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Analisis Semiotik Kebun Binatang Dalam Photobook Berjudul Wildtopia Widiatmojo, Radityo
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (940.752 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i2.6791


This research conducts an attempt to extend the meaning of zoo in society by Sander Pierce's semiotica analysis on Photobook titled Wildtopia. By qualitative method, this research finds that the zoo have a dualism function in a very contrast way. In one hand, the zoo gives a representational experience as objectivate the animal for human knowledge. On the other hand, zoo it self destruct the wildness of each animal as they are taking care by human. Another interesting finding shows photography is able to criticized phenomenon in society as a visual argument.
NARASI TENTANG AUTISM DI FACEBOOK (Studi Autoetnografi pada Status K.W) Kusumastuti, Frida; Leonardo, Jeanne; Widiatmojo, Radityo
Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.962 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.8.2.57-67


The narrative of a mother who is directly involved in living with a child with an autistic child's lifetime is worth noting because it can complement the narrative of the Professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, educators). Especially if the narrative is done openly on social media such as Facebook. Social Media gives the opportunity of public voices that were originally being repossessed by large narratives. Thus the purpose of this research is to interpret the narrative of the subject about autism based on daily experience (everyday life). Narrative is the way someone tells his experience. The narrative about Autism, commonly referred to as "disability", is not necessarily the same as the people's narration or family. The narrative of experts and the general public about defects is often done in a dichotomistic, i.e. only when defects – including autism – are seen as sadness or suffering, and when a defective individual is successful with extraordinary achievement. This research was conducted on a Facebook social account, which is a KW account – a single-parent mother claiming to have five children, of which three of them (15 years old, 10 years old and 7 years old) were autistic. The choice on the subject of the study because the KW handled the children's autism with a full involvement with no shadower nor professional caregiver. Secondly, KW is capable of conducting autism narrative through social media (Facebook) which is open. The results showed (1) Narrative about the nature, attitudes, and principles of Autism, (2) narrative on the achievement of autism.
JURNAL SOSIAL POLITIK Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1165.139 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v6i1.11221


The spread of hoax on health issue is a compelling phenomenon in digital era. By focusing on visual literacy as a way to avoid hoax, this qualitative research attempts to find how visual hoax operated. The main concept of Visual Literacy proposed by Maria Avgerinou, reading the spectrum of an image by Roland Barthes and six dimension of photograph life by Widiatmojo are used to analysis visual hoax. The result shows that visual hoax on corona virus occurred as the time frame dimension were diminished, the meaning was changed as well as the narration of the original image, the topic was compromised, the lost of image quality and the distribution on social media by anonymous identity. Therefore, people need to have basic competence in visual literacy, which is the ability to understand visual language accompanied by the ability to think and analyze. It will make an individual produce a positive perception that should be use to avoid hoaxes.
Public Awareness Campaigns Model of Global Civil Society at the Local Level: Case of Earth Hour Malang Najamuddin Khairur Rijal; Radityo Widiatmojo
Global Strategis Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Global Strategis
Publisher : Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Unair

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jgs.15.2.2021.287-320


The purpose of this research is to elaborate the model of public awareness campaigns conducted by global civil society actors at the local level, with studies of Earth Hour Malang. Earth Hour Malang’s public awareness campaigns are related to efforts to fight for environmental issues to gain attention with the society and stakeholders. This research used the global civil society framework, specifically the public awareness campaigns (PAC), conducted through interviews and documentation studies on Earth Hour Malang Social media. Social media data is analyzed using the NCapture feature in the NVivo 12 Plus. The results showed that Earth Hour Malang integrates offline and online approaches through various instruments in conducting campaigns. The goal is to raise public, business, and government awareness of environmental issues, encourage changes in green lifestyle-oriented behavior, changes in business activity and orientation, and pro-environmental policy changes.Keywords: Earth Hour, environmental issues, global civil society, public awareness campaignsTujuan penelitian ini adalah mengelaborasi model kampanye kesadaran publik yang dilakukan oleh aktor global civil society di level lokal, dengan studi pada Earth Hour Malang. Kampanye kesadaran publik yang dilakukan Earth Hour Malang berkaitan dengan usaha memperjuangkan isu lingkungan agar dapat memperoleh perhatian bersama masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan. Dengan menggunakan konsep global civil society dan public awareness campaigns, penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi pada media sosial Earth Hour Malang. Data media sosial dianalisis menggunakan fitur NCapture pada aplikasi NVivo 12 Plus. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Earth Hour Malang mengintegrasikan pendekatan luring dan daring melalui beragam instrumen dalam melakukan kampanye. Tujuannya adalah menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat, sektor bisnis, dan pemerintah terhadap isu dan persoalan lingkungan sehingga mendorong perubahan perilaku masyarakat berorientasi gaya hidup hijau, perubahan aktivitas dan orientasi bisnis, serta perubahan kebijakan yang pro-lingkungan.Kata-kata Kunci: Earth Hour, global civil society, isu lingkungan, kampanye kesadaran publik
Content Marketing Training and Assistance to Micro Enterprises from Rumah Kreatif BUMN-Telkom Community in Malang Regency Moch Fuad Nasvian; Radityo Widiatmojo; Aditya Dwi Putra Bhakti; Zen Amirudin
Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Community Practice and Social Welfare
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ma Chung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33479/jacips.2021.1.1.11-22


