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Jurnal Guru Dikmen dan Diksus Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Menengah dan Pendidikan Khusus

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Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa materi kalor melalui penerapan pendekatan Ki Hajar Dewantara. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X2 tahun akademik 2014/2015 SMA Negeri 2 Baubau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan Ki Hajar Dewantara dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X2 SMA Negeri 2 Baubau pada materi kalor. Ketuntasan belajar siswa meningkat dari 0% (sebelum tindakan) menjadi 60,6% (siklus I) 72,7% (siklus II) 84,8% (siklus III). Rerata nilai siswa meningkat dari 58,45 (sebelum tindakan) menjadi 79,37 (siklus I), 82,59 (siklus II) dan 83,23 (siklus III).
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Physics Learning Media Using Macromedia Flash Amelia, Rini; Salamah, Ummi; Abrar, M; Desnita, Desnita; Usmeldi, Usmeldi
Journal of Education Technology Vol 5, No 3 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jet.v5i3.36203


In the process of learning physics, teachers can still not develop ICT-based learning media using Macromedia flash software that is effective and efficient. It is necessary to analyze articles from the results of previous studies to understand the right media for learning physics. This research was conducted to know what types of research have been carried out in the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software and to analyze the effect size of the influence of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level, type of media developed and learning materials. The type of research used is a meta-analysis study. The subjects of this research are 21 articles on the development of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes that have been tested in class published in 2011-2020. The data used in this study is a quantitative analysis by calculating the effect size using statistical parameters. The result of the research is that the best effectiveness of physics learning media using Macromedia flash software in terms of student learning outcomes based on education level is in Higher Education. The best effectiveness of the media in terms of student learning outcomes based on the type of media developed is multimedia. The best effectiveness of physics learning media in student learning outcomes based on learning materials is on motion material. It can be concluded that Multimedia that uses Macromedia flash software is a medium that can help students in learning.
Meta Analisis Pengaruh Integrasi Pendekatan STEM Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Ananda, Prima Nora; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.232 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jppf.v7i1.111634


This study aims to determine the effect of  integrated STEM approach on student’s critical thinking skills in Physics and Science learning. This type of research is a meta-analysis. Meta analysis is a research conducted by summarizing, reviewing and analyzing data from several studies that have been conducted. The research sample consisted of 25 articles that already have an ISSN consisting of 13 international articles and 12 national articles. The data analysis technique used in this study was to calculate the effect size of each article. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the effect of the application of the integrated STEM approach on students' critical thinking skills can be concluded. First, the application of the integrated STEM approach based model has a siginificant effect on the Problem Based Learning model with an average effect 0,92. Second, the application application of  integrated STEM  has a significant effect on the high school level compared to the junior high school level and elementary school level with an average effect of 1,08. Third, the application application of  integrated STEM  has a significant effect on the work and force with an average effect 2,23
Penggunaan LKPD Berbasis Model Discovery Learning Berbantuan Simulasi PhET untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 14 Padang Novebrini, Sintya; Salamah, Ummi; Agustin, Silvia; Azmi, Nurul
Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jppf.v7i2.113213


