Lionita, Widya
Faculty Of Public Health, Universitas Sriwijaya

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Keluhan Kesehatan Subjektif Pada Masyarakat Pengguna Insektisida Antinyamuk di Kecamatan Indralaya Purba, Imelda Gernauli; Sunarsih, Elvi; Septiawati, Dwi; Sitorus, Rico Januar; Lionita, Widya
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.19.1.35-44


Latar belakang: Anti nyamuk merupakan insektisida yang banyak digunakan di rumah tangga untuk mengendalikan nyamuk. Penanganan yang tidak baik terhadap anti nyamuk dapat membahayakan manusia dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan pajanan insektisida anti nyamuk dengan keluhan kesehatan subjektif pada masyarakat di Kecamatan IndralayaMetode: Penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil sebanyak  136 orang pengguna anti nyamuk secara cluster sampling. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah umur, Indeks Massa Tubuh, pengetahuan, personal higiene, penggunaan sesuai petunjuk, cara penyimpanan,  penggunaan alat pelindung diri, frekuensi pemakaian, dan durasi pemakaian. Pengumpulan data  melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi menggunakan checklist. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan software, data dianalisis dengan uji statistic Chi-Square dan regresi logistik.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebesar 58,1 % reponden mengalami keluhan kesehatan subjektif yaitu sakit kepala, lelah, pusing, gatal pada mata,  penglihatan kabur, hilang selera makan, kejang otot, tremor, sesak nafas, mata berair, keringat berlebihan. Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi-square terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara umur (p=0,015; RP=0,36; 95% CI=0,158-0,819), durasi pemakaian (p=0,032; RP=2,96; 95% CI=1,099-7,975), tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,000; RP=0,211; 95% CI=0,089-0,499) dengan keluhan kesehatan subjektif.Simpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa durasi pemakaian anti nyamuk dalam sehari menjadi factor risiko dominan untuk terjadinya keluhan kesehatan subjektif pada masyarakat penggunaanti nyamuk di Kecamatan Indralaya Ogan Ilir. ABSTRACTTitle: Subjective Health Complaints In Communities Anti-Mosquito Insecticides User In Indralaya Sub-DistrictBackground: Anti-mosquito is an insecticide that is widely used in households to control mosquitoes. Handling that is not good against mosquitoes can harm humans and the environment. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between anti-mosquito insecticide exposure and subjective health complaints in the Indralaya District communityMethods: This studywas an analytical with cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken as many as 136 anti-mosquito users by cluster sampling. The independent variables of this study  were age, body mass index, knowledge, personal hygiene,usage according to instruction, use of personal protective equipment, frequency of use, and duration of use. Collecting data was through interviews using questionnaires, and observationsusing a checklist.Processing  data  was performed using  software. Data were  analyzed by  Chi-square test at 0.05 level of significant.Results: Research result showed that 58,1% respondents experienced subjective health complaints such as headache, fatique, dizziness, itching in the eyes, blurred vision, loss of appetite, muscle spasm, tremors, shortness of breath,watery eye, and excessive sweating. Based on Chi-square test resut there was  significant relationship between age (p = 0.015; RP = 0.36; 95% CI = 0.158-0.819), duration of use (p = 0.032; RP = 2.96; 95% CI = 1.099-7.975),knowledge (p = 0,000; RP = 0,211; 95% CI = 0,089-0,499) with subjective health complaintsConclusion: It was concluded that the duration of anti-mosquito use in a day was the dominant risk factor for the occurrence of subjective health complaints on mosquito users in Indralaya Ogan Ilir. 
ILMe (I Love Me): Psikoedukasi tentang Persepsi Citra Tubuh pada Siswi Sekolah Menengah Atas Lionita, Widya; Arinda, Ditia Fitri; Appulembang, Yeni Anna; Anggraini, Rini
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 16 No.1 Januari 2021
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.16.1.38-43


