowballing sampling technique. The research method used was a field survey. Then, the survey results are used in linear regression analysis and risk analysis of chili farming using the SPSS application. The results of the study showed that there are three dependent variables that had a significant effect on the production of cayenne pepper. They are land area, seeds, and urea fertilizer. The risk of cayenne pepper farming in Watunohu District, North Kolaka Regency is in the low category as indicated by the coefficient of variance of 0.32. This means that in 100 times the production process, the chance of a production risk is 32 times the expected amount of cayenne pepper production.
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 7 NO. 2 MEI 2022
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v7i2.20484


Petani kakao di Desa Puundokulo, Kecamatan Poli-Polia, Kabupaten Kolaka Timur rata-rata memiliki kebun kakao seluas 1-6 ha dengan produksi saat ini rata-rata 300-600kg biji kakao/ha. Namun, produksi kakao saat ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Masalah prioritas petani kakao di daerah ini adalah tingginya ketergantungan petani terhadap pupuk kimia dan tingginya intensitas serangan hama dan penyakit. Sebagai salah satu sentra produksi kakao di Kabupaten Kolaka Timur, belum ada upaya transfer ilmu pengetahuan sebagai upaya pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) petani kakao. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan SDM petani kakao mengenai pertanian organik khususnya melalui pemanfaatan limbah kulit kakao sebagai bahan kompos, yang dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia. Metode pelaksanaan yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini terbagi menjadi dua tahap kerja, yaitu tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan di lapangan. Tahap persiapan diawali dengan koordinasi dengan pihak terkait, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan pupuk organik cair (POC), fermentasi POC, pengujian laboratorium kandungan nutrisi POC dan pembuatan pestisida nabati. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan di lapangan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian kerja yaitu pengadaan bahan, pembuatan kompos dari limbah sekam kakao, dan evaluasi kegiatan. Evaluasi kegiatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa 60% petani responden menilai inovasi kompos sekam kakao sudah sesuai karena inovasi tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani dan kondisi lingkungan. Sebanyak 85% menilai inovasi kompos cangkang kakao memiliki tingkat kerumitan yang rendah, artinya sekam kakao sangat mudah diperoleh bahan bakunya, mudah dibuat dan mudah digunakan. Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan petani, Pertanian organik, Kakao.   ABSTRACT Cocoa farmers in Puundokulo Village, Poli-Polia District, East Kolaka Regency have an average of 1-6 ha of cocoa plantations with current production of an average of 300-600kg of cocoa beans/ha. However, current cocoa production is much lower than in previous years. The priority problems for cocoa farmers in this area are the high dependence of farmers on chemical fertilizers and the high intensity of pest and disease attacks. As one of the cocoa production centers in the East Kolaka Regency, there has been no effort to transfer knowledge as an effort to empower the human resources (HR) of cocoa farmers. Based on this, this service activity aims to empower cocoa farmers' human resources regarding organic agriculture, especially through the use of cocoa husk waste as compost material, which can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. The implementation method applied in this service activity is divided into two stages of work, namely the stage of preparation and implementation in the field. The preparation stage begins with coordinating with related parties, followed by the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer (POC), POC fermentation, laboratory testing of POC nutrient content and manufacture of vegetable pesticides. The stages of implementing activities in the field are divided into three work sections: the provision of materials, making compost from cocoa husk waste, and evaluation of activities. The evaluation of activities in the field showed that 60% of respondent farmers assessed that the cocoa husk compost innovation had appropriate suitability because the innovation was following the farmer's needs and environmental conditions. As many as 85% assessed that the cocoa shell compost innovation had a low level of complexity, which means that the cocoa husk is very easy—obtained raw materials, easy to make and easy to use. Keywords: Farmer empowerment, Organic agriculture, Cocoa.
Agribusiness Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Agribusiness Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/aj.v1i2.211


