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Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Using Learning Media During The Covid-19 Period With The Multi-Attribute Utility Theory Irfan Faruqi, Nouval; Maita, Idria; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Fronita, Mona
JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Issues January 2024
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v7i2.10824


Learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out online with the aim of taking advantage of technological advances using online learning media. All high schools have implemented online learning, one of which is SMAN 1 Bukit Batu. This aims to ensure that the learning process is carried out remotely without having to meet in person. Online learning has advantages and disadvantages that can affect the achievement of learning objectives, especially in theoretical and practical PKOK subjects. So it is necessary to assess learning theory and practice of PJOK to determine the effectiveness of both. Research the use of 6 criteria and compare theoretical and practical PJOK learning models to determine the best model. The method used is Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) with a quantitative approach where data collection is carried out through surveys. There were 193 respondents, namely all 12th grade students of SMAN 1 Bukit Batu as the population in this study. The results of calculations using the MAUT method on the effectiveness of using online learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the choice of the Theory subject assessment (0) as the lowest assessment, while the Practice subject (0.32) was the highest assessment. This assessment states that online learning can be said to be effective for practical subjects, while theoretical subjects are more effective if done offline
Sales Management System with Rapid Application Development and PIECES Approach Al-Qadr, Nola Ardelia; Novita, Rice; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Zarnelly, Zarnelly
JUSIFO : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 10 No 1 (2024): JUSIFO (Jurnal Sistem Informasi) | June 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/jusifo.v10i1.22222


In this era of rapid technological advancement, the computer business plays a crucial role in providing goods and services to meet societal needs. However, Andalas Computer, despite offering a diverse range of products and services, faces challenges in its sales process and stock management, which still rely on manual methods. This study aims to develop a sales management system to facilitate the company's sales. By employing the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, system requirements analysis can be addressed with feedback from users. This research utilizes PIECES analysis to identify opportunities from various aspects. The study results in a sales management system tailored to user needs. System testing was conducted using blackbox testing, followed by user acceptance testing to gauge user reception of the system. The results of the testing showed a positive acceptance rate of 90%.
Classification of Beef and Pork with Deep Learning Approach Akhiril Anwar Harahap; Novita, Rice; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Zarnelly, Zarnelly
Jurnal Sistem Cerdas Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : APIC

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37396/jsc.v7i1.393


Beef is one of the most consumed meats in Indonesia. However, the high price of beef has led to rogue traders mixing pork with beef. This condition occurs due to the lack of public knowledge about the difference between the two meats. To maintain food safety in Indonesia and especially in Riau province, the Livestock Service Office of Riau province conducts market surveys. There are several methods that are usually used to check the content of beef or pork, including Rapid Test Kit and Elisa. Both methods are time consuming and costly. One other solution that can be used is the artificial intelligence method, namely deep learning. In this research, a classification approach using deep learning is used to distinguish between beef and pork in the form of a web application. This research compares Convolutional Neural Network algorithm with Inception-V3 and Inception-Resnet-V2 architecture with hyperparameter optimization. From several experiments that have been carried out, the best model is the Inception-Resnet-V2 architecture with an experimental scenario using a learning rate of 0.001, and an optimizer Adam with an accuracy of 96.50%, Precision 96.48%, Recall 96.55% and F1-Score 96.50%. By using this model, web-based applications can be developed using the flask framework well and can perform classification accurately.
Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Informasi E-Campus Menggunakan Metode E-Servqual Dan Model Kano Nurhadi, Muhammad; Hamzah, Muhammad Luthfi; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Jazman, Muhammad
Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) Vol 4 No 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/bits.v4i3.2691


This study aims to identify the dimensions and service attributes that need to be improved, as well as improvements related to the quality of services provided by the e-campus system to students at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. It also aims to identify the quality of services provided by the e-campus system to students. in order to provide advice or consideration to improve the quality of the e-campus system to the campus or developer, which in turn will produce a solution to improve the quality of the e-campus system for user satisfaction. The procedures used include 5 stages are planning, gathering information processing information analysis and the latest reporting review. The research results created calculations using e-servqual procedures of 0.92 ≤ 1, showing that the quality of the services provided could be said to be unable to fulfill students' expectations. If the level of performance is met, it will bring about a very large increase in user satisfaction. But if not fulfilled, it will reduce the level of satisfaction. Whereas the canoe model gets eight attributes included in the must-be category, eight one-dimensional attributes and six attractive attributes. The ranking level obtained is a source of attributes that are prioritized to be improved. Every attribute that has a very large negative value will also be less effective in achieving user satisfaction
Developments and Trends in Indonesian Tourism Technology Using Bibliometric Analysis Ayulya, Agisti Mutiara; Syaifullah, Syaifullah; Hamzah, Muhammad Lutfi; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Saputra, Eki
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) Vol 18, No 2 (2024): April
Publisher : IndoCEISS in colaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijccs.94190