Background: Nutrition status among girls is becoming a severe concern for preventing undernutrition in their future pregnancy. Since they experience many physical changes during adolescence, some girls will feel dissatisfied with their own body. This feeling may lead to negative body image, which is a long time will impact health status. The research aimed to facilitate psychoeducation and analyze the improvements towards the senior high school girls’ perception of body image in Palembang.Method: A quasi-experimental study design was employed in the research with a non-equivalent control group. Participants were selected using purposive sampling, divided into intervention (n=18) and control (n=19) groups. All steps of the research were carried out online because of pandemic COVID-19. The questionnaire was given via Google form, while the three psychoeducation sessions were given through Zoom Meetings. Data were analyzed using Paired T-test (intervention) and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (control).Results: Most of the participants are 16 years old (40%), first-grade students (46%), and go to public school (67%). The mean score of both groups is decreased, which indicate their perception of body image is changed positively. However, there was no significant mean difference of the perception before and after treatment, either intervention (p-value 0.632) or control group (p-value 0.494). By the psychoeducation session, some participants already tried to share their feelings and problems related to their bodies, mostly originating from negative opinions given by peers. Girls should be motivated to love themselves through psychoeducation sessions with longer duration or more frequency to generate a positive body image.
Determinant of Parents Role in Adolescent Premarital Sex Behavior: An Applicative Model Nur Alam Fajar; Fenny Etrawati; Widya Lionita
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2: JUNI 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.819 KB) | DOI: 10.30597/mkmi.v15i2.5944


Premarital sex behavior had become a serious issue. Preliminary studies show 12 of 30 teenagers who religious, well-educated, and has good family background, were already experienced sexual intercourse. The objective of this study is explaining parents’ role through their knowledge, attitude, perception, facilities given to children, and behavior. This research was conducted at 2017, and using a cross-sectional design. Quantitative data were obtained by 526 population study and interviewing 150 students’ parent from six high schools in Palembang which are selected using multistage random sampling. Multivariate data analysis is processed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Test in statistical application program named Partial Least Square (PLS). This research found that fifty percent of respondent have good knowledge and supportive attitude towards preventive action of premarital sex behavior. There are 62.7% having good perception about the importance of parents’ role. However, 41.3% just perform negatively on preventive sexual behavior in early ages. They usually provide some facilities such as money, motorbike or car, handphone, laptop, and internet at home that can be used to access pornography content. Model analysis proved that knowledge, attitude, perception, and facilities influence 29 percent of adolescent premarital sex behavior caused by improper parenting role
People’s Behavior of North Indralaya of Ogan Ilir Against Wetland Fires Dany Hernowo; Mona Lestari; Novrikasari Novrikasari; Widya Lionita; Adisyah Fitrah Rahmadini; Titi Nurhaliza
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.2.316-324


Konversi lahan dari fungsi aslinya mengakibatkan dampak negatif berupa kebakaran akibat aktivitas penebangan untuk membuka lahan yang dilakukan manusia. Salah satu lokasi kebakaran lahan basah di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan terjadi pada area seluas 3,925 ha di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir di tahun 2018. Kelalaian manusia yang seringkali melakukan pembukaan lahan dengan cara membakar menyebabkan kebakaran lahan basah. Kurangnya pengetahuan, informasi dan sanksi juga menjadi alasan masyarakat tidak perduli terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kegiatan membakar lahan. Dalam theory of planned behavior, perilaku tersusun dari keyakinan dan evaluasi seseorang untuk menumbuhkan sikap, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku sebagai mediator terbentuknya niat. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu mengkaji dan menganalisis persepsi masyarakat terhadap kejadian kebakaran di lahan basah Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Informan penelitian berjumlah 16 orang yang terdiri dari 12 informan kunci dan 4 informan ahli. Informan kunci dipilih berdasarkan kriteria kepemilikan tanah, lokasi tempat tinggal dan mata pencaharian utama yang berdomisi di Desa Palem Raya dan Kelurahan Timbangan, Kecamatan Indralaya Utara. Empat orang informan ahli ialah Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), Camat Indralaya Utara, dan dua orang kepala desa/lurah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap terhadap perilaku, norma subjektif, dan persepsi kontrol mendorong terbentuknya niat masyarakat Kecamatan Indralaya Utara untuk tidak melakukan pembakaran lahan. Sejak 2019, masyarakat tidak lagi membuka lahan dengan cara dibakar karena sudah ada peraturan pemerintah yang tegas sehingga dapat mengendalikan perilaku masyarakat dalam membakar lahan.ABSTRACT Land conversion from its original function resulted in negative impacts in the form of fires due to logging activities to clear land by humans. One of wetland fires located in South Sumatera Province is happened to 3,925 ha area on Ogan Ilir District in 2018. Human negligence which often clears land by burning caused of wetland fires. Lack of knowledge, information and sanctions are also reasons why people don't care about the impact of land burning activities. The theory of planned behavior states that behavior is composed of individual belief and evaluation to foster attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral control as mediators of intention. The research design used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, which is to examine and analyze public perceptions of the occurrence of fires in the Ogan Ilir wetlands of South Sumatera. The research informants are 16 persons consisted 12 key informants and 4 expert informants. Key informants are choosen by land ownership, the main livelihood, and residence location which all come from Palem Raya and Timbangan Village. Four expert informants are the representative of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Subdistrict Head of North Indralaya, and two Village Head. The results showed that attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral control encourage community’s intention in North Indralaya for not doing land fire anymore. Since 2019, community did not open the land by burning because of the strict regulation by government so that can control behavior related land fire.
Positive body image affect body mass index among high school Widya Lionita; Fatmalina Febry; Yeni Anna Appulembang; Rini Angraini
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) VOLUME 8 ISSUE 3, 2020
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21927/ijnd.2020.8(3).118-123