This study aims to determine the Relationship between Compensation and Satisfaction of Rice Milling Employee at Kecamatan Tinondo East Kolaka (Study of Rice Milling at Kecamatan Tinondo). The study was conducted from April to May 2016. The respondents were drawn at saturated sampling (census) as many as 17 respondents of Rice Milling employees. This research was conducted at a Rice Milling at Kecamatan Tinondo East Kolaka, using quantitative method. Data analysis techniques using Product Moment Correlation with validity test, reliability test and t test with SPSS version 20. The results of the processing of data and discussion shows compensation associated with job satisfaction at 0.662. While the t-test known tcount amounted to 6.398 greater than ttable of 1.745. This means that there is a strong and significant relationship and correlation between compensation and satisfaction of the rice mill employees at Kecamatan tinondo east Kolaka.
Agribusiness Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Agribusiness Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/aj.v1i2.153


Analysis of comparison of indigenous farmers and non-indigenous rice farmers income on paddy rice farming at the village Kesio Lalolae district of Kolaka. This study aims to determine the comparative income immigrants with indigenous peasant farmers in lowland rice farming, to determine the feasibility of paddy rice farming obtained Kesio farmer in the village, District Lalolae, in Kolaka. The research was conducted for approximately two months ie from January to March 2016. The results of this study Showed that the average production per hectare peasant settlers in the village Kesio, District Lalolae in Kolaka can increase of farmers' income every harvest season a production of 1,710 kg / ha with a selling price of Rp. 2,250 / Kg can generate revenue of Rp. 3,884,833, while the indigenous peasant production Reached 1,258 / ha at a price of Rp.2.250. then Rp.2.767.666 income, the value of R / C Ratio is at 2.7 indicate that paddy rice farming in the village Kesio, in Kolaka District Lalolae financially very viable farmers, Obtained t count = 2,003 and t the table was = 2.0336, meaning there is no real difference between revenues entrants indigenous peasant farmers in rice farming on Kesio Village, subdistrict Lalolae in Kolaka.
Analysis of Processing of Clove Essential Oil In Lawulo Village Samaturu Sub-District Kolaka District Muhtar Amin
Agribusiness Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Agribusiness Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1022.114 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/aj.v2i2.257


The objectives of the study were to train clove farmers group about the post-harvest handling system in order to produce essential oils with export quality, to train clove farmers group in terms of essential oil processing system as well as to encourage clove farmers group to apply appropriate technology for processing of clove essential oil with export quality. In general, the main and most common problems faced by clove farmers are inadequate system of clove essential oil processing system, the handling system and equipment used are not up to standard, moreover, the technology used in handling, durability, and package of clove essential oils still very limited. The approaches offered and agreed by the clove farmer group are as follow: (1) General approach, (2) Determination of training participants, (3) Types and procedures of training (training strategy), and (4) Scale of the program. The expected targets and outcomes of this community service program are: Farmer groups are able to apply appropriate technology in the production of clove essential oil, both to post-harvest handling, processing and storage of clove essential oils to obtain added value. In fact, knowledge of farmers about post-harvest handling and processing technology of clove essential oil to increase farmer's income is still very poor. The results of analysis of essential oil clove processing showed that the clove leaves utilization as an effort to create an added value of farmer’s income by Rp. 13,000,000 per production unit. The difference in selling price between the dried clove leaves and processed clove leaves into essential oil was Rp. 10,765,000. Comparative test (t-test) showed that t-count value for selling dried clove leaves was 16,068 while clove leaves processed into essential oil was 35,108. The t-table value of 1,675 indicated that t count t table where H_0 is rejected and H_1 is accepted. It concludes that there is a comparative income of farmer who sells dried clove leaves and farmers who sell clove leaves in the form of essential oils.
Analysis of The Efficiency Allocative of The Tabela Rice Farming System in Tondowolio Village, Tanggetada Sub-District, Kolaka Syahrir Syahrir; Muhtar Amin; Eka Safitri
Agribusiness Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Agribusiness Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.824 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/aj.v3i2.1368


