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Aplikasi Inventarisasi Aset Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Waterfall Pinem, Sanjaya; Pakpahan, Victor Maruli
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.393 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v5i2.5668


Asset inventory management in SMP Negeri 3 Tanah Jawa, Simalungun Regency, still uses the Microsoft Excel application and manual recording. This causes the data collection to be complicated or difficult to manage because the recording is only done on paper and stored in a file cabinet so it is very difficult to see and report data that has been long. As a result, reporting of goods entering and leaving goods occurs an error and is late. This problem was overcome by designing web-based applications. Applications are built using the waterfall method, starting with data collection through observation and interviews, analyzing system requirements to be evaluated based on system testing. Through this application, the process of recording and reporting asset variation can be accessed easily and in an organized manner.
Retracted: Prakiraan Kebutuhan Energi Listrik Kota Parapat Tahun 2018 - 2022 Sebagai Kawasan Strategis Nasional Danau Toba Victor Maruli Pakpahan; Sanjaya Pinem
Jurnal ELTIKOM : Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/eltikom.v5i1.177


This article has been Retracted due to violations by the authors.
Use Of Microsoft Teams Add-Ons in High Schools: The Effect on Student Learning Outcomes Sanjaya Pinem; Viktor Edison Hutagaol
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Online learning is an essential thing during the covid-19 pandemic. Especially the education sector, whereas almost everything must be put on the online system. Online learning implementation can harm the achievement of student learning outcomes. The SMA Katholik 2 Kabanjahe experienced a decline in their learning outcomes using online learning, far below the standard built from minimum competence for the test scores of mathematics subjects. This study aims to increase student learning outcomes with optimized Microsoft Teams Add-ons in mathematics subjects based on these problems. The type of this research is Classroom Action Research, and the subject of this research is students class X SMA Katholik 2 Kabanjahe with 21 students as participants. Observation student evaluation, an evaluation test, and a questionnaire are used to collect data. The result has shown that students' learning outcomes were significantly improved from the first cycle by 42.85% on average increased to 72.16% in the second cycle. Student's activity also significantly changed from the first cycle by 32.14%, increasing to 72.00% on average from the second cycle. 79.87 % of students gave positive responses and 20.13% for negative responses.
Implementasi Sistem Informasi KRS Online dengan Metode Software Development Life Cycle Model Waterfall Sanjaya Pinem; Viktor Edison Hutagaol; Victor Maruli Pakpahan
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v6i2.9838


Efarina University is one of the universities in North Sumatra that still uses KRS manually. Using Course Selection manually will cause the data not well organized. It will increase the risk of damage and loss of data for active students and alumni, especially now that we have entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, an integrated information system is needed to manage and manage student Course Selection data properly. For that, a method is needed to implement all the processes for creating the application. The method used is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Waterfall model with five (5) fundamental stages, 1) requirements analysis, 2) system design using UML (Unified Modeling Language), 3) implementation of the planned system, 4) evaluation with blackbox testing to ensure the system runs well, and lastly 5) repair (maintenance). With this method, the application runs in line with the previous plan and thus and reduces data loss for course selection. It is also easier for lecturers and students to fill out and implement student course selection administration.
Survey Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sanjaya Pinem; Prily Fitria Aziz
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): October 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.077 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/mudima.v1i1.7


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi siswa saat melakukan pembelajaran online saat pandemi covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode surve dengan 189 mahasiswa dari program studi penerbitan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif. Pengumpulan data yang yang digunakan dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa secara umum memberikan tanggapan positif untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran online. Persepsi positif diberikan oleh mahasiswa yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dibawakan oleh dosen bermanfaat, edukatif dan informatif. Persepsi positif juga diberikan oleh mahasiswa atas penggunaan Google Classroom dan aplikasi Whatsapp Group karena penggunaan kuota data internet yang kecil dan praktis.
Sistem Informasi E-recruitment Seleksi Guru (Studi Kasus Sma Katolik 1 Kabanjahe) Victor Edison Hutagaol; Sanjaya Pinem
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 5 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (993.828 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v5i2.915


E-recruitment Information System that can produce prospective teachers who have high competence is aim of this research. In addition to making it easier for the selection committee to find the best teacher, another advantage is data transparency, so that the results of prospective teachers obtained will be fully objective and transparent. The development of systems with rapid application development (RAD) models was chosen in developing a system built consisting of 4 stages: 1) Phase Requirement Phase, 2) Phase User Design Phase, 3) Phase Construction Phase, 4) Phase Cutover Phase. System design stages are created using unified modelling language (UML), and system implementations are created using the CodeIgniter framework. With the implementation of e-recruitment information system using rapid application development (RAD) system development model can replace manual recruitment system and can be run in organized way.
Pengaruh Penerapan Elearning Berbasis Schoology Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa (Studi Kasus SMK Negeri 1 Kabanjahe) Sanjaya Pinem; Viktor Edison Hutagaol
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 5 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.672 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v5i2.923


