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- Pemanfaatan Hasil Panen Pekarangan Rumah Untuk Pembuatan Obat Tradisional Dan Bumbu Masakan Praktis Berbahan Dasar Bubuk Bawang Putih Lokal ‘Eban’ Bani, Polikarpia Wilhelmina; Naisumu, Yolanda Getrudis; Binsasi, Remigius; Metboki, Bernadina; Purwantiningsih, Theresia Ika
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v6i1.456


The harvest in Saenam Village is very abundant and its utilization is still low, so it is interesting to increase the benefit of the harvest from the yards of the local village community to be more useful and increase economic value in the the covid-19 pandemic situation. The harvest in Saenam Village is very abundant and its utilization is still low, so as a researcher I want to increase the utilization of the harvest from the yard of the local village community so that it is more useful and increases economic value in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. At the time of harvest, the price of garlic is very low, so processing garlic into powder can increase the value of its benefits and economic value. Garlic powder produced is not only a traditional medicine for humans, but also useful as an anti-bacterial for animals and anti-microbial and anti-pest for plants. This public service activities are welcome by the community. They are very enthusiastic about participating in this community service because their benefits harvest can increase through processing into garlic powder. The obtained garlic powder which is directly applied as an anti-pest for garlic plants that have not been harvested and as a practical cooking spice. Garlic powder as a practical cooking spice and traditional medicine is very effective to use because it saves time when cooking and saves costs in terms of disease treatment and plant pest control. In addition, it can improve the welfare of the people of Saenam Village. Garlic without being processed sold only twenty five thousand rupiah per kilogram. When that one kg is processed into powder and packaged, it will be sold at a price of five thousand – seventy five thousand per kilogram. The conclusion of this service is that the value of the garlic benefits can be increased through processing into powder.
Deep Flow Technique (DFT) Hidroponik Menggunakan Media Nutrisi Limbah Cair Tahu Dan Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes L) Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Tanaman Maria Yustiningsih; Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Agustina Berek
Mangifera Edu Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Mangifera Edu
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.816 KB) | DOI: 10.31943/mangiferaedu.v3i2.25


Limbah tahu merupakan salah satu jenis limbah yang mengandung bahan organik yang tinggi, namun sering dibuang ke lingkungan tanpa melalui pengolahan. Metode hidroponik Deep Flow Technique (DFT) merupakan metode tanam tanpa menggunakan media tanah tetapi meletakkan akar tanaman pada larutan nutrisi pada kedalaman 4-6 cm pada sirkulasi nutrisi terus menerus. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dan desain penelitian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan membandingkan tiga populasi tanaman selada (Lactuna sativa L) yang ditumbuhkan pada 3 (tiga) perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu pertumbuhan tanaman pada media nutrisi hidroponik AB mix (A1), pertumbuhan tanaman pada media nutrisi limbah tahu (A2) dan pertumbuhan tanaman pada media nutrisi limbah tahu dan kayu apu (Pistia stratiotes L) atau A3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ratio EM4 dan limbah tahu yang optimal digunakan untuk media hidroponik adalah ratio 1 :5 karena mempunyai suhu 270C, pH 7,6 kadar BOD 412,12 mg/L, kadar COD 913 mg/L dan TSS 200 mg/l ; atau paling mendekati standar baku mutu limbah cair menurut Permen LH NO 5 Tahun 2014. Hasil pertumbuhan tanaman selada (Lactuna sativa L) menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tertinggi adalah pada perlakuan menggunakan nutrisi AB mix (A1) yang mempunyai rata – rata ukuran tanaman paling tinggi 15,14 cm, jumlah daun paling banyak 11,7 dan biomassa paling besar 20,96 gr. Uji lanjutan menggunakan DMRT juga menunjukkan bahwa antar perlakuan terdapat beda nyata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengolahan limbah tahu menggunakan EM4 mampu mengurangi kadar polutan walaupun masih dibawah standar baku mutu. Limbah tahu dapat digunakan sebagai media nutrisi hidroponik meskipun dengan pertumbuhan yang lebih rendah.
Partner Vol 23, No 2 (2018): Edisi November
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35726/jp.v23i2.311


