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Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 13, No 2 (2012): JEP Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta

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The study intends to describe the participation of farmers in the dryland crop based Land Conservation Index (LCI), describes the factors that affect the implementation of land conservation, and develop models to improve the participation of farmers in land conservation. Research carried out in Sub DAS upstream of Solo river. All of the food crop farmers from the Pundung villages totaling 68 family heads as respondents. The results of a study of farmers in conserving land at a moderate level. Model to improve the implementation of land conservation is increasing: land area, ownership ruminants, a family member who worked, and level of education, and empowerment to increase participation in land conservation in the parameter is still low, namely: planting plants to strengthen terracing, mulching or manure, planting annual crops on sloping land, crop rotation, and a sense of responsibility of farmers.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 13, No 2 (2012): JEP Desember 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v13i2.170


The study intends to describe the participation of farmers in the dryland crop based Land Conservation Index (LCI), describes the factors that affect the implementation of land conservation, and develop models to improve the participation of farmers in land conservation. Research carried out in Sub DAS upstream of Solo river. All of the food crop farmers from the Pundung villages totaling 68 family heads as respondents. The results of a study of farmers in conserving land at a moderate level. Model to improve the implementation of land conservation is increasing: land area, ownership ruminants, a family member who worked, and level of education, and empowerment to increase participation in land conservation in the parameter is still low, namely: planting plants to strengthen terracing, mulching or manure, planting annual crops on sloping land, crop rotation, and a sense of responsibility of farmers.
Line and Color Composition in Lurik Cawas Weaving: Idea from Traditional Lurik Patterns Widiastuti, Theresia; Rizali, Nanang; Anantanyu, Sapja; Waluyo, Sugeng Edi
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences (IRJMIS) Vol 4 No 1: January 2017
Publisher : IJCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21744/irjmis.v4i1.338


Javanese lurik is weaved fabric with striped motives, and it has very simple appearance. In the past, lurik only used two colors, namely: black and white. But, as it develops, some of lurik fabrics use more than two colors, and one of the colors usually still consists of black or white color. After lurik becomes one of the prosper trading commodities, the artisans attempt to make lurik more appealing and varying in term of appearance so that it will be favored by consumers. The objective of this research is to investigate how the artisans can develop lurik patterns to stay appealing. This paper used the qualitative research with the case study strategy and phenomenological approaches. The study aims at understanding the methods employed by artisans in Cawas Klaten in developing lurik patterns. The result of the study show that (1) lurik pattern has been developed by using various alternatives of line composition and color coherence; (2) the idea of development comes from traditional lurik patterns which already existed long time ago; and (3) line and color composition used a minimum of three colors so that it looks like a rainbow, and this kind of lurik pattern becomes the characteristic of modern weaved fabric from Cawas.
Path Analysis: Knowledge, Motivation Factor, and Their Relationship with Readiness to Provide Exclusive Breastfeeding among Pregnant Women Mulyani, Sri; Subiyanto, AA; Anantanyu, Sapja; Respati, Supriyadi Heri; Wiboworini, Budiyanti
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences (IRJMIS) Vol 4 No 1: January 2017
Publisher : IJCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21744/irjmis.v4i1.340


Women who prepare early will be better prepared both physically and psychologically to breastfeed exclusively. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the motivation variable as a mediator of the relation between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding. The study was observational, A total of 150 respondents, These three variables, namely knowledge, motivation, and readiness in exclusive breastfeeding, measured by the enclosed questionnaire. Correlation between variables was analyzed with path analysis. The relation between variables in all three models was significant (p <0.001), whereas the relation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding is not significant (1b = 0.142; p = 0.092). The relation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding changed from the first model, into the fourth model. Besides there is a decline in the path coefficient of 0,302 became 0,142, the relation also becomes insignificant. This shows that the fourth mediation relationship condition is fulfilled. Pregnant women motivation exclusively breastfed mediates the relationship between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with maternal readiness in exclusive breastfeeding.
Kebiasaan Makan, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Indeks Massa Tubuh Mahasiswa S-1 UNS Nurkhopipah, Aisyah; Probandari, Ari Natalia; Anantanyu, Sapja
Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.728 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ijhn.2017.004.02.6