Problems during the learning process at SMK Negeri 1 Kabanjahe are students are less attentive and lack understanding in understanding computer subject, especially building LAN networks. Computer Subject is considered one of the most difficult materials to learn, however multimedia major that they choose should use a computer. therefore, relies on the problem, this research aims to improve the students learning outcome, students’ activities during use schoology, and responses of students when using schoology as an elearning method. Type of this research is Classroom Action Research and the subject of this research is students class X Multimedia SMK Negeri 1 Kabanjahe with 26 students as participants. For collecting data this research use observations of student activities, evaluation tests and questionnaires to student. Result shown that students' learning outcomes improved, as shown from percentage students who completed KKM (minimum competence) in first cycle by 30.80% increased to 85% in the second cycle. the percentage of activity in the first cycle by 51.44% increased to 73.08% in the second cycle and the response of the learners in the poll gave a positive response the average percentage was 77.18% and the negative response percentage was 22.82%
Pelatihan Blended Learning pada Guru SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe Sanjaya Pinem; Viktor Edison Hutagaol
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal Vol 4, No 3 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurdimas.v4i3.860


Abstract: Technology information using the internet can benefit educators and provide information to students to transfer knowledge has a very high potential. The purposes of these community service are: (1) to expand the insight, knowledge, and experience directly about the model of blended learning for teachers, especially teachers of Sma Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Teachers can use elearning moodle learning technology. The techniques that are planned to shape the motivation and participation of educators ranging from the benefits of blended learning, and the application of blended learning so that educators in directly implementing it in the classroom. The implementation method starts in a structured manner starting from the initial discussion about blended learning, taking the results of the initial questionnaire, then giving independent tasks to the teachers. This community service was attended by 12 teachers at SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, Kab. Karo. North Sumatra. The important conclusion of this community service is the awareness and ability of educators in using information technology, especially blended learning can increase motivation to educators to provide maximum learning to learners.         Keywords: blended learning; moodle; teaching technologyAbstrak: Teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan internet dapat menguntungkan para pendidik dalam memberikan informasi kepada peserta didik. Pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi mempunyai potensi yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan dari penulisan: (1) memperluas wawasan, pengetahuan dan pengalaman secara langsung tentang model pembelajaran blended learning untuk guru guru khususnya Guru SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Guru–guru dapat menggunakan teknologi pembelajaran elearning moodle. Teknik yang direncanakan untuk membentuk motivasi dan partisipasi tenaga pendidik mulai dari keuntungan blended learning, dan pengaplikasian blended learning sehingga tenaga pendidik dalam langsung mengimplementasikannya di dalam kelas. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai secara terstruktur mulai dari diskusi awal tentang blended learning, mengambil hasil kuesioner awal, selanjutnya memberikan tugas mandiri kepada guru–guru. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 12 guru di SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, kab. Karo. Sumatera Utara. Kesimpulan penting dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya kesadaran dan kemampuan pendidik dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi khususnya blended learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi kepada tenaga pendidik untuk memberikan pembelajaran yang maksimal kepada peserta didik.Kata kunci: blended learning; moodle; teknologi pembelajaran
PKM Pemberdayaan Digital Marketing Pada Usaha Kreatif Brownis Al-Baroroh Di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Prily Fitria Aziz; Sanjaya Pinem; Zalzulifa Zalzulifa
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS Vol 5 No 2 (2022): IKRAITH-ABDIMAS No 2 Vol 5 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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Era Pandemi covid-19 mendorong para pengusaha termasuk juga industri rumahtangga mengadopsi era kebiasaan baru. IRT Al-baroroh dengan fokus usaha browniescokelat juga terdampak covid-19 terutama pada bidang pemasaran. Pelatihan inidiperlukan untuk meningkatakan pengetahuan akan digital marketing yang dapatdigunakan sebagai salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan pemasaran pada era pandemicovid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode partisipatif,dimana pengabdi dan mitra sama-sama ikut serta dari awal sampai akhir. Tahapanpelaksanaan dimulai dari 1). Pembimbingan e-commerce, 2). Program pelatihan fotoproduk, 3). Program pelatihan SEO dan terakhir 4). Evaluasi Penelitian. Hasil daripelatihan ini mitra mampu menguasai penggunaan e-commerce dan jugamemaksimalan pengambilan foto untuk produk dengan aplikasi dan penggunaanGoogle MyBussiness sebagai pengenalan produk mitra pada mesin pencari
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pustakawan Pada Perpustakaan Menggunakan Pieces Framework Diah Amelia; Sanjaya Pinem; Syafriyandi Syafriyandi
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2022): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 6 No 2 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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This study aims at OPAC implementation effect in digital library from the user perspectiveusing PIECES analysis. The object of this research is the library in State Polytechnic of MediaKreatif. Observation, questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect data. Observations areused to see how the existing system works physically, questionnaires are used to collect data thatwill be analyzed further, and interviews are used to support observation and interviews. The dataanalysis technique used in this library research uses descriptive statistical analysis with the averageresults from the PIECES Framework. The results of the study using the PIECES frameworkanalysis found that the performance variable (4.64), information variable (4.35), economy variable(3.47), control variable (3.97), efficiency (4.11), and services (3,83).