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NASIONALISME NABI IBRAHIM DALAM AL QUR’AN (Nilai Cinta Tanah Air dalam Doa Nabi Ibrahim) Syahputra, Afrizal El Adzim
Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 19, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/dinamika.2019.19.1.69-84


Love homeland (hubbul wathan) is a feeling of pride and belonging to a certain region, which is known by Muslims as the term hubbu al watan min al iman (love for the homeland is par tof faith). That pride has implications for very large attention to the area and place of residence, as perceived by Prophet Ibrahim. While in Mecca, he prayed that the country would be given security and the welfare of its resident with a variety of abundant fruits. He also prayed that God would send someone who could guide the resident of Mecca later on. This prayer is part of the spirit of nationalism, namely the understanding that teaches to love for the homeland, thenation, or the country itself. With the study of this topic, the author hopes to open up people's insight into the concept of Ibrahim's nationalism in the Qur'an. This research reveals the values of the love homeland in Prophet Ibrahim's prayer which is published by the Qur'an. Key Words: Nationalism, Love Homeland, Prayer, Prophet Ibrahim, Qur’an.  Cinta tanah air (hubbul wathan) merupakan perasaan bangga dan ikut memiliki sebuah wilayah tertentu, yang oleh umat Islam dikenal dengan istilah hubbu al wat}an min al ima>n (cinta tanah air adalah bagian dari iman). Kebanggan tersebut berimplikasi pada perhatian yang sangat besar terhadap wilayah dan tempat tinggal, seperti yang dirasakan oleh Nabi Ibrahim. Ketika berada di Mekah, beliau berdoa agar negeri tersebut diberikan keamanan dan disejahterakan penduduknya dengan berbagai buah – buahan yang melimpah. Beliau juga berdoa supaya Allah mengutus seseorang yang dapat membimbing penduduk Mekah kelak di kemudian hari. Doa ini merupakan bagian dari semangat nasionalisme, yaitu paham yang mengajarkan akan kecintaan terhadap tanah air, bangsa, atau negara sendiri. Dengan dikajinya topik ini, penulis berharap dapat membuka wawasan masyarakat tentang konsep nasionalisme nabi Ibrahim dalam al Qur’an. Penelitian ini mengungkap nilai-nilai cinta tanah air dalam doa Nabi Ibrahim yang dimuat oleh al Qur’an. Kata Kunci: Nasionalisme, Cinta tanah air, Doa, Nabi Ibrahim, Al Qur’an.
Proses Berpikir Nabi Ibrahim as. Melalui Dialog dengan Tuhan dalam al-Qur’an Syahputra, Afrizal El Adzim
HERMENEUTIK Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Hermeneutik: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur`an dan Tafsir, Fakultas Ushuluddin, IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/hermeneutik.v14i1.6804


Thinking and dialogue is an inseparable part of life. Various studies about the Prophet Ibrahim as. have been found, but the process of deepening related to thinking process through the dialogue of Prophet Ibrahim as. to Allah Swt is still limited to be discovered. This article is structured to reveal the way of thinking of Prophet Ibrahim as. in his efforts to dialogue with Allah Swt. This paper was prepared using the literature research method, which in this case uses the Qur'an as a primary reference and books, commentaries, and soft ware applications as a secondary reference source. The results show that the dialogue carried out by Prophet Ibrahim as. involves a process of critical thinking, rational thinking, accompanied by curiosity and based on faith and devotion to Allah Swt. Prophet Ibrahim as. who had previously been at the level of "Ilm al-Yaqin", was able to reach the level of "Haqq al-Yaqin". Through this article, it is expected to be able to open up insights for people to think and dialogue in solving life's problems. Of course in this case thinking and dialogue in this life is essentially intended to draw closer to Allah Swt at the level of Haqq al-Yaqin.
NASIONALISME NABI IBRAHIM DALAM AL QUR’AN (Nilai Cinta Tanah Air dalam Doa Nabi Ibrahim) Afrizal El Adzim Syahputra
Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/dinamika.2019.19.1.69-84


