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The Processing of Household Waste by Residents of Griya Serpong Housing Complex, Serpong Sub-District, South Tangerang, Indonesia, in Compliance With Law Number 18 of 2008 and Law Number 32 of 2018 Suryani, Reni; Sa’adah, Nur; Lubis, Ilhamsyah
Sinergi International Journal of Law Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): November
Publisher : Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61194/law.v1i3.95


The Waste Management Law Number 18 of 2008 mandates waste management at various levels, including producers, communities, industrial areas, traditional markets, and malls. Local government administrations in regencies and cities need to create or revise regional regulations (Perda) and design a communal-based waste management masterplan. Until now, waste management has largely been centralized, with an open dumping system at the final disposal site, which ended in 2013. There are three forms of urban waste management: centralization, decentralization, and centralization-decentralization. An ideal waste management pattern is neither purely centralized nor decentralized, but rather a combination of both. Organic Waste Management Facilities (OWMF) are established at the source of dominant waste generation (initial stage), with a recycling system similar to City Waste Management Facilities (CWMF) to support and assist in marketing the products of the OWMF established by Joint Business Groups (KUB) formed by the community, known as the "self-sustaining concept." Addressing the waste problem requires an examination of the current waste management practices to identify areas where improvements and enhancements can be made, so that only waste that truly cannot be recycled ends up in the final disposal site, such as hazardous waste (B3) that is incinerated directly. This research aims to provide a solution to the waste disposal issue, which is largely centralized in Indonesia.
Preserving Legal Protection for Sundanese (Sunda Naga and Baduy Kenekes Tribes) Wisdom Amidst Modernization in the Face of COVID-19 Challenges Suryani, Reni
Sinergi International Journal of Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61194/law.v2i2.156


The COVID-19 pandemic has entered various countries around the world, and Indonesia is no exception to this disaster. As a country with diverse cultures, many Indonesians have used local wisdom to face the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to understand the government's protection of the Baduy Tribe in Kanekes in facing the COVID-19 pandemic and the existence of the Baduy Tribe in Kanekes in facing the dimensions of modernization and the COVID-19 pandemic. The existence of this indigenous community is regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 18B Paragraph (2). This research uses empirical juridical research, which is a study that examines and analyzes the legal behavior of individuals or the Baduy tribal community in relation to the law. The data sources used are primary data obtained through observation and interviews with informants from the Baduy Tribe and the Sundanese Tribe in Kampung Naga. The results show that they overcome the COVID-19 pandemic through their well-preserved wisdom and culture, forming a strong mentality that allows the existence of life in Kampung Naga and the Baduy Tribe to continue without being affected by COVID-19.
Solution for Recording Interfaith Marriages Following Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023 in Indonesia Syafrida; Tarigan, Arihta Esther; Suryani, Reni; Warsito
Sinergi International Journal of Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61194/law.v2i2.158


This research aims to explore the solutions for recording marriages following the issuance of Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023. According to the law, a marriage is valid if it meets the cumulative elements of Article 2, paragraphs (1) and (2), which require that it be in accordance with religious and belief systems and recorded according to regulations. Conversely, a marriage is invalid if it does not comply with religious and belief laws, resulting in the inability to register it. Before the issuance of the SEMA, interfaith marriages could be registered at the Civil Registry Office by submitting a registration application to the local District Court. However, after the issuance of this circular, such registration is no longer possible. The research method adopts a normative juridical approach, delving into literature data, particularly legislation. Despite the new regulations, interfaith marriage registrations can still occur, as judges may base their decisions on the Population Administration Law rather than the Marriage Law. Article 56, paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law essentially requires Indonesian citizens to comply with the marriage law, leaving no room for interfaith marriages. Therefore, to prevent registrations by judges at all court levels, it is necessary to reconstruct the Population Administration Law and require that one of the parties adheres to the religion and/or beliefs of their partner.
An Analysis Of Product Quality Control At Meubel Warsito Business In Jayakarta Village Of Central Bengkulu Suryani, Reni; Susanti, Neri; Wagini, Wagini
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : Penerbit Jurnal Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/emak.v5i1.1565


The This study aims to determine product quality control at Meubel Warsito business in Jayakarta Village of Central Bengkulu. Based on the characteristics of the assessment obtained by the research sample, namely chair products from 1 to 15 September 2023 using the purposive sampling method. The type used in this research is quantitative analysis. The data collection method in this research is using interviews, observation, documentation and the analysis method is Statistical Quality Control (SQC) with calculations using Seven Tools. Based on the research results, it shows that the number of chair products examined was 200 production units with 47 production units producing defects and producing the highest proportion value, namely 50. The product defects obtained were still below the statistical control limit because the lower control limit (LCL) value was -2,435. The middle value (CL) is 0.235 with the upper control limit (UCL) value being 2.905. So that there is no increase in defective chair products, this research provides the implementation of product quality control so that the at Meubel Warsito business in Jayakarta Village of Central Bengkulu can improve the causes and effects of defective products.
Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/al-jpkm.v3i1.17068


