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Katalogis Vol 9, No 3 (2021): September
Publisher : Katalogis

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This article problem: 1). What is the form of community struggle to build Pasangkayu into a Regency? 2). How is the social condition of the community after the formation of Pasangkayu district? 3) How is the development of the community after changing the name of North Mamuju to Pasangkayu district? The objectives of this article are: 1). Describe the form of community struggle in building Pasangkayu into a district and 2). Describe the condition of the community after the formation of Pasangkayu district and 3). Describes the development of society after changing the name of North Mamuju district to Pasangkayu. This research method uses historical research methods, namely 1. Heuristics (data collection). 2. Source criticism is divided into two types, namely external and internal criticism. 3. Interpretation (data analysis) of various information that has been obtained from various sources. 4. Historiography is intended to write historical events in the form of scientific works by using language and descriptive explanations. The results showed that the formation of North Mamuju Regency was based on factors of natural resources and the inability of the community to see the services of Mamuju Regional Government which were favoritism in nature. Finally, a movement initiated by the people of Sarudu Village was carried out, so a forum called KAPKP (Action Committee for the Establishment of Pasangkayu District) was formed to fight for these ideals. The climax of the struggle, on July 4, 2002, was declared its division with North Luwu district.
Menjaga Warisan Bangsa: Upaya Perlindungan terhadap Tinggalan Megalitik di Kabupaten Sigi Sulawesi Tengah Husain, Sarkawi B.; Rabani, La Ode; Haliadi, Haliadi; Rijal, Andi Syamsu
Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Pelestarian Budaya dan Transformasi Sosial
Publisher : Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jscl.v8i2.59629


Central Sulawesi is renowned for its abundance of vital megalithic remnants, with Poso and Sigi districts standing out as key areas with thousands of such remains. This article delves into the endeavors aimed at safeguarding these megalithic remnants, particularly those located in Sigi Regency, notably in Watunonju Village of Sigi Kota District and Loru Village of Sigi Bureaumaru District, commonly referred to as Watunonju. Many of the megalithic remnants preserved in these areas are stone mortars, locally known as "vatunonju". Preserving this invaluable heritage requires concerted protection efforts, including reinforcing customary laws that dictate fines for any damage inflicted upon the sites, elevating the status of these sites to a higher level, both provincially and nationally, and establishing and engaging a community dedicated to the conservation of megalithic remnants and other historical artifacts.
Museum of Weapons as a History Learning Resource in Palu City Abdullah, Amirah Mahmud; Najamuddin, Lukman; Haliadi, Haliadi; Latief, Juraid Abdul
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 1 № 02 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v1i02.94


The Museum of Weapons, located in the heart of Palu, is an important learning resource for the next generation, ensuring that the values of the cultural legacy bequeathed by the warrior heroes of Tanah Kaili are not forgotten. Learning the history of the Guma weapon used by Tanah Kaili soldiers at the Weapons Museum is necessary to instill pride in the younger generation in the heroes who have battled. Not forgetting their own region's past, but yet not being blind to it. The Museum of Weapons is expected to educate the future generation about the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of Guma weapons. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection techniques used in this research are; observation, interviews, and documents. Then the data is processed by reducing data, presenting data, and verifying data/conclusion. The findings indicate that the Guma Museum is unique in that the historical sources that have formed collections of items (artifacts) are traditional weaponry. There are 42 different kinds of traditional weapons on display. This museum, which is used as a source of studying history, has proven to be helpful in raising the historical consciousness of students in Palu City. Learning about traditional weapons in Tanah Kaili through educational travel to the Weapons Museum inspired students to be proud, responsible, and obligated to protect and preserve cultural heritage objects left by Tanah Kaili's warrior ancestors. This is what raises pupils' historical awareness in Palu City.
The influence of the Think Pair Share model assisted by Quizizz learning media on results studying social studies Ahmad, Nur Hayati; Haliadi, Haliadi; Hasdin, Hasdin
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 2 № 02 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v2i02.817