Love homeland (hubbul wathan) is a feeling of pride and belonging to a certain region, which is known by Muslims as the term hubbu al watan min al iman (love for the homeland is par tof faith). That pride has implications for very large attention to the area and place of residence, as perceived by Prophet Ibrahim. While in Mecca, he prayed that the country would be given security and the welfare of its resident with a variety of abundant fruits. He also prayed that God would send someone who could guide the resident of Mecca later on. This prayer is part of the spirit of nationalism, namely the understanding that teaches to love for the homeland, thenation, or the country itself. With the study of this topic, the author hopes to open up people's insight into the concept of Ibrahim's nationalism in the Qur'an. This research reveals the values of the love homeland in Prophet Ibrahim's prayer which is published by the Qur'an. Key Words: Nationalism, Love Homeland, Prayer, Prophet Ibrahim, Qur’an.  Cinta tanah air (hubbul wathan) merupakan perasaan bangga dan ikut memiliki sebuah wilayah tertentu, yang oleh umat Islam dikenal dengan istilah hubbu al wat}an min al ima>n (cinta tanah air adalah bagian dari iman). Kebanggan tersebut berimplikasi pada perhatian yang sangat besar terhadap wilayah dan tempat tinggal, seperti yang dirasakan oleh Nabi Ibrahim. Ketika berada di Mekah, beliau berdoa agar negeri tersebut diberikan keamanan dan disejahterakan penduduknya dengan berbagai buah – buahan yang melimpah. Beliau juga berdoa supaya Allah mengutus seseorang yang dapat membimbing penduduk Mekah kelak di kemudian hari. Doa ini merupakan bagian dari semangat nasionalisme, yaitu paham yang mengajarkan akan kecintaan terhadap tanah air, bangsa, atau negara sendiri. Dengan dikajinya topik ini, penulis berharap dapat membuka wawasan masyarakat tentang konsep nasionalisme nabi Ibrahim dalam al Qur’an. Penelitian ini mengungkap nilai-nilai cinta tanah air dalam doa Nabi Ibrahim yang dimuat oleh al Qur’an. Kata Kunci: Nasionalisme, Cinta tanah air, Doa, Nabi Ibrahim, Al Qur’an.
Educational Interaction of Prophet Musa and Khidir in The Perspective of Al-Quran Afrizal Syahputra
Didaktika Religia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.794 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/didaktika.v8i2.2704


This research examines the meeting of the Prophet Musa and Khidir which is mentioned in the Al Qur'an in al-Kahfi. They met at a place called "Majma'al Bahrain". This meeting was motivated by Allah's admonition to Prophet Musa for considering himself the smartest and His orders that he should meet Prophet Khidir. Prophet Khidir as a teacher taught some material to Prophet Musa. His meeting with Prophet Khidir made Prophet Musa understand about inner knowledge and gain various knowledge and experiences that he had not previously obtained. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, and procedurally this study uses the comparison method with literature study techniques in data collection. The author uses several classical and modern Qur’an interpretation books as references in this study. Research result shows that this teaching and learning process raises educational interactions which include: educational goals, educators, students, educational methods, and educational media. The educational interaction components in this study are very useful for educators and students in carrying out teaching and learning activities
Sufisme Dalam Hindu dan Islam Afrizal El-Adzim Syahputra
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Spiritualis: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Tasawuf, Maret 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Tasawuf IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk, Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.009 KB) | DOI: 10.53429/spiritualis.v4i1.41


Agama Hindu dapat digolongkan sebagai agama tertua di dunia. Agama ini awalnya tidak memilik nama. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman, agama ini kemudian dinamakan Hindu karena mayoritas pemeluknya berada di kawasan sungai Indus di India. Konsep sufi dalam Islam seringkali dikaitkan dengan keberadaan agama lain. Hal ini tidak heran memang keberadaan agama Islam yang di bawa oleh nabi Muh}ammad memang datang belakangan. Selain itu perluasan Islam di berbagai penjuru dunia juga mengalami asimilasi dengan kearifan lokal dan budaya setempat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa konsep sufi di dalam Islam maupun Hindu memiliki kesamaan, akan tetapi keduanya memiliki sejarah yang mandiri. Kesufian di dalam Islam murni dari ajaran Islam, baik dari al-Qur’an maupun hadis. Sedangkan sufisme di dalam Hindu juga memiliki kemandirian ajaran, meskipun secara kebetulan ada yang sama, yaitu penggunaan tasbih dan kesederhanaan hidup.
al Dhikra | Jurnal Studi Qur'an dan Hadis Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): al-Dhikra: Jurnal Studi Quran dan Hadis
Publisher : Ushuluddin Faculty, PTIQ Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.462 KB) | DOI: 10.57217/aldhikra.v3i2.783


