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Jurnal Yuridis Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Yuridis
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35586/jyur.v8i1.2878


Notaris sebagai salah satu profesi hukum yang sebagian wewenangnya adalah menerbitkan suatu dokumen berupa akta dengan kekuatan sebagai akta otentik.Kesalahandan kelalaian Notaris menyebabkan pembatalan akta Notaris disebabkan oleh kesalahandan kelalaian penghadap yang mengikatkan diri dalam akta Notaris itu, kesalahan dankelalaian kedua belah pihak maupun salah satu pihak mengakibatkan adanya atautimbulnya gugatan atau tuntutan dari salah satu penghadap terhadap akta. Hal inidapat dicermati dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kisaran Nomor657/Pid.B/2015/PN Kis. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana prosedur Notaris dalam mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak, bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap Notaris dalam mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak, bagaimana bentuk penyelesaian tanggungjawab hukum terhadap Notaris yang mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalahuntukmengetahui dan menganalisis prosedur Notaris dalam mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis akibat hukum terhadap Notaris dalam mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bentuk penyelesaian tanggungjawab hukum terhadap Notaris yang mengeluarkan pembatalan akta secara sepihak.Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif (yuridis normatif). Teknik penumpulan data diperoleh dengan cara penelitian kepustakaan (library research) berupa studi dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif, selanjutnya ditarik kesimpulan dengan menggunakan metode berpikir deduktif. Alasan yuridisuntuk menyatakan batal demi hukum suatu akta Notaris adalah jikaakta Notaris tidak memenuhi persyaratan objektif dan subjektif dalam suatu perjanjian. Akibat hukum pembatalan akta Notaris yaitu berubahnya status dan kekuatan pembuktian suatu akta Notaris sebagai akta otentik menjadi akta di bawah tangan. Pertanggungjawaban Notaris terhadap akta yang dinyatakan batal demi hukum oleh pengadilan meliputi pertanggungjawaban perdata, pidana dan administrasi.Penelitian ini menyarankan agar Hakim harus membuat keputusan yang bijaksana dan seadil-adilnya dalam menangani setiap perkara, terutama yang berkaitan dengan akta Notaris. Setiap akta yang dibuat Notaris harus memenuhi persyaratan materil dan formil. Notaris harus siap dan bertanggungjawab terhadapsetiap produk akta yang dibuatnya, baik secara perdata, pidana dan administrasi
Juridical Study of The Implementation of The Principles of Equality of The Parents Parties In Contruction Action Contract Which Is Made In A Notary Face Nasution, Adli Dzil; Suprayitno, Suprayitno; Mansar, Adi
Veteran Law Review Vol 4, No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35586/velrev.v4i2.2736


The principle of equality, contact, notar The juridical concept of the principle of equality in the perspective of contract law is based on a civil law system that conforms to the values of justice. Contracts based on a civil law system that are in accordance with the values of justice, actually in Indonesia the application of the principle of freedom of contract is not absolute, there are certain limitations regulated in the Civil Code and other laws and regulations. The restrictions on freedom of contract that are regulated in the Civil Code include that there are no defects in the agreement, namely coercion, error, and fraud. The form of the principle of equality of the parties in the construction work contract deed made before a Notary, regarding the authority of the notary in making contracts, in Article 15 of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary, is a public official those who are authorized to make both authentic deeds and under-hand deeds as long as they are not specific to other public officials in accordance with statutory regulations or the wishes of the parties concerned to ensure that the rights and obligations of the parties are guaranteed and have legal certainty
The 2nd Proceeding “Indonesia Clean of Corruption in 2020" Table Of Content
Publisher : The 2nd Proceeding “Indonesia Clean of Corruption in 2020"

