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The Development of Hierarchy of Effects Model in Advertising Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Publisher : Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.16 KB)


MODEL KOMUNIKASI BERASA DALAM KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN Studi mengenai Iklan Ambient Media dalam Meraih Kepercayaan Khalayak Konsumen Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 1, No 1 (2011): February - July 2011
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v1i1.4


Semakin padat dan ramainya pesan-pesan komunikasi pemasaran di media konvensional, membuat banyak pengiklan kini mulai melirik cara-cara berkomunikasi  melalui media yang tidak biasa. Salah satunya melalui iklan berbentuk  ambient media. Tulisan ini berusaha menelaah bagaimana pola komunikasi iklan  ambient media sebagai salah satu bentuk komunikasi pemasaran alternatif dalam meraih kepercayaan khalayak konsumen. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, penulis menemukan bahwa iklan ambient media memiliki ciri khas yaitu mampu menyinergikan pesan dan pembuktian pesan melalui pengalaman khalayak konsumen dengan suasana yang mendukung, sehingga khalayak konsumen dapat langsung merasakan kebenaran pesan yang disampaikan. Pola komunikasi semacam ini penulis sebut sebagai  Komunikasi Berasa atau  Experiential Communication atau  Ambient Communication. Berbeda dengan konsep “pengalaman” dalam  marketing yang lebih berorientasi pada pengalaman terhadap “produk”, konsep “pengalaman” dalam Komunikasi Berasa lebih berorientasi pada pengalaman terhadap “pesan”. Sehingga dengan pengalaman langsung atau seketika (tanpa tertunda) terhadap pesan yang disampaikan secara sinergis, maka khalayak konsumen cenderung pula untuk langsung memercayai kebenaran pesan tersebut. Model Komunikasi Berasa yang merupakan pola komunikasi iklan ambient media ini dapat menjadi salah satu solusi di tengah semakin menipisnya kepercayaan khalayak konsumen terhadap janji-janji atau pesan iklan di media konvensional. Kata kunci: komunikasi berasa, iklan ambient media, khalayak, konsumen
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 3, No 1 (2013): February - July 2013
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v3i1.763


Dalam komunikasi, hak publik atau khalayak adalah menerima pesan yang disampaikan komunikator secara utuh sesuai fakta, balk fakta normatif maupun fakta kontemplatif yang mengacu pada kaidah kebenaran berdasarkan hati nurani dan tanggung jawab moral. Korupsi komunikasi adalah perbuatan atau peristiwa dalam proses komunikasi yang mengurangi hak publik atau khalayak dalam menerima pesan secara utuh dan benar sesuai fakta, balk fakta normatif maupun fakta kontemplatif dengan memanfaatkan kekuasaan, kekuatan atau kewenangan yang dimiliki. Tulisan ini memaparkan dan membahas berbagai dimensi koruptivitas komunikasi, baik dari dimensi pesan, media, konteks dan perilaku yang kerap dijumpai ,di berbagai lingkup aktivitas komunikasi seperti komunikasi politik, komunikasi pendidikan, komunikasi pemasaran, komunikasi korporat, komunikasi media massa, bahkan dalam lingkup komunikasi antarpribadi. Untuk menggambarkan tinggirendahnya tingkat koruptivitas suatu komunikasi, maka penulis menawarkan sebuah rumus Koruptivitas komunikasi yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur N (communication Needs) plus P (power) pangkat 0 (opportunity) kurang Ar (audience right) yang dikalikan dengan Cs (conscience) plus R (moral responsibility). Katakunci :  korupsi komunikasi, koruptivitas komunikasi, pencitraan, manajemen kesan,pencucian kesan. In communication, public or audience right is receiving the message from communicator as a whole fit the facts, both normative fact or contemplative facts which refers to the rules of truth based on conscience and moral responsibility. The corruption of communications is the act or event in the communication process that reduces the public or audience rights (to receive the message fully and correctly fit the facts, both normative and contemplative facts) by leveraging the power or authority possessed. This paper describes and discusses the various dimensions of the corruptiveness of communication, both the dimensions of message, media, context and behavior that are often encountered in various spheres of communication activities such as political communication, educational communication, marketing communications, corporate communications, mass media communication, even in the sphere of interpersonal communication. To illustrate the level of the corruptiveness of an act or event of communication, the authors offer a formula of the corruptiveness of communications consisting of the elements: N (communication needs) plus P (power) rank 0 (opportunity) minus Ar (audience rights) is multiplied by Cs (conscience) plus R (moral responsibility). Keywords:  the corruption of communications, the corruptiveness of communication,imaging, impression management, impression laundering.
FGDNOGRAPHY: Discussing a Topic in the Nature of the Topic Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 6, No 2 (2016): August 2016 - January 2017
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v6i2.1982


