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STUDI ETNOBOTANI TUMBUHAN MANGROVE DI KUPANG Anggreini D.N. Rupidara; Wilson L. Tisera; Mellissa E. S. Ledo
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 12 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v12i3.33243


Studi etnobotani berguna untuk menganalisis pemanfaatan jenis dan bagian tumbuhan mangrove secara kuantitatif berdasarkan indeks signifikansi budaya (Index of Cultural Significance) masyarakat pesisir. Penelitian dilakukan di area mangrove Taman Wisata Mangrove Kelurahan Oesapa, Pantai Manikin, Pantai Sulamanda Desa Mata Air, Desa Kelapa Tinggi di Kelurahan Tarus, Desa Oebelo dan Desa Pariti. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survei lapangan, observasi dan teknik wawancara semi-terstruktur tentang tumbuhan, bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan dan cara pengolahan terhadap masyarakat yang ada di sekitar hutan mangrove. Hasil wawancara diperoleh bahwa terdapat 6 (enam) spesies mangrove major, yakni: Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera parviflora, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora apiculata, dan R. mucronata, dan 1 (satu) spesies mangrove asosiasi, yakni Nypa fruticans. Berdasarkan nilai Indeks Signifikansi Budaya (ICS), R. mucronata memiliki nilai ICS tertinggi (708), yaitu sebagai indikator lingkungan (340) dan bahan bangunan (320). A. marina, nilai ICS 114, terutama pemanfaatannya untuk bahan obat (108), dan S. alba bernilai ICS 54, terutama sebagai pengganti sirih (12). Mangrove digunakan sebagai indikator lingkungan, kayu bakar, bahan bangunan, bahan obat, kegiatan pertanian, berkaitan dengan mitos, pengganti sirih, pembuatan garam, bahan perahu, pembuatan sirup dan pakan ternak.
Effectiveness Test Of Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) Fruit Extract As A Liquid Anti- Mosquito On The Development Vector Of Malaria Mosquito (Anopheles sp.) Gregorius Olla; Thobias Hasan; Anggreini D.N Rupidara
Jambura Edu Biosfer Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jambura Edu Biosfer Journal (JEBJ)
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1601.59 KB) | DOI: 10.34312/jebj.v2i2.2590


Rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) (Passifloraceae) is a plant that contains larvicide bioactive compounds, namely acetogenin, polyphenols, ethanol, citric acid, alkaloids, tannins, coumarin, procyanidin, triterpenoids, flavonoids, and saponins (Kaerati dkk, 2015). The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) plant extract as liquid mosquito repellent against the development vector of malaria mosquitoes (Anopheles sp.) and to determine the most effective concentration to produce liquid scale insecticide LAB products.This research was conducted at LAB. Undana Bio-Science Kupang uses a simple experimental RAL method with 4 treatments and 3 replications to obtain 15 experimental units. Variation in concentration of 0% (negative / positive control) 10%, 20%, 40% of 1000 ppm. Data analysis using BSLT probit analysis to determine the LC50 value. The results showed that the administration of rambusa (Passiflora foetida L.) fruit extract effectively killed larva at concentrations 100 ppm by 23,3% from 10 larva, concentration of  200 ppm at 65,7%, from 10 larva,  concentration of 400 ppm at 100% of 10 larva. The results of probit analysis obtained a relationship curve log concentration to the probit value with a linear curve equation y = 8,4x – 13,79. The LC50 value obtained was 173,78 ppm with a significance value of 0,212 0,05 so that the concentration of 173,78 ppm was most effectively used as a liquid insecticide on the LAB scale.
Analisis Kandungan Vitamin C dari Ekstrak Buah Ara (Ficus carica L) dan Markisa Hutan (Passiflora foetida L) James Ngginak; Anggreini Rupidara; Yanti Daud
Jurnal Sains dan Edukasi Sains Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Sains dan Edukasi Sains
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/juses.v2i2p54-59


Vitamin C merupakan salah satu senyawa antioksidan yang efektif dalam menangkal radikal bebas. Komponen ini umumnya terkandung dalam buah-buahan dan sayuran. Buah-buahan yang tumbuh liar seperti buah markisa hutan dan buah ara juga mengandung vitamin C. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kandungan vitamin C pada buah Ara (Ficus carica L) dan Markisa Hutan (Passiflora foetida L) yang tumbuh di area Kupang. metode atau Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode iodometri dan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode iodometri menunjukkan bahwa pada buah Ara (Ficus carica L) mengandung 4,13 mg vitamin C dan buah Markisa Hutan (Passiflora foetida L) mengandung 5,16 mg vitamin C. Analisis menggunakan Spektrofotometri diperoleh kandungan vitamin C pada buah ara 1,244 mg/L serta kandungan vitamin C pada buah markisa hutan 1,904 mg/L. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa buah dari jenis tumbuhan yang tumbuh liar dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan untuk memenuhi asupan vitamin C bagi manusia. Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan uji antioksidan dan uji bakteri dari dua jenis sampel.
Indigenous Biologi : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains Biologi Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Indegenous Biologi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33323/indigenous.v2i2.38