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Remaja putri berisiko untuk mengalami kekurangan energi kronik yang dikaitkan dengan pemahaman konsep diri. Perubahan fisik pada remaja, khususnya berat dan tinggi badan, cenderung diartikan negatif sehingga dikhawatirkan dapat mempengaruhi status gizi remaja putri pada fase kehidupan selanjutnya.Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan menggambarkan persepsi citra tubuh dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) serta menganalisis hubungan antara dua variabel tersebut.Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang. Responden merupakan pelajar kelas X dan XI dari 4 sekolah di kota Palembang dan dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan pengukuran IMT. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square dari aplikasi SPSS.Hasil: Responden berjumlah 138 orang dan berumur 13 – 17 tahun. Lebih dari 50 persen responden memiliki IMT tidak normal (IMT kurang dan berlebih). Tetapi, Sebagian besar mempersepsikan citra tubuhnya secara positif (54,35%). Persepsi citra tubuh yang negatif lebih banyak dimiliki oleh responden yang memiliki IMT pada kategori normal. Analisis bivariat membuktikan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi citra tubuh dan IMT (p=0,046). Semakin negatif persepsi remaja putri tentang citra tubuh yang dimilikinya, maka semakin besar kemungkinan IMT-nya tergolong tidak normal.Kesimpulan: Citra tubuh yang positif dapat mempengaruhi status gizi remaja putri, khususnya IMT. Sebuah intervensi psikologi dan promosi kesehatan diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi remaja putri mengenali diri sendiri serta diberikan kemampuan untuk memilih asupan gizi yang baik bagi kesehatannya. KATAKUNCI: citra tubuh; indeks massa tubuh; persepsi; remaja putri; sekolah menengah atas ABSTRACTBackground: Female adolescents have a risk on experiencing chronic deficiency of energy linked with understanding of self-concept. Adolescent’ physical changes, especially weight and height, tend to be perceived negatively, so it is worried that they could affect the nutritional status of them in the next phase of life.Objectives: This study aims to describe the perception of body image and Body Mass index (BMI) and to analyze the relationship between the two variables.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. Respondents were students of first and second grade of four senior high schools in Palembang and were selected by purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected using questionnaires and BMI measurements. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test of SPPS application.Results: Number of respondents was 138 high school girls aged 13 – 17 years. More than 50 percent of respondents have abnormal BMI (underweight and overweight). However, most of them perceived their body image positively (54.35%). The perception of negative body image is mostly owned by respondents with normal BMI. Bivariate analysis proved that there was a significant relationship between perceived body image and BMI (p=0.046) The more negative girl’s perception of her body image, the more likely her BMI is classified as abnormal.Conclusions: A positive body image can affect the nutritional status of female adolescents, especially BMI. A psychological intervention and health promotion is needed to facilitate them to identify themselves and be given the ability to choose nutrition intake that is good for their health.KEYWORDS: body image; body mass index; girl; high school; perception
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Pajanan Karbon Monoksida (CO) Pada Pedagang Sate di Palembang Dini arista putri; Amrina Rosyada; Widya Lionita; Desri Maulina sari; Fison Hepiman; Dian Islamiati
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol8.Iss1.1084


