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Assistance of health cadres to improve the ability of tuberculosis contact investigation Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa; Dewi Nurviana Suharto; Raden Bagus Bambang Hermanto; Ni Nyoman Aldina
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 11 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.831 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.5795


Indonesia menempati urutan kedua dengan jumlah Tuberkulosis (TBC) terbanyak didunia. Investigasi kontak merupakan salah satu strategi eliminasi TBC yang dapat dilakukan oleh kader kesehatan namun kader belum mampu melakukan investigasi kontak TBC di masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kader dalam melakukan investigasi kontak TBC. Metode pengabdian yaitu kegiatan pendampingan berupa orientasi, simulasi dan praktek. Hasil kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader kesehatan dalam melakukan investigasi kontak TBC sehingga kader memiliki kemampuan dan dapat berperan aktif dalam melakukan investigasi kontak untuk penemuan terduga TBC secara dini.
Penerapan Birth Ball Exercise Terhadap Kontrol Nyeri pada Asuhan Keperawatan Ibu Intranatal Care Kala I di Puskesmas Kayamanya Nurul Aulia Putri Ningsih; Nirva Rantesigi; Dewi Nurviana Suharto
Madago Nursing Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/mnj.v3i2.1558


Introduction : Labor and birth are normal physiological events. First stage of labor (opening stage) begins when there are regular contractions and increases until complete dilatation. One of the problems that arise in childbirth is pain. So, because of these conditions, it is necessary to intervene to control pain by giving birth ball exercise therapy. For the application of intranatal care for mothers with the first stage at the Kayamanya Public Health Center. The measuring instrument used to measure pain is the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Method : Research Method That is using descriptive method with case study approach. Result : The results showed that birth ball exercise can control labor in first stage intranatal care mothers. The application of birth ball exercise can control labor pain in 1st stage of intranatal nursing care. Conculsion : It is expected that patients can perform birth exercises independently according to what has been taught by researchers..
Program Pendampingan Keluarga Bermasalah Kesehatan sebagai Upaya Percepatan Penurunan Stunting Fahmi Hafid; Nasrul Nasrul; Nurjaya Nurjaya; Amsal Amsal; Nurfatimah Nurfatimah; Tjitrowati Djaafar; Herlina Susanto Sunuh; Artika Dewie; Andi Fatmawati Syamsu; Hadriani Hadriani; Dwi Yogyo Suswinarto; Lisnawati Lisnawati; Mardiani Mangun; Fitria Masulili; Baiq Emy Nurmalisa; Sri Restu Tempali; Helena Pangaribuan; Lindanur Sipatu; Fransisca Noya; Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa; Dewi Nurviana Suharto
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Oktober - Desember
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1382.572 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v3i4.1647


The prevalence of stunting in Sigi Regency showed an increase from year to year by 27.67% to 40.7%. The problem of stunting is a multidimensional problem that requires efforts from all parties to overcome it. One of the activities that can be done is to provide assistance to families with health problems or families at risk of stunting so that families can identify, assess, and take action independently accompanied by health workers. The implementation of this activity starts from 22-28 October 2022 in Beka Village, Marawola District. The socialization of the activity was attended by 50 people consisting of the village government, community leaders, PKK women, posyandu cadres, and target families. The targets of this activity are families with stunted children, pregnant women, teenagers/productive age, or breastfeeding mothers. His service activities include measuring body length/height, counseling on stunting, providing additional food, providing developmental stimulation, assisting cadres in filling out KMS, and KB MKJP education for mothers. The results of this activity program were very well appreciated by the local government, there was a change in knowledge about stunting, families who received assistance were very accepting of this activity and realized the importance of preventing stunting from the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK). It is hoped that this activity can take place continuously, families and communities can be independent in preventing stunting. ABSTRAK Prevalensi stunting di Kabupaten Sigi menunjukkan kenaikan dari tahun ke tahun sebesar 27,67% menjadi 40,7%. Masalah stunting merupakan masalah multidimensional sehingga butuh upaya dari semua pihak untuk mengatasinya. Salah satu kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan adalah melakukan pendampingan kepada keluarga dengan masalah kesehatan atau keluarga dengan risiko stunting sehingga keluarga bisa mengenali, menilai, dan melakukan tindakan secara mandiri yang didampingi oleh tenaga kesehatan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dimulai dari tanggal 22-28 Oktober 2022 di Desa Beka Kecamatan Marawola. Sosialisasi kegiatan dihadiri 50 orang yang terdiri dari pemerintah desa, tokoh masyarakat, ibu PKK, kader posyandu, dan keluarga sasaran. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah keluarga yang memiliki anak stunting, ibu hamil, remaja/usia produktif, atau ibu menyusui. Kegiatan pengabdiannya berupa pengukuran panjang badan/tinggi badan, penyuluhan tentang stunting, pemberian makanan tambahan, pemberian stimulasi perkembangan, pendampingan kader dalam pengisian KMS, dan edukasi KB MKJP kepada ibu. Hasil dari program kegiatan ini sangat diapresiasi dengan baik oleh pemerintah setempat, adanya perubahan pengetahuan tentang stunting, keluarga yang mendapatkan pendampingan pun sangat menerima dengan baik kegiatan ini dan menyadari pentingnya pencegahan stunting dari 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK). Diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat berlangsung secara kontinyu, keluarga dan masyarakat bisa mandiri dalam pencegahan stunting.
Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist) Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED Periode Januari - April 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.837 KB) | DOI: 10.36911/pannmed.v16i1.1031