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Indonesia country is a constitutional  which is coming from the law number three/ MPR / 2000 about the law an the order of rules of law. Chapter 28D verse one stated “everyone has a right in testimonial, guarantee, protection, and the law which must be fair and have the same treatment in law. Constitution has given the guarantee that all of society, will not be treated discriminatively and forbid the human right based on the chapter 28 verse 2 stated “everyone has a right to be free from the discriminated action and get the protection for the  discriminative things.  Pancasila as the ideology and the rules of social live in Indonesia has become a priority with the vision to guarantee the process of life and nation character, in order all of Indonesian society has aright to get law protection, therefore the little children.  Some helps from law for children who get conflict with law, the treatment be difference with adults, children have no ability to protect their own right, many side convince their live, the country and society have importance to protect children. Based on the abstract above , so the problem study is formulated below : 1. How the setting of legal aid the children who have conflict with law in the process of children law is positive right now? 2. How is the application of legal aid the children who have the conflict with law is positive nowadays? 3. How is the reconstruction of legal aid for children who have the conflict with the law in process of legalization for children based on the value of  Pancasila? Based an Soerjono Soekanto, the base of theory is using paradigm. Where the paradigm is divided in two three kind, they are : 1. Paradigm means law, 2.) paradigm differenciate law, 3.) paradigm as the laws order sector. The kind of research is a sociological yuridis law research or empirical yurudis. According to kirk and miller, the qualitative research is a certain tradition in social science fundamentally depended on the observation of human in the region and term. According to sugiyono the method of qualitative is suitable to be used in the research which the problem is unclean, and it is being done in the narrow social situation, so the result of this research will be deeper. According to Soerjono Soekanto the qualitative  approach is actually the research which result is descriptive.  The research uses the social legal research approach, tamahana states that socio-legal studied is given to law and society studies. Based on F.X. Adji samekto, social legal studies form the law as norm and reality, researcher in socio legal studies demand the controller of law which have been built in the knowledge of law it self ( as the apriory law and unlimited of values), and the domination of how theories work. As the consequen which look at as a reality.  The location of research is in Medan city (the court of law grade 1A, Medan, the office of public prosecutor, resort police office medan, PERADI). This research uses the primary data and secondary data and the object of tertiery law.  The technique of data collecting has been done by observation and interview with the key informan whom have been decided by researcher based on the charasteristic of research. To get the accurate data, it needs sampling distribution and random decision whether it is simple and more difficult.  The respondents whom will be asked are law practitioner and advocates, policeman, lawyer, public prosecutor. Meanwhile the collecting of secondary data, is being done by library research (documentation) that is a chronological way to find out the data by reading, analyzing, classifying and being done by the understanding of law as reflected in rules, the literature which is relevant with the problems.  The technique of analysis with the primary data, the researcher uses the technique of data analysis and type is strauss and J.Corbin, by analyzing the data since the researcher was in the field. Then  the researcher arranges the category of the data in term on theme. After the data has been given the validation, the researcher did the reconstruction and analysis with the qualitative inductive to answer the problem.  The technique of validation has a purpose to know the validity of data which has been got in the research. The technique which is used is triangulation for the source, they are : 1. By comparing the data which has been taken from observation with the data which has been taken form the result of interview with the informant. 2. By doing the comparison between perception, point of view and general opinion and the opinion research. 3. By comparing the result of interview with library research after the triangulation process done. The researcher will decide the valid data which will be used as a material for research.  