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Jurnal VARIDIKA Volume 31, No. 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.444 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v31i2.10217


Teaching reading comprehension to the students is not easy. The teacher often finds a lot of students’ learning motivation problems from the students. The students’ problems are (1) students’ interest, (2) students’ effort, (3) self responsibility activity or persistence, (4) students’ optimal experiences; (5) reinforcement and teacher's method. One of the efforts to minimize the problems is by empowering the students in the learning process. One of the teaching techniques that can empower learners is Reciprocal Teaching Method. An action research was carried out and aimed at finding out whether Reciprocal teaching can improve the students’ learning motivation in reading comprehension in classroom when the teacher applies reciprocal teaching. Two cycles are applied. The data are taken by observing the learning process when an action is applied, by interviewing the learners involved, by giving questionnaires and by conducting interview. The finding of the research shows that Reciprocal Teaching Method can improve the students’ learning motivation in reading comprehension when it is applied.
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 1 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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The purpose of this study is (1) to illustrate whether training strategy in the research can increase students writing motivation and (2) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of training strategy in the research for students of Mechanical Engineering STTR Cepu. This School Action Research was carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle 1 includes 2 meetings, while cycle 2 is 1 meeting. The data used in this study is qualitative data. Qualitative data is taken from observations, questions and answers, questionnaires, and product results. The data has been analyzed using the Constant Comparative Method. The findings of the study using a training strategy are: (1) increasing students writing motivation, including: a) curiosity, b) students’ effort, c) students’ perseverance, and d) students’ experience. The increase can also be shown by the average number of participants from each meeting increasing and the product results of students also increasing. There are 12 research titles and there are 2 research proposals made by participants. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the training in the preparation of research can increase students’ motivation to write.
OPTIMASI FOIL NACA 63(3)018 PADA KAPAL HIDROFOIL MENGGUNAKAN PARTICLE SWARM (PSO) Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti; Helmi Gunawan; Eko Budi Santoso
Teknika: Engineering and Sains Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51804/tesj.v2i2.239.79-86


Hidrofoil adalah sebuah kapal dengan bagian seperti sayap yang dipasang pada penyangga di bawah lambung kapal. Ketika kapal meningkatkan kecepatannya, hidrofoil memproduksi gaya angkat sehingga lambungnya terangkat dan keluar dari air. Ini menyebabkan pengurangan gesekan dan oleh karena itu peningkatan dalam kecepatan. Pemilihan foil menjadi salah satu aspek yang penting dalam meningkatkan prinsip kerja kapal (Adji, 2017). Geometri foil yang dirancang dalam penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menghasilkan gaya angkat (lift) yang maksimal serta menghasilkan gaya hambat (drag) seminimal mungkin pada waktu yang bersamaan. Sehingga nantinya geometri foil pada kapal hidrofoil tersebut adalah yang memiliki rasio koefisien gaya angkat (CL) terhadap koefisien gaya hambat (CD) paling besar (CL/CD maksimum). Selanjutnya proses optimasi menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) untuk mendapatkan nilai CL/CD maksimum. Metodologi  penelitian dilakukan melalui empat tahapan yaitu 1) penentuan sudut serang dan Bilangan Reynold; 2) penentuan foil NACA 63(3)018 3) iterasi dengan XFoil solver, 4) proses optimasi menggunakan GNU Octave 4.4.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan validasi pada MA409 menghasilkan nilai CL metode panel yang cukup baik dan akurat dengan rata-rata kesalahan sebesar 3.65%, sedangkan validasi untuk CD rata-rata kesalahan 9.31%. Hasil ini dalam toleransi yang diijinkan sesuai literatur Reid (2016) yaitu dibawah 9.5%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah nilai rasio gaya angkat terhadap gaya hambat (CL/CD) maksimum dipengaruhi oleh bilangan Reynold. Semakin besar bilangan Reynold maka nilai CL/CD maksimum juga semakin tinggi. Ketebalan (thickness) dan camber maksimum hidrofoil setelah dioptimasi mempunyai kecenderungan semakin meningkat dengan peningkatan bilangan Reynold.
International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Engagement and Empowerment
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije2.v2i1.41


SLB N Jepon-Blora is one of the special schools that accommodates all types of disabilities by providing Batik Ciprat skills. Batik Ciprat's skills are carried out at school. Still, during the Covid-19 pandemic, students learned from home so that the production of Batik Ciprat was temporarily stopped, even though there was still a demand for Batik Ciprat from consumers. The tools used by SLB N Jepon-Blora's students in producing Batik Ciprat are straightforward. “Gawangan” means spreading cloth made of paralon pipes arranged like a table frame. These hurdles are inefficient, easily damaged, require ample space in storage. The STT Ronggolawe Cepu made a portable frame from stainless steel, which is designed to be folded so that it is practical and does not require ample space in terms of storage. This program aims to see the sustainability of the STT Ronggolawe Cepu team's activities at SLB N Jepon-Blora. The program's conclusions are as follows: 1) the tools submitted by the STT Ronggolawe Cepu Team still exist and are still being used in the Batik Ciprat production process before the Covid-19 pandemic. 2) the sustainability program has encountered obstacles from external factors, such as the natural conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, causing the production of Batik Ciprat SLB N Jepon-Blora to be temporarily suspended.
The Effectiveness of Repetition in Increasing Students Vocabulary Helmi Gunawan
SIMETRIS Vol 14 No 2 (2020): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/simetris.v14i2.250