The development in Wini Beach coastal area will have an impact on the destruction of the mangrove ecosystem which is a habitat for the life of the macrozoobenthic fauna. This study aims to determine the community structure of macrozoobenthos including abundance, diversity, evenness and dominance of the type of macrozoobenthos in the mangrove area. The study was carried out in the District of North Insana which included the mangrove area of Temkuna Beach (station I) and the mangrove area of Tanjung Bastian Beach (station II). Taking macrozoobenthos samples was carried out at low tide using the line transect method which was made perpendicular to the land in the mangrove forest area. The results of the study found 13 types of macrozoobenthos fauna spread over 2 stations namely the 8-type gastropod class, bivalvia class 4 types and 1 type crustacean class. Medium category (H ') = 2.41 index, Uniformity Index (E) = 0.938 classified as stable community and Dominance index (D) = 0.10 low category. The Equity Index score is classified as a stable conditionwhere no macrozoobenthos species dominate. Virtual sex chat with porn models on webcam. Moscow and the world! Hundreds of guys and girls online. Start chatting now! Come in live cam girl naked free-naked scared, pussy get pictures with the inscription, mom wants more porn. Watch porn video chat with naked girls you can without registration, enjoy free erotic sex show in real time.
Komposisi dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Pohon Di Hutan Lindung Lapeom Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Yoseph Nahak Seran; Ludgardis Nahak Ledheng
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 1 No 1 (2018): JSLK Juni 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.619 KB) | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v1i1.406


This study aims to describe the composition and diversity of tree species in Lapeom Protection Forests. The study was conducted in November to December 2009 using the quadrat method by plotting along the transect line. The number of transect 5, transect length 200 m, in each transect placed 5 plot with size 20 m x 20 m. The results showed that in the location found 22 species of trees from 17 families. The largest number of species are Caesalpinaceae family of 4 species, was Casia fistula, L, Delonix regia, Rafin, Cassia simea, Lamk, and Tamarindus indica, L. The number of individuals largest is Mangifera indica, L from Anacardiaceae family of 20 individuals. The highest important value index on the species Mangifera indica (43.7%), the species with the lowest important value index was Zizipus jujuba (1.8%,) and Jatropa Sp (1.9%). Index Diversity of tree species in lapeom protected forest including moderate category with a value of 2.7 this showing that the area of Lapeom protected forest an area that has sufficient tree productivity levels, ecosystem conditions that are sufficiently balanced and have an ecological pressures medium. concluding was there are 22 species of tree from 17 families. The species with the highest number of individuals is Mangifera indica, L from Anacardiaceae family. The species that has the highest important value index is Mangifera indica (43.7%) and the species has the lowest important value index is Zizipus jujuba (1.8%), Index diversity of tree species in Lapeom protected forest including medium category.
Aplikasi Herbisida Ramah Lingkungan di Desa Kiusili Kecamatan Bikomi Selatan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Gebhardus Djugian Gelyaman; Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Aloysius Rusae
Bakti Cendana Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Bakti Cendana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.446 KB) | DOI: 10.32938/bc.3.1.2020.10-25


Community service has been carried out in the Nek'amnaut farmer group Kiusili village, Timor Tengah Utara district. The dedication was the use of eco-friendly herbicides made from salt, vinegar, water, and liquid soap. The dedication method was socialization and demonstration of making and spraying of the solution on weeds. Pre-service and post-service questionnaires were filled to find out farmer group knowledge of herbicides in general and the ability made environmentally friendly herbicides. The results showed that an eco-friendly herbicide solution has succeeded in killing weeds. Public knowledge changed from the category of not knowing to be well-informed, marked by an increased in the knowledge score (SP) from 24 to 76. The percentage of the number of farmer group members who well-informed changed from 0 to 83%. The ability category was change from unable to be very capable of making the herbicide, marked by the ability score (SK) increased from 0 to 83. The number of farmer group members who can make the herbicide increased from 0 to 89%. The intensity of the use of synthetic herbicides was decreased in the last three years. Five liters of an environmentally friendly herbicide solution killed weed in 48 m2 area.
Bakti Cendana Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Bakti Cendana: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.722 KB) | DOI: 10.32938/bc.3.1.2020.26-33