FGDnography is a research method that combines data collection techniques through FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with ethnographic research approaches. In FGDnography, group discussion about a topic occurs in a venue that follows the theme discussed. The nuance, situation, environment, ambiance, and attributes inherent in the location support the topic. Discussions become more lively, real, and relevant. As a result, the insights obtained are more natural, authentic, and meaningful. Several aspects deserve attention in FGDnography, including natural-ness, discuss-ness, interactive-ness, responsive-ness, meaningfulness, and experience-ness.   FGDnografi: Mendiskusikan Sebuh Topik sesuai Karakter TopiknyaFGDnografi adalah metode penelitian yang menggabungkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui FGD dengan pendekatan riset etnograpfi. Dalam FGDnografi, diskusi kelompok tentang topik diselenggarakan di tempat yang sesuai dengan topik yang dibahas, sehingga nuansa, situasi, lingkungan, ambians, dan atribut-atribut yang melekat di tempat tersebut mendukung isu yang dibahas. Diskusi topik menjadi lebih hidup, nyata, dan relevan. Hasilnya, insights yang diperoleh lebih natural, otentik, dan meaningful. Ada beberapa aspek yang patut diperhatikan dalam FGDnography, di antaranya aspek kealamiahan (natural-ness), kediskusian (discuss-ness), interaktivitas (interactive-ness), responsivitas (responsive-ness), kebermaknaan (meaningfulness), dan kepengalamanan (experience-ness). To cite this article (7th APA style):Wijaya, B. S. (2016). FGDnography: Discussing a Topic in Nature of the Topic. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication, 6(2), 176-200 
FROM SELECTION TO PROPOSITION: Qualitative Data Analysis Models and Methods Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 5, No 1 (2015): February - July 2015
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v5i1.1962


This article formulates the qualitative data analysis process steps to make it easier for researchers to process and interpret data systematically. The qualitative data analysis model starts from the Selection stage, which selects and sorts relevant and significant data according to the research objectives, then Categorization, which is to group important and meaningful findings into categories and sub-categories. Next is Validation, including intersubjectivity or triangulation for field research by comparing data subjects with one another and looking for links between their meanings. Meanwhile, for textual studies, validation is done by the intertextuality method, inter-context, and interdiscursivity. The next stage of data analysis is Theorization, in which the researcher interprets and dialogues important and meaningful findings with relevant concepts, theories, and previous studies. The final stage is the Proposition, in which researchers formulate new concepts, models, and theories related to the issue being studied. Although this stage is not linear, in the sense that each stage can jump back and forth according to the needs of the analysis, but researchers need to ensure that each stage is passed systematically and reliably.   DARI SELEKSI KE PROPOSISI: Metode dan Model Analisis Data Kualitatif Artikel ini merumuskan langkah-langkah proses analisis data kualitatif untuk memudahkan peneliti dalam mengolah dan menafsirkan data secara sistematis. Model analisis data kualitatif dimulai dari tahap Seleksi, yaitu memilih dan memilah data yang relevan dan signifikan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, kemudian Kategorisasi, yaitu mengelompokkan temuan penting dan bermakna ke dalam kategori dan subkategori. Selanjutnya adalah Validasi, termasuk intersubjektivitas atau triangulasi untuk penelitian lapangan dengan cara membandingkan subjek data satu sama lain dan mencari keterkaitan antara maknanya. Sedangkan untuk studi tekstual, validasi dilakukan dengan metode intertekstualitas, interkonteks, dan interdiskursif. Tahap analisis data selanjutnya adalah Teorisasi, di mana peneliti menginterpretasikan dan berdialog tentang temuan-temuan penting dan bermakna dengan konsep, teori, dan kajian sebelumnya yang relevan. Tahap terakhir adalah Proposisi, dimana peneliti merumuskan konsep, model, dan teori baru yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Walaupun tahapan ini tidak linier, dalam artian setiap tahapan dapat meloncat maju mundur sesuai kebutuhan analisis, namun peneliti perlu memastikan bahwa setiap tahapan dilalui secara sistematis dan terpercaya. To cite this article (7th APA style):Wijaya, B. S. (2015). From Selection to Proposition: Qualitative Data Analysis Models and Methods. Journal Communication Spectrum, 5(1), 1-12 
Is Social Media Impactful for University's Brand Image? Wijaya, Bambang Sukma; M. Putri, Dianingtyas
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 12, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1107.576 KB)