Information technology has changed society, services, and the tourism sector has attracted many research and publications. Even though previous research aims to show an understanding of tourism technology factors, there is still little to discuss the technology factors of Indonesian tourism. Discussing scientific publications about tourism technology in Indonesia can provide a deeper understanding of the development of information technology in the Indonesian tourism sector by providing solutions. This research aims to analyze developments and trends in tourism technology factors in Indonesia from 2014 to 2023 with bibliometric analysis from R Studio and using 113 Scopus indexed articles. The methodology includes planning, keyword identification, Scopus data searches, bibliometrics, developments and trends in Indonesian tourism technology. The results of this research show an increase in publications from year to year, in annual citations there are fluctuations, the number of articles published varies with the position of Sustainability (Switzerland) being ranked first with 25 published articles, Indonesia is the country that publishes the most articles and the frequency has increasing, Indonesia has also become a top keyword, and in tourism technology trends there are two clusters within the basic themes, namely tourism and West Java, which are the direction for further research
Perbandingan Metode TAM Dan UTAUT Dalam Penerimaan Dan Kepuasan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Akademik Nurrahma, Intan; Salisah, Febi Nur; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Rahmawita, Medyantiwi
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika Vol 8, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35314/isi.v8i2.3768


Universitas XYZ merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan. Saat ini banyak universitas yang menggunakan sistem informasi akademik untuk memudahkan pekerjaan agar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa adanya beberapa kendala pada sistem informasi administrasi akademik yaitu terjadinya error ataupun server down kondisi error ini seperti tidak bisa login ataupun tidak bisa mengakses fitur yang tersedia kendala berikutnya yaitu ketika mahasiswa ingin mengganti password mereka tidak bisa langsung mengubah di sistem tersebut tetapi harus ke sistem yang lain untuk mengubah password. Penelitian ini menggunanakan metode TAM Dan UTAUT. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui metode mana yang lebih baik dalam penerimaan dan kepuasan penerapan sistem informasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan Metode UTAUT lebih mampu menjelaskan dengan baik dari pada metode TAM dalam membandingkan penerapan sistem informasi administrasi akademik dimana dengan menggunakan metode TAMdiperoleh nilai R-square pada TAM variabel IT Acceptance adalah 78,2% yang mana nilai ini termasuk kategori model yang kuat dan variabel User Satisfaction nilai R-square nya yaitu 65,3% dimana nilai tersebut masih termasuk dalam kategori kuat. sedangkan pada metode UTAUT R-square untuk variabel IT Acceptance yaitu 83,6% yang mana nilai ini termasuk kategori model yang kuat pada variabel User Satisfaction nilai R-square nya yaitu 74,6% dimana nilai tersebut termasuk kategori kuat.
Penerapan Website Laboratorium Sebagai Media Informasi dengan Metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) Kusuma, Muhammad Wira Ade; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil
JoMMiT Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Artikel Jurnal Volume 8 Issue 1, Juni 2024
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46961/jommit.v8i1.1300


Ketidakberadaan situs web resmi untuk Laboratorium Program Studi Sistem Informasi UIN Suska Riau menjadi hambatan dalam upaya komunikasi dan promosi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang situs website profil Laboratorium Program Studi Sistem Informasi UIN Suska Riau dengan menggunakan metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) dan Prototype sebagai Systems Development Life Cycle. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa situs web yang dirancang menggunakan metode OOAD dan Prototype dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna, yaitu dapat menampilkan informasi profil Laboratorium Program Studi Sistem Informasi UIN Suska Riau secara lengkap dan interaktif. Situs web ini juga dapat diakses melalui browser modern dan dapat menampilkan konten multimedia.
JOISIE (Journal Of Information Systems And Informatics Engineering) Vol 8 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35145/joisie.v8i1.4126