The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia forces people to have different behaviours, both socially and economically. This epidemic has made Indonesians’ shopping behaviour change; online shopping and cashless transactions have increased rapidly. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia has left behind this consumer behaviour change. The BUMN Creative House (RKB) is a government effort to improve MSMEs’ quality in products, marketing, and funding. Regularly, RKB provides its members with training, workshop but cannot afford to assist their new knowledge. Telkom Indonesia manages the RKB in Malang Regency. This service activity is in the form of training and mentoring for MSMEs who are also partners of the RKB. The training lasts for three weeks, with tiered materials about content marketing and one month of assistance after the last session training to deepen their skills to help MSMEs setup their new digital marketing technique and deepen their skills. From this program, we found that (1) MSMEs digital literacy is varied depending on their age; (2) Greater Malang MSMEs is slow to adapt in new digital marketing technique, they even scared to try it, because even after one month of assistance, only 3 out of 15 businesses can advertise on the Facebook Platform.
Analisis Semiotik Kebun Binatang Dalam Photobook Berjudul Wildtopia Radityo Widiatmojo
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v4i2.6791


This research conducts an attempt to extend the meaning of zoo in society by Sander Pierce's semiotica analysis on Photobook titled Wildtopia. By qualitative method, this research finds that the zoo have a dualism function in a very contrast way. In one hand, the zoo gives a representational experience as objectivate the animal for human knowledge. On the other hand, zoo it self destruct the wildness of each animal as they are taking care by human. Another interesting finding shows photography is able to criticized phenomenon in society as a visual argument.
Literasi Visual Sebagai Penangkal Foto Hoax Covid-19 Radityo Widiatmojo
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v6i1.11221


The spread of hoax on health issue is a compelling phenomenon in digital era. By focusing on visual literacy as a way to avoid hoax, this qualitative research attempts to find how visual hoax operated. The main concept of Visual Literacy proposed by Maria Avgerinou, reading the spectrum of an image by Roland Barthes and six dimension of photograph life by Widiatmojo are used to analysis visual hoax. The result shows that visual hoax on corona virus occurred as the time frame dimension were diminished, the meaning was changed as well as the narration of the original image, the topic was compromised, the lost of image quality and the distribution on social media by anonymous identity. Therefore, people need to have basic competence in visual literacy, which is the ability to understand visual language accompanied by the ability to think and analyze. It will make an individual produce a positive perception that should be use to avoid hoaxes.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio
Publisher : Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3567.695 KB) | DOI: 10.36928/jpkm.v11i2.150


Adaptasi lintas budaya merupakan sebuah proses penyesuaian yang panjang untuk medapatkan kenyamanan ketika berada di lingkungan baru dan beragam. Mahasiswa Manggarai, Flores (Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur) yang tinggal di Malang memiliki karakteristik identitas yang berbeda dan hal ini mempengaruhi proses interaksi dan adaptasi dengan penduduk setempat. Komunikasi yang dibangun antara mahasiswa dan penduduk setempat ini tidak dapat dipahami tanpa mempelajari langkah-langkah dasar dalam proses adaptasi lintas budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma interpretif dengan maksud dapat memperoleh pemahaman mendalam dari sudut pandang mahasiswa Manggarai dalam adaptasinya dengan penduduk setempat. Penelitian ini pada akhirnya bertujuan untuk berkontribusi pada studi komunikasi antar budaya di Indonesia, terutama untuk memahami dan memperdalam komunikasi antara budaya masyarakat dari luar daerah dan masyarakat setempat.
Jurnal Komunikasi dan Kajian Media Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KOMUNIKASI DAN KAJIAN MEDIA
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jkkm.v6i1.4273