The grand theory which is used in this dissertation is the theory of justice. 1. John Rawls theory about justice.  Based on john rawls in the book of “ a theory of justice “ explains the theory of social  condition as the difference principl, is the social difference and economy must be settled to give a benefit for them who are not lucky. The term of social economy different in the different principal to answer. The difference in prospect of someone to get the element of welfare income and authority. Meanwhile the principal of fair equality of opportunity shows them who have low chance to achieve the prospect of wealth, authority and income. Themselves must be given the special protection. 2. John Stuart Mill’s Justice Theory  Based on john stuart mill’s idea of utilitarianism, there are two kinds. They are happiness and truth. Mill stated the happiness and the truth as the assumption which the base of thinking about justice based on utilitarian perspective. Mill stated the purpose of life is the happiness and there is no pain, but mill stated that the justice is not sui generis because depended on functions. Mills approach through the justice is placed in analysis about logics and morality sense, started from the unfair things in society and it build is the universal concept to analyze it. Mills stated the justice theory which is separated from the function prosecution. 3. The theory of Pancasila justice  Pancasila is the philosophy for Indonesian country and laws of 1945 is source of law for all of rules of Indonesian laws. Laws manage every single life is element in a nation. So the justice can be built continuously and it has purpose for country to achieve welfare of society. One of nation purpose is to create the justice for everyone, that thing consist in the second part and fifth in pancasila. As well as can be seen in the principal of thought in UUD NRI 1945 and country is willing to create the social justice for all of people in Indonesia. 4. The theory of restorative  The restorative justice is a form of justice which is centered for the need of victim, the criminals and society. The approach of restorative justice is a paradigm to be used as a strategy and frame in handling crime problems which answer the dissatisfaction of justice system of criminal nowadays. The restorative approach is assumed as the changing of model and mechanism which work in the justice system in handling the problems of criminal nowadays. The middle theory is the system law theory of Lawrence M. Friedman. As a system, friedman divides the system of law into the three element, they are: a. Legal structure, b. Legal substance, c. Legal culture. Friedman states the law can not be straighten if there is no credible law upholder, competent and also independent. The weak of mentality in laws upholder cause the inability to straight up the law as well. The dissertation applied theory uses the progressive theory, the concept of progressive law was born and developing from the dissatisfaction feeling from the expert of law through the theory and traditional law practice which develop and criticize the asymmetrical between law and theory ( law in books) with the law in action, and the failure from law in giving the respon through the problems which happened in society. The progressive law is started from the basic assumption, law is the institution which has a purpose to transport the human in to the balance life, wealth and make the human get the happiness. Law it self does not reflect the law as the absolute and final, but is decided by it is ability to serve human. Characteristic of progressive law based on satjipto rahardjo is : law is presented to serve the society. a.) progressive law will be still exist because the law will always be on it is position as the law in the making and will not be final as long as human present, so the progressive law will always be exist to arrange to life of society. b.) in progressive law, the ethnic and humanity moral will be very strong, which will give the respon for the developing and human needs and serve the justice and wealth.  The process of green table of children who have conflict with law in the civil court of law based on the reguirement of chapter 5 2/ till chapter 62 laws numb 11, 2012 about the system of  Crime Judicature. In the court of law, ist class in Medan, the process of green table for children who hare the conflikt with law based on the reguiremen of law is the laws numb 11, 2012 about system of crime judicature of children and KUHAP.
Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum
Publisher : UNISSULA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/jph.v9i1.19996