This research aims to verify many opinions and previous studies that stated how powerful of social media in building the image of a brand, also applies for university's brand image enhancement. Using explanatory survey research, data were collected by giving out questionnaires to samples that were taken randomly from Facebook's friend list of a private university that located in South Jakarta. The results showed that the most powerful influence occurs on the role of 'community' towards the brand identity and the role of 'connectivity' towards the brand benefits. Another interesting finding of this research is, it turns out 'openness' and 'conversation' has no significant effect on all components that make up the brand image. Thus, it can be said that the positive image on the mind of consumer audience regarding the brand identity, personality, association, attitude or behavior and the benefit offered by a university's brand not necessarily be formed by the openness and willingness to dialogue or make conversations.Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, UB, Brand Image, University's Brand Image
KOMUNIKASIH: Komunikasi Positif Berbasis Empati Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 5, No 2 (2015): August 2015 - January 2016
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v5i2.2019


Komunikasih adalah komunikasi empatik yang menyertakan energi kasih sayang dalam penyampaian pesan sehingga menimbulkan pemahaman yang baik dan benar oleh penerima pesan, serta berefek terciptanya emosi positif yang penuh kasih dan perdamaian di antara para pelaku komunikasi. Komunikasih adalah komunikasi yang tulus, tidak egois, dan konstruktif. Jika negativitas komunikasi dapat ditemui di setiap unsur komunikasi, maka komunikasih pun selalu melibatkan cinta dan kasih sayang di setiap unsur dan tahap proses komunikasi. Komunikator yang penuh kasih selalu mendasari aktivitas komunikasinya dengan niat yang baik dan tulus. Penciptaan makna pesan (encoding) yang dibingkai cinta dan kasih sayang akan menghasilkan pesan-pesan yang baik dan positif. Begitu pula dengan saluran penghantar pesan, baik dalam wujud media, pihak ketiga atau kegiatan yang diliputi nuansa kasih akan terhindar dari gangguan buruk (black noise) dan kekeliruan, baik disengaja maupun tak disengaja. Proses penafsiran makna pesan (decoding) yang melibatkan kasih sayang pun membuat penerima pesan bebas dari prasangka buruk. Sehingga, pesan tersebut menghasilkan efek dan respon positif secara emosional, situasional maupun efek dalam bentuk runtunan komunikasi positif berikutnya. Dengan demikian, konflik negatif, perselisihan dan kekerasan pun dapat dicegah. Ada lima prinsip utama Komunikasih, yakni niat dan tujuan yang baik dan tulus (heartfelt intention and goal), pesan yang konstruktif dan tanpa pamrih (constructive and selfless message), pemaknaan berbasis empatik (empathetic meaning-making), penggunaan media secara positif (positive media use), dan dampak-dampak yang penuh kasih sayang (affectionate impacts).KOMUNIKASIH: THE EMPATHY-BASED POSITIVE COMMUNICATION Komunikasih is empathetic communication that includes the energy of affection and compassion in delivering messages to lead to a good and correct understanding by the recipient of the message, and the effect of creating positive emotions that are full of love and peace among the communicators. Komunikasih is sincere, selfless, and constructive. If communication negativity can be found in every communication element, then Komunikasih always involves love and affection in every element and stage of the communication process. Loving communicators always base their communication activities on good and sincere intentions. Creating meaning of messages (encoding) framed by love and affection will produce good and positive messages. Likewise, with message delivery channels, whether in the form of media, third parties, or activities covered with nuances of love, will avoid black noise and mistakes, whether intentional or unintentional. The process of interpreting the meaning of messages (decoding), which involves affection, also makes the recipient of the message free from prejudice. These messages produce positive emotional, situational, and effectual responses in the next positive communication sequence. Thus, negative conflicts, disputes, and violence can be prevented. There are five main principles in Komunikasih, namely heartfelt intention and goals, constructive and selfless messages, empathetic meaning-making, positive media use, and affectionate impacts. To cite this article (7th APA style): Wijaya, B. S. (2015). Komunikasih: Komunikasi Positif Berbasis Empati [Komunikasih: The Empathy-based Positive Communication]. Journal Communication Spectrum, 5(2), 147-166.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Industry (JEMI) Vol 2, No 4 (2019): Oktober - Desember 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jemi.v2i4.1943