Abstrak Air merupakan bahan yang sangat vital yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan mahkluk hidup di muka bumi ini.Segi kualitas, beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi sebagai air bersih yaitu parameter fisik ,kimia dan biologi.Salah satu mata air yang penggunaannya sangat vital bagi masyarakat Sumba Tengah adalah mata air Waipadda. Tujuan dari penelitian iniuntuk mengujikualitas mata air Waipada di desa Anajiaka kecamatan Umbu Ratu Nggay Barat kabupaten Sumba Tengah dengan berdasarkan parameter fisik, kimia dan biologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan membandingkan data hasil pengukuran dari masing-masing parameter air dengan nilai baku mutu PP No. 82 Tahun 2001.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada Mata Air Waipadda diperoleh uji kualitas air padaSuhu (23ºC),TDS (215mg/L),TSS (0,0014 mg/L),pH (7,40 mg/L), DO (5,12mg/L), BOD (1,65mg/L),besi (0,02 mg/L),nitrit (0,008 mg/L),nitrat (1,2 mg/L),sianida (0,009 mg/L), Klorin (0,01 mg/L), mangan (0,043 mg/L), sulfat (1 mg/L), dan uji total coliform(<1,8 jlm/100 ml) memenuhi standar batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah yaitu dikategorikan sebagai kelas I. Namun kadar (Tembaga 0,28 mg/L (0,02 mg/L) dan Phospat 0,27 mg/L (0,2 mg/L) melebihi standar baku mutu yang ditetapkan. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti adanya irigasi (pertanian), pembusukan daun, dan aktivitas alam seperti erosi, pelapukan bebatuan/pengikisan batuan dan intensitas cahaya yang diterima oleh badan air rendah (kenaikan suhu).
UJI DAYA HAMBAT PEWARNA ALAMI KULIT BATANG JAMBLANG (Syzygium cumini) TERHADAP BAKTERI Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus DAN JAMUR Aspergilus niger Febriana Bani Utang; Anggreini D.N Rupidara; Alan Ch Sabuna
Indigenous Biologi : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sains Biologi Vol 3 No 3 (2020): Indigenous Biologi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33323/indigenous.v3i3.91


ABSTRACTJamblang (Syzygium cumini) belongs to the family of the guava tribe which has benefits as a food ingredient as well as herbal medicines. Jamblang bark produces tanners (tannins) to color the nets. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibition of natural dyes of jamblang (Syzygium cumini) bark against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aspergillus niger fungi. The method used in this study wis an experimental method, which consists of 3 treatments of natual dyes of the bark cuminis where 40%, 60%, and 80% consentrations and 3 replicates. Data of the inhibitory activity where tested using paper disk method and was analyzed statistically using ANOVA test with SPSS 16.0. statistic aplication. The natural dyes from each concentration showed a inhibitoryactivity against E. coli, S. aureus, and A. niger. The effective concentration of inhibitory activity in E. Coli was 60%, natural dyes category zonas 4.0 mm or weak inhibitory activity The effective concentration of inhibitory activity in S. aureus was 40%, natural dyes category zonas was 7.0 mm or moderateinhibitory activity. The effective concentration of inhibitory activity in A. Niger was 80% natural dyes category zonas was 4.0 mm or weak inhibitory activity.Kaywords :Antibacterial test,Jamblang (Syzygiumcumini) bark, natural coloring Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger.
Training on Writing Personal Statement for Affirmation Scholarship of Educational Fund Management Institution Peggy M. Jonathans; Jusuf Blegur; Anggreini D. N. Rupidara; Maryana M. Atambaru
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/gandrung.v3i2.1921


Preparing a personal statement for the LPDP scholarship is practical, but it has proven to be one factor that makes numerous applicants drop out during the first stage of selection. This polemic is motivated by applicants who have not been critical and credible in constructing a statement according to the sponsor's criteria. Applicants often prepare personal statements according to their respective “ambitions”. Whereas every scholarship competition, sponsors need applicants who can answer the sponsor’s agenda, both short-term, medium-term, and long-term. To bridge the polemic, preparing a personal statement based on the seminar, training, clinical, and evaluation methods for the participants was tricked out. There were eight participants involved, including teachers (50%), lecturers (12,5%), education staff (12,5%), and final semester students (25%). The mentoring results succeeded in helping participants have an LPDP scholarship account (100%), and the average assessment of the draft personal statement of the participants met the criteria for the trial activity (3,04). Despite having a good personal statement structure, participants conducted longitudinal peer reviews and improvements to several indicators that had low average values. Including less-than-delightful experiences (2,88), what was the last thing you taught yourself? (3), as well as mention and explain 1 (one) thing that distinguishes you from other participants (2,75).
Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/icjcs.v2i2.66