This research aims to determine the efficiency of the use of factors (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, the number of workers) allocatively in the wetland rice farming system in the Tondowolio Village, Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency; This is to determine the risk of lowland rice farming with a table system in Tondowolio Village, Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency. This research was conducted in Tondowolio Village, Tanggetada Subdistrict, Kolaka Regency, using an analysis of allocative efficiency and farm risk. Results: The seeds with an NPMx / Px value of 499.9 1 so that the use of seeds in the research area was not efficient, the allocative efficiency of fertilizers with an NPMx / Px value was 6.18 1 so that the use of fertilizers in the research area was not efficient, the allocative efficiency of pesticides with a value NPMx / Px of 1357.56 1 so that the use of seeds in the research area is not efficient, the allocative efficiency of HOK (labor) with an NPMx / Px value of -237.75 1 so that the use of seeds in the research area is inefficient. Farm risk analysis obtained a production risk value of 0.41, a price risk of 0.008 and a risk of profit of 0.41. The value of production risk, price risk, and profit risk is directly proportional to the risk faced by farmers, the greater the coefficient of variation obtained, the greater the risk that must be borne by farmers, and vice versa.
Nilai Tambah Cabai dan Peran Wanita Tani di Kecamatan Polinggona Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia Helviani Helviani; Campina Illa Prihantini; Masitah Masitah; Yuli Purbaningsih; Aan Wilhan Juliatmaja; H. Syahrir; Muhtar Amin
Agro Bali : Agricultural Journal Vol 5, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Panji Sakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.803 KB) | DOI: 10.37637/ab.v5i3.997


Cabai (Capsicum annum L.) menjadi komoditi strategis yang secara berkelanjutan mempengaruhi inflasi karena merupakan bahan pangan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat Indonesia disamping komoditas pangan utama. Permasalah utama yang ada, yaitu karakteristik buah cabai yang mudah rusak dan petani belum mampu menerapkan sistem pascapanen yang baik sehingga susut hasil masih sangat tinggi diakibatkan pengetahuan yang terbatas. Wanita tani diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam penanganan pascapanen cabai, pengolahan cabai menjadi cabai kering diharapkan akan meningkatkan nilai tambah demi meningkatkan harga jual produk agar dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan tambahan dan meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar nilai tambah cabai dan untuk mengetahui peran wanita tani dalam kegiatan usahatani dan pengolahan cabai. Metode penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis nilai tambah cabai digunakan perhitungan nilai tambah metode Hayami sedangkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran wanita tani dalam melakukan proses pengolahan cabai di analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara stratified random sampling dan snowball random sampling. Metode ini diterapkan dalam pengambilan data sekunder dan wawancara dengan narasumber yang kompeten sesuai dengan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 40 responden wanita tani di Desa Puudongi Kecamatan Polinggona Kabupaten Kolaka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa nilai tambah cabai yaitu sebesar Rp 4.000/kg, yang artinya pendapatan petani meningkat dengan tambahan sebesar Rp 4.000/kg. Dan wanita tani mempunyai peran penting dalam kegiatan usahatani dan pengolahan cabai. Wanita tani ikut serta dalam kegiatan usahatani dan pengolahan cabai pada kegiatan yang ringan dan membutuhkan ketelatenan.
Perilaku Voluntary Feed Intake Kambing yang Dilepas di Perkebunan Lada pada Sistem Integrasi Lada-Kambing Syahrir Syahrir; Muhtar Amin; Junaedi Junaedi; Abdul Hakim Fattah
Tarjih Tropical Livestock Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Tarjih Tropical Livestock Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sinjai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47030/trolija.v2i2.434


