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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of HIV/AIDS Members and Nonmembers Kelompok Siswa Peduli AIDS dan Narkoba I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wiriyana; Diffah Hanim; Anik Lestari
Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background: HIV/AIDS is a contagious disease that attacks the immune system so the body becomes extremely vulnerable to infection of other diseases. Kelompok Siswa Peduli AIDS dan Narkoba (KSPAN) is formed to increase psychomotor aspects and life skills of students in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. This study aimed to determine whether there are differences knowledge and attitudes into practice of HIV/AIDS on members and nonmembers of Kelompok Siswa Peduli AIDS dan Narkoba. Methods: This study was an observational study with cross sectional analytic. Sampling was done by multi stage random sampling with a sample of 186 high school students in Denpasar. Data were collected through filling questionnaires-related knowledge, attitudes and practice, then analyzed the differences between members and nonmembers KSPAN used chi square (x2). Results: The results showed significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practice between members and nonmembers of KSPAN (p<0.001). Conclusions: There were a significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practice of HIV/AIDS on members and nonmembers of KSPAN, where knowledge, attitudes, and practice of the members better than nonmembers of KSPAN. Keyword: HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice
Pengenalan Pola Aritmia Kontraksi Ventrikel Dini pada Elektrokardiogram dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan menggunakan Fitur Interval RR, Gradien Gelombang R, dan QR Rani Sukmawati; N Nuryani; Hery Purwanto; Iwan Yahya; Anik Lestari
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v2i2.1270


Pengenalan pola kontraksi ventrikel dini pada elektrokardiogram (EKG) menggunakan fitur Interval RR, gradien gelombang R, dan QR telah dilakukan dengan jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) yang diimplementasikan pada software MATLAB. Data yang digunakan berasal dari MIT-BIH database. Penelitian ini diawali dengan tahap ekstraksi fitur yang dilakukan untuk menentukan fitur EKG dari hasil rekaman gelombang EKG. Dari ekstraksi fitur didapatkan interval RR normal dan PVC secara berurutan adalah 0,8655 ± 0,1828 detik dan 0,5139 ± 0,0949 detik. Hasil interval gradient gelombang R normal dan PVC secara berurutan adalah 0,6122 ± 0,1735 dan 0,1840 ± 0,0733. Untuk interval QR normal dan PVC secara berurutan adalah 0,0572 ± 0,0180 detik dan 0,0901 ± 0,0265 detik. Tahap selanjutnya adalah tahap pembentukan JST propagasi balik. Hasil pembentukan JST digunakan dalam tahap pelatihan dan pengujian. Tahap pelatihan menggunakan 3% dari jumlah total data, sedangkan 97% dari jumlah total data digunakan untuk tahap pengujian. Kinerja dari metode yang diusulkan ini ditentukan dengan menentukan nilai akurasi hasil pengujian. Dengan tiga fitur EKG (interval RR , gradient gelombang R, dan QR), menunjukkan hasil sensitivitas, spesifisitas, dan akurasi lebih baik dari pada dengan dua fitur (interval RR dan gradient gelombang R). Dengan tiga fitur diperoleh nilai sensitivitas 99,82% spesifisitas 99,48%, dan akurasi 99,38%.
Implementation of the Family Health Promotion Model (FHPM) on Family Commitment in TB Transmission Preventive Action among the Heads of Familiesof TB Patients: A Structural Model Martono Martono; Muhammad Akhyar; Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari; Anik Lestari; Sapja Anantanyu; Retno Setyowati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v4i1.1679


Tuberculosis (TB) transmission prevention centering on family is an effective strategy to suppress the emergence of new clusters of pulmonary TB transmission. The commitment of family heads and several factors are related to this action. This study was conducted to identify, examine, and analyze the determinants of family commitment in preventing the transmission of pulmonary TB. This study applied a quantitative cross-sectional approach to 170 family heads of pulmonary TB patients using proportionate simple random sampling. The family health promotion model (FHPM) was used to analyze family commitment determinants in preventing TB transmission. Data were collected using a questionnaire. SEM analysis was utilized to determine the paths and the relationship between family function, perception of the disease transmission risk, as well as family support, and commitment to action to prevent TB transmission. This study recorded that 50.6% of respondents were male with an average age of 46.75 ± 46 and an age range of 36-55 years, 53% had a high school education; 25.9% were self-employed; had an average decent living need of 1.93 ± 0.85, 75.3% had nuclear family, and 47.1% were from patriarchal family. Model fit was achieved in the structural equation (Chi-square (χ2) = 173.44; df = 71, RMSEA = 0.072≤ 0.08; GFI = 0.90≥ 0.90; RMR = 0.019≤ 0.05; NFI = 0.98≥ 0.90; CFI = 0.99≥ 0.90; TLI = 0.98≥ 0.95; IFI = 0.99≥ 0.90; PGFI = 0.59; PNFI = 0,76). All dimensions and item scales are significantly related to their respective latent constructs. All factors forming the FHPM framework have a significant positive direct effect between latent variables. Factors from the FHPM framework significantly (family function t = 8.74, perception t = 4.46, and family support t = 7.37) have an influence on commitment to action to prevent pulmonary TB transmission. Family function is the most powerful factor explaining commitment to preventive action. This study reveals the paths and influences of family function, perception, and support on a commitment to prevent pulmonary TB transmission through structural model analysis.