This classroom action research aims to improve students' knowledge and science process skills by using PhET simulation assisted by worksheets based on discovery learning models. The research method used is classroom action research. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII.5 SMPN 14 Padang in the 2020/2021 semester II academic year, totaling 30 people. This research was carried out in two learning cycles, with the stages in each cycle being planning, action, observation/evaluation, and reflection. This research is said to be successful if the average value of the student's scientific process ability is 80. The data that has been collected was analyzed descriptively. The results of data analysis can be stated that the use of PhET simulation assisted by LKPD based on the discovery learning model can improve student learning outcomes which include aspects of knowledge and science process skills. Data analysis 1) aspects of students' knowledge in the first cycle obtained an average value of 65.25 with a standard deviation of 8.45 while in the second cycle it was 80.45 with a standard deviation of 12.35; 2) the aspect of science process skills in the first cycle is 75.67 with a good category while in the second cycle is 90.50 with a very good category. Thus, the use of PhET simulation assisted by LKPD based on the discovery learning model has had a positive effect in increasing knowledge and skills of science processes.
A Socio-Psychological Model of Urban Millennial Postgraduate Students’ Votes: Indonesia 2014 and 2019 Presidential Elections Erawaty, Dyah Permana; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Politik
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The 2019 presidential election showed many swing voters between the candidates who battled for the second time. This study seeks to understand the cause behind voters’ decisions to switch their voters and how millennial voters with postgraduate education backgrounds swing their votes. This study treats the votes cast by urban millennial postgraduate students as its unit of analysis. Additionally, it aims to find out whether social media has contribution to switch votes. We employed the Columbian and Michigan approach to the socio-psychological model as our conceptual framework and incorporated a modification of the concept of mass self-communication, which includes the immersion of mass communication into interpersonal communication. This study was carried out under a qualitative post-positivist paradigm and used a single holistic case study research method. This study uses pattern-matching logic analysis techniques. The results show that millennial voters swung their votes in the 2019 presidential election because of social variables, namely religion, ethnicity, and family relations. On the psychological variables, we found no role played by party identification but instead an evaluation of candidates, such as incumbent performance and identity coherence, and issue orientation, particularly about human rights and women’s issues. We also found that voters’ decision-making process was influenced by political memes, which played a role as a gate to further social group discussions and motivation to learn more about the candidates’ identities. Additionally, presidential debates’ presentation of candidates’ debating skills contributed to voting decisions. Mass self-communication, particularly on social media, was not done concerning politics as voters did not want their political affiliation to be known by other internet users.
The Many Faces of Wonderful Indonesia: Tourism Brand in 16 Countries Online News Sites Salamah, Ummi; Yananda, Muhammad Rahmat
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Media portrayal has implications for the position of places in the growing regional and international competition for various resources such as tourism, investments and businesses. Public relations campaigns are one of the instruments to counter negative perception and proactively promote a positive image of a place. This research aims to analyze the image of Indonesian tourism brand ‘Wonderful Indonesia’. It focuses on the news from online mainstream media in 16 countries; namely the main target market of Indonesian tourism. News saliency in terms of visibility and sentiment indicate how the media see the tourism brand ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ and the destinations as well. Content analysis was conducted on 336 news articles posted in 4 (four) months. This research also compared ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ with tourism brands belonging to Malaysian (‘Truly Asia’) and Thailand (‘Amazing Thailand’). Less than half of the online news is relevant with the country’s tourism brand and is concentrated within 3 (three) countries: Singapore, Australia and the United Kingdom. The same tendency was also found in other brands, indicating that news placement and news making was not the game in town when it comes to marketing and PR–ing tourism brand
Factors Influencing Youth Audience Involvement (A study on BTS Fans who Follow @army_indonesia Instagram account) Hutauruk, Yolanda Gloria; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, K-Pop menjadi suatu fenomena yang menarik perhatian banyak orang. Dengan dibantu oleh keberadaan media sosial, penggemar K-Pop mengambil peran peningkatan popularitas dari K-Pop itu sendiri serta perkembangannya menjadi suatu industri yang besar. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan audiens dari penggemar grup idola BTS remaja di media sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa survei daring menggunakan Survey UI. Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah 131 responden, yang didasari oleh oleh teknik random sampling. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda, didapatkan hasil bahwa keterlibatan audiens penggemar BTS remaja di media sosial dipengaruhi oleh faktor media dan faktor situasional. In recent years, K-Pop has become a phenomenon that has caught the attention of many people. Supported by the social media, K-Pop fans play a role in increasing the popularity of K-Pop itself and its development into a large industry. This research discusses the factors which influence the audience involvement of youth fans of idol group BTS on social media. This research is a quantitative study with data collection method of online surveys using Survey UI. The number of respondents in this study is 131 respondents, who were selected based on random sampling techniques. By using multiple linear regression analysis techniques, the results show that the involvement of youth fans of BTS on social media is influenced by media and situational factors.
Constructing A Smart City Brand Identity: The Case of South Tangerang Salamah, Ummi; Yananda, Muhammad Rahmat
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cities and urban regions have become centers of innovation since the Industrial Revolution and they continue to be so in the realm of Digital Revolution, using the concept of the smart city which combines modern ICT infrastructure with economic growth, high quality of life, wise natural resources management as well as investment in human and social capital through participatory government. Employing two (2) approaches, namely: (1) construction of regional competitiveness; and (2) place branding, this paper analyze South Tangerang city brand identities constructed via stakeholders’ direct experiences and official documents based on the smart city attributes and indicators coined by Nam & Pardo (2011). The study constructed data gathered from desk research and semi-structured interviews with 19 informants representing quadruple helix. The results showed that South Tangerang has strong points in the human dimension of a smart city but still need improvements in technology and institution dimension. Identities constructed from its stakeholders' perception and secondary data indicate that South Tangerang is an urban area dan has a basis for a knowledge-based economy.
Civic Engagement on Social Media: 2018 West Java Gubernatorial Election in Indonesia Aldary, Idham Tamim; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Strategi hypermedia dalam kontestasi politik digunakan untuk mempromosikan program-program pengetahuan politik baik oleh kandidat maupun partai kepada masyarakat untuk mempertahankan hak dan kewajiban kewarganegaraan. Pengetahuan politik seseorang dapat meningkatkan tingkat partisipasi politik mereka, yang diperlukan untuk menilai kualitas kandidat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat kesadaran dan keterlibatan kandidat politik dengan pemilih. Penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi politik kandidat dalam membangun pesan kampanye, menarik pemilih yang ditargetkan, dan merangsang partisipasi politik komunitas melalui platform Instagram. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis 80.328 posting media sosial. Penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak semua kandidat menyadari manfaat dari melibatkan pemilih yang ditargetkan di akun Instagram. The hypermedia strategy in political contest is used to promote the programs of political knowledge by both candidates and parties to the society in order to maintain the citizenship rights and obligations. It is argued that one’s basic political knowledge can increase their level of political participation, which is necessary to assess candidates’ quality. The purpose of this study is to look at political candidates’ awareness and engagement with the voters. The research focuses on the candidate’s political strategy in constructing campaign message, attracting targeted voters, and stimulating the political participation of the community through Instagram platform. This research was conducted by analyzing 80,328 social media posts. The research finds that not all candidates were aware of the benefits of engaging targeted voters on Instagram account.
Gambaran Gamang Kampanye di Media Sosial Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 4, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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