 AbstrakBagian penting dari mahasiswa adalah mereka mengalami masa transisi kuat dengan perubahan lingkungan yang ditandai dengan pola makan yang tidak sehat dan kurang aktivitas fisik yang menempatkan mahasiswa pada risiko yang lebih besar dari kenaikan berat badan . Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas terjadi pada mahasiswa, menurut Centers for Disease Control (CDC), prevalensi obesitas pada mahasiswa laki-laki adalah 29,5% dan pada mahasiswa perempuan sebesar 32,6%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kebiasaan makan dan aktivitas fisik dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh  mahasiswa  S-1 UNS. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa program studi S-1 UNS pada tahun 2016 yaitu sejumlah 24.826 orang. Data dianalisis dengan chi square dan regresi logistic multinomial. Hasil uji korelasi chi square, menunjukkan bahwa Kebiasaan Makan tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan IMT Normal - Kurus ataupun IMT Normal - Gemuk (p = 0,193 & p = 0,446), sedangkan Aktivitas Fisik mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan IMT Normal - Gemuk (p = 0,029), tetapi tidak berhubungan dengan IMT normal-kurus.(p= 0,655).Kata Kunci : Kebiasaan Makan; Aktivitas Fisik; mahasiswa; IMTAbstractThe important part of the students is that they experience a strong transition period with environmental changes characterized by an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity that puts students at greater risk of weight gain. Overweight and obesity occurs in college students, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the prevalence of obesity in male students is 29.5% and in female students 32.6%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between eating habits and physical activity with the body mass index of S-1 UNS students. Type of observational analytic research with Cross Sectional approach. The subjects of this study are all students of S-1 UNS program in 2016 that is 24,826 people. Data were analyzed by chi square and multinomial logistic regression. The result of chi square correlation test showed that Eating Habits did not correlate significantly with Normal BMI - Thin or Normal BMT - Overweight (p = 0,193 & p = 0,446), whereas Physical Activity had significant relation with Normal BMT – Overweight  (p = 0,029 ), But not related to normal BMI-thin (p = 0.655)..Keywords: Eating Habits; Physical Activity; student college; BMI
Hubungan Teknik, Frekuensi, Durasi dan Asupan Energi Ibu Menyusui Eksklusif dengan Berat Badan Bayi Usia 1-6 Bulan di Kecamatan Tasikmadu Kabupaten Karanganyar Sari, Dewi Kartika; Tamtomo, Didik Gunawan; Anantanyu, Sapja
Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Gizi Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Latar Belakang: Berat badan merupakan indikator pertama dalam menilai pertumbuhan bayi. Upaya untuk meningkatkan berat badan bayi diperlukan gizi yang maksimal dan ASI merupakan makanan utama bagi bayi terutama pada usia 1-6 bulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengnalisis faktor yang berkaitan dengan pemberian ASI dan dilihat pencapaian berat badan. Faktor yang dimaksud meliputi teknik, frekuensi, durasi menyusui dan asupan energi dengan berat badan bayi usia 1-6 bulan. Metode: Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah kohort prostektif karena mengikuti berat badan bayi selama 4 bulan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 1-6 bulan yang diambil secara purposive sampling pada titik awal penelitian berjumlah 60 responden dan dropout sebayak 14 responden sehingga yang dapat dianalisis sebesar 46 responden. Analisis data secara bivariat dilakukan dengan chi square dan multivariate dengan uji regresi logistic ganda. Hasil: Ada hubungan antara teknik menyusui dan berat badan bayi (p=0,003), ada hubungan antara frekuensi menyusui dengan berat badan bayi (p=0,018), ada hubungan durasi menyusui dengan berat badan bayi (p=0,001) dan ada hubungan antara asupan energi dengan berat badan bayi (p= 0,000). Asupan energi merupakan yang paling berpengaruh diantara variabel lainya dengan exp(B) sebesar 38,822 yang berarti jika asupan energi ibu menyusui baik maka beresiko 38,822 kali mengalami kenaikan berat badan. Kesimpulan: Asupan energi merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan dengan berat badan bayi usia 1-6 bulan. Kata Kunci: Teknik Menyusui, Durasi Menyusui, Frekuensi Menyusui, Asupan Energi Ibu menyusui, Berat Badan Bayi
Pengaruh Pendidikan Gizi melalui Teknik Simulasi Monopoli terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Perilaku Mengkonsumsi Protein, dan Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Remaja Putri Anemia Karunia, Yuniarti; Tamtomo, Didik Gunawan; Anantanyu, Sapja
Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Gizi Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Abstrak  Latar Belakang : Masa remaja merupakan masa transisi yang rawan terhadap masalah gizi khususnya anemia. Berbagai pendidikan gizi telah dilakukan, tetapi belum ada terobosan terbaru dalam mengatasi angka kejadian anemia yang cukup tinggi. Melalui pendidikan gizi di sekolah yang dikemas dengan permainan menarik akan menumbuhkan kreativitas (learning by playing). Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan jenis experimental menggunakan rancangan pre-post test with control group. Subjek penelitian remaja putri dengan kadar Hb<12 gr/dl di SMAN 5 dan 6 Kota Madiun. Penentuan tempat penelitian dipilih menggunakan metode Multistage Sampling. Sebanyak 145 siswi dari dua sekolah dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin dan ditemukan 40 anak anemia. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner, wawancara, pengukuran antropometri, dan pemeriksaan kadar hemoglobin dengan metode digital (hemoglobin testing system Quick-Check). Data dianalisis dengan uji t-independent untuk melihat perbedaan pengetahuan, perilaku mengkonsumsi protein, dan kadar hemoglobin. Hasil Penelitian : Ada perbedaan pengetahuan sesudah pendidikan gizi antara kelompok ceramah dan monopoli (p=0.008). Ada perbedaan perilaku konsumsi protein sesudah pendidikan gizi antara kelompok ceramah dan monopoli (p=0.015). Ada perbedaan peningkatan kadar hemoglobin sesudah pendidikan gizi antara kelompok ceramah dan monopoli (p=0.009). Simpulan Penelitian : Pendidikan gizi melalui teknik simulasi monopoli lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, perilaku mengkonsumsi protein, dan kadar hemoglobin dibandingkan metode ceramah.  Kata Kunci : Simulasi monopoli, Pengetahuan, Perilaku Mengkonsumsi Protein, Kadar Hemoglobin
Keragaman pangan, pola asuh makan dan kejadian stunting pada balita usia 24-59 bulan Widyaningsih, Novita Nining; Kusnandar, Kusnandar; Anantanyu, Sapja
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.907 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.7.1.22-29