This article elaborates on a strategic concept for entrepreneurs that allows their business to grow faster by synergizing the entrepreneurial spirit and the branding mindset. Indeed, many entrepreneurs still consider brand development or branding as a 'luxurious strategy' that is wasting money. However, by using the concepts and strategies that are smarter and focused, branding activities can be executed more effectively and efficiently to produce the optimum effect on business performance. Branderpreneurship concept refers to the stages as set out in the ‘circle of values development’: starting from Identifying values, Creating values, Delivering values, Communicating values, Maintaining values, Evaluating values to Updating values. Branderpreneurship concept is beneficial for novice entrepreneurs, start-up businesses, and SMEs that are developing their business. Thus, the public can more quickly recognize their business brand, grows strategically, which would have an impact on increasing business profits. 
HOW 'DEEP' IS YOUR BRAND? The Hierarchical Effects Model of Emotional Branding Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 3, No 2 (2013): August 2013 – January 2014
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v3i2.1974


This article elucidates the depth of consumer affection with a brand through a hierarchy of branding called the AKIELS Model. From the initial stage of consumer exposure in Brand Awareness continues to the consumer understanding of the values ​​and attributes in Brand Knowledge. The next step is the Brand Image. Consumers get a specific image and imagination about a brand, then the Brand Experience stage, where consumers touch the 'reality' offered by the brand. If consumers' reality is positive, then the next step is Brand Loyalty. Consumers begin to invest their emotional ties in an ongoing relationship. The deeper the relationship exists, the stronger the consumer's affective capital in a brand, so that the brand becomes one of the essential parts of a consumer's life. The brand becomes an ideological pleasure. The brand becomes a 'religion' that is maintained, obeyed, and consumers share its values to attract other consumers to join the circle of brand ideology that they hold. This stage is where the brand achieves the most profound meaning and the deepest position at the level of consumer affection, namely Brand Spirituality. AKIELS model of branding hierarchy can be a strategic tool to measure brand performance in its relationship with consumers. SEBERAPA 'DALAM' MEREK ANDA? Model Efek Hirarkis Pemerekan EmosionalArtikel ini menjelaskan kedalaman afeksi konsumen terhadap suatu merek melalui hierarki pemerekan yang disebut Model AKIELS. Dari tahap awal keterpaparan konsumen dalam Brand Awareness berlanjut ke pemahaman konsumen tentang nilai dan atribut merek dalam Brand Knowledge. Langkah selanjutnya adalah Brand Image. Konsumen mendapatkan gambaran dan imajinasi tertentu tentang suatu merek, kemudian tahap Brand Experience, di mana konsumen menyentuh 'realitas' yang ditawarkan merek tersebut. Jika realitas konsumen positif, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah Brand Loyalty. Konsumen mulai menginvestasikan ikatan emosional mereka dalam hubungan yang berkelanjutan. Semakin dalam hubungan tersebut terjalin maka semakin kuat modal afektif konsumen dalam suatu merek, sehingga merek tersebut menjadi salah satu bagian esensial dalam kehidupan konsumen. Merek menjadi kesenangan ideologis. Merek menjadi 'agama' yang