The Covid-19 pandemic, which has lasted more than a year, has had an impact on various aspects of life. One of them is in the learning process at school. SMA Negeri 3 Fatuleu also experienced various problems in the learning process during the covid-19 pandemic including: (a) teachers do not yet have the ability to use online media optimally; (b) the limited use of online learning media at SMA Negeri 3 Fatuleu; (c) Students do not understand the material due to the lack of use of online learning media that is attractive and easily accessible to students. The purpose of this service activity is to provide training on how to create various online learning media. This PKM uses the presentation method, demonstration method and practical method. PKM involved 20 teachers from SMA Negeri 3 Fatuleu. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it showed that there was an increase in the ability of teachers to use online learning media. 50% of teachers gave a very good response in understanding the material for using zoom and google meet. 60% of the teachers said they were very good at understanding the material for making E-books, 50% said they were very good at understanding the Google Form material and 50% of the teachers said they were very good at understanding the audiovisual-based mind mapping material. In addition, based on the questionnaire, as many as 65% of teachers stated that they were very good at understanding and applying the training materials while 35% said they were good in understanding and applying the training materials
SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, November 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/swarna.v1i3.105


Desa Oeteta Kecamatan Sulamu merupakan desa dengan berbagai sumber daya alam, baik dari pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan dan perikanan yang sangat baik, termasuk hasil laut seperti ikan dan udang. Hasil perikanan seperti udang sangat melimpah, namun hanya dikelola menjadi makanan harian. Kegiatan berupaya agar sumberdaya udang dapat dimanfaatkan dengan nilai jual yang berbeda yaitu sebagai salah satu potensi makanan kreatif. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat menggunakan pendekatan pemberdayaan dan pelatihan dan pendampingan langsung dalam pembuatan abon udang kepada Kelompok PKK sebagai organ Desa Oeteta Kecamatan Sulamu, sebagai mitra guna meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan berpikir dan keterampilan lainnya (softskill dan hardskill) dan dapat menjadi salah satu kegiatan usaha yang berdaya guna. Manfaat bagi tim pelaksana adala peningkatan IKU pada Dosen Pendamping Lapangan yaitu: 1). Dosen memiliki kegiatan di luar Kampus dalam bentuk Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berdasarkan bidang keilmuan (IKU 3); 2). Dosen menghasilkan kinerja/produk yang dapat digunakan dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat (IKU 5). Kegiatan PkM dihadiri oleh Ibu Ketua PKK Desa Oeteta dan 5 orang anggota. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan PkM, terhadap narasumber merespon pertanyaan/permasalahan, manfaat langsung kegiatan PkM menunjukkan 100% tingkat sangat sesuai. Mitra menyatakan berminat mengikuti kegiatan, waktu pelaksanaan yang tepat dan kegiatan berhasil meningkatkan pengetahun 83,33% menyatakan sangat sesuai, 16,66% sesuai. Mitra menyatakan kegiatan PkM berkelanjutan sebanyak 66,66% sangat sesuai dan 33, 33% sesuai. Kegiatan PkM sesuai dengan harapan mitra serta keterlibatan anggota PkM, mitra menyatakan 50% sangat sesuai dan 50% sesuai. Secara keseluruhan, mitra menyatakan sangat puas terhadap materi pelatihan yang diberikan.
Implementation of education at GMIT elementary schools in mainland Timor: A CIPP model evaluation study Fredrik Abia Kande; Jollyanes P. Ledo; June A. Jacob; Anggreini D. N. Rupidara; Eltina Maromon
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 26, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v26i2.53958


This article aims to evaluate the quality of education at Evangelical Protestant Church in Timor (GMIT) elementary schools (ES), henceforth shortened to GMIT ES, in mainland Timor. The evaluation method is used with the evaluation model of CIPP (context, input, process, and product). The research sample consists of 173 headmasters of GMIT ESs in mainland Timor. The data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The data analysis uses descriptive statistics (percentage calculation technique). The results show that the quality of the context, input, process, and product can be described as follows: the context is in the sufficient category, the input is in the sufficient category, the process is in a good category, and the product is in a good category. Overall, the quality of the implementation of education at GMIT ESs in mainland Timor is in the sufficient category. The supporting factors are the attention from the government, the church, and the Christian Education Foundation (Yapenkris) with varying weights, and the commitment of the teachers who understand their duties as part of the ministry. The inhibiting factors are related to the minor role of Yapenkris and the GMIT congregations, the lack of welfare for teachers, and the absence of a governance model for schools under GMIT.