Lontar (Borassus sundaicus,Beck) adalah jenis palma yang tumbuh di daerah kering. Di Indonesia, lontar banyak ditemukan di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Produk utama lontar adalah nira dari sadapan bunga, dapat diminum langsung atau diolah jadi gula. Nira yang dijadikan sumberdaya unggulan daerah ini perlu dikembangkan, sebab memberi nilai tambah terhadap pendapatan perkapita dan kesejahteraan.Pemanfaatan nira lontar sebagai gula merah cetak di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) masih dominan dilakukan oleh warga etnis Sabu dan Rote. Sedangkan masyarakat lokal, suku Dawan dominan memanfaatkan nira lontar untuk minuman beralkohol (sopi). Di Kabupaten TTU, Kota Kefamenanu Kelurahan Maubeli terdapat pohon lontar yang belum dimanfaatkan. Terutama yang memproduksi nira lontar menjadi gula merah cetak. Alat, bahan seadanya dengan proses pembuatan tanpa melalui tahapan penyaringan secara baik. Sehingga penampilan gula merahnya kurang menarik. Dampaknya harga pasaran gula di bawah harga pasaran gula merah dari daerah lain yang sudah olah secara higienis.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah pemanfaatan nira lontar sebagai gula merah cetak melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan serta perbaikan tahapan pengolahan secara higienis, dengan perlakuan media kemasan yang menarik untuk peningkatan harga dan pendapatan petani. Hasil gula merah cetak petani mulai diterima dipasaran toko maupun mini market di kota Kefamenanu. Dampak yang dirasakan petani yakni pendapatan meningkat.
Pemanfaatan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun Futus Sebagai Alternatif Pewarna Preparat Jaringan Tumbuhan Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Emilia Juliyanti Bria; Welli Herlince Kasse
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1466.825 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/j.bes/618079


Background: Natural plant dyes can replace synthetic dyes to reduce the negative effects caused. This study aims to determine the types of color-producing plants, the process of using natural dyes as dyes for plant tissue preparations and the percentage of quality and feasibility of plant tissue preparations. Methods: experiments were carried out in the application of natural plant dyes on plant tissue preparations. Data analysis was carried out to calculate the percentage of quality and feasibility of the preparations. Results: there were eight plant species from four families namely Fabaceae, Zingiberaceae, Maliaceae, and Lamiaceae. The process of processing plant parts into natural dyes is by soaking, boiling, pounding, grated and applied to preparations of corn and spinach plants. The use of natural dyes on corn and spinach preparations with a percentage of preparation quality ranging from 33.33% - 75.00% and said to be poor to good, while the percentage of feasibility of preparations ranged from 67.08% - 87.50% and was said to be feasible to very suitable for use in the observation of plant cells and tissues. Conclusions: Natural dyes from futus fabrics can replace synthetic dyes in dyeing plant tissue preparations.
Kajian Biomassa Dan Cadangan Karbon Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Pantai Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara , Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Ludgardis Ledheng; Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Remigius Binsasi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Vol 3 (2020): PProsiding Seminar Nasional Ketiga Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Tekno
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan dan Research Indonesia (YAPRI)

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Peningkatan karbondioksida (CO2) di atmosfer merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya perubahan iklim dunia. Pengurangan emisi CO2 melalui berbagai vegetasi hutan sangat diperlukan. Keberadaan hutan mangrove di wilayah pesisir utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dapat berperan dalam penurunan kandungan gas CO2. Ekosistem mangrove mampu menyerap rata-rata 8 ton CO2 / ha/ tahun. Nilai ini kurang lebih 2 kali hingga 4 kali lebih besar dari pada nilai pengamatan secara global terhadap hutan tropis yang lebat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui biomassa dan serapan karon pada tegakan mangrove pantai utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni - Agustus 2020. Penentuan lokasi penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling. Setiap lokasi ditempatkan plot – plot pengamatan. Penentuan jumlah plot mengikuti petunjuk Indriyanto (2006). Terdapat 7 plot yang tersebar pada 3 lokasi penelitian yakni pesisir pantai Wini, pesisir pantai Oepuah dan pesisir pantai Tuamese. Pada setiap plot dilakukan pengukuran diameter. Perhitungan biomassa menggunakan persamaan allometrik sesuai dengan persamaan allometrik dari masing – masing jenis yang ditemukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konribusi terbesar dalam penyerapan karbon pantai utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara adalah dari jenis Rhizophora sp yakni dari spesies Rhizophora apiculata. Rata - rata Biomassa tegakan mangrove pantai utara adalah sebesar 13,6 ton/ ha dengan cadangan karbon sebanyak 23,61 ton/ ha
Karakterisasi Mikoriza di Kawasan Hutan Desa Fatusene Kecamatan Miomaffo Timur Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu; Remigius Binsasi
BIO-EDU: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 7 No 1 (2022): BIOEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Volume 7 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/jbe.v7i1.1203