Jantung merupakan organ pertama dan terpenting dalam system sirkulasi. Fungsi jantung dalam system sirkulasi adalah memompa darah keseluruh tubuh untuk memenuhi kebutuhan metabolism tubuh baik pada saat istirahat maupun melakukan aktifitas. Congestive Heart Failure adalah suatu keadaan dimana jantung tidak mampu untuk memompa darah yang adekuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jaringan akan oksigen dan nutrisi. Masalah yang sering muncul pada pasien Congestive Heart Failure salah satunya adalah dyspnea..Penatalaksaan dyspnea diantaranya menggunakan pendekatan farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Salah satu pendekatan non farmakologis adalah deep breathing exercise dan aktivitas bertahap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi studi literatur yang berhubungan dengan deep breating exercise dan aktifitas bertahap dalam menurunkan dyspnea pada pasien CHF. Metode Penelusuran yang digunakan dalam studi literatur ini yaitu Publish Or Perish, Google Scholar, dan Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia. Ada 6 jurnal yang diidentifikasi dan diterbitkan dari 2015-2020. Hasil dari jurnal menunjukan bahwa deep breathing exercise dan aktivitas bertahap mampu menurunkan dyspnea pada pasien CHF. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini bisa menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan bagi pembaca dan dapat diterapkan pada intervensi-intervensi mandiri keperawatan.
The Effect of Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera) Juice to Prevent Stunting Dewi Nurviana Suharto; Nirva Rantesigi
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v9i2.460


Aims: One of the problems due to lack of chronic nutrient intake in toddlers is stunting. Stunting can be prevented by fulfilling nutritional intake with nutrient-rich foods such as date juice, because date juice is a good source of carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, and dietary fiber to meet the body's nutritional needs, especially in toddlers. This study aims to determine the effect of date juice on the prevention of stunting in children under five. Methods: The research design used was quasi-experimental with a two group Pretest-Posttest control group design. A total of 78 children under five who were measured for length and weight consisted of 34 people in the intervention group by giving date juice and 34 people in the control group without giving date juice. Result: The study was conducted for 3 months. After the intervention, the average body length and body weight in the intervention group increased to 12.91 for body length and 87.67 for body weight. While body length and body weight in the control group did not experience significant changes. The results of the paired t test showed a significant p-value of (<0.05) while in the control group the p value was> 0.05, meaning that there was no change in body length and body weight in the control group. Conclusion: This study shows that date juice has an effect in preventing stunting. Based on the results of this study, nurses need to maximize stunting prevention education by meeting nutritional needs by consuming nutrient-rich foods such as date juice.
Workshop Pencucian Luka Kaki Diabetik Menggunakan Bahan Alam bagi Perawat di Puskesmas Mapane, Kabupaten Poso, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa; Dewi Nurviana Suharto; Supirno Supirno
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Januari-Maret
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.624 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v4i1.1640


Wound care of diabetic foot ulcer by Public Health Center nurses still use povidone iodine and rivanol which are toxic to tissues. Innovations in wound care including the use of natural materials have been proven to be effective in accelerating the healing of diabetic foot ulcers. This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of Public Health Center nurses in wound care using natural materials. The implementation method, namely workshops and wound care practices using natural materials, was held for 1 day on July 11 2022 at the Mapane Health Center. The target was Public Health Center nurses, totaling 28 participant. The form of evaluation is measuring the knowledge and skills of nurses before and after the activity. The results showed that the participants knowledge increased from 60.7% to 89.3% and the average skill score increased from 9.04 to 16.14. The conclusion is that after the workshop activities there was an increase in the knowledge and skills of Public Health Center nurses for wound care using natural materials. Suggestions for Public Health Center nurses to be able to utilize natural materials in the diabetic foot wound care.
Pembentukan GELAS KACA (Gerakan Lansia Kelola, Adaptasi, Cegah dan Tangguh) Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Dewi Nurviana Suharto; Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): April-Juni
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (597.589 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v4i2.1643