Bulan Ramadan menjadi bulan yang istimewa bagi masyarakat Indoensia, karena terdapat ragam isu yang bisa diangkat dan disajikan kepada publik. Penelitian ini berangkat dari keingintahuan peneliti untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola Foto headline KOMPAS pada Ragam Isu, News Values dan Level Isu selama bulan Ramadan 2021. Dengan menggunakan thematic analysis, hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa KOMPAS menghadirkan 8 isu selama bulan Ramadan 2021, yaitu religi sebanyak 7 foto, isu sosial (3), ekonomi (4), tragedi atau bencana (7), kesehatan (6), serta lingkungan, politik (1) dan olahraga (1). Untuk news values, yang paling sering muncul dalam foto headline adalah magnitude dengan 16 foto. Sedangkan pada level isu, KOMPAS menghadirkan 13 isu regional, 10 isu nasional, 4 isu lokal dan 3 isu internasional. Secara spesifik terdapat menggunakan pola repetitif pada Ragam Isu, News Values dan Level Isu. KOMPAS juga menggunakan pola kontradiktif untuk menjadikan foto headline sebagai pengingat masyarakat.
Specta: Journal of Photography, Arts, and Media Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Specta: Journal of Photography, Arts, and Media
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/specta.v5i1.5174


Reading Photograph of the Covid-19 Body by Joshua Irwandi using Visual Literacy.  The photo of Joshua Irwandi's Covid-19 body went viral when influencer Anji posted Joshua's photo and gave negative comments. Various negative comments, interpretations and justifications from netizens actually represent challenges in the development of visual literacy in Indonesia, more specifically there is no literacy in terms of "reading" a photo. The purpose of this research is to find out how the method of reading a photographic with perspective of visual literacy. Researchers used Maria Avgerinou's visual literacy competency, namely understanding Visual vocabulary, Visual Convention, Visual Thinking, Visualization, Visual Reasoning, Critical Viewing, Visual Discrimination, Visual Reconstruction, Visual Association, Reconstructing meaning and Constructing meaning. By using the concept of visual literacy from Maria Avgerinou, Joshua Irwandi photo’s brings out the meaning that Covid-19 changes the cultural and social roots of the Indonesian people, especially the dialectic between death and the meaning of life at the same time. ABSTRAKFoto jenazah Covid-19 karya Joshua Irwandi menjadi viral saat influencer Anji memposting foto Joshua dan memberi komentar bernada negatif. Beragam komentar, tafsir dan justifikasi yang negatif dari netizen sebenarnya adalah representasi tantangan dalam pengembangan literasi visual di Indonesia, lebih spesifik terdapat nirliterasi dalam hal “membaca” sebuah foto. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode baca sebuah karya fotografi dalam perspektif literasi visual. Peneliti menggunakan kompetensi literasi visual Maria Avgerinou, yaitu pemahaman kosakata visual (Visual vocabulary), memahami kesepakatan visual dari simbol yang ada (Visual Convention), kemampuan berpikir secara visual saat produksi dan saat membaca imaji (Visual Thinking), kemampuan menyajikan sebuah visual (Visualization), alasan visual pada saat produksi visual (Visual Reasoning), pembacaan visual dengan perspektif kritis (Critical Viewing), kemampuan membedakan stimulus visual (Visual Discrimination), kemampuan melakukan konstruksi ulang atas sajian visual yang ada  (Visual Reconstruction), pemahaman makna asosiatif yang ada dalam semua objek (Visual Association), kemampuan merekonstruksi makna saat produksi visual (Reconstructing meaning) dan kemampuan membaca bangunan makna dari sajian visual atau disebut Constructing meaning. Dengan menggunakan konsep literasi visual dari Maria Avgerinou, foto karya Joshua Irwandi ini memunculkan makna bahwasanya Covid-19 mengubah akar kultural dan sosial masyakarat Indonesia, khususnya dialektika antara kematian dan makna kehidupan sekaligus.