Education That must walk For guard sustainability life human, because without education No will There is transformation knowledge as well as social values and norms from generation old to generation young. Based on exposure the can stated that function education is a very important process and not Can free from life man. Formulation problem How application of the Think Pair Share learning model, How use of learning media interactive Quizizz, How results Study students ' eyes social studies lessons, Is There is the influence of the Think Pair Share model assisted by Quizizz learning media on results studying social studies in Class IV Cluster II Sombori Island Regency Morowali. Research purposes Analyze the influence of the Think Pair Share model assisted by Quizizz learning media on results studying social studies in Class IV Cluster II Sombori Island Regency Morowali. Types of research This is quantitative. Study quantitative can interpreted as method Research based on philosophy​ positivism, used For research on populations or sample certain. According to Sugiyono (2022) method Study experiment is method Research conducted​ with experiment, which is used For know influence variable independent ( treatment ) towards variable dependent ( result ) in controlled conditions.​ Research result Something instrument is said to be valid if instrument the can measure what it should be be measured. Validation process instrument study This carried out by expert validators.
Analysis of the Snowball Throwing Learning Model Assisted by Canva Media on Social Studies Learning Outcomes Erni, Erni; Haliadi, Haliadi; Hasdin, Hasdin
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 2 № 02 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v2i02.818


Education in the era of globalization   This   is   very important thing   in prepare Quality Human Resources​​ To use ensure sustainability development something nation. Formulation problem How application of the Snowball Throwing learning model, How How to use Canva media results Study students ' eyes social studies lesson in class IV, Is it There is the influence of the Snowball Throwing learning model assisted by Canva media on results studying social studies in Class IV of SDN 2 Bahonsuai. Research purposes Analyze the influence of the assisted Snowball Throwing learning model canva to results Study student eye social studies lessons in class IV of SDN 2 Bahonsuai. Types of research This is quantitative. Study quantitative can interpreted as method research based on philosophy​ positivism, used For research on populations or sample certain. Population and sample This aimed at 2 different classes as object study experiment. Research results Reliability test results refers to the extent of a test can produce consistent and reliable results​​​ from time to time.
Information Literacy: Utilization of Taman Budaya and Museum UPT Towards Motivation for Learning History Latief, Juraid Abdul; Haliadi, Haliadi; Muchlis, Anna Asriani; Afni, Nur
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 2 № 02 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v2i02.824


Information literacy learning is very important for teachers and students to improve understanding and skills related to digital media. Learning activities and motivation become triggers for certain behaviors and attitudes and giving a resistance orientation will lead to persistence and not giving up easily getting results. This research introduces museums to students as a learning resource and reference. This type of research is qualitative. The public is invited to participate in interviews and observations, providing information, opinions and perceptions to understand social phenomena from one's point of view. The results show the extent to which management of cultural parks and museums encourages the use of information technology to attract visitors to educational institutions. Providing detailed information about museum collections and exhibits related to historical themes can help curators of cultural parks and museums motivate students to learn more. This is useful for engineering practitioners because it assists the public in exploring museum collections through newspapers, brochures, magazines, websites of cultural parks and museums, as well as online social media.
Influence of a Culture of Honesty and Exemplary Teachers on Student Character at Watuwali State Elementary School Kusumo, Triswohadi; Lukman, Lukman; Haliadi, Haliadi
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 2 № 03 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v2i03.1069


This research discusses the influence of a culture of honesty and teacher example on the character of students at Watuwali State Elementary School. The method in this research is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The population in this study was all Watuwali State Elementary School students for the 2023/2024 academic year, totaling 62 people. The instruments used in this research were an honest culture questionnaire, a teacher exemplary questionnaire, and a student character questionnaire. Based on the results of partial statistical analysis between honest culture and student character, the value obtained is tcount = 4.984 and ttable = 1.671 (tcount > ttable) and a significant value of 0.000 (0.000<0.05) so it can be partially concluded that there is an influence of honest culture on student character. The results of partial statistical analysis between teacher example and student character showed tcount = 5.066 and ttable = 1.671 (tcount > ttable) and a significant value of 0.000 (0.000<0.05) so it can be concluded that partially there is an influence of teacher example on student character. The results of the regression analysis show that the value of Fcount = 12.633 Ftable = 3.15 (Fcount > Ftable) and a significant value of 0.000 (0.000<0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the culture of honesty and teacher example on the character of students in state elementary schools. Watuwali academic year 2023/2024.
Conflict Between Local Leagues in District Expansion in Central Sulawesi: Case Study in Banggai Islands and Parigi Moutong Haliadi, Haliadi; Najamuddin, Lukman; Windayanti, Windayanti
MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Muharrik: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/muharrik.v7i1.4842