The existence of allegations about the presence of various mycorrhizae in the forest area of Fatusene Village, East Miomaffo District, North Central Timor Regency, is a benchmark for assessing the characterization of mycorrhizae in the area. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify mycorrhizae in the forest area of Fatusene Village, East Miomaffo District, North Central Timor Regency. Mycorrhizal identification begins with sampling the soil under the tree stands using the quadratic method. Soil samples were taken randomly at three points per observation plot with a depth of 0-30 cm from the base of the tree trunk. Separation of spores from soil samples was carried out using a wet sieve technique. Data analysis was carried out descriptively by identifying morphological characters including the shape and color of the spores. The results of mycorrhizal research found in the research location of the forest area of Fatusene Village are endomycorrhizal types, especially arbuscular vesicles. Characterization of mycorrhizal spores showed that there were three different spore genera in soil samples, namely the genus Glomus, Gigaspora and Acaulospora. The three genus found in the soil samples at the study location were present in each dominant tree with different numbers of individuals. The spores of the three mycorrhizal genus found at the study site were 65 spores, with the distribution of 35 spores genus Glomus, 20 spores genus Acaulospora and 10 spores the genus Gigaspora. The characters the genus glomus are round, slightly round, oval and brown and dark brown in, have hyphae and are equipped with oily fluid spots on cook spores. The characters the genus Acaulospora are round and oval in shape, blackish brown in color, brownish red and brownish yellow, have several layers of cell walls, one of which is dark in color. The characters the genus Gigaspora are irregular in shape, somewhat round and round, yellow, brownish yellow, to yellowish brown, large in size and black spore walls. Conclusion The mycorrhizae found in the study site were endomycorrhizal, especially arbuscular vesicles which consisted of 3 genera, namely Glomus, Acaulospora and Gigaspora. The characters of the genus glomus are round to oval in shape, dark brown in color, have hyphae and spotting of oil. The characters the genus Acaulospora are round and oblong, brownish yellow in color, have several layers of cell walls. The genus Gigaspora is slightly round and round, yellowish brown in color, large and black spore walls.
Saintek Lahan Kering Vol 5 No 1 (2022): JSLK JUNI 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32938/slk.v5i1.1852


North Central Timor (TTU) Regency as one of the regencies in East Nusa Tenggara Province that prioritizes the development of corn plants.This is because local corn has a longer growing period than hybrid corn, so people are less likely to cultivate it. There are many ways to increase maize productivity by plant breeding, which has been widely used, namely the formation of polyploidy plants using the chemical colchicine. It is also known that local maize productivity can be increased by using colchisine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of colcisine on germination and number of stomata of local maize (Zea mays, L.) in North Central Timor Regency. Data analisis in this study used variance (Anova) and Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The average treatment was further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a significant level of 5%. Data analisis using SAS 9.1 program. The results of this study indicate that there is a difference between colchisine treatment and corn varieties. The results of the DMRT further test with colchisine treatment significanty affected the character of the observation of stone corn root length with a colchisine concentration of 40% (K1) and the colchisine treatment also significantly affected the observational character of the number of stomata of corn on the first and 7th leaves. Colchisine treatment had a significant effect on the germination of local maize (Zea mays, L.), the number of stomata on the observed characters of the first leaf and the 7th leaf and had no effect on the stomata type of local maize (Zea mays, L.).