Perkembangan teknologi saat ini telah membuat website menjadi komponen yang sangat penting. Penggunaan TI pada website juga banyak digunakan seperti pada instansi pemerintahan. Salah satu penerapan website pada instansi pemerintah diterapkan pada Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) Kota Pekanbaru. Namun, dalam penginplementasi penggunaan website BPS Kota Pekanbaru ditemukan kendala diantaranya yaitu, Situs website belum sepenuhnya memudahkan untuk menemukan apa yang dibutuhkan pengguna, Informasi di website belum di atur dengan baik, website belum menjawab pertanyaan dalam waktu yang tepat, website belum memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengaksesnya dengan cepat. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi atau sudut pandang pengguna yang melihat situs web BPS Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode E-S-Qual dengan 4 dimensi, yaitu Efficiency, Fulfillment, System Availability, and Privacy dan 23 items. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dua variabel hipotesis berpengaruh; variabel privasi memiliki nilai T-statistic 2,027, dan variabel System Availability dengan nilai T-statistic 5,099 dimana kedua variabel tersebut nilai T-Statistic diatas nilai T-tabel > 1.96. Hal ini memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan kepuasan pengguna terhadap website BPS Kota Pekanbaru dalam menjaga privacy dan keberlangsungan akses pengguna website.
Penerapan Algoritma K-Means Menggunakan Model LRFM Dalam Klasterisasi Nilai Hidup Pelanggan Afifah, Tiara Afrah; Novita, Rice; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil; Zarnelly, Zarnelly
Publisher : Universitas Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v8i2.7605


In implementing customer relationship management, there are still many companies that have not utilized CRM optimally as part of their business strategy. As is the case with UD Sandeni. UD Sandeni still has problems in managing its relationships with customers because UD Sandeni does not fully understand the difference between customer information that is profitable and unprofitable for the company's sustainability. UD Sandeni has used a system to manage customer transaction data. However, this system is only used to calculate profits and create bookkeeping for registered agents so that UD Sandeni does not have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of its customers. To overcome this problem, the solution that can be applied is to use customer grouping techniques, such as clustering. Customer transaction data is processed using a clustering process with K-Means and LRFM. Test the validity of cluster results using DBI and calculate CLV values using AHP weights to produce cluster rankings. The results of this research obtained customer clustering which consists of 2 segments, namely cluster 1 which has the highest CLV value of 0.3171156 with a total of 298 customers and includes the High Value Loyal Customers segmentation, and cluster 2 with a CLV value of 0.1434054 with a total of 72 customers. which is included in the segmentation of uncertain new customers (uncertain lost customers).
Analisis Kualitas Layanan Website Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0 Dan Interface Performance Analysis Pada Dinas Xyz MaySarah, M; Saputra, Eki; Monalisa, Siti; Ahsyar, Tengku Khairil
Kesatria : Jurnal Penerapan Sistem Informasi (Komputer dan Manajemen) Vol 5, No 3 (2024): Edisi Juli
Publisher : LPPM STIKOM Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/kesatria.v5i3.439


Nowadays technological advances have shown very rapid progress. One technology that is developing rapidly is information and communication technology. The current development of information and communication technology cannot be separated from the role of the internet. One of the most important applications of the internet is websites. Basically, achieving perfect website quality will encourage user satisfaction. Good website quality can of course be realized by displaying a website that meets the criteria of the WebQual 4.0 method as a measuring tool to achieve user satisfaction. Based on the background, research will be carried out to determine the level of service quality of the e-Filing website in applying the Webqual 4.0 and IPA methods. The aim of this research is to measure the quality of website services, group the attributes into three Webqual 4.0 variables using the IPA method and provide recommendations for improving the service quality of the XYZ Service Website on the attributes that are prioritized for improvement. This research was conducted at DLHK Pekanbaru for 30 days using interview, observation and documentation methods. The sample in this research was 100 website users. The results of this research are that in the usability quality, there are several menus with errors whose contents do not match the name of the menu. In terms of information quality dimensions, it was found that the website menu was not timely, and the website was rarely updated. In terms of service interaction quality dimensions, there is no comment column facility on the website. In terms of service interaction quality dimensions, there is no comment column facility on the website so that users cannot provide suggestions or opinions.