The increase in the number of COVID-19 cases took place quite quickly, and spread to various districts in Indonesia in a short time including Poso Regency. The elderly and those with comorbidities are at risk of contracting and experiencing worse complications due to COVID-19. Therefore, it is very important to prevent transmission through promotive and preventive efforts to the elderly, both at the family, community and health facilities levels. To achieve this, one of them is through the establishment of GELAS KACA (Gerakan Elderly Manage, Adapt, Prevent and Resilient), which aims to increase the knowledge of the elderly in preventing the transmission of COVID-19. The problems that the elderly do not know how to manage illness during the pandemic, the elderly feel stressed because they have to stay at home, only health services are carried out if it is really important, the observation results show that there are also some elderly people who are afraid to go to health services for fear of being diagnosed with COVID -19. This is the basis for the implementation of the service which aims to establish GELAS KACA (The Elderly Movement for Managing, Adapting, Preventing and Resilient). The service is carried out by providing education on preventing COVID-19 transmission, self-management, adapting new habits and stress management, then evaluating the knowledge of the elderly after being given education. The results of the service showed that knowledge increased to 95%, psychosocial problems obtained were neurosis symptoms as much as 100%.
Penerapan Aroma Therapy Bunga (rose centifolia) dan Pijat Bayi Terhadap Durasi Tidur Bayi Usia 3-12 Bulan di RSUD Poso: Application Of Rose Flower Aromatherapy (Rose Centifolia) And Infant Massage On Sleep Duration Of Infants Aged 3-12 Months Niluh Cindy; Dewi Nurviana Suharto
Madago Nursing Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/mnj.v4i1.1996


Introduction: The impact of sleep disturbances in infants is that the baby becomes often awake and fussy. The importance of sleep time in infants, then the duration of sleep in infants must be completely fulfilled so as not to adversely affect their development. One of the nursing interventions to treat sleep disorders in infants is massage and rose aroma therapy. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of nursing care with massage interventions and rose aroma therapy to increase infant sleep duration. Method : Descriptive research methods with a case study approach. Results : the patient's mother said her child had a cough with phlegm, fever for 3 days, the patient was fussy and restless, the patient slept only ± 8 hours a day, the patient often woke up at night due to coughing, the patient was difficult to sleep well, the patient's face looked pale, often seen yawning, temperature: 38.9 ° C RR 46x / min, pulse 120x / min, there are additional ronchi breath sounds, nursing diagnosis of airway clearance, hyperthermia, sleep pattern disorders. Nursing interventions for airway management, warm compresses, massage therapy and aromatherapy. Implementation of chest physiotherapy measures as well as giving 1ml combiven nebulizer + 2ml Nacl and suctioning. Giving tepid water sponge, doing baby massage and giving rose aroma therapy. The results of the evaluation of the patient's sleep increased from 8 hours to 12 hours a day, the patient was calm, the patient woke up at night only asking for milk and after waking up the patient could fall asleep again, coughing with phlegm was reduced, vesicular breath sounds, temperature: 37°C, RR: 38x/min. Conclusion: giving baby massage and rose aroma therapy can increase the duration of infant sleep. nurses can provide baby massage combined with rose aroma therapy to increase the duration of infant sleep.
Pelayanan Kesehatan pada Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Madago Tentena Agusrianto Agusrianto; Rosamey Elleke Langitan; Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa Manggasa; Dewi Nurviana Suharto; Metrys Ndama; Nirva Rantesigi; Ni Made Ridla Nilasanti Parwata; Raden Bagus Bambang Hermanto
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Oktober - Desember
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v4i4.2877


Elderly individuals generally undergo various physical and health changes. They tend to be more susceptible to various chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and neurological disorders like dementia. Therefore, they require specialized care and ongoing monitoring. These efforts can help prevent diseases and enhance the quality of life for the elderly. Some of the main issues frequently faced by elderly individuals living in nursing homes are related to their health, including chronic diseases, mental disorders, and physical decline. The goal of this community service is to make a tangible contribution to improving elderly healthcare services through collaboration between the community service team and the staff of the independent living facility.The target of this community service team is 63 elderly individuals residing at PTSW Madago Tentena. The results of the community service activities indicate that most of the elderly residents at PTSW suffer from chronic diseases, including 13 individuals (20.64%) with diabetes mellitus, 41 (65.1%) with hypertension, 2 (3.2%) with severe cognitive impairment, and 5 (7.9%) with mild cognitive impairment. The health status is categorized as severe for 8 (12%), moderate for 30 (48%), and mild for 25 (40%). Therefore, the outcomes of this community service can serve as a reference for the nursing home staff to strive for improved health among the elderly and collaborate with other institutions to provide healthcare services in the facility.