Background: Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that occurs due to lack of nutrient intake over a long period of time, causing growth disturbances which are marked by an appropriate height for age. The incidence of stunting in toddlers is influenced by the low access to food both in terms of quantity and quality. In addition, it is also influenced by the feeding parenting from the mother, particularly in the feeding practice of the children.Objective: To determine the relationship between food diversity and feeding practice with the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 24-59 months in Bayat Sub-district, Klaten Regency.Method: The study design used was a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted in Bayat Sub-district, Klaten Regency, with a total subject of 100 toddlers aged 24-59 months. The simple random sampling technique was used for sampling. Birth weight and birth length data as seen from KMS book. The food diversity was measured using IDDS (Individual Dietary Diversity Score) questionnaire and feeding practise was obtained through interviews measured using structured questionnaire. The data was then analyzed using bivariate (chi square) and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis.Results: This study showed that the 41% of toddlers aged 24-59 months are stunted. Chi square test showed that there were a relationship between birth length, feeding practice and food diversity with stunting (p ≤ 0.05). The result of multivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between food diversity with stunting (p= 0,029, OR=3,213, 95% Cl: 1,123-9,189).Conclusion: There is a relationship between birth length, feeding practice, and food diversity with stunting. The most dominant risk factor for stunting was food diversity.
Journal of Maternal and Child Health Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Maternal and Child Health

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Background: Pregnancy can cause several bodily changes, both anatomically, physiologically, and biochemically. Mothers' metabolism and food intake will change during pregnancy. Food intake of pregnant women will increase every trimester, so it must be considered because it is not only for herself, but for the fetus she is carrying. Excessive carbohydrate intake has an adverse effect on babies born, lack of excessive intake is also not good. This study aims to analyze the association between nutritional status, carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes of pregnant women with birth weight (BBL).Subjects and Methods: This was a cohort study conducted at community health center in Jember, East Java, from April to June 2019. The sample was randomly selected as many as 120 study subjects. The dependent variable was birth weight (LBW). The independent variables were carbo­hydrate, fat, protein intakes and maternal nutritional status. The data collection technique used was questionnaires and analyzed by path analysis.Results: Birth weight directly increased with the maternal nutritional status (b= 38.65; 95% CI= 24.96 to 53.33; p<0.001) and carbohydrate intake of pregnant women with birth weight (b= 0.53; 95% CI= - 0.48 to 1.54; p= 0.149). Birth weight directly decreased with protein intake (b= -0.53; 95% CI= -3.09 to 2.98; p= 0.729) (b= -0.75; 95% CI= -3.11 to 1.60; p= 0.010). Maternal carbo­hydrate and protein intake had an indirect association and birth weight.Conclusion: There is a direct association between fat intake and maternal nutritional status with birth weight. Nutritional status has a positive effect on birth weight. While fat intake has a negative effect on birth weight. Maternal carbohydrate and protein intake has an indirect effect on birth weight.Keywords: birth weight, macronutrient intake, nutritional statusCorrespondence: Brillia Firsti Winasandis. Masters Program in Nutrition, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: Mobile: +6281331221655.Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 5(1): 1-11
Micronutrients Intake and Mathematics Achievement among Primary School Children in Magelang, Central Java Arika, Romiza; Anantanyu, Sapja; Dewi, Yulia Lanti Retno
Journal of Maternal and Child Health Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Maternal and Child Health