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meneliti model dialog argumentatif yang menitik beratkan pada proses adu argumentasi dari kedua belah pihak antara Ibrahim dan Raja Namrud sebagaimana diungkap dalam Al-Qur’an, di antaranya dapat ditemukan pada surah al Baqarah ayat 258 yang menceritakan secara singkat pertemuan Nabi Ibrahim dan Raja Namrud. Saat mereka bertemu,terjadilah dialog argumentatif yang pada akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Nabi Ibrahim. Temuan tersebut sekaligus mendukung teori Dawam Raharjo yang menyebutkan, ada beberapa cirikeistimewaan nabi Ibrahim. Pertama, ia memperoleh pengertian tentang Tuhan melalui proses perjuangan berpikir sejak usia muda dengan cara observasi dan pengamatan. Kedua, iamenyebarkan dan memperjuangkan keyakinannya tersebut kepada berbagai bangsa. Ketiga, ia adalah orang yang teruji dengan berbagai perintah dan larangan Allah, dan karena itu ia dipilihsebagai pemimpin umat manusia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis semantik yang dikembangkan oleh al-Jurjani. Hasil dari riset ini mengatakan bahwa dialog yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Ibrahim menggunakan bahasa yang santun dan persuasif sebagai metode dakwah yang mencirikan agama tauhid.
MIYAH : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15 No. 01 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.311 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/miyah.v15i01.162


Abstract: Dakwah is an appeal or invitation to conversion, or an attempt to changethe situation into a better and perfect situation, both for the person and society. Da'wah is one of the teachings of Islam that is obligated of its followers. Success and unsuccess in dakwah is determined by the ability of preachers to use the right methodes. Therefore, the Qur'an contains several methods of da'wah used by people and the previous prophets to invite their followers to become part of the religion of Allah. One of them, prophet Sulaiman methods, when he received information on the where abouts of Queen Balqis and his elders who worshiped the sun, he wanted to invite them to worship Allah SWT. In dakwah, prophet Sulaiman used several methods, including: using the preaching of correspondence, revealing the power and ability of prophet Sulaiman to them, firmly against the target of da'wah, not insulting / taunting the worshipers of the missionary objectives and using the demonstration method. By using that several methods, prophet Suliaman with the permission of Allah can draw the sympathy of Queen Balqis. In the end, she submits and declares her Islam in front of prophet Sulaiman.Key Words: Method, Dakwah, Prophet Sulaiman
DERADIKALISASI PEMAHAMAN AL-QUR’AN: Analisis Semantik dan Konteks Historis Surah al-Fath Ayat 29 Afrizal El Adzim Syahputra; Heru Susanto
Diya Al-Afkar: Jurnal Studi al-Quran dan al-Hadis Vol. 10, No. 02 (2022): Desember
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/diyaafkar.v10i02.11601


