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Pembinaan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Nursyifa, Aulia; E, Nurzaman
Jurnal Loyalitas Sosial Jurnal Loyalitas Sosial Vol. 1 No. 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (29.518 KB)


Improved quality of education viewed from quality human resources are there in the school. The principal plays an important role as a leader in fostering and developing the educational personnel and educators at the school. In the task given there are problems faced include a lack of understanding of the principal duties and responsibilities which should be exercised especially that has been set in the regulation, resulting in the role of principal yet to a maximum in terms of managerial, entrepreneurial development, and supervision at the school. This devotion uses the method of community education in the form of workshops aimed at improving the understanding of the principal about duties and responsibilities in the school. The results of the public service can be seen from enthusiastic participants in the workshop as well as a series of events following an increase in understanding of the principal of duty as head of the school. Based on the results of such devotion can be concluded that an increase in the professional head of the school is very influential on the quality of produce educators and educators at the school. This devotion activity expected to be undertaken on an ongoing basis so that it can intertwine cooperation Work Conference is the principal (MKKS) South Tangerang.
Pembinaan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Aulia Nursyifa; E Nurzaman
Jurnal Loyalitas Sosial: Journal of Community Service in Humanities and Social Sciences Jurnal Loyalitas Sosial Vol. 1 No. 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (476.917 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/JLS.v1i1.p1-12


Improved quality of education viewed from quality human resources are there in the school. The principal plays an important role as a leader in fostering and developing the educational personnel and educators at the school. In the task given there are problems faced include a lack of understanding of the principal duties and responsibilities which should be exercised especially that has been set in the regulation, resulting in the role of principal yet to a maximum in terms of managerial, entrepreneurial development, and supervision at the school. This devotion uses the method of community education in the form of workshops aimed at improving the understanding of the principal about duties and responsibilities in the school. The results of the public service can be seen from enthusiastic participants in the workshop as well as a series of events following an increase in understanding of the principal of duty as head of the school. Based on the results of such devotion can be concluded that an increase in the professional head of the school is very influential on the quality of produce educators and educators at the school. This devotion activity expected to be undertaken on an ongoing basis so that it can intertwine cooperation Work Conference is the principal (MKKS) South Tangerang.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Direktorat Standarisasi Dan Pengendalian Mutu Kementerian Perdagangan E. Nurzaman AM; Sarwani Sarwani; Denok Sunarsi
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 4 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v4i3.477


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan terhadap kinerja pegawai Direktorat Standarisasi dan Pengendalian Mutu Kementerian Perdagangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan teknik analisis menggunakan analisis statistik dengan pengujian regresi, korelasi, determinasi dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 36,3%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (7,480 > 1,984). Pelatihan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 45,9%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (9,111 > 1,984). Pendidikan dan pelatihan secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 53,3%, uji hipotesis diperoleh F hitung > F tabel atau (55,255 > 2,700).
Pengaruh Kedisiplinan Dan Pemberian Kesejahteraan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Puskesmas Wilayah Tangerang Selatan E. Nurzaman AM; Sarwani Sarwani; Irfan Rizka Akbar; Mahnun Mas'adi; Ali Maddinsyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Sumber Daya Manusia Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JENIUS (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JJSDM.v4i2.9089


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedisiplinan dan pemberian kesejahteraan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Puskesmas Wilayah Tangerang Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan teknik analisis menggunakan analisis statistik dengan pengujian regresi, korelasi, determinasi dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini kedisiplinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 36,1%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (7,371 > 1,985). Pemberian kesejahteraan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 42,9%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (8,496 > 1,985). Kedisiplinan dan pemberian kesejahteraan secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan persamaan regresi Y = 5,187 + 0,276X1 + 0,401X2. Kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 51,5%, uji hipotesis diperoleh F hitung > F tabel atau (50,506 > 2,700).
The Leadership, Competency and Certification on Teacher Performance: How the Impact on Vocational Schools Students Achievement in Banten Province Area E. Nurzaman AM
JTP - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 21 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/jtp.v20i2.20391


This study aims to determine the effect of principal leadership, competence, and certification on teacher performance, which impact student achievement at Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Banten. The method used is explanatory research with a sample of 88 respondents—the statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination, and hypothesis testing. The results show that the principal's leadership has a significant effect on teacher performance by 35.0%. The hypothesis test obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05, and competence significantly affects teacher performance by 23.1%. The hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05. The results also show, the certification has a significant effect on teacher performance by 23.3%; hypothesis testing is obtaining a significance of 0.000 <0.05. Principal leadership, competence, and certification simultaneously significantly affected teacher performance by 55.9%, hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05. Teacher performance significantly affected student achievement by 73.6%; hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 2 No 1 (2019): International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.098 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4400318


This study aims to determine the effect of work ethic and organizational commitment on employee performance at the Office of the Ministry of Religion, South Tangerang City. The method used is explanatory research with analysis techniques using statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study work ethic have a significant effect on employee performance by 42.3%, hypothesis testing obtained t count> t table or (5.934> 2.011). Organizational commitment has a significant effect on employee performance by 47.2%, hypothesis testing is obtained t count> t table or (6,557> 2,011). Work ethic and organizational commitment simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance with the regression equation Y = 9.176 + 0.354X1 + 0.422X2. The contribution of the effect was 57.0%, the hypothesis test obtained F count> F table or (31.178> 2,800
Peran Digital Marketing Dan Manajemen Keuangan dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan UMKM yang Berdampak Pada Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Tengah Pandemi Covid 19al Marketing Dan Manajemen Keuangan dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan UMKM yang Berdampak Pada Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Tengah Pandemi Covid 19 Nardi Sunardi; E. Nurzaman AM; Sarwani Sarwani; Rosa Lesmana; Wiwik Hasbiayah
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Humanis Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Humanis
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jamh.v2i2.10407


Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat UMKM dalam menumbuhkan semangat bangkit dari keterpurukan dampak dari Pandemi Covid 19 melalui berbagai upaya Digital marketing dan manajemen keuangan yang baik. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di Sri Sai Silver Bali Jl. Padma No.154, Penatih, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80238. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dan penyampaian materi secara langsung serta simulasi dan diskusi mengenai manajemen, pengelolaan keuangan, pemasaran produk dan penerapan Digital Marketing  yang berdampak pada kesejahraan masyarakat. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian  kepada masyakat ini adalah bahwa akan dilakukan pendampingan dalam manajemen dalam hal manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran dugitalisasi secara masiv dalam upaya mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat UMKM.”
Pengaruh Kedisiplinan Dan Pemberian Kesejahteraan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Puskesmas Wilayah Tangerang Selatan E. Nurzaman AM; Sarwani Sarwani; Irfan Rizka Akbar; Mahnun Mas&#039;adi; Ali Maddinsyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Sumber Daya Manusia Vol 4 No 2 (2021): JENIUS (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JJSDM.v4i2.9089


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedisiplinan dan pemberian kesejahteraan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Puskesmas Wilayah Tangerang Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan teknik analisis menggunakan analisis statistik dengan pengujian regresi, korelasi, determinasi dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini kedisiplinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 36,1%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (7,371 > 1,985). Pemberian kesejahteraan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 42,9%, uji hipotesis diperoleh t hitung > t tabel atau (8,496 > 1,985). Kedisiplinan dan pemberian kesejahteraan secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan persamaan regresi Y = 5,187 + 0,276X1 + 0,401X2. Kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 51,5%, uji hipotesis diperoleh F hitung > F tabel atau (50,506 > 2,700).