There are 2 problems that motivated the researchers to conduct this research. The first problems arises from internal and the second comes from external problems related to the weakness of engineering students in mastering English vocabulary. This study is intended to provide reinforcement to students on English vocabulary so that their English language skills increase. Through the repetition method, students are more likely to repeat and practice correct spelling when pronouncing English words. In addition, the ability to concoct sentences can also be trained with this method. The data in the form of field notes and questionnaire results show that with repetition students are able to increase English vocabulary accompanied by an increase in creating sentences.
The Effectiveness of Teaching English Vocabulary Using Dictionary Online Media in STTR Cepu in Academic Year of 2020-2021 Helmi Gunawan
SIMETRIS Vol 15 No 1 (2021): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/simetris.v15i1.253


The Covid-19 pandemic, apart from providing a bad experience, can also make someone challenged and offer to develop learning but in Engineering English lectures. At first the learning was carried out face-to-face, this time it was carried out boldly. Vocabulary is a basic and important knowledge in Mastering English. One of the vocabulary learning strategies during the pandemic is through online media. This research was conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of vocabulary learning by using an online dictionary for Mechanical Engineering Students STTR Cepu. This study used a descriptive approach. There are 30 students as respondents. Based on the questionnaire and strongly agree by 43.3%, agree by 46.7% say disagree and strongly agree. So that it can be said that the effectiveness of learning vocabulary using online dictionaries is weak in mechanical engineering students at STTR Cepu.
Efektifitas Metode Membuat Kalimat Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa di Pondok Pesantren Muhammadiyah At-Tajdid Cepu Helmi
Al Fattah E-Journal SMA Al Muhammad Cepu Vol 2 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher :

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using the sentence-making method in language learning and to find out what are the impacts of using the sentence-making method in language learning at the At-Tajdid Cepu Islamic Boarding School. Is a type of research using descriptive qualitative research. The collection of data related to this study was carried out using questionnaires and observation methods. The data analysis techniques used include 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data display, and 4) conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that the method of making sentences in language learning at the At-Tajdid Cepu Islamic Boarding School has pretty good results. Which indicates that the method is quite effective. The advantages of this method were also found, namely, students were more accustomed to composing a sentence so that they were able to apply it theoretically and practically. The drawback found in this method is that this method tends to focus on placing vocabulary in a sentence without paying more attention to whether the arrangement of the sentence is correct or not.
Analisis Kekuatan Material pada Poros Kemudi Kapal Tradisional di Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti; Hendri Suryanto; Helmi Gunawan; Retno Wahyusari
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 6 No 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2023.v16.i01.p01


Central Java Province, especially Rembang Regency, has great potential for marine resources. However, based on PRDB data for the fisheries sub-sector, from 2010 to 2021 the fishery sector has slowed down. One of the reasons for this condition is that fishermen in Rembang Regency still use small-scale capture fisheries methods. Alternative fishing patterns need to be considered to increase capture fisheries production and reduce ship fuel costs so that fishing operations can remain profitable. One way that can be done is by conducting a study on the ship's steering axis. The traditional ship steering axle uses AISI 1045 material which is hard, wear-resistant, torsional-resistant, and quite ductile at the core. This study aims to analyze the strength of the material on the steering shaft of a traditional ship using Solidworks. The method used is a quantitative simulation to analyze the strength of the structure on the steering shaft of a traditional ship including the strength of the structure, the magnitude of the force, the torque and the stress that occurs. This analysis will be useful to assist fishermen in selecting suitable materials for traditional boats. The result of this research is AISI 1045 material has a yield strength of 5.3e+08 N/m2. The traditional ship's steering axis when given a bending load of 100 N, with a torque of 10 N.m, the maximum stress is 33.64 N/mm2, so the safety factor is 5.588585. The critical stress will occur when the bending load is increased to 600 N and the torque is 60 N.m, the maximum stress is 201.9 N/mm2 and the safety factor is less than 1, which is 0.931154. The maximum stress obtained exceeds the maximum stress required by the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) which is 188 N/mm2 so that the construction is said to be unsafe.
MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MENGENAL HEWAN LAUT MENGGUNAKAN KARTU RFID DI TK PERTIWI III WONOREJO CEPU KABUPATEN BLORA PROPINSI JAWA TENGAH Lastoni Wibowo; Retno Wahyusari; Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti; Helmi Gunawan; Suprawikno .; Agus Dwi Korawan; Muhammad Al Ghifari; Dea Salsabilla; Lies Indriyatni; Endang Kurniawati
Fokus ABDIMAS Vol 1, No 2: APRIL 2023
Publisher : STIE Pelita Nusantara

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Learning activities in the Study Group (KB) are fun and do not burden children, so teachers are required to develop learning media. The problems faced by partners are that partners do not yet have learning media to get to know marine animals and the need for training in the use of learning media for partners. Based on an analysis of the situation and conditions faced by partners, the solution offered is to create and train for the use of learning media to get to know marine animals using an RFID card. This community service activity was carried out by a team from STT Ronggolawe Cepu in collaboration with a team of servants from STIE Pelita Nusantara Cepu. The conclusion of this activity is the creation of learning media to get to know marine animals using an RFID card and partners get learning media to get to know marine animals so that teachers can more easily introduce marine animals to students. Partners also gain knowledge and can apply technology through learning media about marine animals that have been created.