dijaga, ditaati, dan konsumen pun berbagi nilai-nilai merek yang dirasakannya untuk menarik konsumen lain bergabung dalam lingkaran ideologi merek yang mereka pegang. Tahap ini adalah saat merek mencapai makna yang paling dalam dan posisi tertinggi pada tingkat afeksi konsumen, yakni tahap pamungkas Brand Spirituality. Model AKIELS dalam hirarki branding dapat menjadi perangkat strategis untuk mengukur kinerja merek dalam hubungannya dengan konsumen. To cite this article (7th APA style):Wijaya, B. S. (2013). How ‘Deep’ is Your Brand? The Hierarchical Effects Model of Emotional Branding. Journal Communication Spectrum, 3(2), 158-169.
ACADEMIC BRANDING: Individual and Institutional Perspectives Wijaya, Bambang Sukma
Journal Communication Spectrum : Capturing New Perspectives in Communication Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Februariy - July 2016
Publisher : Department of Communication Science, Bakrie University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36782/jcs.v6i1.2087


Branding occurs in the business world and non-business (social, cultural, political, etc.). Branding is not only useful in the professional realm but also academically. In short, branding has intruded on almost all fields of postmodern community work. This article elaborates on branding in the academic sphere, whose needs are progressively pressing amid increasingly fierce competition. By interviewing academic actors and stakeholders, we construct and examine academic branding dimensions from two perspectives: individual and institutional. From an individual perspective, academic branding works on the aspects of scientific profiles, scientific activities, scholarly works, scientific recognition, and scientific achievements. Meanwhile, academic branding embodies the portfolio dimensions of research, education, and community service activities from the institutional perspective. Academic branding impacts an educational organization's reputation and credibility and contributes to the scholars' personal branding performance and organizational branding in which the scholars ensconce. PEMEREKAN AKADEMIS: Perspektif Individual dan InstitusionalPemerekan tidak hanya terjadi di dunia bisnis, tetapi juga non-bisnis (sosial, budaya, politik, dan lain-lain). Pemerekan tidak hanya bermanfaat di ranah profesional, tetapi juga akademis. Pendek kata, pemerekan telah mengintrusi hampir segenap bidang pekerjaan masyarakat pascamoderen. Artikel ini mengelaborasi pemerekan pada ranah akademis, yang kebutuhannya semakin mendesak di tengah kompetisi yang semakin ketat. Dengan mewawancarai berbagai aktor akademis dan pemangku kepentingan, artikel ini menelaah dimensi-dimensi pemerekan akademis dari dua perspektif, yakni individual dan institutional. Dari perspektif individual, pemerekan akademis memiliki dimensi Karya-Karya Saintifik, Profil Saintifik, Aktivitas Saintifik, Pengakuan Saintifik, dan Prestasi Saintifik, sedangkan dari perspektif institutional, pemerekan akademis mewujud dalam dimensi portfolio kegiatan Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Pemerekan akademis atau academic branding tidak hanya berdampak pada reputasi dan kredibilitas organisasi akademis, tetapi juga berkontribusi pada performa baik pemerekan personal akademisi maupun organisasi tempat akademisi tersebut bernaung. To cite this article (7th APA Style): Wijaya, B. S. (2016). Academic Branding: Individual and Institutional Perspectives. Journal Communication Spectrum: Capturing New Perspectives in Communication, 6(1), 44-59