Misunderstanding several verses of the Qur'an is motivated by the generalization of the understanding of the verses of the Qur'an, especially the verses related to war and jiha>d. Based on this, the writer is interested in studying Surah Al-Fath verse 29 by using semantic analysis and historical context. Based on this study, the term “al-shadid” which is based on the term "ka>fir" is not always interpreted as acts of violence against non-Muslims.This study is expected to be able to provide a moderate understanding, which can eliminate radicalism. This type of research is library research supported by various reference sources, especially from the thoughts of the mufassir. Then based on the historical context, this verse tells about the condition of Muslims who are dealing with the enemy. So, the two terms above are an explanation that Muslims must be firm when dealing with enemies. Firmness here is not directly interpreted with things that smell of violence. Firmness is defined as the potential for courage to prevent injustice. Not in the sense of fighting blindly. This study is expected to provide a moderate understanding, which can eliminate radical values. This type of research is library research which is supported by various reference sources, especially from the thoughts of the mufassir. Kesalahpahaman tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh generalisasi pemahaman memahami ayat-ayat al-Qur’an, khususnya ayat-ayat yang berhubungan dengan perang dan jihad. Diantaranya adalah surah al-Fath ayat 29. Ayat ini sering dipahami secara dhahir saja sehingga memunculkan pemahaman radikal dalam menyikapi ayat ini. Berdasarkan hal ini, penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji surah Al-Fath ayat 29 dengan menggunakan analisis semantik dan konteks historis. Berdasarkan kajian ini, term al-shadid yang disandarkan kepada term “ka>fir” tidak selalu dimaknai dengan tindakan kekerasan kepada non muslim. Kemudian berdasarkan konteks historis, ayat ini menceritakan tentang kondisi umat Islam yang sedang berhadapan dengan musuh. Maka kedua term diatas merupakan penjelasan bahwa umat Islam harus tegas ketika berhadapan dengan musuh. Tegas di sini tidak langsung dimaknai dengan hal-hal yang berbau kekerasan. Tegas diartikan sebagai potensi keberanian untuk mencegah kedzaliman. Bukan dalam arti memerangi secara membabi buta. Kajian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan pemahaman yang moderat, yang dapat menghilangkan nilai-nilai radikal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka yang didukung dengan berbagai sumber rujukan, khususnya dari pemikiran para mufasir. 
Karakteristik Burung dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Sains Afrizal El Adzim Syahputra; Abdur Rohman
Kaunia: Integration and Interconnection Islam and Science Journal Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/kaunia.3756


Birds are the animals most frequently mentioned in the Qur’an. However, the birds in the Qur’an have never been studied using a comprehensive scientific approach. This research is expected to be able to add insight and knowledge to Indonesian scholars about the integration of the theme of birds in the Qur’an and science. This study uses a thematic method based on library research by tracing verses about birds in the Qur’an. These verses are then studied using the method of scientific exegesis in which the sources are contemporary commentary books. Then these verses can be integrated with science. Based on the research conducted by the author, the characteristics of birds in the Qur’an can be detailed as follows: First; movement of birds in the air. For thousands of years before, the Qur’an has explained the patterns of bird movement that have been revealed by science today. Second; the behavior of crows and their benefits to humans. Crows have intelligence that is beneficial to human life. Third; nutritional content in salwa birds. The nutritional value of salwa birds can nourish the human body. Fourth; the behavior of the birds bombarding Abraha’s troops. Based on the opinion of contemporary scholars, these birds are interpreted as small organisms that cause various diseases. This organism then develops into a lethal weapon of mass murder, which is popularly known as bioterrorism.
Mengkonsumsi Makanan Halal Perspektif Al-Qur’an: Telaah Semantik-Historis QS Al-Baqarah ayat 168 Afrizal El Adzim Syahputra; Nur Faizin; Abduloh Safik; Abul Ma'ali
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v7i1.5510


Consuming Halal Food from the Perspective of the Qur'an: A Semantic-Historical Study QS. Al-Baqarah verse 168This paper aims to analyze the meaning of halal in QS. Al-Baqarah (2) verse 168 with a semantic-historical approach. The enrichment of the concept of halal food in the Qur'an is important, especially for researchers in the field of Al-Qur'an and commentary. This research is a literature review with a semantic-historical analysis paradigm in QS Al-Baqarah (2): 168. This study found that based on a semantic approach, the word "halal" in this verse includes two words that are collocated (side by side) with the word "thayyib" . Halal consumption along with orders to stay away from satanic steps. This connotatively means that Allah SWT wants humans to be physically and spiritually healthy. Historically, this verse is related to the culture of Arab society which considers certain animals as sacred animals. They equate their position with the idols that are worshiped. This verse came down to rectify this wrong view