The issue of notary authority in the creation of authentic deeds regarding copyright since the authority of DJKI to directly record copyright. However, in the framework of copyright protection, an authentic notary deed is required to give validity to the copyright. The research method used is normative juridical. The results showed that in the Notary Copyright Act is also authorized to make authentic deeds of the copyright field in order to protect copyright works that will then be recorded to DJKI. In the HCAct, notaries have the authority to make authentic deeds of transfer over copyright. Transfer of copyright can be done from the copyright owner to another designated party. However, this transfer does not necessarily get all exclusive rights from the copyright owner. The designated party in the transfer can only get economic rights only. The moral rights to the intellectual property remain owned by the copyright owner. Although in the Act the transfer of copyright is done clearly and in writing either with or without a notary deed, it should be equipped with an authentic deed from a notary. This is based, this transfer of copyright is closely related to the transfer of economic rights, so it takes a deed that has strong legal evidentiary power.
Child Criminal Justice Reconstruction System (As the efforts of Children's Rights in conflict with the Press Law According to Legal Aid) Adi Mansar
Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences, February
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/biohs.v2i1.172


Third Amendment to Article 1 Paragraph (3) confirms that "The State of Indonesia is a State of Law". Indonesia the rule of law originating from Pancasila and 1945 Constitution as stipulated in the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Number III / MPR / 2000 Concerning Legal Sources and Order of Laws and Regulations. The basic rights stipulated in the constitution have then been regulated in several legislative regulations, for example Law Number 11 Year 2012 concerning the Juvenile Justice System in Consideration letter a reads "that the child is the trust and gift of God Almighty who has dignity and dignity as complete be a human". The letter b stated that "in order to maintain their dignity and status, children are entitled to special protection, especially legal protection in the justice system. Problem Formulation of How the Legal Arrangement of the Criminal Justice System for Children in Indonesia, How to Legal Instruments for the Protection of Children in Criminal Law. Fulfillment of the Rights of Children in conflict with the law should have been guaranteed since the child began to be determined as a suspect until the child began to carry out punishment/ guidance in Special Child Development Institute. .Recommendation of our Criminal System which is oriented towards coaching according to the purpose of punishment (objective theory) wherever possible provides education to children so that it is truly changing and aware. The Criminal Justice System for Children needs to be reconstructed specifically regarding the pattern of providing legal assistance, financing and special space for children in each prison, remand center in Indonesia. Child protection legal instruments in criminal law need to be updated, especially law enforcement with a miserable approach for children, so restorative justice needs to be grounded. Keywords:
Tanggung Jawab Notaris Terhadap Akta Hak Waris Yang Mengalami Degradasi Nilai Pembuktian (Studi Putusan PN Cianjur No. 259/PID.B/2015/PN.CJR) Salman Abror; Adi Mansar; Ferry Susanto Limbong
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 4, No 4 (2022): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), May
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.278 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v4i4.1085


This paper aims to analyze and find answers to the problem of the notary's responsibility for the inheritance rights deed which has degraded the evidentiary value by studying the decision of the Cianjur District Court No. 259/PID.B/2015/PN.CJR. The problem is focused on how the notary's responsibility is in the case of the deed of inheritance rights which has degraded the value of the proof due to a court decision that has permanent legal force and how the legal protection for the parties contained in the deed of inheritance rights has experienced a degradation of evidentiary value due to a court decision that has a force permanent law. In order to approach this problem, a normative legal research type that is descriptive analytical is used by using secondary data as the main data and primary data as complementary data. This research uses data collection techniques with library studies and qualitative data analysis. This study concludes that the notary is responsible for the deed of inheritance rights which has deglazed the value of proof based on the moral code of ethics and responsibility based on state law. Liability is determined based on the nature of the violation and the resulting legal consequences, accountability can be in the form of administrative sanctions and civil sanctions. Legal protection can be obtained through civil action and through the local notary supervisory agency and the notary can then report the notary to the Regional Supervisory Council.
Reconstruction of Corruption Law Enforcement in the Anti Rasuah Institution "Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)” (Based on Approach “Berani Jujur Pecat” (Dare Honest Fired)” Adi Mansar
Randwick International of Social Science Journal Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): RISS Journal, July
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rissj.v2i3.231


Changes to the law are a necessity in accordance with the development of society, whether one law is revised or in the form of reconstruction or deconstruction by changing all existing laws, especially in one state institution that has a special function, for example the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) must follow development? What is the Institutional and Personal Position of the KPK after the status transfer to State Civil Apparatus? How effective is the KPK in eradicating corruption after it has been reconstructed? The reconstruction of the KPK institution is expected to bring the KPK to be better, more optimal and remain a supervisory institution for other law enforcement agencies that are able to bring order and legal certainty and justice to the people of Indonesia. The change in the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus is a form of generalizing KPK personnel without making distinctions like so far, so it is feared that there will be no more competition and contestation between the investigative teams who work professionally. The existence of the KPK institution is re-examined with the enactment of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the KPK, hopefully the stigma of the superbody institution will remain attached to the KPK will not turn into a super executive institution that works at the request of certain parties and hopefully the KPK will maintain the psychology of the people who hope that the KPK must continue to exist even if fired for doing "HONEST" and the truth.
The Efforts to Warn Corruption Through Education an Idiological Approach in Order Meet The Right to Country Rights Adi Mansar
Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR) Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ijessr.v1i1.4877