This research aims to outline the process of prosecuting expansion as a demand for regional autonomy in Banggai Islands Regency and Parigi Moutong Regency, explaining the comparison of horizontal and vertical conflicts in the implementation of regional autonomy in Banggai Islands Regency and Parigi Moutong Regency, and analyzing the involvement of local figures in expansion and conflict resolution in Banggai Regency Parigi Moutong Islands and Regency. This research uses historical methodology by collecting (heuristics), source criticism, and classifying and analyzing various social problems in the conflict and molibu culture of the Kaili community, Central Sulawesi. This research analysis uses a case study approach. The theories used in analyzing the results of this research are decentralization theory, regional autonomy and conflict theory. The research stages use historical methodology with four essential stages: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the research found that the conflict that occurred in Banggai Islands Regency was a conflict over the placement of the capital city, which should have been in Banggai City and then moved to Salakan Peling Island, while in Parigi Moutong Regency, it was a structural conflict in the Donggala Regency DPRD with the Gempar Parigi Moutong Group.
Karakteristik Ulama Penyiar Agama Islam di Palu Haliadi, Haliadi
PUSAKA Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Pusaka Jurnal Khazanah Keagamaan
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31969/pusaka.v9i1.484


Agama Islam yang masuk ke wilayah Palu Sulawesi Tengah di Indonesia dilakukan oleh ulama-ulama dari berbagai pelosok Nusantara. Ulama yang mengembangkan Islam di Palu berlangsung dalam tiga periode, yakni periode Islam mitologis, Islam Ideologis, dan Islam Ilmupengetahuan. Islam mitologis dilakukan oleh Abdullah Raqiy dari Minangkabau, Daeng Konda dari Mandar, dan Syekh Lokiya dari Donggala, sementara Islam ideologi dikembangkan oleh La Iboerahima Wartabone dari Gorontalo termasuk Ahmad Lagong dari Wajo, Yodo Rajalangi dari Mandar, Sayyed Aqil Al Mahdali dari Hadramaut, Sayyed Baharullah Al Aidid dari Cikoang Makassar, La Satande Dunia dari Tatanga Palu, Yojofuri dari Besusu Palu, Pue Lasadindi dari Enu. Kemudian Islam Ilmu pengetahuan dilanjutkan oleh Sayyed Idrus bin Salim Al Jufri dari Hadramaut, Imam Lapeo dari Mandar, Rusdi Toana dari Palu, dan Ambo Dalle dari Barru. Ulama-ulama Islam di Lembah Palu mengembangkan Islam secara Sufisme dan Syariat serta menjadi pemicu perjuangan Islam menentang Kolonialisme Belanda di Abad ke-20. Tulisan ini menggunakan metodologi sejarah.
Sejarah SMP Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu 1992-2022 Fadel, Mohammad; Haliadi, Haliadi; Suyuti, Suyuti; Nuraedah, Nuraedah; Misna, Misna
Journal on Education Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Journal on Education: Volume 7 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v7i1.6880


This research aims to solve problems regarding (1) Describing the history of the founding of Al-Azhar Mandiri Middle School Palu, (2) Outlining the carrying capacity of historical values ​​of "kealazharan" as the basis of education at Al-Azhar Mandiri Middle School Palu, and (3) Analyzing policies regarding the cultural rules of etiquette and school social life rules at Al-Azhar Mandiri Middle School, Palu. This research is qualitative research that uses a historical approach. The research subjects were the Director of the Al-Azhar Foundation as the founder, teachers/staff and former teachers, as well as several alumni students from Al-Azhar Mandiri Middle School, Palu. The type of data used in this research is qualitative research, with data collection methods based on documents, archives, interviews, direct observation, observations and other supporting physical devices. The research results obtained are (1) The history of the founding of Al-Azhar Mandiri Pau Middle School is a form of thought by Abdul Basit Arsyad which was initiated by his own father, namely KH. Rustam Arsyad in creating the Al-Azhar Diniyah study park, after which it changed to Al-Azhar Ibtidayah Madrasah, until now it has become a formal education with the name Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu Middle School; (2) The carrying capacity of historical values ​​of "kealazharan" as the basis of education at Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu Middle School is marked by the basic thoughts of KH's ancestors. Rustam Arsyad who continues to adhere to scientific principles held as a form of thought by a figure named Said Idrus bin Salim Aljufri (or known as the Old Teacher) in building schools; (3) The policy regarding the cultural regulations for etiquette and school social life rules at Al-Azhar Mandiri Middle School in Palu is contained in a policy made in the form of rules which are intended as signs for students (i) to submit and pronounce their behavior, sayings and act in order to create a school climate and culture that can support effective learning activities, both within the school environment and outside the school