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Korelasi antara Derajat Deviasi Septum Nasi dengan Aerasi Telinga Tengah dan Rongga Mastoid menggunakan Modalitas CT Scan Andono, Rio; Latief, Nikmatia; Idris, Nurlaily
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 1 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.13.1.2021.32183


Abstract: Nasal septum deviation can affect the middle ear aeration-mastoid pneumatization system. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the degree of nasal septum deviation with middle ear aeration and mastoid cavity using CT scan. Conducted retrospectively on nasal septum deviation patients who underwent a CT scan of paranasal sinuses at the central radiology department of  UNHAS, Makassar for the period of January 2018 to September 2020. Samples were as many as 48 patients aged >18 years who had diagnosed nasal septum deviation. The degree of nasal septum deviation is divided into mild (<9°), moderate (9-15°) and severe (>15°). The statistical method used was the Spearman correlation test. There was significant correlation between the degree of nasal septum deviation with ipsilateral tympanic membrane retraction with a p value 0,001 and ipsilateral mastoid pneumatization with a p value of 0.03 (<0,05). The results of this study indicate that there is significant correlation between the degree of nasal septum deviation with ipsilateral tympanic membrane retraction  and ipsilateral mastoid pneumatization. There is a correlation between moderate and severe nasal septum deviation with ipsilateral middle ear effusion, where the deviation degree of the nasal septum is getting increased, then there is a tendency for an increase in ipsilateral middle ear effusion compared to contralateral side.Keywords: Degree of nasal septum deviation, middle ear effusion, tympanic membrane retraction, mastoid pneumatization, CT Scan Abstrak: Deviasi septum nasi dapat mempengaruhi tekanan telinga tengah-sistem pneumatisasi mastoid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis korelasi antara derajat deviasi septum nasi dengan aerasi telinga tengah dan rongga mastoid menggunakan modalitas CT-scan. Dilakukan secara retrospektif pada penderita deviasi septum nasi yang menjalani pemeriksaan CT-scan sinus paranasalis di instalasi radiologi sentral RS UNHAS, Makassar periode Januari 2018 sampai September 2020. Sampel sebanyak 48 orang dengan usia >18 tahun yang didiagnosis deviasi septum nasi. Derajat deviasi septum nasi dibagi menjadi ringan (<9°), sedang (9°-15°), dan berat (>15°) Metode statistik yang digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara derajat deviasi septum nasi dengan retraksi membran timpani ipsilateral 0,001 dan pneumatisasi mastoid ipsilateral 0,03 (<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara derajat deviasi septum nasi dengan retraksi membran timpani ipsilateral dan pneumatisasi mastoid ipsilateral. Terdapat korelasi antara deviasi septum nasi derajat sedang dan berat dengan efusi telinga tengah ipsilateral, dimana semakin bertambah derajat deviasi septum nasi maka ada kecenderungan peningkatan efusi telinga tengah ipsilateral dibandingkan kontralateral.Kata kunci: Derajat deviasi septum nasi, efusi telinga tengah, retraksi membran timpani, pneumatisasi mastoid, CT Scan
Fistula Aorta - Atrium Kanan Harun, Andi L A; Attamimi, Luthfi; Latief, Nikmatia; Asriyani, Sri
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 13, No 3 (2021): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.v13i3.33805


Abstract: Aortic - right atrial fistula is a channel of blood vessels originating from one of the valsalva sinuses and ending in the superior vena cava or right atrium. This fistula is an abnormal vascular connection that causes blood flow from the high-resistance aortic circuit to the low-resistance right atrium. We report a case of a 34-year-old male patient diagnosed with aortic - right atrial fistula with clinical manifestations of spasms since 1 month. The incidence of aortic - right atrial fistula is most common between the ages of 9 and 45 years. The cause of this condition appears to be an inherited deficiency / weakness of the elastic lamina in the aortic medium. Right aorto-atrial fistula has varied clinical manifestations such as acute pulmonary edema, chronic heart failure and can also be found incidentally. Cardiac MSCT with contrast shows the results of the aorta to right atrial fistula. This patient was treated with furosemide and aspilet treatment.Key words: Aortic - right atrial fistula, MSCT cardiac.  Abstrak: Fistula aorta - atrium kanan adalah celah atau saluran pembuluh darah yang berasal dari salah satu sinus valsava dan berakhir di vena cava superior atau atrium kanan. Fistula ini merupakan koneksi vaskular abnormal yang menyebabkan aliran darah dari sirkuit aorta dengan resistensi tinggi ke atrium kanan dengan resistansi rendah. Kami melaporkan kasus pasien laki-laki berusia 34 tahun dengan diagnosis fistula aorta - atrium kanan dengan manifestasi klinis sesak sejak 1 bulan. Insiden fistula aorta - atrium kanan tersering pada usia antara 9 – 45 tahun. Penyebab kondisi ini tampaknya merupakan defisiensi / kelemahan bawaan lamina elastis di media aorta. Fistula aorto-atrium kanan memiliki manifestasi klinis bervariasi seperti edema paru akut, gagal jantung kronis dan dapat pula ditemukan secara insidental. Pada pemeriksaan MSCT cardiac dengan kontras mendapatkan hasil gambaran aorta to right atrial fistula. Pasien ini ditatalaksana dengan diberikan pengobatan furosemide dan aspilet.Kata kunci: Fistula aorta - atrium kanan, MSCT cardiac.