Education is placed in a strategic position to ensure the sustainability of a nation and state, therefore every effort or act that damages the integrity of the state must be fought massively. Forms of actions that are destructive and can threaten the integrity of the nation such as Terrorism, Narcotics and Psychotropic, Corruption and Trafficking in Persons. The integrity of the nation and state can be threatened due to systematic and massive and systematic structured corruption that has taken place from high-ranking officials to the village officials, proven that many cabinet ministers in power become suspects / defendants (i.c. Idrus Marham) Minister of Social Affairs RI Working Cabinet, Governor, Regents and Mayors, Civil Servants, Village Heads and also Senate and Legislative members ranging from Central to District. In the effort to implement corruption prevention and eradication as mandated in Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2012 concerning National Strategy for the Prevention and Eradication of Long-Term Corruption in 2012-2025 and the Medium-Term 2012-2014 (National Strategy for CPE), and as an implementation, the preparation of Prevention and Eradication actions is carried out. Corruption (PPK) every year which is subsequently issued by Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2014 concerning Action to Prevent and Eradicate Corruption in 2014, where in the attachment of the Presidential Instruction to part V (five) is explained about education strategies and anti-corruption culture consisting of 22 action plan, and including involving public and private higher education institutions in their implementation. 
Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR) Vol 2, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Education, Social Sciences and Research (IJESSR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ijessr.v2i3.8629


The election principle of LUBER, JURDIL as mandated by the 1945 Constitution and TSM as the principle of Pilkada is the foundation of democracy that is free from fraudulent practices and justifies all means for each participant (contestant) and all winning teams registered with the KPU and volunteers. The political contestation of the Regional Head Election by winning one party by cheating by a special election supervisory body (Election Supervisory Body) is an event that is detrimental to democracy, both administrative violations and election crimes. Violations that have occurred since before entering the Pilkada stage until the determination of the winner after the calculation of the results of the vote are actions that must be avoided to maintain and maintain peace, unity. Simultaneous Pilkada Year 2024 held on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 was an agreement between the DPR, KPU, BAWASLU and DKPP which had previously been regulated in Law no. 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada that there will be simultaneous regional elections in 2024. Problems that arise Can Election Crimes Make the 2024 Elections More Integrity? How can Pancasila Democracy realize the 2024 Pilkada simultaneously as a LUBER ELECTION? In order to realize a clean and authoritative government, it must start from elections with integrity and elections with integrity can be realized, one of which is the strict and fair enforcement of criminal law. Through direct elections, Pancasila democracy can be realized.
The Effectiveness of Criminal Law Jurisdiction on Children in Indonesia Adi Mansar
Randwick International of Social Science Journal Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): RISS Journal, October
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rissj.v3i4.549


The range of instances of violence in opposition to kids has left many query marks on how some distance the position of the kid safety regulation itself is. Law Number eleven of 2012 regarding the Juvenile Justice System withinside the Preamble letter reads "that kids are a mandate and present from God Almighty who has the respect and really well worth as an entire human being". Letter b reads “that to preserve their dignity, kids have the proper to important safety, mainly prison safety withinside the judicial system. Therefore, it's miles essential to understand the regulations of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System in Indonesia. Fulfilment of the rights of kids in battle with the regulation have to were assured when you consider that the kid became specified as a suspect till the kid started to perform punishment/guidance. Recommendations for the Criminal System in Indonesia which might be orientated toward education according with the reason of punishment (the idea of objectives) are predicted to offer training to kids in order that they're without a doubt modified and aware. The Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA) desires to be reconstructed, mainly concerning the sample of presenting prison aid, financing and unique rooms for kids in each jail or detention centre in Indonesia. Child safety prison devices in crook regulation want to be updated, mainly regulation enforcement with a sorrowful technique for kids, so restorative justice desires to be grounded.