Kemajuan dan perkembangan teknologi, utamanya media sosial seperti pisau bermata dua, disatu sisi sangat bermanfaat namun di sisi lain juga berbahaya dan menimbulkan kerugian jika salah menggunakannya. Apabila media sosial tidak digunakan dengan bijak dapat menyebabkan kerugian bagi pengguna dan orang lain, karena siapa saja dapat masuk dan terlibat menjadi konsumen, sekaligus produsen informasi. Teknologi informasi berkontribusi pada peningkatan kesejahteraan, kemajuan dan memfasilitasi manusia, juga dapat melakukan cara yang sama dari tindakan efektif terhadap hukum. ”Undang-Undang berubah nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi elektronik dan transaksi melalui UU No. 19 tahun 2016 sebagai payung hukum Penggunaan teknologi informasi perlu diketahui oleh masyarakat, di media sosial pengguna tertentu”. Pengabdian kepada Komunitas (PKM) dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk-bentuk penyalahgunaan media sosial dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan sanksi diberikan kepada penulis penyalahgunaan media sosial dalam hukum Republik Indonesia 11 tahun 2008 tentang transaksi informasi dan elektronik , sebagai perumusan masalah. Berkenaan dengan implementasi implementasinya sebagai upaya pemecahan masalah telah dilakukan oleh: Langkah persiapan meliputi penyelidikan asli, menentukan lokasi implementasi dan target target. Kegiatan, serta persiapan bahan dan materi pelatihan. Tahap implementasi, menggunakan metode konseling pada dengan bijaksana menggunakan media sosial, agar tidak dirawat dengan hukuman hukum untuk hukum, diskusi dan respons dan jawabannya. Materi utama yang disajikan adalah keterlibatan amandemen informasi dan transaksi elektronik yang bertindak atas kejahatan penugasan media sosial dan faktor-faktor penggunaan media sosial. Peningkatan hasil kegiatan media sosial masyarakat tidak memiliki keunggulannya secara optimal karena masih ada orang yang ditangkap dalam urusan hukum atau kerugian dalam penggunaan media sosial, ada ketidaktahuan / keandalan pengaturan yang memberikan batasan penggunaannya media sosial, terutama untuk mengekspresikan diri dan aspirasi mereka. Dengan kata lain, masalah hukum yang muncul karena kurangnya pemahaman tentang aturan-aturan ini, implikasinya diatur hukuman dalam undang-undang pidana yang berlaku di Indonesia, khususnya hukum ITE. Dengan semakin tinggi masalah hukum yang disebabkan oleh pelanggaran hukum undang-undang menunjukkan bahwa itu masih belum optimal atau efektivitas dewan dan sosialisasi berbagai peraturan media sosial dan umumnya dunia virtual dan tanda-tanda yang harus dipatuhi oleh pengguna. Agar orang mendapatkan manfaat optimal menggunakan media sosial, masyarakat harus meningkatkan kesadaran hukum. Akibatnya, rekomendasi masyarakat kepada publik (PKM) adalah dengan menggunakan media sosial yang diperlukan untuk bahasa yang baik, di sebelah kanan, dengan kesopanan, kesopanan dan untuk menghindari tindakan kriminal. Selain itu, harus dipahami dan lebih bijaksana dan bijaksana untuk memberikan nasihat atau ekspresi di media sosial dan harus tetap sesuai dengan koridor etika dan hukum yang berlaku sehingga mereka tidak mudah terjerat dalam hukum ITE.
Analisis Tindak Pidana Perbankan Menurut UU Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 Susanti , Susan; Ayu , Agilia Putri; Suryani, Reni; Yollandah, Yollandah; Putri , Intan Dwi
Jurnal Kewirausahaan & Inovasi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

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A banking crime is a criminal act by using a bank institution as a means and or a bank institution as the object. Banking crimes are included in corporate crimes. This study aims to describe the legal concept of banking crimes in Indonesia and corporate legal liability in banking crimes. This research is normative. The primary legal materials used are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; the Criminal Code; Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code, Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992. According to Law Number 10 of 1998, criminal acts in the banking sector consist of three twelve (13) kinds. Of the thirteen kinds of criminal acts in the banking sector, they are grouped into, namely: 1). Criminal acts related to licensing, 2). Crime related to bank secrecy, 3). Criminal acts related to bank supervision and development, 4). Criminal acts related to attitudes and/or actions taken by management, employees, affiliated parties, and bank shareholders. Based on Law 10 of 1998, corporations are not subject to criminal law. This means that if a criminal act occurs in the banking sector, the bank as a corporation cannot be held criminally responsible. The concept of the Banking Law is in line with the concept of the Criminal Code which does not yet recognize corporations as a subject of criminal law. The Banking Law can be classified into statutory regulations in the field of administrative law which contain criminal sanctions. However, the Banking Law does not stand alone in solving banking crime problems, because the scope of banking crimes is quite broad. It does not only cover banking crimes committed by bank insiders, but also includes crimes committed by people outside the bank, who have close links with the banking industry. These laws and regulations are specific in nature, which in their provisions can be a reference to problems related to banking crimes. The law that supports the Banking Law in dealing with the problem of banking crimes is Law No. 25 of 2003 concerning the Crime of Money Laundering. This law has adopted the concept of corporate legal liability so that it is possible for banks to be punished, provided that a corporation can be charged with criminal