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku voluntary feed intake kambing yang dilepas di perkebunan lada. Model perilaku makan kambing dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk meningkatkan pemeliharaan ternak kambing pada model interaksi antara lada dan kambing. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan perkebunan lada, kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian berlangsung selama tiga bulan, ternak yang digunakan sebanyak 17 ekor. Lahan perkebunan lada yang digunakan sebagai habitat penggembalaan seluas 3 hektar dengan jumlah pohon lada 3200 pohon. Manajemen pemeliharaan pada integrasi perkebunan lada dengan peternakan kambing pada penelitian ini yaitu ternak dilepas di area perkebunan lada pada pagi hari pukul 09.00 dan dimasukkan ke kandang pada pukul 17.00 di sore hari. Struktur pekerjaan penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, cara mendeskripsikan objek penelitian dan keadaan subjek penelitian saat ini berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang telah muncul atau apa adanya. Perilaku voluntary feed intake kambing yang dilepas di perkebunan lada pada sistem integrasi kambing lada yaitu ternak akan memilih sendiri makanan yang disukainya, yaitu jenis tanaman yang dikonsumsi oleh ternak kambing di area perkebunan lada adalah rumput, daun-daunan, gamal, kulit kayu, dan rumput kering. Frekuensi aktivitas voluntary feed intake di area perkebunan lada yaitu 4-8 kali sehari dan ternak kambing melaksanakan aktivitas voluntary feed intake yaitu pagi hari antara pukul 09.00-12.00 dan pukul 14.00-17.00 dan lama aktivitas voluntary feed intake 1-3 jam.
DOES COVID-19 REALLY IMPACT ON EXPORT FISHERIES BUSINESS? (Case Study: Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia) Campina Illa Prihantini; Muhtar Amin; Nurfadila Nurfadila; Nursalam Nursalam; Yuli Purbaningsih; Ramlah Saleh
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 17, No 2 (2022): DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Eonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jsekp.v17i2.11448


This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fisheries sector, including the export fishery business. Tanggetada Subdistrict, located in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, is one of the suppliers of export fishery commodities through Makassar City in South Sulawesi Province. The analytical method used is a different test of costs, revenues, and income in the export fishery business before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The selected sample is four export fishery business actors using purposive sampling. The data used are primary data in the form of export fishery business data from each respondent gathered from interviews through questionnaires. While secondary data is supporting data from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries as well as several research results on the topic of scientific journals. The data then were analyzed using income analysis, which was carried out with a different test using the SPSS application. The results of the analysis of the different tests (paired sample t-test) show that there are significant differences in the income level of the export fishery of the four entrepreneurs before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Analisis Potensi Daun Gamal Sebagai Pakan Kambing Pada Perkebunan Lada Menggunakan Tiang Pohon Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) Muhtar Amin; Syahrir; Junaedi Junaedi
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): JNT Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis Maret
Publisher : Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jnt.2023.006.01.2


Analisis kapasitas daya tampung dari produksi gamal dalam satu hektar pada pertanian lada berpenyangga pohon gamal dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator dasar jumlah ternak kambing yang dipelihara pada sistem integrasi tanaman lada dengan ternak kambing. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana daya dukung daun gamal pada perkebunan lada berpenyangga pohon gamal terhadap pengembangan peternakan kambing. Rataan luas lahan petani lada dengan menggunakan gamal sebagai penanggah yaitu 2,98±0,58 hektar/keluarga, jumlah tiang gamal 3.261±630,21 pohon, dan jarak tanam 3m x 3m (9 m2). Produksi daun gamal 13,14±2,99 kg/pohon/panen, produksi gamal per hektar yaitu 62.767,9±19.935,78 kg/tahun (62,76 ton/tahun). Kapasitas daya tampung daun gamal dari produksi 15.880 kg/hektar/tahun bahan kering yaitu sebanyak 44 ekor kambing/tahun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk satu hektar lahan perkebunan lada yang menggunakan penyangga pohon gamal dengan jarak tanam 3 m x 3m, dapat memproduksi daun gamal dengan bahan kering 15.880 kg/tahun dan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan ternak sebanyak 44 ekor.