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Background: Micronutrient deficiency in school children is estimated at more than 2 million children. Deficiency of micronutrients causes damage to the physical functioning of children, impaired cognitive function, learning processes that are less than optimal, and poor academic performance. This study aimed to analyze the relationships between iodine, iron, zinc intake, and math achievement primary school children.Subjects and Method: This was an obser­vational analytic study with a cross sectional design. The study was conducted in four elemen­tary schools in Pakis, Magelang, Central Java, from March to April 2019. A sample of 177 stu­dents was selected by simple random sam­pling. The dependent variable was math achieve­ment. The independent variables were iodine, iron, and zinc intakes. The data were collected by question­naire and analyzed by a multiple linear regres­s­ion.Results: Iodine intake (b= 0.02; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.03; p= 0.001) and zinc intake (b= 0.23; 95% CI= 0.04 to 0.41; p= 0.017), and iron intake (b= 0.08; 95% CI= -0.01 to 0.17; p= 0.052) increased math achievement in primary school children.Conclusion: Iodine intake, zinc intake, and iron intake increase math achievement in primary school children.Keywords: iodine, zinc, and iron, math achievement, primary school childrenCorrespondence: Romiza Arika. Masters Program in Nutrition, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: romiza­ +6289506237763. Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 5(2): 182-192
Co-Authors A. A. Subiyanto A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W AA Subiyanto, AA Aditya Nanda Priyatama Agung Wibowo Agung Wibowo Ainina Izzati Aisyah Nurkhopipah, Aisyah Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anik Lestari Ari Natalia Probandari Arika, Romiza Arip Wijianto Arip Wijianto Arip Wijianto Arip Wijianto Atika Adiarsi Budiyanti Wiboworini Budiyanti Wiboworini Cahyo Bagus Tri Nugroho Dany Permana Didik Gunawan Tamtomo Didik Tamtomo, Didik Diffah Hanim Dwiningtyas Padmaningrum, Dwiningtyas Eksa Rusdiyana Emi Widiyanti Eri Virmando Erlin Yusliana Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Fairuz Hanifah Wahyudyanti Fattah Hayu Savitri Grace Nanda Priasti Hanifah Ihsaniyati Ikke Dewi Fortuna, Ikke Dewi Imas Wildan Rafiqah, Imas Wildan Joko Winarno Joko Winarno Khairunnisa, Khadijah khusnul khotimah Kunto Adi Kusnandar Kusnandar kusnandar kusnandar Kusnandar Kusnandar Mala Nurilmala Martono Martono Mei Tri Sundari Miftah Faridl Widhagdha Mohamad Triaji Muhammad Akhyar Muhammad Thonthowi Jauhari Mulyanto Mulyanto Nanang Rizali Novita Nining Widyaningsih nuning setyowati Nur Anisatussyarifah, Nur Nur Rahmawati Okta Andriana Suyadi, Okta Andriana Putri Permatasari Putri Permatasari Putri Permatasari Putri Permatasari, Putri Ravik Karsidi Retno Setyowati Rudy Kurniawan Santoso Santoso Sindi Pembayuning Puji Rahayu Sonia Canda Mahdafika Utami Sri Mulyani Sri Wahyuningsih Sugeng Edi Waluyo, Sugeng Edi Sugihardjo Sugihardjo Sugihardjo Sulistyani Prabu Aji Suminah Suminah Suminah Suminah Suminah Suminah, Suminah Supriyadi Heri Respati Supriyadi Heri Respati, Supriyadi Heri Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono Suwarto Suwarto Suwarto Suwarto Suwarto Suwarto Theresia Widiastuti, Theresia Triaji, Mohamad Uliyanti Uliyanti, Uliyanti Umi Salamah Wida Pradiana Widiyanto Widiyanto Winasandis, Brillia Firsti yulia lanti retno dewi Yulia Rachmawati Yuliani Yuliani Yuniarti Karunia, Yuniarti