Level of pollutants in the air that humans breathe every day will impact health for now or future. The occupational risk of satay traders who are exposed to carbon monoxide from grilling food using charcoal is often not realized. The aims of this study are to measure carbon monoxide levels exposed to satay traders in Palembang and examine the magnitude of the risk in several future time periods. This study is used a quantitative design with environmental health’s risk analysis approach. Assessment of carbon monoxide is used Carbon Monoxide Meter. Respondents were selected through the purposive sampling technique by as many as 58 persons. They were selected by criteria: used charcoal as fuel and were the street vendor. Carbon monoxide exposure was in the range of 12.3 – 163 mg/m3. The intake value is influenced by the concentration of the risk agent, rate of intake, as well as duration, frequency, and time of exposure. The results showed real-time intake value was 20,62 while the lifetime intake was 78,60. Realtime RQ calculated CO exposure will be risky if exposed within a period of 30 years. However, it was found that almost 40 percent of respondents had risk based on real-time RQ values with each duration. Analysis of CO exposure’s risk on satay traders is predicted to occur at the 10th year of exposure, which is influenced by the increasing exposure time. For reducing the level of CO exposure, satay traders are advised to use personal protective equipment such as masks and may consider using smokeless food grills/electric grills.
Relationship Between Body Image and Eating Behavior Among High School Female Adolescents Widya Lionita; Fatmalina Febry; Yeni Anna Appulembang; Rini Anggraini
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 17 No.2 Agustus 2022
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.17.2.86-90


Background: Physical and psychological alteration during adolescence could determine adolescents’ nutritional status, especially for female adolescents. The Indonesian Ministry of Health estimated about 26.5% of female adolescents aged 12 – 18 years in South Sumatera Province were at risk of chronic energy deficiency in 2017. One of the direct predictors which affect nutritional status is eating behavior. The research aims to describe perceived body image and eating behavior of high school female adolescents and find the correlation between these variables.Method: The research applied a cross-sectional design and chose respondents purposively with inclusion criteria i.e., female adolescents at 1st and 2nd grade from four different high schools in Palembang. About 138 respondents completed the questionnaires of body image and eating behavior. The data were analyzed using a chi-square test on SPSS Application.Results: The majority of respondents (55.80%) were not satisfied with their own body shape. Above 15%  were on a diet. However, the respondents’ perception of body image was mostly classified as positive (54.35%), and they also had good eating behavior (56.52%). Body image significantly impacted eating behavior (p = 0.035). Those with positive body image are possibly at 2.210 times chances of having good eating behavior (95%CI: 1.112 – 4.391). Female adolescents have to build self-appreciation, not only based on their physical appearance. The health nutritionists should work together with the government to facilitate them to practice healthy eating behavior which may improve their nutrition status.
Intervensi pada perilaku bidan tentang pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini dengan menggunakan layanan pesan singkat Widya Lionita; Ova Emilia; Trisasi Lestari
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM) Vol 33, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1005.796 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bkm.11653


Intervention on midwife behavior about early initiation of breastfeeding practice using short message servicePurposeThis research examined the effects of an intervention by delivering short message service towards midwife behavior.MethodsThis research was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post test design using control group. A total of 64 midwives in Palembang participated until data extraction. About 18 themes of short messages were delivered through participants’ mobile phone. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and linear regression tests.ResultsResults showed that the intervention improved early breastfeeding perceptions by about 7.3% (p= 0.0308). Participants’ knowledge was increased after intervention although there was no significant mean difference between groups. Almost all participants (over 80%) practiced imperfect early breastfeeding, especially in giving information since antenatal care, short-duration, and directing baby for sucking mother’s nipple.ConclusionNot all of participants facilitated early breastfeeding in every birth because of other factors such as unsupported mother and infant’s condition. Early initiation of breastfeeding is not easily implemented by health staff. It is better that midwives could motivate mothers to breastfeed within 1 hour since antenatal care. The important keys are having high commitment and confidence which contribute to midwives’ belief for practicing every step in every birth. We concluded that this research should be continued for long-term-analysis to give more significant results.